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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Jonathon Thomas Cross, an examination of failure
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10-03-2014, 11:43 AM

The girl sits on the table, waiting. A clock ticks. Seconds pass, her breath becomes erratic. Heart rate quickens. Waiting. The room is cold, the table colder. The clock gets louder with every tock. This should not take so long. Where is the doctor, why is he not here? Is the news bad? Why is the doctor not showing up? She started to get worried, was she going to die? Slowly she begins to panic even more. Sweat begins to form along her forehead. The door knob wiggles, and she holds her breath. The door opens slowly, and she shudders. The doctor has yet to enter, but something tells her that something is wrong. She pulls her arms to her chest, and in walks the Doctor.

It's Pest in a lab coat, black slacks, and a white dress shirt. Dildo Crown excluded. He is holding a chart, and looks at her, and then back at his chart. She gets a little more relaxed. He smiles. His smile. Oh, the smile on the doctor. His voice soon breaks to awkward silence, and it's an old voice, a gravelly voice.

Mr WGWF:So, Monica. What brings you in today. My assistant said it was private?

Monica:I think I have breast cancer.

Mr WGWF:Why do you think you have breast cancer?

Monica:I found a lump.

Mr WGWF:Where?

Monica:My left breast.

Mr WGWF:Ok, take off your shirt and lay down.

Monica:Are you sure?

Mr WGWF:Yes. I need to feel around, and I can't do that if you still have your shirt on.

She takes her top off slowly as Pest watches, her flat stomach is adorned with a little pink ball coming from the piercing in her navel. Her top gets stuck on her head, arms up, pink bra and stomach exposed. A few feeble wiggles, and she gives up. He has begun washing his hands while she had got herself stuck.

Monica:Can you help me? I'm stuck.

Mr WGWF:Sure. Let me dry my hands and I'll be right over.

Slowly he pulls paper towels from the dispenser and dries his hands, watching her huff as she she sits in her cotton prison. When his hands are sufficiently dry he makes his way to her, and grabs a hold of her shirt and gently tugs it up. As he frees her, the shirt come back to hit him in the face, filling his Olfactory pit with the scent of her perfume. It's Cotton Candy scented, he does enjoy it.

Mr WGWF:The bra as well, Monica. I can't examine them with your bra on.

Monica:Are you sure? I'm a little nervous.

Mr WGWF:Monica, I am a Doctor, I'm not trying to molest you, but if you think you have cancer, I need to examine and feel for it. It's very important. This is actually life or death.

Monica:Fine. But, please promise not to judge them. They're not that big.

Mr WGWF:If I was here to sleep with you, that might have been a possibility, but at the current time I am only here to discover whether or not you have Cancer.

She slowly undoes her bra, and lets it fall onto her legs, exposing her breasts. She was correct, they were not massive, but perky and inviting with little hoops in her nipples. Pest looked at them for a minute, before gesturing for Monica to lay down as he gloved up.

Monica:Wow, this reminds me of the time I lost my virginity.

She lays down, and fidgets her hands nervously at her sides while Pest walks over.

Mr WGWF:I apologize, my hands will be cold. These gloves are never warm.

Monica:Just like my boyfriend's. No matter what he does, they're always freezing. Oh, is this inappropriate? Should I not be telling you about my sex life while you're examining me?

Mr WGWF:Whatever keeps you comfortable. If you'll excuse me, I have to start feeling around. Keep talking if you want.

Monica sighed and Pest began to feel around on her left breasts, gentle as he could possibly be. Moving, and touching, his hand brushed the nipple, and he felt something by it. So he felt around there more in depth.

Mr WGWF:How did you find this lump?

Monica:Well, I was having sex with my boyfriend, and I got on top, and as I was riding him he began to feel me up. He felt the lump, weird thing was he came right as he felt it. I got off, and felt around, and yeah there it was. Felt about pea sized.

Mr WGWF:Hmm, where on your breast was it?

She grabbed his hand and moved it about half way up on the outside of her breast. He felt around, and found nothing.

Mr WGWF:I'm not feeling anything, but I did feel something pea shaped around your nipple. How big was the lump you found?

Monica:About pea shaped. Could it have moved?

Mr WGWF:Not typically, but I want to feel around more, and maybe set you up with an oncologist. I'm not suspecting it's Cancer, but better safe than sorry.

He goes back to feeling around her nipple, when her nipple accidentally gets pinched between his watch and hand. She lets out a moan, and moves her hand between her legs, lifting her skirt a little. Pest notices and clears his throat.

Monica:OH MY GOD! I can't believe I did that, pure instinct. I'm so embarrassed. I can't believe I did that.

Mr WGWF:It's ok, it has happened a few times. Why don't you sit right there, and keep your shirt off. I'm going to go get a nurse to write up that referral, then I want to check it out one more time to be certain. You can, uh, finish if you want.

Pest pulls his hand back, and removes the gloves before exiting the room. As he leaves Monica begins to rub herself very gently. Pest immediately returns and catches Monica sitting up pleasuring herself.

Monica:I don't supposed that you'd care to lend a hand? I mean, you did tell me I could finish.

Mr WGWF:That I did.

He locks the door and walks over to her. She gets this excited look in her eyes. He reaches into the drawer next to him, and opens it up to pull out a little tube of lubricant. She notices it as well.

Monica:What's that for?

Mr WGWF:Turn around.

She does as she's told.

Mr WGWF:Now, if you could lower your undergarments.

Again, as she's told. He stares at her now bare ass for a moment, before putting the tube back into the drawer and walking away from her.

Mr WGWF:You need to get dressed and leave. I'd recommend you don't come back to this clinic again. One of the girls up front can recommend a good doctor for you.

She turns around to face him, still adorned only in her rumpled skirt, panties around her ankle.

Monica:WHAT?! You act like you're going to fuck me then kick me out, and tell me to find a different doctor? What the fuck is that? You don't want to fuck me or something, is that it? Can you even get your dick up?

Mr WGWF:Please calm down, I did not lay a hand on you for anything more than to examine you, you're the one embarrassing yourself here.

Monica:What's the matter, baby dick? Afraid to stick your baby dick in me because it might be too small to feel? Think I'll laugh at your micro-cock? Will you even make it in, or will you hump vigorously and only splatter my lips with cum?

Mr WGWF:I'd be very cautious if I were you.

Monica:That's it, isn't it? You have a baby dick. DOC HAS A BABY....

Before she could finish her words, his hand had found it's way to her throat.

Mr WGWF:And what do you suppose happens now? You suppose I remove my pants and force myself into you, and make you cry? Do you think I'm going to beat you within an inch of your life, and leave you in a bloody pool on the floor? Tell me, girl, where does this go from here?

Monica:Fuck you, Doc. Fuck you and your baby dick.

She spits in his face. He wipes it clean with his free hand, before balling it up and throwing it to her midsection. She cries in pain. He reels back to deliver another blow, but stops and reaches his free hand up to her nipple where the hoop lays. He takes the hoop in between his thumb and index finger and tugs. As hard as he can. The hoop comes with him. She cries in pain.

Mr WGWF:Get dressed and leave this office now.

Pest turns and walks out of the room leaving her in a heap on the floor. He walks casually into see the next patient, who happens to be Steve Sayors.

Mr WGWF:What are you doing here, Steven?

Sayors:I think I have an STD.

Mr WGWF:Great, I'm not touching your balls. What else can I do for you?

Sayors:Recommend another doctor, and maybe tell me about your match on Wednesday?

Mr WGWF:Oh, you mean the one where when I win, I take all of JTC's money? I'm a little disappointed in that match, Steve. He promised me he'd pay me Four Thousand dollars, the man has barely Four Hundred dollars. I'm going to take his four hundred, and what? Be left hoping he'll somehow scrape together the other Thirty Six Hundred dollars? Come on, even someone with Vinnie Lane's brain capacity can see how that's a horrible idea. It's like asking me to fight Theo for control of his company. He can't provide it, he's too much of a limp dick to handle anything right. You might as well call this match, Pest beats the shit out of someone else for fun. Hey, maybe Vincent and his friend will come down and interrupt the match to provide some sort of entertainment for me.

I'd love to kick Vincent's ass, again. I'm not even convinced JTC will even show up, he almost never shows up. In fact, has Cross ever accomplished anything of note in this company? I know he claims to have been trained by one of the best, and yet he fails to prove it. All he proves is that he likes to sign up for matches and just not show himself at all before the match. In fact, no one can even remember a time when he actually won anything, or succeeding in anything. I'm promising that I will not speak on the subject of Jonathon Cross until he says something about me. My lips are sealed.

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