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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
PlaceMarker A Conversation with the Alien - Conclusion
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

12-17-2014, 12:17 AM

The Conclusion!

Ladies and gentlemen, Tom Parks here, narrating this video. Once more, you cannot see me, but we're not here to see me, we're here for God Tank! I'm following him his home, because I was told to do so by Azrael Erebus. GT is out in the streets, jogging to get his exercise in. Poor guy, despite Az having trained him with that bear, Knight still won. Can't prepare yourself for an outside interference though Not even with two bears. Ghost Tank would reach a street where the walk sign was orange, indicating if he walked now, he could be ticketed. That's when I saw him, Azrael. He appeared across the street and then within a minute, THE Bear appeared. The next minute? GT and the Bear lock eyes as the walk signal flicks on. Both man and beast let out roars and charge at one another! The bear smacks into GT's gut, almost as if...yeah! It's like Tank was speared! Holy shit! He's on his back as men, women, and children scream in terror as the fight broke out in the street!

The bear goes to fling a mighty paw at GT's head, but he not only raises a leg to kick it in the gut, but throws a massive right hook to its muzzle! The combo knocks the bear off and GT performs a kip-up to get onto his feet, barely hurting from the spear, since the Bear cannot properly perform the attack like a human. Ghost Tank cocked his leg back, and threw it forward! Kicking the massive ursine square in the gut! The Bear roared in pain as Tank let out an equally animal like roar before pounding on his chest and speaking,

You're not getting the upper hand, Bear! Not this time! Alvald almost got sold to some pimps! He was going to be made to walk the fucking corners of New Orleans!

Ghost Tank then moved closer to the bear, which rolled onto its gut, and took a huge swipe at Ghost Tank's legs, catching him off-guard just enough that his left leg now had a tear in the pants, and gashes in it. Not deep lacerations, but they were bleeding nicely. The bear then bit at him, only to be met with GT jumping back a foot, while bringing both hands clasped together, slamming down to the top of the Bear's skull with an ax-handle smash! This stunned the bear, allowing GT to throw another hard right hook into the Bear's muzzle, now making the animal bleed from it's mouth. He then spun around on his right leg, bringing his left heel to slam into the Bear's head with a huge roundhouse! The kick sends it flying onto its back, but as it lands, momentum would cause it to roll a bit, making it rest on its stomach. The creature seems out of it! Ghost Tank straddles its back.



Nah! he can't be going for it!


BOOM! GT nails the first German suplex! He kept the hold, straddling the bear once more, then BOOM! Another suplex! Here comes the straddle! He lifts the bear once more! A THIRD SUPLEX! RIGHT INTO THE BUSY STREETS! Some of the cars were empty, but the ones that weren't, were causing a huge commotion! People screaming at GT to get the fuck out of the street so that they can leave. However Ghost Tank would just get angrier! This fueled his rage, fueled his body's adrenaline! Tank God was on the bear's back again, adjusting their bodies, and then the fourth German suplex would cause the Bear and GT to slam into the hood of an abandoned car! Ghost Tank climbed and pulled the bear with him! When Tank heard someone honk, I heard him yell out loud


That's when GT performed a FIFTH German suplex to the abandoned car's roof, almost collapsing the entire thing! Tank then adjusted himself and the bear, before performing a SIXTH suplex, but this time, to an occupied Dodge truck! Right onto the heated hood! This wasn't the end though. The man inside was shocked to see this spectacle! He was frozen! His hands were gripping the steering wheel so tightly, that the man seems incapable of letting it go!

The seventh suplex would cause them to land on the truck's cab hood. Ghost Tank and the bear were upon the roof of the cab now, and the eighth suplex caused them to slam into the truck's covered bed! Ghost Tank is almost out of gas! He's barely getting back to his feet! However, he manages to do so, and both GT and the Bear are standing on top of the bed, Ghost Tank looks nearby at the vehicles near him, finding a soft-top convertible, with its roof up. He grinned to himself, and with all his strength, letting a mighty roar escape him as he dead lifts the bear and releases it, causing it to crash down onto the convertible, and causing a lot of BOOM! CRACK! SNAP! CREEEEK! noises. A tire would even blow, making noise as if someone had fired a gun!

Next thing to happen is Azrael appearing beside Ghost Tank, and making him disappear, then doing the same with the bear. I, too was sent away. Until next time, ladies and gents, this is Tom Parks wishing you a good night!

The phone would ring, and Ghost Tank answered it wearily,


"Hey Cupid! How are you doing tonight? I caught your match with Knight on Madness." She sighed hard, "You were robbed, my love."

Ghost Tank chuckled, nodding, though he knew she couldn't see it. He remembered something. As faint thought went through his head, hand reaching for his neck, but didn't find a necklace. His fingers idly scratching at his chest. Smiling, he'd respond to her,

"Yes, my beloved Psyche. I was robbed. I'm hoping Johnathan Knight and Kirk MacClay accept my rematch, and make it just us two again. I want a fair match, I deserve that at least. Not to be screwed over by his partners.

She giggled softly and he smiled wide. He couldn't believe he had not talked to her in as long as he did. Especially since she nearly died, she says, except for the fact that a shoelace had not been tied, and with her being a safety nut, she stopped and tied the lace, only to watch a drunk speed past her, and slam into a couple mailboxes, and, ironically, a liquor store. He was DOI, or Dead On Impact. He should've called her more, to make sure she was fine. Seeing that can mess with people, but she didn't seem fazed by it.

"Psyche. I want you to join me on my career. Be my manager with Hysteria. I guarantee you, if you do, you will have a great career."

The video then ends with him grinning wide.

Gator, come Warfare. There will be no more words. We are no longer going to entertain each other. No. Instead, I only have one thing to say.

No matter if we win, or you do. This is going to be one fucking helluva ride. Do you understand that? All your words, all your bravado, all your bullshit. It won't matter once we're in the ring. I guarantee you that. Aaron may give you a problem, but it is me you have to worry about. Why?

Because if you don't eliminate me first, and it comes down to just you and myself? Well, you won't be leaving the winner. Gator, I look forward to Cleansing you soon.

His signature laugh sounded out as he those familiar neon green words began to flash on the screen as it fades to black

Can You HearThe Screams?

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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