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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
How to Make a Human Pretzel (RP#1)
Author Message
LH Harrison Offline
The Inspiration of the XWF

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

09-08-2014, 07:04 AM

The scene opens up to LH Harrison standing in the rusted gym in Hope, AR. He's looking at his watch and tapping his foot. He hits the ropes a few times just to warm himself up. He continues stretching.

Where in the world is he? He's almost an hour late. He said he'd help out with my Submission Match training. I wonder if this has anything to do with his job in the government. Maybe I should give him a call.

LH rolls out of the ring and goes to his bag. He unzips it and pulls out his phone. He has a missed text message. He opens it up.

Hey bro, I'm running late, but I promise to be there to help you out.

LH stashes the phone away in the bag.

Is he away killing another target? Is he killing another man deemed evil for the higher ups? I hope he stays safe and he is at least repenting for his sins.

The door cracks open and in runs Franky. He waves at LH as he runs up in a suit.

A suit, Franky? I didn't even know you owned a suit! It's nice!

Oh well yeah. It's kind of a necessity for my job for the business side of things. Plus you fit in a little better in corporate America than if you were to simply be wearing jeans and a t-shirt.

Franky loosens up his tie and pulls it off. He takes off the jacket and button up shirt revealing a white wife-beater. He takes off his pants and throws on some athletic shorts from his bag.

You ready to go LH? That feels so weird to call you that. Or would you rather me call you Croco, LH Hazarus, or Loverson?

He begins laughing as he runs up to the ring and rolls in. LH snickers as he runs up and rolls in as well.

I had to do something to get into the heads of those three. That being said, I don't want to get into the head of Mastermind. There's probably kiddy and tentacle porn in that dome of his.

Franky and LH laugh at the notion. They then straighten up and begin circling.

What would you like to work on first, brother?

Well I want to be able to prepare for anything, so... surpise me.

LH smirks and they circle around some more. They lock up in the center of the ring until LH locks on a side headlock. He tightens the hold, but Franky punches him in the gut. Franky flings him into the rope and swings around the back of LH on the rebound. Franky locks in a sleeper hold.

Ahhh... good, good. This is actually one of the moves I have to prepare for. It's one of Mastermind's special submissions. He...ahhh... calls it the Mind Sleeper.

You're telling me this like I don't watch XWF, bro. We grew up watching the stuff. And I've been watching this Mastermind dude. His submissions are his most deadly part of his arsenal.

LH begins to fade, but he starts getting that second wind and gets to his feet. He stands up and jumps backwards landing directly on top of Franky. Franky gasps for air. LH takes the advantage and rolls Franky over onto his stomach. He wraps the leg up and lays down on top of Franky and wraps his arm around the head of Franky locking in the STF! Franky tries to crawl to the rope, but LH wrenches it back. Franky groans and has to tap out. LH jumps off him and they stare each other down before they begin again.

They lock up and Franky gets the upper hand hitting a quick uppercut. LH is momentarily stunned and Franky grabs his legs dropping LH to the mat. He catapults LH up and he hits the turnbuckle hard. LH turns around and Franky kicks his leg out from under him. Franky grabs the legs of LH and flips him over. Franky sits over the back of LH and wrenches it back.

A Boston Crab. Sigh. You would think a wrestler that has lasted so long in the XWF would have picked up a better finished than a freaking Boston Crab. I think we figured out how to reverse out of this move in kindergarten.

That you are right about, brethren.

LH stands up on his hands and begins crawling quickly towards the rope. He gets about an inch from the ropes, but Franky pulls him back.

Oh c'mon. I'm not going to let you get to ropes so easily and neither will Mastermind.

Well I didn't expect you to... ahhh... but I figured I'd give it a try.

Franky wrenches back on the legs and LH is wincing in pain. Finally, LH pushes himself off the mat and begins to curl into a ball. He curls himself under the body of Franky until he's on his back with Franky holding his legs. LH reaches up and locks his arm around the head of Franky and nails a DDT. Franky bounces off the mat dizzy. And LH lifts Franky up and onto his back. He pulls on the arms of Franky and it stretches the chest of Franky out in a painful way. Franky screams in agony before submitting.

Whew. Thanks for the workout brother.

No problem. Blah. I'm going to be still for weeks, but I'm sure you're used to being turned into a human pretzel.

LH gives him a thumbs up and laughs. LH hugs Franky and Franky leaves.

Mastermind. I hope you're prepared to lose that X-Treme Title. I'm going to turn you inside out until you scream in pain for MasterDad. And then, only then, will I let loose the Second Fall Stretch and raise my hand in victory with the X-Treme title around my waist.

LH smiles before picking up his backpack and leaving the gym.

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