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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "WAR GAMES" PPV RP Board
The Rooftop
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Manson 'The Martyr' Away
The Martyr

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

10-19-2014, 08:13 AM

It’s a cold autumn night and its pitch black. The only sound that can be heard is the ambience of the traffic and the faint hum of the streetlights. Gein is walking on the pavement with his signature venom face paint, kicking leaves in front of a rundown apartment. However, this time it’s not his own. He is wearing a black parka coat, some cargo pants and is swinging around a fire axe, as our cameraman approaches him as he crosses the street.

“Man, it’s pretty cold.” He says as he exhales a big cloud of air, “I hope it’s not this cold when we wrestle at War-games… Actually, I do because that means I can rip off your frostbitten arms and legs before I pin you.”

He chuckles and swings the axe onto his shoulder as the guy holding the camera flinches.

“I think we should head inside.”

Gein turns and starts walking up the stairs two by two, the cameraman following him still, though staying back a bit. When he reaches the top, Gein pushes his fingers into all the buttons on the buzzer, before unnecessarily kicking open the unlocked apartment door.

“When I first started wrestling in japan, It was tough. There were certain people who just couldn’t cut it. Couldn’t take the stiff hits. Had nothing that made them stand out and were just not in a good enough shape. Or simply put, their gimmicks were more boring than the fat guys you see on the American indy circuit. I didn’t stand out at first. I was in great shape, I just didn’t have anything that set me apart from all the other wrestlers, which is why I delved deep into the labyrinth that is known as the mind for inspiration.”

Gein snaps his fingers together.

“Body paint. Only few wore face paint back then, but nobody wore body paint. This and the fact I cut off a poor Japanese wrestlers fingers when he refused to fight me because I was “too stiff”. But, that was his fault really and I needed the extra fear factor.”

“What I am trying to get at is how much Morbid’s team bores me to death. Let’s evaluate:

Morbid. Fat, midlife crisis, biker/metal head. Give up now grandpa, you just can’t cut it. You will die in a few years’ time due to drug abuse anyway, so quit now, extend your life span without me cutting it short for you.

LH Harrison. Boring, typical suck up to the audience. You literally are shoving PG down the pre-pubescent’s throats. There is literally nothing else I can see. Also, you are selfish. You take up the XWF’s hectic schedule at the expense of your wife and kids… I’m sure they would love to pay a visit to the square room.

Maverick. ‘The Avatar of Perfection’. Believe me, you are as far from it as I am. You have such a god complex that you believe your own bullshit despite being proven you’re a liar time and time again. However, you can talk, I’ll give you that. You literally have to carry your partner when it comes to talking, but I’m afraid that’s the extent of your talents.

Venomous. You are a rip-off of me. You try to be me but you can’t and Morbid so desperately tried to replace you. He may try to hide it, but it’s true. You are nothing. I will enjoy ending your existence in this company, not like you had one in the first place.

Doctor D-“

A woman can be heard shouting and cursing at Gein, telling him to be quiet. Gein turns and smirks at the camera, nodding to his fire axe as he starts heading up the stairs. The noise stops as the woman hears the footsteps and decides to head out and confront him. Bad decision.

“I believe you interrupted me, you stupid whore.”

She notices the axe, shrieks and runs back into her room. Gein growls and throws the axe at her, but it misses and gets embedded into the wood of the door, making the woman start hyperventilating and crying.

“I’ll deal with her in a minute, let’s go on the roof.”

Gein starts climbing the stairs again; this lasts for a minute or so before he finally reaches the top, opening a door to reveal a beautiful starry night sky. Gein yawns and takes the camera off the guy holding it quite forcefully, before walking over to the edge of the roof.

“Look at this. This is quite a big drop is it not? Morbid and the rest of your unfortunate team, you better get used to this sight, because when I through you off, this will be your last few precious seconds before your demise.”

Gein lets go of the camera as it cascades down into aa bush, however it is still pointing up at the rooftop, showing Gein and another figure staring down into the lens. Suddenly, Gein turns and grabs the other figure who was the cameraman, and throws him down also. As the man makes contact with the camera, the recording stops.

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Former XWF Heavy Metal Champion X3

Member of the greatest match of 2014, The Asylum versus The Three Kings

Former XWF Fomer Champion

[Image: owAZWVR.png]

Thanks to Gator and Juspin for the banners =)
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