::OOC - This RP can be used to help any team that needs it, whether it be to fill in for a no show, special guest referee or manager::
My oh my, it has been quite some time since we have seen our hero. He's been relaxing back in Narfinex for the past week or so after his semi victory at the Warfare battle royale. We see Game Boy in a place unfamiliar to him, a large field of scorched earth and long trenches dug into the soil. Barb wire coiling round makeshift fences as guns fire and large planes drop metal casing filled with explosive and hazardous materials to cause more harm to this once peaceful land and the people that fight to control it. Game Boy materializes in one of these trenches as the soldiers dressed in rush and yell.
"Oh cool a bonus stage!"
One of the soldiers falls at Game Boy's cool sneakers, blood pouring from his neck as he gargles, a cold stare locked at Game Boy's huge worried eyes. GB gets to his knees to comfort the soldier in his last moments.
"WOAH! You alright buddy?"
Maybe our hero is not the best at comforting fallen soldiers. The fallen man spits and coughs blood as he tries to speak, his hands trembling as he reaches into his pocket to pull a blood stained note to hand to Game Boy. His smalls pupils shake taking the letter, trying to hold back tears as, for the very first time, Game Boy witnesses a man die. The soldier smiles, bloods seeping through his lips as his eyes roll back and his body stops twitching. Game Boy back away from the body, his jaw hung unable to take in what he just saw. He wipes his eyes dry with his coat sleeve and open the piece of paper, his mouth motions the words as he reads.
To the man or woman that reads this letter,
If you are reading this, then I have died. Preferably a brave death in battle and not an end from infection or starvation. Preferably a death from a bullet protecting my friends and my land, not one from the horrible living I have grown a comfort to. With this, a shaky hand and a fountain pen borrowed from Private Bennings, I write my final words.
My name is Steven Hastings, a private in the Her Royal Majesty's army. At the time I am writing this letter, January the eighth, 1943 I am 23 years old. A poor man from a poor family in Southport, son of a hard working mother and an absent drunk father. I had no future ahead of me, but I am glad to serve my country and fight Hitler and his army for the chance to secure Britian's future.
To whomever reads this, please give this note to my wife Magaret. I have missed her during my time here, and I want her to know I was brave and did my job. I'm sorry for everything Magaret, I will always love you. Your loving husband, Steven.
P.S ~ Bennings, I'm keeping the pen.
Game Boy makes a dry, short laugh at the last sentence before he gulps and folds the letter into his pocket. He kneels down to Steven and closes his eyes as the battle continues outside of the trench. GB stands to his feet and looks around, his wet eyes looking at the carnage in front of him. He knows he cannot save them all.
"I'm sorry Private Hastings, I'll give the note to your wife, I promise."
Hastings' fellow soldiers rush to his aid, pushing Game Boy away, one of them looks to GB in anger and sadness after looking at the corpse of his comrade. He grabs GB by the lapels and pushing his against the dirt wall.
"Did you do this!? What are you! You freak!?"
Game Boy stays in shocked silence, the soldier throws him against the wall of the trench again.
"Tell me!"
"I don't know okay! I don't know what I am or what I'm doing here! I just got here and I saw Steven get shot and he was bleeding and . and . I'm sorry . "
Game Boy's voice cracks and the soldier lets him go, the other soldier checking Hasting's body shakes his head and turns to the two.
"Poor kid. He didn't deserve this. Leave him alone Bennings, he doesn't look like a gook, not with those eyes, and he speaks English too well to be a Kraut."
Game Boy's eyes go down and he shies away, pulling the note from his pocket and handing it out to Bennings. The private looks at GB and the note, snatching it away and reading it. Our hero looks to the other soldier who stands with his arms folded.
"My name is Game Boy. I'm sorry about your friend."
"Game Boy? Ha, you're in the wrong place son. I'm Miller, you already had the pleasure of meeting Bennings and Hastings."
"If you don't mind me asking, what's going on here?"
"You don't know?"
Miller seems dumbstruck as GB shakes his head slowly from side to side.
"Seriously? You get drafted yesterday boy? This is a war. Allied forces against the Germans. Fighting for a better tomorrow and to stop the reign of the evil dictator Adolf Hitler."
"Evil? Like worse than Dr. Wily?"
"I don't know who that is but I'll take a stab in the dark and say Hitler is worse."
Bennings laughs at but it dies quickly as he chokes on tears. He looks to GB and Miller.
"Hastings that son of a bitch. I've been looking for that pen for weeks. Haha, asshole."
Bennings shakes his head looking at the body of Steven, he bites his lip as a tear rolls down his face, silently handing the note back to Game Boy who gingerly takes it.
"You found the note, you should be the one to deliver the bad news."
Game Boy looks up with his eyes shifting quickly as Bennings removes the rifle from his back and runs to his fellow soldiers to fire upon the enemy. Miller, who has been quietly rolling a cigarette, stick it in his mouth and lights it, blowing smoke which is taken with the wind.
"Well then Mr. Boy, it appears you have a job to do. Best of luck to you."
Miller salutes Game Boy who hestitates and salutes back. Miller strolls back to his men as Game Boy grips the note tightly, he whispers to himself.
"Up up down down left right left right ay bee . Fast travel . Gretchin's shack."
Game Boy's body blows up into pixels and flies through the air. We go to Gretchin's shack, who is at her cauldron as usual swirling the long wooden rod in the contents. Pixels fly through the roof of the shack and they construct Game Boy from his feet up. Gretchin seems unimpressed glaring at GB who stands with tears in the corners of his eyes.
"Game Boy how many times have I told you not to use cheat codes! It's unethical."
"Why what?"
"Why did you send me to that Nirva forsaken place?"
Gretchin drops the rod and lets it lean against the side of the cauldron, she sighs.
"I'm sorry you had to see all that. But you are needed for in XWF War Games. I felt this was the best way to prepare you."
"War Games!? I've seen war it's not a game! No, I'm not going to that place again."
"That is Earth Game Boy, I'm sorry you had to see that but you will see worse."
"I will? I'm not sure if I have the stomach for this Gretchin. Maybe Urf and XWF doesn't need me."
"They most certainly need you. The cries of help from some of the toughest humans in the XWF have been unheard, you need to help them."
"Because that is what heroes do."
Game Boy smiles slightly.
"Okay, okay . I'll help, if that is what heroes do, I'll help in anyway I can. But I need to make one stop first."
Gretchin nods and the footage fades to black.
We come back from black slowly to Game Boy walking down a small cobblestone road approaching a small house connected to many others, he walks to black door and knocks. After a few seconds a young, beautiful woman opens the door to see little GB clutching a note.