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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Lessons from a Knight #2
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AerialKnight Offline
The Knight that Fights with Honor

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

09-26-2014, 08:33 PM

This promo is TV Y rated.

You have been warned.

The familiar happy piano music plays as the scene fades in on the wacky looking castle. The banners of the cast and the letters A and K are still hanging up there. However, something a little different has happened to the banner containing all of the cast members. The dog king, the cat queen, and the dragon are still in the same spot pulling off their previous poses. However, there is one completely new puppet that looks really angry just being there. When the CG sparkles come along and bring the puppets to life, the puppets, sans the angry one, dancing like they did previously to the music. The newer puppet just stomps as he dances to the music with his short feet and swings his arms to the rhythm of the song. The child's drawings on the wall depict Johnathan Heartsford's soon to be opponent, Frodo Swagkins, with a bomb for a head with very angry eyebrows. Another drawing shows Frodo getting said bomb head kicked off by the Knight with a single punt kick. The small and angry puppet, not happy at all with the drawing the kids made of him, starts jumping up and down to knock the portraits off. Since he's a puppet and probably weighs only five pounds at most, they stay exactly where they are.

The music begins to slow down again as the drawbridge lowers and the host of the program himself enters the castle. Johnathan smiles as the puppets take their seats on the round table. Johnathan joins them not too long afterwards, preparing himself to eat a grilled cheese sandwich with a side of salad. The scene then fades to the title screen with the sky blue background with clouds in it.

Lessons from a Knight

Episode 2: Frodo and the Short Fuse

The title card gets raised as the canine king, Henry, is talking to Drake the Dragon about something that can't possibly be relevant to the topic of the episode. Whatever they're talking about, the king seems highly displeased with it while the dragon insists on having him agree with whatever he planned on. As they continue their hidden debate, the man of the hour himself, Johnathan Heartsford, enters the room with a confounded expression on his face, just wondering what the two are arguing about this time.

"Hey, hey! King Henry! Drake! What are you arguing about!?"

"Re're rarguing rarout rickrames and rhat rould ruit rus retter!"

"Nicknames huh? Alright then, what names have you come up with yourselves?"

The puppets make a mock smile before explaining just what the problem with the other's nicknames are. The king tries to go first, but the Dragon interjects quite rudely.

"Well, since you've asked, I might as well tell you what our official nicknames are since the king will just get them wrong. I call myself "The Dragon King" while I call Henry "Old Yeller"."

The canine is staring a hole through the puppet while the knight can't help but let out a small chuckle.

"Rhat's rude, Rake!"

"Well it's far better than what you could come up with!"

"Well, I wouldn't say that so quickly. We haven't even heard what he has to say yet. Go on, fair king, what did you have for nicknames?"

Henry clears his throat to prepare the nicknames he chose.

"Rell, I ralled ryrelf re "Ring rof Ronror". I ralled Rake rere "Rhe ridirot roo ras ro respect ror-"

The knight and the dragon silence the king before he could finish his nickname.

"Dear King, please don't finish that nickname; you don't want to attract Frodo to our castle!"

"Roo's Rodo?"

"I'm Frodo you stupid son of a bitch!"

NOTE: The FCC did not censor the word 'bitch' because of a technicality. The puppet has been classified as male and is, by logic, a son of a bitch.

A voice that sounds like Eric Cartman and Alvin had some sort of godchild together can be heard coming out of the puppet's mouth as the camera cuts out the window to show the comically small Frodo Swagkins puppet as he stomps the ground hoping that would get the drawbridge to open, which it doesn't. Frodo is also very red, as if seething with anger. He jumps up and down in the vain hopes of that opening the drawbridge. Johnathan looks over at the puppet duo with a smug grin on his face.

"Yep, that's Frodo. Give me a second and I'll deal with him. For now, just listen to whatever this small king has to say about me."

The knight walks off of the set, leaving the two animals to listen to whatever spews out of the midget puppet's mouth.

"Is that b****** leaving? He better not be leaving! I'm going to make him eat his own s*** and f****** kill him with it! He made fun of my Queen! Yeah! my queen of the feel good paper lab! You want to know what happens when they make fun of anyone in my family? They get f****** up in the arena! Yeah, the arena where the REAL kings fight, not this pansy a** coward who hides behind his words that are somehow bigger than me! He only got two wins and both of them I could defeat with my bare hands tied over my eye! And I must remind you that I do have only one eye because I'm f****** proud of that s***! I completely ignore my family's wants and needs to advance my career and I'm proud of where I stand! I will kick his a** in five motherf****** minutes; and those five minutes will be the longest five minutes in his c********** life! You can f****** trust me on that! I will use all of my hatred towards that stupid son of a bitch and that reptilian c********* to take out that-"

Almost sparingly towards the already traumatized children and puppets, a cold water bucket is dumped over the small puppet, shutting him up and dropping him to the floor. The camera pans up at the knight, who drops the bucket to the floor and laughs off all of the words 'Frodo' flung at him. The puppets just stare at him before the knight responds.

"He needed to cool off anyways."

The happy piano music plays again as the dragon and the king shrug off what just happened. With that, they leave the scene along with the knight, causing the scene to fade out along with the music.

Singles Win/Lose/Draw

Tag Win/Lose/Draw

“Knighthood lies above eternity; it does not live off fame, but rather deeds.” - Dejan Stojanovic

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