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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Do I Need A Reason?
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Gator Offline
The Walking Disaster

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

12-23-2014, 06:21 AM

Quote:Back in the ring, both Gator gets back to his feet and Socrates is starting to get to his. Gator lifts Davids up to his feet. Socrates tosses him toward the ropes. On the rebound, Gator delivers the Disaster Drop (Lifting Samoan Drop) to perfection!

Paul Heyman leaps over the fan barricade in order to rush back toward the ring, circumventing the Brotherhood.

Gator kips up and high fives Socrates. Both men look at Davids on the ground. They shrug and play rock, paper, scissors!





Socrates yells “dammit” and Gator smiles as he covers the Television champion. Both the referee and Socrates go for the count.



3! Paul Heyman, was a second too late.

Winner via pinfall, and new XWF Television Champion: Gator!

Quote:WAIT! The referee is calling that off due to noticing Gator’s foot beneath the rope. Doctor D’Ville looks at the referee with anger as he looks up at the time that reads 0:17. He runs over to Gator and lifts him up.

Dr. D’Ville picks up Gator, but Gator catches him with a punch to the jaw. Gator picks up Dr. D’Ville and nails the DISASTER DROP for a second time! He covers Dr. D’Ville.




Quote:Gator bends over, winded from the match. Mastermind starts to get to his feet and realizes Gator isn't paying any attention. Mastermind runs toward the ropes, on the rebound, Gator springs to life...

JOEY STYLES: “Disaster Drop!”

Gator hits Mastermind with the lifting Samoan drop, then hooks the leg.




Quote:Three!.... NO! Gator had broken it up. He grabs Johnathan and flings him over the top rope.

Gator turns around and somehow manages to duck an attempted clothesline from Maverick and for his troubles Maverick gets blasted with The Disaster Drop(Lifting Samoan Drop).




*Gator sits in front of the camera, calmly smoking a cigarette. He begins to speak but breaks out in a chuckle, he composes himself and clears his throat before talking*

"Heh. Do I need a reason why I deserve the, no, my belt back? Apart from the few defenses I had, which looking back I wish I had more, there's a reason why I deserve my belt. Relentless, this my come as a shock to some newer viewers but believe or not, I was the underdog in that match. No shit. Davids was considered to be a tough challenge by some and Socrates, may he rest in peace wherever the hell he is, earned his shot the week before the pay per view. Me? I beat Mastermind for the first time in my fourth match, my fourth match after two consecutive losses. I'm not proud of those losses but I'm man enough to admit them. Anyway, I have a match with Mazzy, great match, both of us giving our all and I come out the victor. The bell rings, I shake the man's hand and the lights go out. David's music and his entrance video play on the X-Tron and when the lights come back up, Mazzy is out cold. Everyone is like what the fuck?"

"So, I find out I've got a shot at the TV title. A triple threat against that bitch Davids and my best friend at the time, Socrates. So I had good reason to prove myself but I didn't want to fight my best friend, as I would assume most people wouldn't. So, I had a plan. I knew Davids would have Heyman in his corner, getting his chubby fingers around everything, trying to twist shit in his favour. So, me and Soc agreed to turn this match into a handicap against Davids and let fate decide who gets to pin the bitch. Hilarity ensued. The Brotherhood got involved, Heyman got distracted, I chose rock because rock always wins and I won the match. Shocker."

"Then, I grew the fuck up. I got better and better and I learned from every mistake. I defended my belt as much as I could and I came out on top. I became the second longest running Television Champion in recorded XWF history. One hundred days, and it could have been longer if that cunt MacClay didn't steal the belt from me. But, enough of the past, let's focus on now. I've got my rematch for my belt earlier than I expected and now .... Now I'm in a match against three guys I've already beat. Well, minus Bobby but come the fuck on it's fucking Bobby Zi. If that sack of shit David's can beat him I sure as hell can with no problems."

*Gator finishes his cigarette and flicks it to his side, exhaling smoke towards the camera*

"So, tell me, do I need a reason to be in this match? I didn't think so. I know you three are shat your pants as soon as you saw my name on the card and don't fucking act like you didn't. Bobby is probably too fucking oblivious to realise how much shit he's in, but Mazzy and Knight. Well, I'm sure you two know how much trouble I can be when I want to. Hahahee. So, do me a solid, shit, do yourselves a solid and don't lie to me, don't come at me with words you don't mean and false bravado. You know how much better I am than you. So don't try and drag this thing out longer than it should be... On second thought, go for it. Try and drag this thing out with that pitiful trash talk of yours. Mazzy, try and play your bullshit mind games. Knight, do whatever you usually do, I'm honestly not sure what you do, try and trash talk but end up sucking on your opponents dick. I don't know. And Bobby, can't wait to hear your incoherent Engrish dribble. Some five star material, that's what you have."

"So, let's have fun! And all of you can see your incoming doom. Because, and I really fucking mean it, I will tear all of you limb from fucking limb."


"Okay, that was good."

*Gator sits up and a light switch is heard clicking on to the left of the camera, illuminating the dim room Gator sat in before, showing that it was his bedroom. Dramatic effect ruined, Gator leans back to crack his back and the camera raises with him*

R: "Ce était bien? No?"

"Speak English for fucks sake."

R: "Excusez-moi Monsieur Gator. That was, er, good. Yes?"

"Yes Rodd, that was tres bien."

R: "Ah, superb!"

*Gator lights up another cigarette and leaves through the door, Rodd following with the camera down the hall, facing Gator's back. Rodd pans the camera to some photos hanging on the wall in small frames. Gator shaking hands with Socrates after their match at Relentless. Another photo during Gator's match against, Vinnie Lane, LH Harrison and Luca Azregotti. Numerous others of Gator's matches and him shaking hands with past stars of J-Pro (His former federation). Gator notices that Rodd is pointing the camera at the photographs. He clicks his fingers*

"Yo frenchie. I'm the star of the show here not the fucking wall, who do you think I am Mastermind?"

R: "Apologies Monsieur Gator."

*Rodd focuses the camera on Gator's back as they walk down the stairs*

"Damn straight apologies Monsieur Gator."

*The pair walk into the living room and take a seat on the couch, Gator kicks his feet up and turns on the TV*

R: "Errr, what next Monsieur Gator?"

"What do you mean, what next? We chill out and wait for those fucktards to reply."

R: "So I do not need to film this?"

"Of course you need to film this! What else am I paying you for?"

R: "But you are not doing anything. You are just watching, er, One Tree Hill?"

"HEY! Fuck you! This is not that piece of shit One Tree Hill. This art we are watching is the fucking Gilmore Girls! Have some goddamn respect."

R: "Sorry, sorry."

"..... You think Peter is related to these two?"

R: "Er who is Petir?"

*Gator turns his head to Rodd and the camera. Looking unimpressed, probably. He faces the TV again*

"Rodd. What do you know about wrestling?"

R: "Wrestling? Well, I, er, know much."

"You know much. Right. Who's your favourite wrestler?"

R: "OH ah Pat Patterson!"

"I meant in the XWF."

R: "Ooh.. Er .. You?"

"... What do you know about Johnathon Heartsford. The Aerial Knight?"

R: "Never heard of him."


R: "Er, no, sorry."

"Bobby Zi."

R: "No. Sorry."

"Fuck me. Okay let's try a bigger star. Eli James the fourth?"

R: "Er, was he a ah King of Angleterre?"

".... Yes Rodd. The Great Buzzard Eli James the fourth was the fucking King of England. Well done. He single-handedly stopped the gunpowder plot and pissed the river Thames."

*A few moments of silence go by as Gator watches Gilmore Girls. The front door is heard slamming, Rodd turns the camera to view who walks in. Todd stands in the door frame, looking pretty confused*

T: "Hello?"

"Hey Todd."

R: "Bonjour."

T: "Gator. Who's the French guy?"

"Oh him. That's Rodd, he's my new cameraman. And he's French-Canadian Todd, you racist asshole."

T: "N-new cameraman???"

"Did I stutter? Yes, my new cameraman. You're fired."

T: "WHAT!?!?!?"

"You're fired. Todd, you kinda sucked as a cameraman. So I got a new one out of the vending machine."

R: "Haha, humorous."

"Huh uh."

T: "Are you fucking kidding me!?"

"Woah man, no need to shout."

*Todd walks around the couch to confront Gator*

T: "I put up with your shit for six months and you fucking replace me with this fucking frog!?"

"Frog? ... That's kinda cool actually, we can be Gator and The Frog. What do you think Rodd?"

R: "Je trouve horriblement offensive."

"Stop switching between English and Frog croaks! I hate that."

T: "Gator! You can't do this to me. Please."

"Todd, I'm not even sorry. Go pack up your bags, Rodd has your room now."

T: "You're kicking me out!?"

"I wouldn't say I'm kicking you out, that would mean you lived here. Which you didn't really, you never payed rent."

T: "You never asked me to!"

"You never cleaned the house."

T: "Neither did you! The place was a shithole before Scarlett moved in."

"And. Rodd is gay, meaning that I won't catch him sneaking a peak at my girlfriend's ass and cleavage."

T: ".........."

"That's what I thought you'd say. See you around Todd."

T: "Gator c'mon man. We're best friends and I need this job. I would never do anything with Scarlett you know that man. And if Rodd's gay, what if he tries something on with you huh?"

"... Rodd. Would you try anything on with me?"

R: "Oui. You are tall, muscular and mysterious."

"... Well I'm flattered."


"Okay, okay. I know how to decide this."

*Gator stands up and raises his finger*

"Let the Cameraman Olympics, begin!!!"

*The scene fades*


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