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"I Don't Want Solidarity if it Means Holding Hands With You"
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Avery Martin Alden Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

11-16-2014, 10:54 PM

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. - 1 Corinthians 16:13

Hello, Hysteria. Hello, Justin. You hear me well, right? I'd hate for either of you to get the wrong idea and think for a single moment that I'm not focused on the task at hand for this week. That of course being our match. However, both of you seem much, much more focused on each other and not solely in a competitive manner. You two seem deadset on each other; wanting to injure each other. You both have gotten personal, it would seem. Is that conclusion wrong? I don't believe so, and I do believe it will be your undoing. Both of you. You're forgetting about the other person in this match. You get that, don't you? With your little blood feud there's a whole other person you're both completely forgetting about. Myself. Now, since this obviously benefits me, why am I bothering warning them when I could just sneak in and eek out a win while they're too busy trying to murder one another? Easy, because where's the honor in that?

Please, don't misunderstand that. I'm not fiending for personal glory in the way that others around here most certainly do. I'm merely presenting myself as something different. Something more in my own less-than-humble opinion. Something above the gang-ups, the underhanded measures, the excessive force used to gain an edge because I don't need any of that. I don't need a group of people to do my dirty work for me. I don't need to resort to bashing weapons against an opponent's skull, or challenging my fellow man to ridiculous matches ala Ghost Tank. That isn't what I'm about, but that is very much what both of my opponents are about. Now, that mentality is not without flaws of its own; there are many, and I most certainly mean many people employed by the XWF who couldn't care about honor in the slightest and yet here I am, making it my mission statement. In some eyes that's a suicidal move. Limiting myself; restricting myself when my opponent, especially the two in this match aren't going to pay me the same common courtesy. I don't see it as such. It's crucial in times like this, when you're so certain that the things you hold dear will be turned against you that you must hold onto them the tightest. So no, Justin. No, Hysteria. I won't lower myself to this mindless mud slinging you two are engaged in. Please, by all means continue. It is an entertaining spectacle to behold, I'll admit. And when it comes time for our match, I beg of you Hysteria, let your Asylum run wild. I'd expect nothing more from you. Justin, bring out Evertrust and let him run roughshod all over everything. Both of you, bring out weapons to batter yourself until the mat is drowned in your blood, saliva, and urine. Kill yourselves, because that's where you're all going with this. However, I really should stop speaking to you as if you were one person, though it does seem, the more and more I think of it, that you're both quite similar.

Aside from dismissing me, and the fact that you both have rather sensitive egos, if a few verbal blows could stir up this much bad blood between the pair of you, there's the fact that you're functionally identical. Crazy. Right down to the name. Justin Sane. The obvious pun. Hysteria. Exaggerated or uncontrollable emotion or excitement, especially among a group of people. Similar. Is this a coincidence? Should they be friends simply because of their similarities in that regard? Of course not to either. The old saying goes "We hate most in others what we dislike in ourselves" for a reason. Because it gives us an outlet to vent our own feelings of inadequacy. To project our insecurities onto other people and that's what I see most of all in their little quarrels. A series of calls and responses wherein each passing remark is a further admission of self loathing because they're mirrors of each other. Cracked and shattered mirrors, yes. So far broken they can't even recognize their own reflection but mirrors nonetheless. It's funny. It really, really is. How much you miss when you let anger blind you. Though, I got a little bit off track there, I said I was going to look at them separately and I'll hold to that, no matter how much their similarities shove themselves in my face.

Hysteria. The Prophet. Holder of, ahem, The Prophetic Belt of the Almighty Higher Power. Now, aside from his dismissal of me and what I mentioned prior, what else can I really add? His shot at my physical appearance and how odd it sounds coming from someone who wears a mask? Allow me to respond, with a sigh. Honestly, did he think that was something that would rattle me? That'd knock me off my guard? That I was vain enough to take that to heart? Honestly, it's like he doesn't know me at all. Then again, I'm fairly certain he doesn't. Not a single bit. So, allow me to introduce myself Hysteria. My name is Avery Martin Alden though I suppose you can call me AMA if you really want to. I don't really pride myself on my physical appearance; never really had to. Accountant and now Professional Wrestler? Both a far cry from model, if you ask me. But what does it say about you, that my appearance is the first and truly the only thing you target about me? Well, first and foremost there's that ugly I-word poking its head in the door again. Insecurity. Already prevalent because of your mask, but amplified here. What about the fact that you can't seem to keep your own stable in line; leaving them to give contradicting reports. Case in point, when Mick Manson said he wasn't trying to intimidate and then your Cleanser threatened Hawkins with how badly Manson was to beat him. What does it say about a leader who fails to lead? A Martyr and a Cleanser, and neither can agree. Bring them out. Sic them on me like a pack of vicious dogs. I'm begging you.

And then, there's Justin Sane. The man who holds a victory over me after pinning Azrael Erebus at War Games. Though there's something rather important about that match and his subsequent claim of me knowing what he's capable of. You see, I don't. I really, really don't because we never squared off during that match. Not once. Not a single time and I'll admit I learn best by experience. So, what that equates to, essentially, is that no. I don't know what Justin's capable of. Especially not what he's capable when it comes to a match where he doesn't have the luxury of a set of tag team partners. Nor did I forget his attempts at making the lead up to that match about as personal as his spat with Hysteria is. Claiming everything about me annoyed him. From the sound of my voice to the comparing the odd incident regarding my wife losing consciousness and an egg to a poor creative writing assignment for no reason other than assuming it'd be a clever jest to compare reality to fiction. However, looking at his performance when he doesn't have partners is quite telling. From losing in the King of the Ring Tournament, to losing his TV title match, he's squandered every opportunity he's been given since War Games and it can't be a coincidence. He talks of redemption and I can certainly see why he feels he needs to redeem himself. Though, we examine trends for a reason. To make predictions and there's a whopper of a prediction to make in regards to this one.

Justin Sane is going to lose this match as well. Everything's there. He has no partners. He has something riding on this; just like the title of King of the XWF and the TV title, he has his redemption hanging on a string just out of reach of his fingertips. He has everything he needs to shoot himself in the foot and there's really no other logical hypothesis to go on other than him pulling the trigger once more. It's a sad reality and the sooner that he can realize it, the sooner he can take steps to remedy it.

After all, why wouldn't I want to see him succeed? So long as it isn't at my expense of course.

Nothing personal, right?

See you both come Monday night. Bring out all the stops. Don't give yourself any excuses.

[Image: MpQedms.jpg]

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