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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
A Night To Remember (MM #1)
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Satoko Offline
Beautiful Nightmare Gruesome Reality

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

11-23-2014, 02:32 PM

September 11th 2014 - Pre-match

Thud, thud.

Thud, thud, thud.

Thud thud.


Those sounds echo throughout my locker room as I unload on the freestanding punching bag in front of me with a barrage of kicks and punches. I started out just trying to warm up for my match but it has turned into more than that, I feel a lot better now than when I started. It has been about a year since I've competed in a match of this magnitude and I didn't win any of those. Before I started pretending that this bag was Aerial Knight the pre-match jitters were starting to get to me but now they have been replaced by adrenaline and all I want to do is....



As I sit on the floor looking at the overturned punching bag I can't help but think that perhaps a spin-wheel kick was going a bit too far. That's when I hear it, a voice that makes my heart jump into my throat.

???:Going a little overboard don't you think? You're going to tire yourself out before your match even starts.

I spin around and scramble to my feet, it's exactly who I thought it was, Mitsuko.

Satoko: I...I...I....

Mitsuko: We'll I'd tell you to spit it out but we both know that concept is foreign to you.

Satoko: Funny, I thought you couldn't make it.

Mitsuko: You're such a cunt, did you really think I'd miss your first XWF match?

Satoko: Well you said you couldn't make it and your schedule is usually full.

Mitsuko: My schedule is always clear for you, idiot.

She grabs me and before I know it her lips press against mine and our tongues intertwine. After a few moments I stop kissing her then I reach up and yank her hair as I push her against the wall. Now I begin kissing her again and move my hand down squeezing her ass, at first she wraps one of her legs around me but then pushes me away. She waves her finger at me, smiling.

Mitsuko: What did I just say about overdoing it? You've got a match tonight but afterwards we can play as much as you want....If you win that is.

I'm pretty sure she's kidding but it's hard to tell with her sometimes. Either way I suddenly feel motivated, very motivated, and horny but mostly motivated.

Satoko: Well when I win, you be sure to be waiting here for me in that red dress. You know the one, oh and your best fuck me heels.

Mitsuko walks over and stuffs her hand down the front of my pants bringing a smile to my face.

Satoko: I thought you said wait till later.

Mitsuko: I did but I wanted to see the current state of things because only somebody with balls the size of planets would make a request like that to me.

She pulls her hand out of my pants and....


She slaps the living shit out of me before walking away with a big grin on her face.

Mitsuko: You'll get what you get and like it.

I watch as she walks out of my locker room closing the door behind her. What a fucking bitch.... I'm so turned on right now.

End Scene.

September 11th 2014 - Post-match

Music is blasting, my body is covered in sweat, I feel tired, sore, fatigued, and all around icky. I breathe heavily and stare up at the ceiling from my back, a position that becomes all too familiar when you're in the line of work that I am. However this time it's different, this time I feel a warmth on my back because this time, I'm on top. I lay there for a moment trying to collect my thoughts with my back across Aerial Knight's chest having just pinned him for my first XWF victory. It's so loud with the music blaring and the fans screaming that I can't distinguish between cheers and boos, it's just noise. Finally I push myself up to my feet and watch as Aerial rolls out of the ring holding his neck. Once outside of the ring he shakes his head and lets one thing escape his lips.


I grin before turning my attention back to the crowd and walking around the ring with my arms in the air. I wish I could stay here all day but I know they want to hurry up and get the main event underway. Still, I keep spinning around and pacing back and forth just trying to take it all in for as long as I can. Finally I climb through the ropes and start making my way up the ramp as I try to hold it together but I just can't. Tears begin to stream down my face absolutely ruining my eyeliner, it was perfect too! I'm not crying because I won the match, well not ONLY because I won the match it's more than that, this is proof. It seems like an eternity ago that I wanted so desperately to change myself because I felt weak and worthless. I spent most of my life feeling that way, wondering if I could ever feel as if I wasn't just trash. That's when an opportunity presented itself, Mistress Mitsuko wanted somebody to accompany her as she ventured into the W-G-W-F. It was actually brilliant on Mitsuko's part since it was free promotion for the club that ended up bringing in tons of customers. Yet I didn't belong there, I knew some self defense and that's about it. Still they allowed me to compete and I'm so thankful they did because It was there that my metamorphosis first began. Everything started with me eliminating Mitsuko in the West Coast rumble proving to her that I was no longer the spineless jellyfish that I was when she first met me. Then for an encore I went on to hold my own against a former XWF World Champion, Kyle Shane. At the end of the day I didn't win any matches while I was there but the way that competing made me feel, it was.... it was.... Well I can't even explain it, all I knew was that I wanted to continue competing. So as soon as I got back to Japan the real training began. I busted my ass day in and day out with all of that work finally paying off right now, the work I did inside of the ring to change myself and outside of it.

I take one last look around the arena from the top of the ramp before I finally disappear into the backstage area. Once there I wipe my eyes and my mood changes instantly. It's because I know that what I did in the ring today was great but this isn't where the road ends, no, this is only the beginning. This just means that what I've done so far is working but from here on out I'm going to have to work harder than ever before because now I turn my attention to winning XWF gold. Gold is so out of style though... No matter, I can make anything look good and speaking of things that look good... Mitsuko. With thoughts of victory sex dancing through my head, I briskly walk to my locker room and fling the door open.

Satoko: I hope you're ready because I'm going to fu......

I suddenly notice that there's nobody in my locker room, just a duffel bag with an envelope on top of it. I grab the envelope and after fumbling with it for a moment I get it open. Inside is a note that I quickly scan over.

I left you directions, a key to my room, and an outfit inside the bag. Put it on and walk to my hotel room, I'll know if you cheat so don't even think about it or you get nothing. This is just a little something to remind you who's really in charge my little Satoko-chan. Do hurry, I'm starting to feel a bit tired, it would be a shame if I fell asleep before we got to celebrate your victory.

I quickly unzip the duffel bag and look over the directions, it appears that the hotel is three miles away from the arena. Damn that's a long walk, doesn't this bitch know I just had a match? She's trying to kill me! I now dig into the bag and pull out a large plastic bag with clothes inside of it. As I look more closely at the bag I notice a picture on it.

[Image: Y190246_full_1.jpg]

She wants me to walk three miles in this? THAT SADISTIC BITCH! I love her so much.

End Promo.

[Image: 4e0e1e47b312db34798f43328a9b5d24.jpg]
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