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An Interview With Oliver Oswald Cooper #1
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Oliver Oswald Cooper Offline
A Real Journalist.


XWF FanBase:

(can't get crowd reactions; awkward; probably going to be fired soon) 

11-10-2014, 06:45 AM

[Image: JBiAyex.png?4]

The scene fades into Cooper's office as he reads notes behind his desk, his lifts his head as a large man enters the scene, Cooper smiles and shakes the man's hand and both take a seat.

"Hello Mr. Tank, how are you?"

Well, I'm a bit jet lagged, otherwise, I'm fine. Thank you for asking. How about yourself?

"I'm well thank you, shall we get started?"

Ghost Tank grins and motions Oliver to carry on.

"When did you get into wrestling? Did anyone train you the people watching may have heard of?"

Well, if she were still alive, you could have asked my mother, and she would've given a silly and cutesy answer. One she always loved to say is "He has been into wrestling since the womb! Could swear I felt him doing some "Macho Man" Randy Savage elbow drops!" As for trainers? I kind of, well, learned as I went along. More veteran wrestlers would teach me things other than scoop slams, clotheslines, et cetera. Unfortunately, they weren't exactly good when it came to the business. Whether it be looks or skill, they just didn't seem to have what a lot of people call "it".

"I see, seems like people couldn't keep up with you. Why the name Ghost Tank?"

Well, I chose it because I liked the simplicity of it. I am as swift as a ghost, but I can be a destructive force, like a tank. So, Ghost Tank.

"Makes sense. What made you get into Wrestling?"

I suppose like most did, grew up watching it, and decided watching wasn't as fun, so I said to myself "If watching isn't as fun, then maybe I should be a part of it."

"Made any rivals or allies in the XWF?"

Well...He snickered I guess I have a rival. Steven Kessler seems to want to face me, but I hold no respect for him, so, he's a rival if only one side can participate. I do imagine I've made some enemies, but none that really pop up to mind. As for allies, well, I count my brothers in The Asylum. I also want to include the one known as Evertrust as an ally. He knows the kind of respect I have for him. I believe him to be one, but it is really up to him on where we stand. I do hope it is on good terms.

"The Asylum are looking to become a dominant force here. What are your best and worst moments since you've been wrestling?"

My best moment would definitely have to be War Games. People don't seem to give me enough credit for what I did there, yet it was quite possibly the best show of strength and agility I could provide. I took three men out of the match, and that allowed Sane, Evertrust, and Eli to focus on Azrael. As for worst? Well, for the same reason it was my best. I took three people out, but I had gained several heavily bleeding wounds. Because of these wounds, I couldn't finish the match, and now everyone praises Justin or Evertrust, especially with how War Games ended.

"Ah, a hard working soldier not getting the medal he deserves. Where are you from? Did any family members wrestle?"

I was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. We just did a show there on the twenty-ninth. As for family, no. My mother and father did not share that love with me.

"Any titles you have your eyes on?"

Right now? Maybe two, possibly three at the most. The two different tag belts, and the X-Treme Championship. Once Evertrust is done with it and doesn't mind facing me, of course. Or if he loses the belt to someone else. Those are the only two instances where I'd go after that belt. He has defended the title, he will get the briefcase, and chooses to accept my challenge, or he loses the title, and I face the New Champ.

"I see, I'm gussing you and your Asylum brothers will go after the tag and trio titles?"

Ghost Tank slowly nods.

"How do you train before a match?"

All the way until, I want to say, the day of my match, I train by running about ten miles. However, it's not your average running. I do what a lot of people know as parkour. I use the world as a gym. The only time I don't, is when I want to work on my upper body. That is when I will go to an actual gym and use the weights there.

"If you could fight anyone, who would it be?"

I'll answer that by going to two different categories. Rookies and Veterans. For Rookies? I want to face Justin Sane, and you already know why. As for veterans...that's a tough choice. I guess Evertrust, because I have the most respect for him.

"What is your favorite in ring technique?"

My favorite technique. I guess that would have to be the spear. I pack the kind of power inside my body that hitting someone with it, may not net me a three-count, but it will hurt my opponent. A lot.

"Who do you look up to? Not strictly in the XWF."

I'm going to put my answer in two categories again. Outside of XWF, someone I look up to, would have to be Carl Sagan or Stephen Hawking. As for in the XWF, I'd have to say Evertrust. He gained a lot of respect from me when I went after his belt, and he defended it.

"A man of science. I respect that. Albeit a little odd that you share respect for Evertrust who is considered by some to be a wizard.. No matter, last Warfare, with the help of Kinwarthi, you took down Peter Gilmour and Morbid Angel. How did you feel after taking down such notable wrestlers?"

I felt like I was on top of the world. Those two are a few of the biggest names here, and the whole time up until our match, I was wondering if we were going to win, if we were going to lose. Once I saw the three, and I saw I was keeping Morbid from stopping the count, I wanted to instantly celebrate, but I knew if I did, they would probably take me out right then and there. Besides, I don't think the Higher Power would've liked me gloating so much, especially since it wasn't a title win.

"In my eyes I consider a big win on the same level as a title win. What's next for Ghost Tank?"

That depends on what the Higher Power wants. My purpose in XWF has always been clear. I want to hurt people. I want to hurt them more than I want titles. If what's next for me, is the Higher Power wanting me to win, say, the tag titles, or trio titles, or even X-Treme title, I will do what I can to please it. If I can't get any titles, then that's just fine. I will stick to what I know, and what I know is how to break people down, and then cleanse the impurities in them through a trial by fire if need be.

"Thank you for your time."

Thank you, as well. Should you ever want another interview, make sure to contact me through Alvald.

Cooper gets to his feet as well as Tank, the pair shake once more and Oliver shows him the door. The office door slams and Cooper stands there, he chuckles to himself before looking at the camera.

"Well, that went well. A glimpse into the man they call Ghost Tank, glad I could talk to him. I hope you at home enjoyed this and I hope to do it again sometime, if you would like to schedule an interview with either myself or with my colleague Phillip Pagoda, please contact us discreetly and we can work something out. My name has been Oliver Oswald Cooper, thank you for watching."

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Mrs. Peter F'n Gilmour

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

11-10-2014, 06:47 PM

Interview me, Ollie, baby.

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