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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Todd's best day ever!
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Hot Todd Offline
Best Damn Cameraman The XWF Has To Offer

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(can't get crowd reactions; awkward; probably going to be fired soon) 

09-27-2014, 07:24 PM

"What's up mother funners!?"

*Todd skips through a field of tulips*

"How much fun this week has been, but what have we focused on? Gator mostly, him and me setting up stuff for Love it but he's been awfully busy this week. He's got a title defense against Mastermind and he's made all of this possible. Bless his little cotton socks; he doesn't show it but Gator's a big softie. Just like Diesel, he's like a big greasy teddy bear, greasy cuz he's Diesel hahahahha... And Loverboy, you said Love it is about you because, hey Loverboy, Love it, makes sense. But everyone always forgets about "Hot" Todd Moschitti, the nicest man in wrestling."

"It's okay guys. I know I'm not the best ... Anything really. But, this is what I'm good at. I'm good at being, good. I've managed to keep a positive outlook in life after spending months with Gator. Do you know how cranky he can get without his cigarettes!? It can be brutal. But here I am, still happy and still smiling. I know, I can be taken as a joke sometimes but right now that doesn't matter. It's all about being a good person. That is what I do best."

"Now when I first saw the Gator put the card up for Love it, I was like."

*Cut to Todd looking at his laptop confused*

[Image: Sadmatt.gif]

"Wha-Whaaa? Huh? Why!? Nooooo!"

*Cut to Todd eating an ice cream sandwich at a petting zoo*

"Yup, wearing my favorite Gator shirt looking at that card I was like, wut!? But then I realized, Gator has never been nice to his opponents before really, I was his ace in the hole, I am the experienced one in the match and Gator, the Television champion wanted ME as a partner. It's a great having your best friend want you to be involved with a match like this. It's ... Awesome! How else can I explain it?"

"I can't."

"This is one of the proudest moments of my life. Yes I know, it's some dumb show and it's only a tag match, nothing on the line. But, this is going to be so much fun! And I will always remember this. Gator, Vinnie, Diesel and everyone else is going out of their over exaggerating the niceness, me? I'm being myself. And that's what this show is really about."

"You see, Gator likes hidden meanings and stuff, some small others kind of carrying on that just make the people who spot what he's saying go, ah, cool. Nothing important really, just these neat little things. Seriously, he loves that stuff. You watch one of his promos in detail you'll catch a lot of stuff you may have missed, well with what Gator tried to do with Love it wasn't for everyone to pretend to be super nice, but for everyone to show their real selves. Like see the good in people, sure everyone had a good laugh and Monday, everything will go back to normal, but just remember this past week, this week we're everyone has got on well and not been A double poisonous snakes holes. The week were people have said, hey, nice to meet you and good luck and have meant it."

"That's all, this week is just about saying have fun."

"And for this week, actually meaning it."

"So Vinnie, Diesel. Have fun tonight, and good luck."

*Todd smiles and the footage fades to red..... PANDAS!*

[Image: red-panda-17.jpg]

[Image: MImh2js.png?1]
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