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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Erica gets raped, and Sayors comes back
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12-09-2014, 11:14 PM

Pest and Erica are seated on the bed of their hotel suite. She is looking irate as Pest’s phone rings. He goes to answer it, but Erica stops him.

Erica:So, what, you force yourself on me, two nights in a row, force me to watch the video of it, and then you expect to answer your phone like it’s nothing?

Mr. WGWF:No. That’s not it at all. I expect to have sex with my consort, and watch the video of our passionate sex with her, and then answer the phone for my job. Why do you insist on believing I forced myself upon you?

Erica:Because you’ve kidnapped me, you forced me to go to Europe with you, and you told me you would kill me if I did not pretend to be your consort in public, or have sex with you. All of this is rape.

Mr. WGWF:Someone is coming over to speak to me about my match this week. I’m going to ensure you are on your best behavior.

Pest rises to his feet, and turns around to face Erica. She stared back at him blankly, until he began to remove his belt. A slight smirk came across her face.

Erica:You know how to use that thing? Or are you just making empty promises?

Pest grinned as he wrapped the belt around his fist. Her smile faded.

Erica:You’re not going to whip me, are you?

Mr. WGWF:My name is not Christian, and I am not here to take you and show you a better life. No, you will not enjoy this, and I will not expect to have to repeat the lesson for you.

Pest has finished wrapping the belt around his fist. His unwrapped hand reaches out and grabs Erica by her shoulder. She squirms to get free, but he throws a fist into her jaw. She goes down, and tries to stay there, but he pulls her back up, and throws another punch. The process repeats until she’s spitting up blood and teeth. She’s struggling to breathe, and Pest helps her to her feet, and then to the bathroom. He shows her the mirror, this time holding onto her head. Her face is bruised and bloody, her lip is split open, and she’s been crying again.

Mr. WGWF:Is this what you want to happen every time?

She shakes her head.

Mr. WGWF:Then fucking behave. When I ask for sex, you give it. When I ask you to appear in public as a loving consort, you appear in public as a consort. When I ask you to masturbate while I watch, well, you get the point. Now, go shower, bathe, whatever. Clean yourself up, and join me for the interview with Steven when you’re presentable. I will not be made a fool of in your first public appearance.

She nods, he releases, and she goes to start the bath. The water begins to fill the tub, and she turns watches it.

Mr. WGWF:Get naked, and sit in the tub as it fills up. Do not waste the hot water there.

She slowly begins to remove her T-Shirt. Her stomach exposed, and the bruises from her beatings are visible. She completely removes her top, standing there in just a bra, a tiger print bra. The bruising stops right at her breast level, and goes from the shoulders to the elbows. She begins to lower her jeans. From the hip where her panties end is nothing but bruises, until her ankle. She’s standing there in her underwear for him, she does a sarcastic little twirl.

Erica:You like your handiwork? I’m a walking billboard for you. Hang me in a gallery, let everyone know what Pest does to little girls.

Instinctively Pest’s hand goes flying out and cocks Erica right in the jaw. She falls backwards and her head goes into the tub. The clear water turns red, and Erica isn’t trying to get free. Pest reaches down, feels her neck, and finds a pulse. Knowing Erica was still alive, Pest removed her panties, and lowered his pants. She wanted to accuse him of being a rapist? He would become a rapist. He forced his prick inside of her, as she was slowly drowning in the tub.

Mr. WGWF:You like that? I warned you about talking back to me.

Mid thrust, Erica begins to come to, and tries to fight her way out of the water. She gets her head up and begins to scream, Pest shoves her head back under and holds it tightly as he thrusts. Every few couple of minutes, when her fighting gets weak, he allows her to breathe for a few seconds. He finishes with Erica's head underwater. After he pulls out of her, he allows her to try and get to her feet. She's standing there, staring him down, naked save for the bra hiding her breasts, drenched in a mixture of blood, water, and tears. She raises a fist to Pest, but thinks better and lowers it. She removes her bra, and stands there, entirely naked for him.

Mr. WGWF:You will be broken. It will just take time. I nearly broke you in the store that day. My kindness must have brought your fight back. Do not mistake mercy and kindness for a lack of willingness to do what is needed.

Erica:Oh, I believe you'll keep trying to break me. I believe your life goal is to make people fear you. Isn't that why you pretend to be someone you're not?

Without a word, Pest reaches back, and grabs Erica by the back of the neck and holds her still. With his free hand he reaches into his jacket and pulls out the same old Service knife. He slowly slides it inside of Erica's vagina, she lets out a little squeak of agony. He pulls the blade out, a mixture of blood and vaginal fluid drip off of it. He places the blade against her neck. She doesn't even flinch.

Erica:Do it. End me like you did her. End me so the papers will report what happened, and the world will know you're a failure.

Mr. WGWF:No. I have another punishment in mind for you.

He lets go of her neck, and grabs her right nipple, and pulls on it, stretching it from the breast. With one quick motion he slices the nipple off, and he releases her. She collapses to the floor holding her breasts, sobbing gently.

Erica:Why did you do that to me?

Mr. WGWF:To teach you a lesson. Now, clean yourself up, Steven will be here in a few minutes.

Pest raises his pants, turns, and leaves the bathroom. Erica turns off the water, rummages through her bag and finds some gauze and tape. She tapes up her damaged breast and sinks into the tub. The water burns her barely. In the main room, Pest is fixing his pants, and suit as someone knocks on the door. He walks over and looks through the peephole. It's Steve Sayors. The door opens, and Sayors' dopey grin is there to greet Pest.

Sayors:Hello, Pest. How are you?

Mr. WGWF:I'm fine. Come in, Steven. Sit down. I understand you wish to discuss something with me.

Sayors:Yeah. I was hoping to talk to you about your upcoming match.

Sayors walks into the room, he has a seat on the lone char in the room, and Pest sits opposite of him on the bed.

Sayors:Before we begin, how are you and Barbie doing?

Mr. WGWF:Barbie is dead, Steven. I crucified her in Shane's office. Were you not aware?

Sayors:I had heard of some Crucifixion there, but not who it was. Did not expect you to end her like that.

Mr. WGWF:I had to. She was clouding my mind. My match, Steven, let's discuss that. Shall we?

Sayors:Ok, so did you happen to watch the latest promo by Miss Sawyer?

Mr. WGWF:Do I need to? She's going to rattle of some ignorant trash that's supposed to be half coherent, and sound way more intelligent than she could possibly be. Dear me, she corrected me on what she claimed fell on her, apologies. I don't have time to follow a drunken little girl and the only man on Earth who likes a bigger age gap between his lovers and he than I do, and the lies they weave. Sorry, Kendall, perhaps some day you'll realize how little your lies actually factor into the truth. The truth of the matter is such, you did not believe you could take the titles on your own, as such, you decided to pretend to be damaged and cashed in. No, I do not believe using the briefcase is wrong, it's the deception that I find to be so wrong, the cowardice of it. Yes, point the irony in my calling you a cowardice for your deception as I wore a mask, and allowed people to believe I was someone else. But, tell me, did I ever tell anyone I was someone else, or did they come to that ideal of their own volition?

Correct, they chose to believe the false identities simply because they had no idea who I am. It's easier to fill in the gaps with what you knew once, than to try and solve it on your own. You, are much like the rest there, Kendall. You are trying to use what has happened to justify what you believe will happen. But, the truth, Kendall, I am going to take your title away from you this week.

Sayors:Interesting. But, I am not Kendall Sawyer. Did you see where she tries to push off claims of not being a defenseless little girl?

Mr. WGWF:I did, and at the end of the day, if she believes that then more the fool her. She is not a threat to me. She is not a threat to Jack, not anymore, and she is not a threat in the ring. She will not hold the titles, and she will not be gaining respect.

Sayors:She mentioned how you couldn’t get the titles from Peter, but she did.

Mr. WGWF:Interesting thing about Briefcase cash ins, Steven. They happen after the main match. So, she managed to beat people after they previously had a match, less than a minute before. I can forgive her for not being able to comprehend the simple fact of human exhaustion. I know, when most of your work is done by someone else, it’s hard to be exhausted. But, alas, she claims to be so very intelligent, perhaps reading on the subject would help her. But, no. She cannot be bothered to do anything on her own. Oh, yes, I know the briefcase match did not involve Paul, so she claims, but did she truly do the heavy lifting there? Or was it because the others fought each other while she seized an opportunity? And I did discuss the Euro match, perhaps she was too intoxicated to actually catch that one.

Perhaps, she should pay more attention before attempting to run that stupid mouth. You know, it’s better if she lets herself believe that she caught me off guard. Hey, she can even talk about how she made the pin on the cash in, but that does little to dissuade the notion that Azrael did the heavy lifting and let her take the pin. Did she really think that would have made a difference? And here I thought she was supposed to be the intelligent one here. Steven, please tell me she was not being serious about that bragging?

Sayors:No, sadly, I believe she was. Just as when she said that your betrayal was weak. Because Jack still won.

Mr. WGWF:Oh, right, because me forcing Satoko to pin me so I could walk away was supposed to keep Jack from being able to win a match. I apologize for my ignorance, I was not aware that Jack was incapable of winning without me. Hmmm. And I guess Jack did remove Lorder from that match, so thus, he single handedly won the title shots. Poor Kendall, she should keep letting Meta attempt to run his mouth for her. She’s clearly not capable of coming up with anything to stick.

Sayors:What about how she brought up you walking away from the Arzegotti argument.

Mr. WGWF:I did, I said my piece and left. That is correct, but then I am not a creature whose entire existence is based around proving others to be less than I am. I did not put forth that list only to be bested at my own game. No, that was her toothless guard dog. Perhaps she should keep learn the differences and allow herself the chance to actually come up with a coherent argument.

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