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PlaceMarker The Ghostly King
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

11-02-2014, 11:29 PM

The video opens up on Ghost Tank, getting ready for bed. He had finished watching Frodo's promo, and chuckled lightly before shaking his head. He had a small blanket ready to be used, and for a pillow, a tiny cushion that is used for decoration in the corners of the couch. The only other thing he wore, is his black pants. He looked to the camera as it came closer. He grinned to it, revealing his real teeth of pearly whites while his tongue licked across his lips, and those long, pointed incisors, before speaking to the fans and competitors of XWF's King of the Ring Tournament

I'm going to keep this as short and sweet as possible. Now, tomorrow is when we shall see if I win or lose. Tomorrow is when we shall see if I lose to Frodo, or win. If I do beat him, I will end up facing Maverick or Knight in round two. When I beat them, I will move on to the third round, and face Justin Sane. Then, finally, I will face Doctor Louis D'Ville, where I will then finish him and win the King of the Ring.

Frodo, let's talk about you first. It is pathetic for you to tell people to kill themselves. You're not superior, little man, you're just better than some. Our match will be a great one. You will be pushed to your limits, and so will I. Of all the fights tonight that I will take part in, our match, Frodo, will be either best match of the night, or it will be the second best match. Either way, we will be on everyone's highlight reels afterwards. You won't be making it out of round one, though. I will hurt you during the match, I will make it so that by the time I pin you, you won't be able to kick out or break the count in any shape or form. You will then go to the back, hang your head in shame, and be forced to watch on as I continue my domination of the those in my way to being crowned. At Madness, Frodo, you and I will go head-to-head and we will show everyone at the tournament just how good we are. It truly is sad, though, that we could not meet later in the night. Whether it even be as the second match, or third, it would've been a lot better. Because, you see, you would have been at an advantage during round three. The advantage being that my opponents would have worn me down a bit, and would have made sure you would've had an actual fighting chance against me. If that had been the case, I would say "Maybe he would win the entire thing." First round, though, with us both at a hundred percent? Yeah, you're not going to get out of there with your hand raised. Now, it's on the round two.

In my second match, I've already talked about Maverick, but, I haven't talked enough about Knight.

Aerial Knight, you won't be facing me in a steel cage, but, you will be facing me. Should you win, of course. If you should happen to make it out of the first round, you'll be seeing me in the second round, and I will once again, put a grand amount of hurt upon your body. I will enjoy it, like I did at War Games. I am going to bring about your destruction, Knight. I will bring with me unbridled power and it will not be good for you. No amount of agility, no amount of speed that you possess will aide you in the match, which will end up with yet again, another victory for me, and you will be checked out from either my Tank Tracks, or a good ol' four-fifty splash which will allow me to pin you and advance forward in the King of the Ring Tournament. You'll leave on a stretcher, heading to the nearest hospital to make sure I didn't break your body in half and I'll be moving on to face Justin Sane.

Justin Sane...People can call him anything they want, praise him all they want. However, he did nothing at War Games. I have said my piece on him. He knows that at Madness, when I face him, you all will see the reason why he's not anybody. You all will see why I should have been on your minds. Why I should have been watched more closely. Why I should be respected. At the tournament, I see myself facing him, and I will beat him. My hand will be raised, and he will be a nobody again.

Finally, round four. The only person I see myself facing, is Doctor Louis D'Ville. A man who has spent a bit of his time talking to me, but not only did I counter, I verbally demolished him. At the tournament, I will beat him there too. Do you know what will happen, when our match rolls around? Complete and utter domination of the good Doctor. I will have beaten him, put him down, and I will win the tournament! I will become the King, and finally I will earn some fucking respect from you all. The rookie who has come out of nowhere and beat a couple of veterans and a fellow rookie, in order to win and become the new King of the Ring!

So, please, everyone, laugh at me! Get it out of the way now, while you still can. Because once the Tourney has finished, the dust cleared and settled across the land, you will see my hand raised, you will see my coronation, and I will become the King.

I will become the King of Monsters, the New Breed will become the New King. Best start bowing to me now, XWF. Better start showing me the respect I deserve, or else I will destroy you.

Now, goodnight, fans and those of you in the XWF locker room. Get the best sleep you can, because tomorrow night, the Beast is unleashed, and he is going to break every one and every thing in his path, on the way to the crown.

He laughed his signature laugh, as the video began to fade to black, and those neon green words flashed upon the screen

Can You HearThe Screams?

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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