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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
This is the Start of How it All Ends
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Iris Oppenheimer Offline
You'll dance to anything!

XWF FanBase:

(can't get crowd reactions; awkward; probably going to be fired soon) 

01-06-2015, 11:11 PM


And here's the moment of truth. Hello, Cain. Jeez, I'm saying that a lot, ain't I? Oh well, it really is of no concern, either way. Though, you want to know what is? Our match. Y'know, the one taking place on Wednesday? The one you've been mentioning very infrequently throughout the week? Now, I know I might be a bit of a hypocrite here, seeing as how I've mentioned you very little during these little glimpses into my life that always seem to end up being broadcast, however, you've sat down and talked at length about the XWF quite a bit. And you still say so little to me. The great Cain, not sure what to make of just a little girl? Who thinks rape threats are the strongest offense he can undertake? How fucking pitiful.

No! Shut up! Don't listen to him, please!

Oh shush, you. As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, it truly is a pitiful turn of events. Cain hypes himself up as a monster, a beast, the Devil's fucking Messiah and yet every time the pressure gets a little too hot, he crumbles and falls inwards on himself faster than that fella ??? fizzled out and died, his lifeless corpse still burning from how hard he crashed. Every time without fail. What does that tell you, listeners? Because to me that means he's not quite the beast you'd expect him to be, or the one he wants to be. No, he's just a poor, sad confused little invertebrate just begging to have his insides scraped on the sole of my boot. Though, if at any point you got something right about me, I am curious. I want to learn how far I need to bend your arm back before the tears start to pour and you start crying for your mommy. How many times I need to stomp down on your face before those fucking teeth of yours fall down your throat. How many--

You're insane! You, you--

Apologies. Disregard, that. I swear, some people have no class. Anywho, I have to say I think the funniest part of this whole thing; Cain's shots at me come from his little spree of misogyny, thinking facing a woman is some kind of punishment. Need I remind you of how you've come up short in every match you've had with Kendall Sawyer, a woman? And honestly, if you're truly hat misogynistic that has to be eating away at you. Though, I'll take a step back from that and come at this from a different angle. He thinks he's being punished. Punished! You know, with an opportunity for a match to get an opportunity at the thing he wants the most, the XWF Universal title. Right. Hey, Cain? Do you even know what the word punished means because on no planet can that be considered a punishment. What, are you just upset because you aren't getting a title match handed to you on a silver platter? Aren't you the one preaching how you encourage people to destroy their competition and here you are complaining about how you get an opportunity to do just that because I have a cunt between my legs? Sheesh man, you're so dense that light bends around you if you really buy a word of that. Though, this is the guy, the beast, who wastes time taking pot shots at Hulk Hogan and John Cena like they have any real relevance to anything happening in the XWF. Anyone else you wanna talk shit about? Come on, I have all the time in the world to listen to you fire potshots at people three hundred thousand miles away from where you should be aiming.

Stop it! Will you just stop it? This is horrifically unnecessary! Ripping into people, calling them names, for what? What greater purpose does any of this serve?

The greater purpose? My entertainment, honey. But seriously, I can't even get over that punishment crack. Especially considering he was called out on his shit by Steve Sayors! Steve Sayors called him on his bullshit and Cain threw a little hissy fit and demanded him to leave and of course because this is Steve Sayors we're talking about, he did leave. Because that's the extent to which Cain can intimidate people. Little, weak willed people like Steve Sayors and the old Iris Oppenheimer. Thankfully, the new Iris Oppenheimer is here or else Cain might have a reason to buy into his own bullshit. Just like he did when he said he refuses to complain or whine, then follows that up by complaining about punishment where none could be fucking found. It's like he doesn't think-- and I just found the problem. He doesn't think. Of course he doesn't think, he assumes people actually take him seriously as some kind of monster when all the evidence points otherwise and makes a strong compelling point to the contrary. He's gotten to the point where mentally, he's functioning at a worse level than an Alzheimer's patient.

Hey Cain, while I stare into your eyes and embarrass your misogynistic ass with the pin; I want you to think... "Iris Oppenheimer exposed my mediocre existence."


"Oh, lighten up Iris," spoke Kinwrathi with the doppelganger's voice through a chuckle, shaking his head at the forlorn girl kneeling on the floor in front of him, face buried in her hands. She sobbed into her hands and crumpled up even further into a little ball. The louder she sobbed, the more Kinwrathi laughed. Finally, he reached out and forced her to her feet.

"Why?" she asked, looking him dead in the eye.

"Because, it's fun."

"Ruining my reputation? Saying awful, awful things about people? That's fun to you?!" Rage dripped from every word out of Iris' mouth, and she accompanied each question with a finger jab to Kin's chest which made him cock his head and glare at her. She responded with a groan and a kick to the shin.

"Ow! What the fuck!"

"You. Mother. Fucker!"

She screamed at the top of her lungs as she lunged at him, grabbing him by the throat and forcing him to the ground. She climbed on him and wrapped her hands tighter and tighter around his neck, until his face began to turn blue and veins were throbbing hard and bulging out of his skin. Iris, meanwhile, wasn't very calm herself; her hands shook no matter how tight of a hold she got, her face was beet red with anger and she gritted her teeth to keep from mauling his face. Despite his predicament however, Kinwrathi forced out a weak, gurgling chuckle. Which of course only made her even more pissed off and resulted in her tightening the grip. That is until he disappeared and Iris collapsed onto the floor, unmoving from the same position she was in, expecting him to come back so she could continue.

"Must say, loved the effort. You really put your back into it! There's one problem for you, though. You can't kill me, no matter how hard you try. Need I remind you? You sold your soul to me because you're too fucking stupid to read a contract. I am God here, Iris. And I am this close to making everything you experience a literal Hell. All you need to do to keep that from happening, is to cooperate."

He reached his hand out for a shake, but she still didn't move from her choking position.


That's when he felt a hand slide around his neck and then a knife against his throat.

"You give her Hell? I give you Hell, cocksucker."

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