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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Four on Four
Author Message
Duncan B. Deadly Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

01-05-2015, 11:22 PM

Duncan sits in a dark warehouse sitting with his back to the camera these scene is dark and Duncan is barely visible. A gold pyramid sits in the corner. Scattered about on the floor are bottles of prescription pills. Duncan has a black blindfold around his head. A shadow stands in the background almost completely invisible. Duncan stands up.

Duncan - "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Another hell hole the XWF feels the need to visit. To appease the brainless mob they call a fan base. Are we so desperate that we have to stop in Pennsylvania when there are real states to go to. Whatever he we are anyway. Now I could talk smack about my opponents or say how my team needs to step up and keep up with me but honestly who cares. Each and everyone of these sock puppets has stepped up and said the same thing they say each and every week. Some may say there insults in long boring speeches whilst others just come out and say My opponent sucks lol but why should we care. Why should I care what Ruben A. Mitchell thinks of Bobbi Z when he says the same thing about whatever opponent he is facing every single week. So here is what we are going to do today. I'm not going to talk trash to my opponent. I am not going to talk about my team mates. I am not going to talk about how great I am. What we will discuss is what's at stake. I have lost three matches in a row and my pride is hurt. I want to cleanse myself of past disappointments and to do that I need to win. If I don't then I am going to be pissed off and who ever faces me next week or the week after is going to suffer for it. So whoever it is better pray that Wednesday Night Warfare goes well because you are looking at a very angry young man and he is only going to get angrier."

Voice - "You will make everyone suffer Duncan. We have faith in you. We need you to stop clowning about and start to turn up the violence."

Duncan - "Yes master, I Will not let you down again."

Voice - "You better not. I was so embarrassed by you going through that table and then being pinned so easily in the asylum match. I put a lot in the line to bring you to this dance. You better start proving you are capable."

Duncan - "I will do just that master. I forgot one thing XWF universe. I lied when I said I had nothing to say to my opponents. Maverick I have got a message for you. But I think I should be at the Consol Energy Center in front of a live XWF crowd to say it. To everyone else a message. Watch out. DUNCAN BE DEADLY."

Shot fades to black
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