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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
A Prophet To Be Earned
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Hysteria 'The Prophet' Offline
Can you handle it?

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

10-25-2014, 08:43 PM

The buzz is heard as the camera clicks to life. The buzzing indicates it is on, but it's completely dark.




Are you counting it Venomous?



The seconds until the clock falls on top of your head?



Maverick, you reprehensible prevaricator.



Did thou prepareth thy self f'r a fighteth thou will not lief forgeteth?



Horseman, you stoic, stodgy scrapper.



El jinete es la clave para mi futuro.



The ticking and tocking seems to escalate with each and every stroke. The dark room reveals nothing until… a blinding white light shines from the back wall. The walls are dawned with nothing but clocks of different sizes and styles. None of them are digital however. Every single clock’s second hand moves at the same exact time. The outline of Hysteria is shown through the lights. He’s standing slightly leaned over to the left side with his gloved hands in his jacket pockets. After a few seconds the maniacal and menacing laughter is heard breaking through the sound barrier made by the clocks.

Hellloooooooo! You saw what happened didn’t you? You saw what happens when you step in the ring with a MANIAC!? You come out laughing, bursting at the seams. Ask Kage, he knows. However, you may not recognize me. I am a new… face… as it is. Simply referred as Hysteria, I have entered this division of miscreants to serve as a facilitator to the knowledge-less masses. A facilitator… a guide…

A Prophet.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH! I like that one! Use that! Prophet, prophet, I am a prophet!

Now I’m sure the next thought bubble to burst in your mind is… what is he facilitating us towards? Where does the guide lead?! And a prophet?! TO GOD?! TO MORRRRBIDGOD!?! No, no my children. My followers. My… fellow psychos. I have no ‘god.’ And although the might of Morbidgod is great… I prefer a higher power of more exquisite tastes.

This Higher Power will alleviate the XWF of its stagnate, repetitive, abhorrent status quo. He will rain down upon the masses with a brilliant shower of ferocity and tranquility while displaying a wide plethora of insane remedies. But you know who else did something similar to that…


Who can forget a name like Evertrust? Who could forget what he did to the XWF?! He shook it to its CORE. Shades would not have been a thing if not for Evertrust. Theo Pryce wouldn’t be the Universal Champeeen if not for EVERTRUST. Evertrust is… an all-encompassing force derived from manipulation, hard work, and supreme intelligence. Hating on a being of such supreme aptitude is mere ignorance and jealousy. But it’s fine, Maverick. It’s okayyyy to be jealous. It’s quite alright to know when someone is your own superior. But what do you think of me? You think of myself as a joke?

A joke?

YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY? I will fucking rip your nuts off and shove them down your throat with a razor blade attached. I may be new, but don’t confuse my lack of matches as a sign of anything. Your desecration and imminent demise is all that I have scheduled in my future.

Now you may mock and you may make snide comments about my cause, but no ‘insurance policy’ amounts to Jack Diddly compared to my Supreme Second.


Remember the name, kiddos. Remember, remember… the very first member. The Asylum ladies and gentlefucks. It’s now open for business. We are looking to increase our numbers for a grand surprise! Once that final curtain is raised, ohhh what a beautiful escape it will be… The grandeur of the event will ring through the hallow arenas for years to come. But I’m jumping to the epilogue while we’re walking through the table of contents!

Let’s see… let’s see… I feel like I’m forgetting something…

Hmm… what could it b- OH I REMEMBER!

Maverick. Venomous. The Horseman.

Ooooh I sense a little dread in your eyes. Is that fear? Is that… fright? Do you fear what you don’t know or understand? You damn well should. Maverick will be easy pickings as he can’t seem to tell the truth to save his own life. As for Venomous… he was the worst fighter in the ENTIRE War Games! If you take Proxy and SWAT out of the picture anyways. So congrats! You did better than those two assclowns! Pat yourself on the back because it’s the only time you’ll excel. You were even lucky to win! If it weren’t for having three very accomplished forces on your team, you wouldn’t have won. You’re soon to have a record of 1- (n-1) with n being the number of matches you ever have! That’s right! I passed math sum bitches! Horseman… well what’s there to really say? You haven’t done a fucking thing. But you’re new so I’ll let that slide. But bring your A-game little man. Or else I’ll have to soil that nice suit of yours with your blood.

Now I believe I’ve said quite enough for the time being. So adios fuckers and remember!

I’m always watching.


The Asylum never sleeps.

The HorsemanThe HorsemanVenomousVenomousMaverickMaverick



[Image: 3nOsl9M.jpg]
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