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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Wednesday Warfare 9/17
Author Message
John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

09-18-2014, 07:22 PM

[Image: qtjAJzn.png]
[Image: bYawwLZ.jpg]
Megasport Arena
Moscow, Russia

Warfare invites you to the Mini-Gauntlet!

We got a big show for you tonight. So let's get straight to the action, here live in Russia!

- vs -
Standard Match

The Monster by Eminem begins playing. The lights go out, and then when they come back on Mastermind is seen standing on the top rope waving to the crowd.

I Wanna High Yeah by Kraken starts playing. As the music hits and out walks Bane. Bane jumps straight up into the air and brings his fist into the walkway. He laughs as he walks to the ring. He leaps onto the apron and jumps over the top rope.

Woe goes right after his opponent underestimating Mastermind’s maneuverability. Mastermind rolls out of an attempted clothesline only to be met with a few knees to the midsection which causes Mastermind to fall backwards into the turnbuckle. Woe backs away a few steps and then charges at Mastermind, landing a massive splash on the opponent sending him dazed and confused to the ring floor. Woe lifts Mastermind and delivers a punch to the abdomen, Mastermind is doubled over giving Woe the opportunity to plant him with a violent Gorilla Press Slam. Mastermind uses all of his strength to wiggle out of the move which he finally does and hits Woe with a DDT that shakes the ring. Mastermind takes a second to compose himself and delivers a knee drop right to his opponent’s abdomen.

Mastermind with the cover…



Kick out.

Mastermind lifts Woe up by his head and whips him towards the ropes, Woe ducks an attempted big clothesline and bounces off the far side ropes only to be dropped with flying clothesline right to the throat. Mastermind quickly gets Woe back up and whips him into the corner. Woe smacks into the turnbuckles chest first. Mastermind follows Woe to the corner and rakes his opponents back and then grabs Woe by the face and smashes it into the top turnbuckle. Woe bounces off the turnbuckles and then falls to the mat landing flat on his back.

Mastermind walks over to Woe and then goes for the cover…



Kick out!

Woe slowly gets up and sees that Mastermind is busy yelling at the ref for a slow count so instead he quickly climbs to the top turnbuckle and crouches down waiting…

Mastermind slowly turns around to check on his opponent…

Body Splash from the top rope.

Woe with the pin...



Shoulder up.

Mastermind gets his shoulder up just in time. Woe pulls Mastermind up to a sitting position and immediately puts him in a cobra clutch hold. Mastermind is fighting it and fighting hard….before Woe can really put the pressure on Mastermind he instead decides to release the hold and instead kicks Mastermind in the back of the head.

Woe immediately pulls Mastermind back up to his feet and whips him into the ropes. Woe with a drop kick that hits nothing but air. Mastermind was able to avoid the move all together by holding onto the ropes. Mastermind hits Woe with an elbow drop and then attempts a choke hold but instead Woe counters with his own variation of a full nelson. He has Mastermind locked in and he is not letting go.

The ref is looking for a tap…

…but Mastermind continues to fight it.

Mastermind is fighting it, trying to get his footing in a desperate attempt to try and get to the ropes. Mastermind has one free arm and he is trying desperately to get a hold of something, anything to try and break the hold. Mastermind is starting to turn purple...this might be it...


Mastermind was able to use both arms to lock around Woe left knee and uses all of his strength to lift him up in the air and then slams his body back onto the ground with enough force to force Woe into breaking the hold. The move took everything out of Mastermind. No idea how Mastermind mustered up the strength to do that but he did it. Must have been adrenaline. Or cocaine.

The move however takes everything Mastermind has and he is laying on the mat next to Woe. Woe rolls over and manages to get an arm onto the chest of Mastermind. The ref slides in to make the count...




Mastermind kicks out.

Woe is huffing and puffing and looking for a house to blow down. Instead he’ll settle for Mastermind.

Woe pulls Mastermind....

Tile a whirl backbreaker, back up...a punch to the mid section and then a gorilla press slam. Back up...Woe goes for a suplex but Mastermind blocks it. Woe attemps it again...another block. Mastermind with an elbow to Woe face...and another...

Woe breaks the hold and then takes down Mastermind with a cross body block. Another pin attempt...



Kick out!

Woe is quickly back to his feet he whips Mastermind into the ropes and then flapjacks him.

Mastermind’s face smashes into the mat.

Woe pulls his opponent up but Mastermind counters with a leg sweep that sends the 320 pound man crashing to the mat.

Mastermind yanks Woe to his feet and quickly moves in with a punch to the face which momentarily stuns Woe, long enough to allow Mastermind to put his opponent down with a fishermens suplex. But he's not down. He pulls Woe up and sets him up for another but Woe isn't having it. He grabs the back of Mastermind's legs to prevent him from lifting up...


Woe turned an attempted suplex into a spinebuster that rocks the ring.

Woe goes for a cover but Mastermind kicks out before the ref can even get his hand down for the one count.

Woe yanks Mastermind up and tosses him to the ropes but Mastermind springs himself off the ropes and almost decapitates Woe with a flying clothesline. With Woe down Mastermind grabs the heels of Woe, stands over top of his man and places him into The Mind Controller(Boston Crab) and starts pulling back with everything he has.

Woe reaches out and tries to grab a hold of the ropes but Mastermind has him locked in dead center in the middle of the ring.

Woe is trying to push himself up but Mastermind somehow pulls back even harder and Woe collapses from the pain.

The ref slides into place and within a few moments Woe is slamming his arm into the mat tapping out.

Winner: Mastermind

Mr. some shitty fed
- vs -
Clean Lucena
Dildo in Sasha Grey's Ass Match
Guest Ref: Loverboy
RULES: Sasha Grey will be in the corner, naked and bent over. First person to shove a dildo up her ass wins!
OOC: Guest ref can RP to state their intentions, try to help someone or screw somebody over, etc...

Both competitors are already in the ring as "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane is walking down to the ring with special guest Sasha Grey draped over his shoulder. Loverboy climbs into the ring and leans Grey, who apparently is unconscious up against one of the turnbuckles. He then cufs her wrists to the ropes, pulls up her dress revealing her silky white bare ass.

Lucena is too buy staring at the former fucks on film star and current renaissance woman to notice his opponent charging at him from across the ring and with a clothesline almost takes off the head of the cleanest man in the world. Pest then climbs atop Lucena and starts laying waist to one third of the current trios champs.

Somewhere around the fifth or sixth punch Lucena's body goes limp but Pest doesn't stop which is apparently enough for Lane who after bounces off the ropes nails Pest in the face with a violent high knee. Lane picks up Pest and smashes his face into the ring with a vicious headlock driver.

Lane then stands up and starts laughing at the Dildo King. Lane then reaches down and rips one of the dildos off of Pest's face and then puts it into Lucena's hand just as the former US Champ comes out of his short term coma.

Lane helps his trios partner up to his feet. Lucena then surveys the scene and immediately starts yelling something inaudible at Lane. He's talking really fast and doing a lot of point at Pest and the dildo and the poor unconscious woman in the corner with the pasty white ass.

Lucena then grabs Pest by the wrist and pulls him over to Sasha Grey, he then places a Dildo in Pest's hand and while the man is still off in dream land jams the dildo and about half of Pest's arm up and into Sasha'a Grey fudge factory.

Lane looks on in both horror and amusement at what he is seeing and signals for the bell.

Winner: Mr. W.G.W.F

Lane picks up Lucena's third of the trios titles but instead of handing it to him he instead turns his attention to Pest and he lays him out with a shot to the face. Pest goes down in a heap. Lane then hands the title to Lucena but Lucena refuses to accept it instead opting to walk up the ramp leaving Vinnie Lane with not one, not two but all three trios titles.

As Warfare goes on, all of the sudden, yellow pyros go off and Dwight Schrute is seen at the top of the entrance ramp, wearing a dark brown suit with a yellow shirt underneath. He walks to the ring at a medium pace. Crowd is silent as Schrute enters the ring.

Schrute: Hello to all XWF fans.

Crowd cheers

Schrute: My name is Dwight K Schrute and I will be joining your puny wrestling promotion.

Crowd boos silently

Schrute: I hope to see all of the roster in good spirits. Good night.

Crowd is silent as Schrute leaves the ring

This will be a mini gauntlet to prepare us all for the inevitable return of Gauntlet City. It will be a series of 1 on 1 matches with the winner of each match going on to face the next entrant, and so on. Entry #'s will be generated completely at random. ANYBODY is welcome to enter. The winner will get to CHOOSE their entry number when the real Gauntlet City is booked in the near future and will earn $10,000 XBUX!

Opening Match
- vs -
Razor Ramon
Standard Match

The lights go completely back as the intro to. "O Fortuna" by Therion blasts on the PA. After the intro plays, the lights come up to a dark red, almost fire-like hue and mist pours from the entrance way. There are druids standing on either side of the ramp with torches crossed, and Cain steps through the curtain, wearing a long black leather robe with spikes on the shoulders, no sleeves, and his hood pulled up. He slowly makes his way down the ramp under the makeshift arch, his head bowed, the mist following him. He slowly ascends the stairs and stands there with his head bowed. Close up of his face reveals glowing red eyes, and as he raises his head the lights come up. Entering the ring he whips the hood back and stares his opponent down with a sadistic grin, disrobing.

Razor walks out with his arms outsretched slowly stepping out as his custom theme song begins playing. He has a toothpick in his mouth and he slicks his hair back with his hands. He slowly struts out to the ring. He crawls through the ropes and points at himself with his thumbs while stepping forward and then outstretches his arms.

The match start and as Cain attempts to make the first move he is interrupted by a toothpick to the eye courtesy of the bad guy. Ramon moves in and delivers a few loose punches and then a sidewalk slam.

The moves do little to Cain as he quickly gets back to his feet. Ramon tosses Cain into the ropes and hits him with a clothesline, again the move has no effect on Cain as he gets right back up. He doesn't waste anytime and headbutts Ramon. Razor grabs at his forehead in pain allowing Cain to follow up with a side russian leg sweep. He pulls Razor up to his feet and tosses him into the corner. Cain hits Razor with a giant chest slap that echoes throughout the arena. Another headbutt and then a violent overhead belly to belly suplex that sends Ramon halfway across the ring.

Cain pulls Ramon up to his feet but is met with an eye rake and then a powerslam that shakes the ring. Ramon goes for the cover.



Kick out!

Ramon get to his feet and pulls Cain up by rather than following up with a move Ramon decides to placate to the crowd a little bit.

A costly mistake as Cain uses the opening to take Ramon out with a running power slam.

Cain then backs away for a second and waits for Ramon to rise to his feet.

Ramon slowly gets to his feet just as the War Machine closes in and before Ramon can even react he is destroyed by Cain's finisher The Devastation of Man and then the cover.




Winner: Cain

- vs -
Standard Match

Gardenia by Kyuss plays as Gator walks out, he drops to one knee, with his head down and beats his chest 3 times,on the 3rd chest beat Gator quickly stands raising his arm as his stage pyro goes off. Gator then walks slowly down the ramp, he slides into ring and climbs one of the corners and raises an arm to the crowd. He steps off the turnbuckle and relaxes in the corner, patiently waiting for the ref to start the match.

The War Machine doesn't even wait for the bell to sound and goes right at the current television champion surprising his opponent with a Tongan Death Grip that forces Gator all the way into the corner. Cain follows that up with a few corner knee strikes but Gator grabs a hold of Cain by the throat and swaps places with him and delivers a few corner knee strikes of his own.

A standing drop kick later and Cain is now in a seated position. Gator spins up to his feet and pulls Cain up to his feet. He pulls him into the center of the ring and drops the beast with a spinebuster and a cover.



Kick out!

Cain kicks out at Gator quickly goes back to work getting his opponent up. He whips him into the rings but Cain ducks a clothesline but Gator manages to parlay that motion into a crucifix pin.



Kick out!

Cain kicks out again and again Gator goes to work but his suplex is blocked and reversed by Cain into a what ends up being three ribreakers in a row and then a pin of his own.



Shoulder up!

Cain lifts Gator up and drags him into the corner. He lifts the masked man up and sits him on the top turnbuckle. Cain then lifts himself up using the middle ropes to balance himself and then....


Cain destroys Gator with a top rope suplex and then places his foot ontop of Gator's chest for the pin.



Should Up!

Gator gets the shoulder up and shoves Cain off.

Gator gets to his feet and locks up with Cain. He knees him in the abdomen and then a snap DDT and then right into a crossface.

With Cain locked in Gator pulls back with everything he has. But Cain refuses to give up. He reaches out and is within an inch of the ropes. Gator doesn't see this as he is too busy pulling back as hard as he can. Cain reaches out again...



He got it!

Cain grabs the bottom rope with his free hand and Gator releases the hold and gets back up to his feet. Cain gets back to his feet and makes a quick move to hit Gator but Gator counters the attempt and out of no where plants Cain with the Disaster Drop(Lifting Samoan Drop) and then the cover.




Winner: Gator

Gator waits patiently for his next opponent, taking a knee in the corner and catching his breath. It doesn't take long before the next participant comes running down the aisle.

Opening Match
- vs -
Standard Match

The arenas lights go red and "The Fire" by The Roots blares out of the P.A System. After about 40 seconds Scully finally steps out on to stage. The fans begin to boo as Scully looks around and smirks. Scully slowly walks down the ramp with a cocky stride not giving a dam about the fans reaction or so it seems. Scully stops at the bottom of the ramp and lifts both arms in the air. He wastes no time getting in the ring, knowing that he can't afford to give Gator any more time to rest.

Gator attacks Scully with some stomps as he slides under the bottom rope. Gator then throws Scully into the ropes, tries to catch him for a back body drop, buy Scully counters with a running DDT. Scully pins Gator after that big move.



Gator kicks out.

Scully sits up and goes right back to work on Gator with some mounted punches. We don't normally see this kind of brawling from Scully, but it's a good strategy to use on someone who's already tired. Scully gets Gator and executes an inverted headlock back breaker on him. Scully then climbs to the top rope and hits a moonsault on Gator for another pin attempt.



Kick out!

Scully goes to work again with the mounted punches, busting open Gator on his lip, eventually.

Scully throws Gator into the ropes and tries to catch him with an Angle Slam, but Gator shifts his weight and lands behind Scully. Gator goes for a clothesline from hell, but Scully ducks under and catches Gator from behind with the Tazmission! Gator flails his arms, going into a state of shock as he didn't expect Scully to take his back so easily. Gator kicks off using the turnbuckle, and allows him to twist out of the Tazmission and nail Scully with a punch to the face. Gator throws another punch but Scully blocks it, and gives Gator a t-bone suplex into the turnbuckle. Scully pulls Gator out of the corner, takes him to the center of the ring, and gives him a pile driver! Pin by Scully.



Kick out! How in the hell is Gator hanging on?

Scully points to the corner and climbs to the top rope. He jumps off and executes the Untouchable (Corkscrew Shooting Star Press), but Gator moves out of the way just in time! Scully smacks chest-first into the ring mat.

Gator gets up and throws Scully into the ropes. Scully bounces back and runs right into the Disaster Drop (lifting Samoan drop)-- but wait! Scully reverses it into an inverted headlock back breaker! Scully throws his arm over Gator's chest, still hurting from missing that shooting star.



Gator moves his foot under the bottom rope for a break!

Both men recover at the same time now, though Scully has a slight lead as he's able to throw the first punch. Gator blocks that punch and counters with a punch of his own. Scully tries for another punch, but again Gator blocks, and this time grabs Scully by the hair and rams him face-first into the turnbuckle pad. Gator then carries Scully to the center of the ring and drops him using a spine buster!

Gator throws Scully into the ropes, tries for another Disaster Drop (lifting samoan drop) and this time he lands it! Gator pins Scully.




Or? Did Scully kick out? What's the official decision?

Winner: Gator

The kick out was too late! Eh, I'm not sure about that but the referee is sticking with his decision. It was very close. He might have actually kicked, but wait!

Scully pushes Gator off of him and sits up. He's arguing with the referee that he kicked out, but the referee sticks to his decision. Scully punches the referee in the face! That right there is a $2,000 fine! Someone take his X-Bux away after the show!

Scully decides that he's not finished just yet. He kicks Gator in the nuts and gives him a piledriver! DAMN HIM! Damn him straight to hell!

The fans boo the shit out of Scully. Scully responds to the criticism by picking up Gator. Oh God, not another piledriver. Damn it, Scully, don't do it!

And he does! A second piledriver to Gator. Damn it, why haven't we banned that move yet?! Gator's neck must be destroyed at this point...

Finally, some officials come out to pull Scully away from the match. Thank goodness. If John Madison took his job seriously, he would suspend this asshole for his conduct tonight. This can't be good for Gator though, he just got dropped on his head twice by that son of a bitch Scully.

But the match must go on. Who's gonna be Gator's next opponent?

Oh God...

Don't tell me, it's...

[Image: FXiLJY7.jpg]

- vs -
Standard Match

The Diesel Blues strikes up and he makes his entrance after the sound of the horrrrrrrrrrrrrrn. He carries the old WWF title and slaps hands with a few fans at ringside. He walks up the stairs and steps over the top rope and into the ring. He then walks to the middle and holds both the WWF title and his other fist in the air as he gets showered with that sweet retro 1995 gold pyro.

Diesel walks up to Gator who's just barely recovering from the attack he received from Scully. He looks like he's seeing stars still.

The bell sounds and Diesel looks at Gator, kick to the stomach, jacknife power bomb and the pin.




"I did it. I did it again."

Diesel is jumping up and down celebrating like it's 1995 all over again. He's ready for his next opponent, whoever that may be.

Winner: Diesel

'Big Daddy Cool' wipes the sweat from his forehead as he turns his attention towards the entrance ramp. Diesel may have won the match he was just in, but the war is far from over! Such is the way of a gauntlet and with that in mind, here comes our next participant.

The lights go out, and then when they come back on Mastermind is seen standing on the top rope waving to the crowd. A broad smile on his face and a gleam in his eyes. Mastermind is one cheerful chap this evening! Descending the ropes, he turns with a respectful nod towards Diesel, who returns the gesture. Will Mastermind be able to dethrone one half of the Two Dudes With Attitudes?

- vs -
Standard Match

Diesel: "Oh wow, it's like Wrestlemania 12 all over again, 'eh Taker?"

Mastermind: "Um, what?"

Diesel: "Guess The Dead Man's received one too many blows to the head. Don't worry buddy, I'll go easy on ya. Not!"

Diesel laughs as Mastermind continues to look confused....the master of minds, clearly getting his mind mastered by Big Daddy Cool. Luckily, the bewitching effect doesn't last long and Mastermind solves his bafflement by coming in with a Flying Clothesline! Diesel drops and Mastermind follows that up with an Elbow Drop! Perfectly planted into Diesel's throat! Diesel gasps and chokes, with eyes bulging and arms flying around, like a man possessed. Big Daddy Cool lurches upward and while getting his bearings back, he lunges forward right as Mastermind returns to his feet.


Diesel has speared Mastermind!

Without even looking!

Then as he steadies himself straight upright, Diesel begins serving some Back Elbow Strikes to Mastermind, until the master of minds is knocked into the corner. From there, Big Daddy Cool flips his hair out of his face and steps back, only to get Mastermind with a Foot Choke in the corner! Mastermind gags and gargles loudly as Diesel really grinds his boot into Mastermind's neck. Stopping Mastermind's relief, but only to smack Mastermind in the face before catching him with a Jackknife Powerbomb!

Big Daddy Cool covers for the pin!




Winner: Diesel

Big Daddy Cool gets his leather gloved fists up as he waits for the next opponent. Who will it be? Could it be his former rival King Mabel? Henry Godwin? Hakushi? SYCHO SID?!

Whoa, we weren't even close, because his next opponent is... SHADES!

- vs -
Standard Match

The opening riff of Denial slowly fades in as the lights very slowly dim to a dark orange hue. After a few seconds, the vocals begin as the silhouette of "Shades" takes a turning step out from the back, arms lowered and head down, wearing his trademark, orange tinted shades. He remains standing still with his fists held out just a couple of inches from his sides as a clear mist rises up around him. Finally, "Denial! Seems it had to come!"-- as the chorus of the song kicks in, his head shoots up and he breaks right into a steady march to the ring, shaking some of the moisture off of his face and body as the jumping particles glow under the spotlight that follows him down the ramp. He is the definition of concentrated intensity; muscles tense, jaw clenched, and eyes focused dead on the ring as he approaches and rolls in quickly under the bottom rope the moment he reaches it.

Hold on a sec... we get a close up of Shades' fists and... holy fuck, his fists are not only taped up but have shards of glass glued to them! Diesel sees this and quickly realizes that his black leather gloves aren't going to do him much good in this scenario. He might need to send a page to The Clique for this one.

Wait a minute... Diesel is reach into his tights for something. He pulls the object out of his pants and it's...

Oh my God, it's one of those free trial AOL disks! Remember those? Someone must have given that sucker to Diesel 20 years ago and he just held onto it in case of an emergency, like this one. Is he gonna try to bribe Shades with this artifact? Perhaps he wants to settle this dispute with a game of Frisbee?

But no! He takes the disc and breaks it into four pieces, turning them into sharp, jagged pieces that he's now holding between his knuckles! It's now an even playing field.

Big Sexy runs after Shades and lands the first punch. Keep in mind that, at one time, Diesel was one of the best brawlers in the business. The fans are chanting "you still got it!" as he punches Shades around the ring, and knocks him down with a big boot. I'm pretty sure he just went through half of his move list. Nonetheless, Diesel pushes Shades into the corner and lunges into him with some elbow thrusts to the face. It's those very elbow thrusts carried Diesel to a year long World Title reign back in 95. Shades is pretty cut up from those shards of compact disk that Diesel wedged between his fingers.

Diesel then takes Shades out of the corner and gives him a side slam, followed by a cover.



Shades kicks out.

Diesel throws Shades into the ropes and goes for another big boot, but Shades ducks under, runs off the ropes, and hits Diesel with a running enzuigiri.

Diesel feels the impact of the kick, but it doesn't knock him down, he just wobbles. Shades hops up to the second rope, cocks his fist, and jumps down onto Diesel, punching him in the forehead with the glass infused fist! That's definitely enough to cause Diesel to bleed some from his forehead.

Diesel is down to one knee from that blow. Shades runs off the ropes and pops Diesel in the head with a spinning back kick, knocking him all the way down. Shades pins Diesel.



Kick out!

Diesel is right back up as Shades runs off the ropes and attacks him with a spinning wheel kick, knocking him out of the ring. Shades follows up with a plancha, knocking Diesel down outside of the ring. Shades grabs Diesel and tries to throw him back in the ring, but Diesel overpowers him and throws Shades head-first into the ringpost instead. Diesel rolls Shades into the ring and pins him.



Kick out.

Diesel takes Shades and positions him in the middle of the ring. Could be Jack Knife time. Diesel lifts Shades, but Shades reverses the power bomb into a hurricanrana! Shades then takes Diesel's long ass legs and puts him in the Shades of Excellence(Sharp Shooter). Diesel tries to crawl to the rope, but Shades drags him back to the center of the ring! Diesel realizes he's fucked; especially with that old-ass, damaged knee of his that he injured simply from walking back in 2002. I cannot even imagine the pain he is in right now.

Diesel hears his knee give one final click and taps out!

Winner: Shades

Shades has defeated the wrestling legend, making Diesel remember times he was put in the Scorpion Death Lock and Sharpshooter in the past and proving all those knee surgeries still have a habit of catching up with him.

Shades looks to the entrance, and then it happens. The moment many of us have been waiting for!

The Crimson Face appears atop the ramp, arms crossed and nose held high with pride. He begins to glide forward, slowly, not moving an inch of his body as fans try to look down and distinguish if his feet are even touching ground. The lights flicker off and then on, where The Crimson Face is now suddenly standing on the top turnbuckle in the same stance. The lights flicker again and now he appears in the front row, still standing with his arms crossed. The lights flicker again and he's back at the top of the ramp. The lights flicker yet again, now showing him on the screen of the X-Tron instead of in the arena and there appears to be a rain forest behind him with some kind of large stone monument in the far distance that peaks up above the trees. Another flicker of light brings him back into the arena where he now stands on the ring steps with his arms crossed. He looks left… looks right… drops his arms slowly and steps up onto the ring apron, walking along it and entering the ring like a normal person. He is ready.

Crimson Face
- vs -
Standard Match

With the sound of the bell both men enter into a fighting stance, fists clenched and ready to go.

But wait...?

Shades drops his fists. Is he too tired after going through Diesel? He wipes his hair out of his face and just looks at Crimson Face who appears to be "charging up" for something.

Shades then does the unthinkable...


He's giving up this easily? The fans can't believe what they're seeing!

Crimson Face is literally starting to glow, crimson flames rising up from his body for a moment. Or is that some sort of crazy lighting effect form above? Either way, he is forming his hands into a ball as if he's containing some kind of orb of power.

With his deep voice booming through the arena for all to hear, Crimson Face lets out a massive roar!




Blue energy continues exploding out of Crimson Face's extended arms and straight into Shades as the lights begin to flicker and explosions ring out from the rafters. It's like a scene straight out of highlander as Shades shakes violently on his knees and lightning bolts begin to strike his body.

Crimson Face continues firing... HYAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

And then...

and then...

Complete silence. The entire arena goes pitch black for a second.

When the lights return to normal, it is SHADES who is standing tall over the kneeling body of Crimson Face!

Crimson Face: In order to ensure you fulfill your destiny tonight, I have transferred all of my power into you, completely revitalizing you.

What?!?!?! The fans can't believe what they're hearing!

Crimson Face lays flat on his back with his nose pointing up to the skies as Shades literally looks like he's been infused with the power of a nuclear bomb, his veins popping out everywhere and his eyes bulging like a maniac, and sweat pouring down his face as he looks down at Crimson Face with a frightening grin.

Shades: Thank you, my liege.

Shades drops to the canvas and makes the cover.




And on three, he leaps back up with his fists balled and his chest out, screaming to the fans!

Shades: Tonight is MINE! I'm BACK!

Back? What's he mean by that? Many questions are left unanswered as the lights flicker again and Crimson Face is GONE!

Shades with his new found energy awaits the next participant of the gauntlet.

The lights go out. The music starts to play...

the lights come on very dim with a blue haze with fog smoke everywhere. Eli makes his way to the ring smiling and taking is precious time.. he's in no hurry.

Shades has a smile across his face as he realizes who is making their way to the ring. Eli returns the smile as both of these men eyeball each other as Eli circles the ring patiently, studying his foe.

Shades waits patiently in the corner for Eli to finally enter the ring.

Eli James
- vs -
Standard Match

The bell sounds and Shades is on the immediate attack, lunging halfway across the ring and catching Eli across the face with a spinning kick! Shades flexes his muscles and plants his feet as Eli stands, and Shades throws a wild right with that glass covered fist!

Eli ducks out of the way and kicks Shades in the knee taking him off balance, following up with a neck breaker and a grounded sleeper but Shades quickly powers out of the sleeper attempt. Both men spring back to their feet, both blasting each other with sudden right hands, neither man even trying to block! Eli's fist beat into Shades' face as Shades' fist beats into Eli's face, and these fans are going nuts! Blood begins to splatter as a result of Shades' fists being covered in glass, and Eli seems to be the first to weaken as he stumbles back and Shades throws a wild kick his way but Eli drops down allowing Shades to spin wildly out of control and catching him with a big belly to belly suplex!

Eli drops an elbow but Shades is already rolling out of the way, both men back to their feet at once, both staring each other in the eyes as the fans are all on their feet.

It's then that Shades says something to Eli that seems unexpected.

Shades: Remember me, Jim Jones? You have no idea how excited I was as soon as I realized you were going to be a part of this gauntlet. It's over, Jimmy. You're mine!

Eli's eyes light up and he charges Shades so fast that Shades didn't even have time to react, taking him down with a huge clothesline from hell! Eli stomps and kicks on Shades like there's a new fire unleashed within him. Does he sense something we don't?

Eli rips Shades up from the canvas and throws him halfway across the ring, landing him right in the corner as Eli is already charging forward with the power of a locomotive, catching Shades with a devastating clothesline and smashing him against the turnbuckles in the process. Shades body slumps in the corner as Eli stomps him in the chest repeatedly and then peels him back up and drags him to the center of the ring... THE BAPTISM UNTO DEATH! (does the Big Boss Slam (baptism) and immediately locks in a arm-triangle choke)

Eli has the choke locked in tight as Shades' squirms in agony and the ref checks for the submission but Shades is trying to fight out of it with all his might, trying to roll himself back and forth and kick his legs around to try and ease over toward the ropes. The ref asks again but Shades refuses to give up!

Eli can sense Shades is getting too close to the ropes after all his squirming so Eli releases the hold and drags him back to the middle of the ring...

Small package roll up by Shades!



KICKOUT! Eli storms back to his feet and charges with another clothesline but Shades dropkicks Eli's legs out from under him, immediately following up with SHADES OF EXCELLENCE! He has that sharpshooter locked in! Are Eli's knees as bad as Diesel's were?

Eli writhes in pain but has a lot of fight left in him as he claws and scratches his way toward the ropes, pulling Shades with him. Eli grabs the ropes and Shades releases, putting the boots to Eli and kicking him out under the bottom rope. Shades immediately springs over the top rope and down onto Eli at ringside! Both men land with a thud as the fans go wild!

Shades and Eli both take a few seconds to recover and once back to their feet, Eli charges at Shades with a stiff kick to the stomach and then grabs Shades in a headlock, possibly setting up for THE CLEANSING!

But no!

Shades turns it into HEAVEN SENT! That rolling german suplex RIGHT INTO THE RING STEPS! Oh my GOD!

Fans: Holy shit! Holy shit!

The steps have been sent jerking apart, the top part breaking free from their base as Eli lays in a crumbled mess among the steel. Shades shakes his head and clears the cobwebs as the ref yells at them both to get back into the ring. Shades pulls Eli up and somehow musters up the power to hold him in a vertical suplex position and drives Eli straight down into the base of the steps with a sickening brainbuster!

Just then...


After a few seconds, the lights return and THE CRIMSON FACE IS BACK!

He's holding a metal briefcase?

Shades rolls Eli into the ring and Crimson Face enters the ring with the briefcase he's holding. Crimson Face pulls Eli up and holds him in place with one arm while holding that briefcase right in front of Eli's face. Shades sets up for it... THE BLACKLIGHT! (superkick) Shades just kicked that metal briefcase right into Eli's face!

With Eli clearly down and out, Crimson Face produces a microphone that he hands to Shades.

Shades: Some of you are going to have a hard time believing and understanding this, but if you have been paying attention you'll see how it all adds up. You see, my name, 'Shades' isn't just based around the incredibly cool sunglasses that I usually wear. I wear those shades as often as I can because I don't want my vision, my Angel Eyes, to burn holes through people who are less than perfect, but that's besides the point. There's another meaning behind my name-- I'm a shadow of somebody you all remember; a shade of a hero, if you will.

Fans begin to murmur amongst themselves.

Shades: Even I don't fully understand what has happened to me. Perhaps some kind of block in my memory has clouded my mind, but when I got the letter from that stranger inviting me to Warfare, it explained everything I needed to know and somehow, some way I just 'knew' I had to believe it and follow those words. What Crimson Face holds in his hands isn't just any briefcase...

It's my ticket to offering you people something you've been craving for quite some time...

A real, fighting champion.

The camera zooms in on the briefcase and it's... no way...

[Image: 247shot.gif]

Shades: Have you guys really forgotten Angelus so soon?

A massive pop from the fans!

Shades pulls his hair back out of his face and holds his hands on top of his head so we just focus on his facial features.

Oh my GOD!

It IS!

Angelus has been right here in front of us this whole time?!

Shades: Now I'm sure some question will arise such as, if I'm Angelus, why are certain things different about me? Don't concern yourselves with those thoughts. And if I'm merely a 'shade' of Angelus, shouldn't that mean the 24/7 briefcase Angelus won so long ago is no longer valid? Well, not if you consider the fact that the XWF has allowed briefcases to shift between family members and alter egos in the past. Anybody remember the debacle with Mister Mystery claiming Sid Feder's 24/7 briefcase and it being allowed to be recognized as official? Anybody remember that Mister Mystery never even bothered to cash it in, and it eventually was transferred back to Sid Feder? That thing was passed around more than one of Shane's favorite potatoes. And what about the Egyptian Snow Pharaoh and Dr. Zero antics? Actually cutting a briefcase in half and sharing it before Egyptian Snow Pharaoh eventually left and gave her half back to Dr. Zero?

He does bring up some valid points, but does this mean he is Angelus? Or is not?

Shades: So with that said, I see no reason why I shouldn't be allowed to return and cash in my briefcase right here, right now, on our very own Jim Jones James!

The fans erupt! They're all chanting "Angelus... Angelus..."

He puts his finger up to silence them.

Shades: But remember, I'm a different man than the hero you remember. I'm the darker shade of an angel, and I'm not afraid to cut and maim when the hero you all remember would have turned the other cheek. For this reason it's important that I shed the Angelus name, but I still see through the eyes of an angel, so you can call me Angel Eyes if you insist.

Or just keep calling me Shades. Either way, I believe I am the rightful heir to this briefcase and without a current dispute by a man actually calling himself Angelus; without any alter egos kicking in, or clones walking out from the back to say otherwise, I am cashing in right now!

The Crimson Face pulls Eli up and hits a leaping tombstone piledriver straight down into the briefcase, denting it even further beyond recognition.

Shades walks over and picks up the briefcase and hands it to the referee. The referee, still looking confused, finally walks over and explains something to the ring announcer.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, this portion of the Mini-Gauntlet has just become a ONE ON ONE MATCH FOR THE XWF UNIVERSAL CHAMPIONSHIP!

The fans roar, still breaking out into an Angelus chant even after all that Shades had said. It's just like when Kenta tried to announce his alternate name to NXT but the fans kept chanting Kenta!

Crimson Face exits the ring as Shades pulls Eli James up and into... HEAVEN SENT! His patented rolling german suplex pin has the unconscious Universal Champion down for the count!

The fans all count with the ref!!!




Holy shit! New Universal Champion! Right in the middle of a gauntlet!!!

The fans continue to roar as Shades pumps his fists into the air and Crimson Face, his apparent follower or something, claps from ringside while nodding in approval with his giant nose bobbing up and down with each nod.

Shades breaks out into a celebratory frenzy, climbing the ring ropes and pumping his fists and shouting at the fans who are all still in disbelief and loving every moment of it!

A few minutes pass as Shades grabs the Universal Championship and slings it over his shoulder with Crimson Face still applauding from ringside and Eli James still down on the canvas, covered in blood, completely and unexpectedly robbed of his championship.

Shades brings the mic back up to deliver his victory speech, but then, that's when it happens...

*clomp clomp*

What's that sound?

Shades and Crimson Face look around as a strange dialing sound followed by static fills the air...

Shades looks toward the entrance! He forgot all about the final competitor in this gauntlet! One name had still not been seen yet tonight!


The metallic menace marches his way down to the ring in very jerky movements, repeating the words kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, time, to, get, paid, time, to, get, paid and then suddenly takes flight as rocket boosters propel him up and over the ropes, landing a stiff kick right to the chest of Shades and sending the Universal Title flying out of the ring!

- vs -
Standard Match, non title, for the Gauntlet Win!

Already very exhausted from everything he just went through with Eli James, Shades is breathing heavily and seems very caught off guard. It's like he thought he won the entire gauntlet AND the title already.

Shades shakes off the dizziness and clears his mind as he stares across the ring at RoboWrestler1 and the bell sounds!

RoboWrestler1 takes choppy, awkward steps forward as Shades quickly circles around him and easily keeps his distance from the slower combatant. RoboWrestler1 throws a punch, literally, his fist extending from his arm but missing Shades who swerved to the side and charges with a kick to the stomach and a drop toe hold that takes the machine off balance. Shades delivers some quick kicks to the downed robot and then rolls him over for a pin...


...HUGE power out! RoboWrestler1 just pressed Shades up and shot him so high with his power that Shades flew over the top rope and landed at ringside! HOLY SHIT!

Crimson Face enters the ring behind RoboWrestler1 as the referee is checking on Shades, and Face leaps into the air delivering multiple kicks to RoboWrestler1's head before lifting him into a gorilla press and spiking him down head first. Crimson Face quickly exits the ring before the ref can see what he did and the ref just sees RoboWrestler1 laying next to Eli James who is still in the ring and starting to move slowly.

Shades enters the ring and pulls RoboWrestler1 up and into an inverted atomic drop but Shades looks like he hurt his own knee when he drove it into RoboWrestler1's RoboCrotch!

Shades signals to Crimson Face to distract the referee. Shades knows he has to pull out all the stops against this metal menace even if it means blatantly breaking the rules. He reaches into his tights and pulls out brass knuckles to protect his fist as he punches RoboWrestler1 right in the robogroin!

But wait!


THE BAPTISM! Eli James just drove Shades down with that huge bossman slam! The ref turns around and sees Eli up, quckly rushing over to let him know he's been eliminated and to leave the ring. It's not clear if Eli already knew this or not when he took Shades down, but Eli slowly leaves the ring, still somehow finding a reason to smile as he drops to ringside and watches RoboWrestler1 pull Shades up...

Blam blam thank you ma'am! Oh my god! RoboWrestler1 just unloaded into Shades with a million gunshots!

(i.e. Rapid gunshots from two guns he pulls out of his thighs. They have rubber bullets so this is when he feels like being nice. He also has guns with real bullets if needed for a kill.)

Oh thank god it looked like he was in a good mood because it looks like rubber bullets have littered the ring. Shades is still alive, but knocked the fuck out by the impact!

RoboWrestler1 steps forward.

RoboWrestler1: Not, done, yet. Time, to, get, paid.

He pulls Shades up... SPINNING PILEDRIVER! He must have gone 15 feet in the air with it before driving Shades down into the canvas! AND OH MY GOD, HE'S HOLDING IT INTO A PIN!!!!





You've got to be kidding me! A fucking robot just pinned the Universal Champion and won the entire gauntlet! This is MADNESS! (correction... it's WARFARE bitch!) Ok we stand corrected!

Winner and $10,000 richer: RoboWrestler1

RoboWrestler1 starts doing the robot in the ring, dancing around and singing as the referee hands him an envelope with his cash winnings...

RoboWrestler1: I'm, paid. I'm, paid. I'm, paid. I'm, paid. I'm, paid. I'm, paid. I'm, paid. I'm, paid. I'm, paid. I'm, paid. I'm, paid. I'm, paid. I'm, paid.

Crimson Face rushes over to Shades who spills out of the ring and he gives him back his new championship, helping carry the champion to the back, who still somehow after all this has the whereabouts to raise his blood and glass covered fist into the air while Face helps him limp to the back.

Meanwhile in the ring, RoboWrestler1 continues his dancing celebration as the fans have broken out into a chant of... "he's paid, he's paid, he's paid, he's paid, he's paid, he's paid, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!"

What the hell else can happen here tonight???

- vs -
Liz Hathaway
- vs -
Barney Green
Triple Threat, 1 Fall
Barney has agreed to step back into the ring to get a chance to face Blizzard, and Liz Hathaway also has some unfinished "blizzness" with him!

Ding ding! Triple threat rules! Barney runs up to Liz and hits her with a cross body, squashing the little cunt. All that fat and waste, piled on top of Liz. Barney just stays where he is, pinning Liz.



Blizzard breaks it up with a running elbow drop. Blizz looks disgusted after having to touch the worthless, fat piece of shit. Yes, he lost weight but he's still fat as fuck for his height. Blizzard kicks him in his head and then hits a curb stomp. Blizzard then pushes Barney's fat ass out of the ring with his feet.

Liz runs up behind Blizz and nails him with a roundhouse. She throws him into the ropes and drops him with a flap jack. Liz then hits a springboard senton, followed by a pin.



Barney reaches in and pulls Liz out of the ring by her ankle with his teeth. He then continues to chew on Liz's ankle like it's a piece of fried chicken. Liz is screaming while Barney eats her ankle. Blizz runs up though and takes out Barney with a baseball slide to the face. Blizz then reaches down and bitch slaps Liz. Blizz flips Liz over and bitch slaps her again... on her ass! Blizz is spanking Liz!

It's humiliating to Liz but not very effective. Liz breaks free from the spanking with a leg sweep on Blizzard. Liz then runs off the ropes and crashes into Barney with a suicide dive. Liz then tries to go back in the ring from the ring apron, but Blizzard gets up and knocks her off after a lariat. Liz falls with her head next to Barney's. Blizzard sees this is the perfect set up, jumps off the apron, and gives both Liz and Barney a curb stomp at the same time!

Blizz throws Barney's fat ass into the ring steps, and throws Liz in the ring.

Blizz runs off the ropes and goes for a bicycle kick, but Liz moves out of the way and catches him from behind with a sleeper hold.

After a while, Blizz starts to fade away, but Barney runs his fat ass into the ring and headbutts Liz off of Aiden. Barney then takes Liz and gives her a power slam in the center of the ring. Barney pins her.



Blizz interrupts the count!

Blizz takes Barney and goes for the 3-some (3 rolling northern lights suplex) but Barney reverses it into a side suplex. Barney takes Liz, throws her in the corner, and slams into her with a Stinger splash. He pulls her out of the corner and delivers a DDT. Barney goes for a pin


But right away, Blizzard interrupts with a bicycle kick to his head. Barney Green gets up and pulls a small pocket mirror out of his back pocket, flips it open and gazes upon the magnificence that is himself. Bliz takes a step back, taking it all in and then takes off, he charges across the ring and destroys Barney Green with The Ice Pick.(Spear) Barney Green flops around like a dead fish.

Blizzard then turns his attention to a slowly rising Liz Hathaway, he closes the gap almost instantaneously and delivers a perfectly executed Cool Down(Cradle Driver) and then makes the cover.




Winner: Blizzard

Guppy's Championship
Guppy Parsh
- vs -
Peter Gilmour
Extreme X-treme match
Note: Nobody knows what an extreme x-treme match is
Note2: Maybe Peter and Guppy can each explain what it is, and whoever has the best idea gets their stipulation

Our main event of the night is an EXTREME X-Treme match.

No, that wasn't a mistake, this match type does exist... We're just not sure what the fuck it is, so we had Peter Gilmour tell us in one of his promos earlier this week.

Quote:Peter: "Now what the hell is a Extreme Xtreme Match you ask? Well, the GMs of Warfare made me and Guppy decide what it is and if one of us pleases the GM's, one of us gets the stipulations put into the match. So it got me thinking of what an Extreme XTREME match is and I came up with a killer stipulation. It's basically an Xtreme Rules match but way sicker. I'm talking about bombs, explosions, FIRE, guns, anything that is sadistic, gruesome and violent."

Wow, Peter. That sounds pretty sadistic. I'm pretty sure a few of them stipulations would be classified as terrorism. But wait, Guppy and his pal also had some stipulations.

Quote:“Do you really think a regular, pinfall-ending match could be considered ‘Extreme Xtreme’, Pete? Maybe if it was just Xtreme, but really now Pete, it pretty much has to be A FIGHT TO THE DEATH. There will be barbed wire ropes, an explosion every six minutes and seven seconds, flaccid whale cocks hanging from four poles (one installed on each corner of the ring), and loaded grenade launchers will be hanging from the rafters on strings. Twelve flaming glass tables will circle the ring and the winner will be the person WHO KILLS THEIR OPPONENT.”

Jesus. This is pretty close, but I think the best course of action to take would be COMBINING THE STIPULATIONS.

Guppy's Championship
Guppy Parsh
- vs -
Peter Gilmour
Extreme X-treme match
Note 2: Bombs, explosions, FIRE, guns, flaccid whale cocks on poles, barbed wire ropes, grenade launchers on strings, 12 flaming glass tables, and shit covered tables

Wait, no one said anything about shit covered tables!

Shane Anonistrator: "I asked for them!"

And with that, we have randomly placed bombs around the ring, torches, random explosions, a gun rack, rocket launchers on strings, four poles holding flaccid whale penises, 12 flaming glass tables, and barbed wire ropes. And hidden somewhere beneath all of that bullshit is a wrestling ring.

Peter also put in an order for anything sadistic, gruesome, and violent, so there are some other things as well. Oh look, there's a table that's COVERED IN A SIX INCH LAYER OF SHANE 'S SHIT. That's pretty sadistic if you ask anyone. There's also a shit covered steel chair (we're not sure who's shit it belongs to though).

The bell rings and already Peter has a sadistic look on his face. Guppy, on the other hand, looks joyed to be out in the middle of all that chaos. Guppy walks up to shake Peter's hand. PETER SLAPS HIM! That bastard. He already trapped Guppy into this overly sadistic match, why does he need to show poor sportsmanship like that?

BOOM!what the fuck?

Oh shit, it was one of those explosions that Peter asked to be featured in the match. It was outside the ring though so it only hit a couple of fans in the front row. Part of the barricade has been broken to pieces. Did I mention that all the fans signed waivers prior to entering the building?

All of that commotion distracted Guppy which allowed Peter to knock him down with a lariat. Peter must have set that up, knowing it would distract Guppy! Don't underestimate Peter, he can be a very intelligent man when you least expect him to be.

Peter eyeballs the shit out of one of the rocket launchers that's hanging from a string. He pulls it off the string, points it at Guppy, and FIRES IT!

But a rocket doesn't come out! Instead, it's a spiked dildo that hits Guppy in the forehead!

Peter looks disappointed after that one, he wanted to see some rockets explode.

Peter takes Guppy and gives him a Samoan drop onto the empty rocket launcher. Peter then walks over to the gun rack and takes out a 9 MM Beretta. He points it at Guppy and pulls the trigger... and out comes urine! It's just a water/urine gun disguised as a weapon. This frustrates Peter as Guppy receives a face full of someone's piss. Peter gets mad, throws the water gun down, and stomps on it. That gives Guppy an opening and allows him to run up and knock down Peter with a leg lariat.

Peter is 0-2 with weapons. Guppy doesn't want to try any firearms right now, so instead he picks out one of the flaccid whale penises. He takes that whale penis and begins to choke Peter by shoving it down into his throat! Peter is flailing his arms, trying to get away from the whale cock that's being forced into his throat. Peter does the only thing he can do; bites through the whale penis, spits it out, and kicks Guppy in the testicles. Peter then takes Guppy and gives him a Samoan drop onto the fat part of the whale penis.

Peter walks over to the corner and grabs another flaccid whale penis. He spins it over his head like a helicopter, and then throws it across the ring so that it smacks Guppy in the forehead. Peter picks a revolver off of the gun rack. Once Guppy has recovered, Peter SHOOTS GUPPY IN THE CHEST WITH A LIVE ROUND! Holy shit, Guppy falls to the ground!

Peter tells the referee to check Guppy, to see if he's dead.

The referee walks up to Guppy and checks for a pulse... Guppy sits right up like he's The Undertaker and points to where the bullet struck him. It turns out, the bullet bounced off of his pocket protector! The pocket protector is bullet proof!

Peter shakes his head, he can't believe what he sees. Guppy runs up to Peter roundhouse kicks the revolver out of Peter's hand before he can take another shot. Guppy then clotheslines Peter over the top rope, causing Peter to fall through a flaming glass table on the outside!

Guppy follows Peter to the outside and is focused on the shit covered table nearby. Guppy takes the shit covered table, tips it onto its side, and drops it onto Peter! Holy shit, Peter is covered in fifty pounds of Shane 's shit!

Guppy walks towards Peter...


Holy shit, the corner of the ring exploded!

Guppy is on the ground with burn marks on the front of his body. He's in pretty rough shape, but he is moving.

Meanwhile, Peter had a table and layers of Shane 's shit protecting him from the blast.

A quarter of the ring is now completely missing except for the ring post which now has a roasted, flaccid whale penis. My God, have we ever seen the actual ring in this bad of shape?

Peter stands up, covered in Shane 's feces. He looks like a shit monster. Peter wipes it away from his face, just so he can see and breath. He doesn't seem to be concerned with the shit covering the rest of his body, probably because he's so x-treme.

Peter looks like he's had enough of Shane 's shit for one day though. He goes under the ring for a regular table. He pulls it out... and it's a new table... that's also covered in... Shane 's SHIT. What the fuck? Peter wants to no part of that. He goes for a different table under the ring. IT'S ANOTHER SHIT COVERED TABLE! Are you telling me there's nothing but tables covered in shit under the ring?

Peter's spent too much time searching for non-shit covered furniture though. Guppy runs up to Peter and gives him an arm drag onto the second shit covered table! My God, more shit on Peter. Peter tries to stand up, but he slips and falls back into the pile of shit. Poor Peter, I don't think he expected to have to deal with this much SHIT.

Guppy grabs Peter now, and guides him over to one of the flaming glass tables. He kicks Peter and gives him a powerbomb through the flaming glass table! Peter is now covered in flaming hot shit and glass shards. My God, he might have E Coli in his system after tonight.

Guppy walks over the ring apron and gets his hands on the shit covered steel chair. But wait a minute, he hears something. Some kind of ticking sound is coming from under the ring apron. Guppy lifts the apron and...

A ticking time bomb! It's set to go off in 3 seconds!

Guppy leans in on the device, takes one of the wires, and bites through it. The timer reaches 1 second... and stops! Guppy deactivated the bomb!

Peter attacks Guppy from behind. He then takes Guppy and gives him a falcon arrow onto the shit covered steel chair! Peter goes back into the ring which is slowly falling apart. Peter walks over the the weapon rack and pulls a crossbow which is straight out of Griffin MacAllister's collection. He points the crossbow at Guppy and fires and arrow that hits him in the chest! Guppy pulls the arrow out and throws it to the side. He walks up to Peter who's in the process of reloading. Peter doesn't get it loaded in time though, and Guppy takes him out with a spear!

Guppy gets up to his feet. He looks weak after taking an arrow to the chest.

He grabs Peter and goes for the GAMEEND (double arm DDT), but Peter reverses it and goes for the ENDGAME (package pile driver)!

Peter lifts Guppy but before he can hit the move


Holy shit! Another explosion! This time in the center of the ring.

Both guys are down. The ring is pretty much gone except for one ring post that holds a flaccid whale dick. On the outside of the ring is one last table covered in six inches of Shane 's lumpy feces.

Gilmour is the first to get up and once he does so he lifts Guppy to his feet and tosses him into the flaccid whale dick in the corner. Gilmour moves in and nails Guppy with a yakuza kick to the back of the skull. Guppy's face smashes into the whale cock and then he falls backwards into the waiting paws of Peter Gilmour.


Peter goes for the cover but there is no ref present.

Why is there no ref present?

Oh that's right, you can only win by killing your opponent.

Gilmour looks around confused which gives Guppy the opening he needs. He hits a small button on his utility belt and a grayish white liquid shoots out of it covering Gilmour's eyes.

Gilmour immediately gets up and starts clawing at his own eyes to try and remove the substance. Guppy gets to his feet, kicks Gilmour in his blubber and pulls him over towards the shit covered table. Gilmour is still clawing at his face getting the last remnants of the white goo.

The goo is finally gone and Gilmour's face turns bright red...

"Suck my di...ugh...."

Oh my God!! Guppy just took a handful of Shane Carvers shit and jammed it down Peter Gilmours throat. Gilmour quickly grabs at his throat as he starts chocking on the asparagus and nut filled feces.

Guppy grabs Peter by the head, places it between his legs and lifts Gilmour up into the air...



Guppy just powerbombed Gilmour through the shit covered table. Gilmour immediately tries to crawl away from the table but Guppy grabs Peter by the back of the head and jams it even further into the shit. Gilmour's entire head is covered in poo. He's trying to fight it and break free but Guppy grabs Gilmour's head with his free hand and now using both hands is pushing Gilmour's head even further into the shit.

Gilmour's arms and legs are flailing about but Guppy doesn't care. His face is turning red as he continues to force Gilly's head down into the shit.

Guppy then delivers a gut punch to Gilmour and suddenly Gilmour's limbs go limp. Guppy continues to submerge Gilmour's head for a few more seconds before letting go and signaling for a doctor.

A doctor walks over to the scene, rolls Gilmour over and with two fingers placed against Peter's neck to take his pulse.

A few seconds later the Doctor looks up and shakes his head in the negative.

"He's dead Jim."

Who the fuck is Jim?

Guppy Parsh has killed, literally killed Peter Gilmour by suffocating him in shit.

Winner: Guppy Parsh

A team of Russian Doctors converge on the scene and get to work on Peter.

One of the doctors rips open Peter's shirt while another starts charging the paddles.



Peter's body convolces but then does little else.



"He's breathing."

Peter starts choking up gobs of 's shit and then looking around the team of Doctors.

Gilmour gets to his feet, enraged. He uses his arm to clean off some of the shit from his face and then goes into full mode as he starts hitting doctors with Endgames left and right...



Another Endgame just for giggles.

Let the bodies hit the floor.

There are doctors splayed out all across the floor as Gilmour stands there, half covered in shit with a sinister smile across his face as Warfare comes to a close.

Next week, Gilmour fights Tommy Gunn's 8 year old nephew! And we will also determine a number one contender for Shades' newly won Universal Title!
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[-] The following 9 users Like John Msdison 2.Faggot's post:
Doctor Louis D'Ville (09-19-2014), Gator (09-18-2014), Great Buzzard Eli James IV (09-18-2014), Guppy Parsh (09-18-2014), Jeff Fairfield (09-18-2014), Liz Hathaway (09-19-2014), Mastermind (09-18-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (09-18-2014), Vincent Lane (09-18-2014)
Gator Offline
The Walking Disaster

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-18-2014, 07:50 PM


[Image: 4H375RW.png?6]
Check out Backstage Page for full list of XWF achievements.
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[-] The following 2 users Like Gator's post:
Guppy Parsh (09-18-2014), Vincent Lane (09-18-2014)
Diesel Offline
WWF Champion in Perpetuity

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

09-18-2014, 08:11 PM


[Image: D3sH9QK.png]RUNS ON
[Image: F86sS8z.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Diesel's post:
Vincent Lane (09-18-2014)
LH Harrison Offline
The Inspiration of the XWF

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Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

09-18-2014, 08:18 PM

What the....

[Image: yA7XLDP.png]

[Image: f9wsBWb.jpg]
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AerialKnight Offline
The Knight that Fights with Honor

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

09-18-2014, 08:53 PM

Wow, I am...surprised to say the least.

Singles Win/Lose/Draw

Tag Win/Lose/Draw

“Knighthood lies above eternity; it does not live off fame, but rather deeds.” - Dejan Stojanovic

[Image: Kb8kiu6.png]
[Image: Mr262Fx.png?1]
[Image: Qmzdsrs.png]
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

09-18-2014, 08:55 PM

It really shouldn't be that shocking that Peter came back from the dead. Remember his saying... YOU CAN'T KILL WHAT YOU DIDN'T CREATE!

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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AerialKnight Offline
The Knight that Fights with Honor

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

09-18-2014, 09:20 PM

No, not that. The sudden title change just caught me off guard is all.

Singles Win/Lose/Draw

Tag Win/Lose/Draw

“Knighthood lies above eternity; it does not live off fame, but rather deeds.” - Dejan Stojanovic

[Image: Kb8kiu6.png]
[Image: Mr262Fx.png?1]
[Image: Qmzdsrs.png]
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09-18-2014, 09:22 PM

Oh, look, Angelus is back.
Blizzard Offline
Big Cock

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

09-18-2014, 09:33 PM

This entire show.

[Image: 2v1u80y.jpg]

[Image: hw7M8KM.jpg]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

09-18-2014, 10:29 PM

shitty finish to my match but whatever i got the last laugh anyways! and next week i kill a little boy!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Blizzard Offline
Big Cock

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

09-18-2014, 10:45 PM

Hey Gilmour, thanks for finally listening to my "eat shit and die" advice.

[Image: hw7M8KM.jpg]
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Tommy Gunn (09-19-2014)
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Peter Fn Gilmour (09-19-2014)
Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

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09-19-2014, 03:07 AM

So peter Gilmour can die?

Well that just changes everything doesn't it?

It's almost like you can't believe the things that come out of his mouth.

Way to go Shithead.

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

09-19-2014, 04:47 AM

(09-19-2014, 03:07 AM)Tommy Gunn Said: So peter Gilmour can die?

Well that just changes everything doesn't it?

It's almost like you can't believe the things that come out of his mouth.

Way to go Shithead.

I didn't die I was unconscious

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
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09-19-2014, 04:50 AM

A Replay From Events Peter Pretends Didn't Happen Said:Gilmour's arms and legs are flailing about but Guppy doesn't care. His face is turning red as he continues to force Gilly's head down into the shit.

Guppy then delivers a gut punch to Gilmour and suddenly Gilmour's limbs go limp. Guppy continues to submerge Gilmour's head for a few more seconds before letting go and signaling for a doctor.

A doctor walks over to the scene, rolls Gilmour over and with two fingers placed against Peter's neck to take his pulse.

A few seconds later the Doctor looks up and shakes his head in the negative.

"He's dead Jim."

Who the fuck is Jim?

Guppy Parsh has killed, literally killed Peter Gilmour by suffocating him in shit.

Winner: Guppy Parsh

A team of Russian Doctors converge on the scene and get to work on Peter.

One of the doctors rips open Peter's shirt while another starts charging the paddles.



Peter's body convolces but then does little else.



"He's breathing."

Dead and revived.

Pretty clear there fatso.

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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John Msdison 2.Faggot

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09-19-2014, 05:44 AM

But Peter has always told us: "sadly you cannot kill what you did not create."

so this means only one of two very logical conclusions:

Guppy created Peter.


Peter isn't the devil's demon and is a puny mortal.

I hope Peter gives us an update when he's done getting hard in his moms vagina.
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Tommy Gunn (09-19-2014)
Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

09-19-2014, 05:51 AM

"Guppy is Peter's dad?!"

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

09-19-2014, 09:20 AM

if guppy were my dad, id ask to go back inside my mom's vagina...

and to clear up the finish to my match with guppy, I was unconscious from the stench of shane's shit. dude needs to eat better.. and the doctors reviving me was stupid since as I always say, YOU CANNOT KILL WHAT HAS ALREADY BEEN KILLED! So in theory, I never lost to Guppy. I was just rendered unconscious.. guppy got lucky but next time he wont be..

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
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09-19-2014, 09:29 AM

(09-19-2014, 09:20 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: if guppy were my dad, id ask to go back inside my mom's vagina...

and to clear up the finish to my match with guppy, I was unconscious from the stench of shane's shit. dude needs to eat better.. and the doctors reviving me was stupid since as I always say, YOU CANNOT KILL WHAT HAS ALREADY BEEN KILLED! So in theory, I never lost to Guppy. I was just rendered unconscious.. guppy got lucky but next time he wont be..


You really are full of shit.

Shane's shit to be exact.

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

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09-19-2014, 10:35 AM

Is Pete still talking about his mom's pussy?


I think Guppy needs a better contender to his title, man. Someone who can really kickstart the hearts of the XWF roster and make the fans jump out of their seats with excitement!

I mean me, dudes.

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The Return of The Crimson Face Offline

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09-19-2014, 12:00 PM

" It seems our dear Mr. Gilmour has become inured to death. "
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

09-19-2014, 11:19 PM

Inured? da fuck that mean? Bah who cares!

and Vincent.. no offense but guppy was close to losing to me

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Guppy Parsh Offline
Person Against The Rape Of Lizards

XWF FanBase:
Kids, disabled people, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

09-19-2014, 11:49 PM

(09-19-2014, 11:19 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: and Vincent.. no offense but guppy was close to losing to me

When? No offense, Peter, but I think this might have been you're least sadistic match ever :-P. When Stevil thought up this match I thought I was on a trip for biscuits. I guess that was the old Peter.

After you win the Universal title I want a rematch with you at 100%. Don't let me down, okay? :-)

[Image: H1oMImx.jpg]

XWF Top 50 of All-Time (#22 on 2015 and 2017 editions, #26 on 2021 edition)
1x RTX/Ruler of the Road to Extreme Xtreme WORLD Champion
2x Trio Tag Champion (1x as Tri Bute /w Ms. Diaz, Ms. Snow Pharaoh, and Mr. Supernova) (1x /w Benito Angelo and Jervis Cottonbelly)
1x Ark of The Covenant Champion
Winner of Gaybe Lincoln's XWF Tag Team Tournament /w Scully
Leader of the PAT-RO-oL's Anti-Rapist Division

Shoutout to Graves for the banner

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Peter Fn Gilmour (09-20-2014)
Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

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09-20-2014, 12:08 AM

If Shane hadn't eaten so many potatoes I think Pete had a point, Gup.

Not that it matters, man, you should be worrying about me now, not someone you already beat.

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Guppy Parsh Offline
Person Against The Rape Of Lizards

XWF FanBase:
Kids, disabled people, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

09-20-2014, 01:49 AM

When is our match, Vinnie?

[Image: H1oMImx.jpg]

XWF Top 50 of All-Time (#22 on 2015 and 2017 editions, #26 on 2021 edition)
1x RTX/Ruler of the Road to Extreme Xtreme WORLD Champion
2x Trio Tag Champion (1x as Tri Bute /w Ms. Diaz, Ms. Snow Pharaoh, and Mr. Supernova) (1x /w Benito Angelo and Jervis Cottonbelly)
1x Ark of The Covenant Champion
Winner of Gaybe Lincoln's XWF Tag Team Tournament /w Scully
Leader of the PAT-RO-oL's Anti-Rapist Division

Shoutout to Graves for the banner

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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
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09-20-2014, 01:52 AM

When's good for you, Gupster?

I've got Pest on 9/24, and I'll be off the following Madness... you're more a Warfare kinda guy, huh?

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Guppy Parsh Offline
Person Against The Rape Of Lizards

XWF FanBase:
Kids, disabled people, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

09-20-2014, 01:58 AM

Is October 8th okay?

[Image: H1oMImx.jpg]

XWF Top 50 of All-Time (#22 on 2015 and 2017 editions, #26 on 2021 edition)
1x RTX/Ruler of the Road to Extreme Xtreme WORLD Champion
2x Trio Tag Champion (1x as Tri Bute /w Ms. Diaz, Ms. Snow Pharaoh, and Mr. Supernova) (1x /w Benito Angelo and Jervis Cottonbelly)
1x Ark of The Covenant Champion
Winner of Gaybe Lincoln's XWF Tag Team Tournament /w Scully
Leader of the PAT-RO-oL's Anti-Rapist Division

Shoutout to Graves for the banner

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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
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09-20-2014, 01:59 AM

Let's do it.

Is it currently the Extreme X-Treme Title? You aren't gonna make me get shit in my hair are you, dude?

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Guppy Parsh (09-20-2014)
Guppy Parsh Offline
Person Against The Rape Of Lizards

XWF FanBase:
Kids, disabled people, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

09-20-2014, 02:03 AM

Maybe Shane will change the rules again :-P

[Image: H1oMImx.jpg]

XWF Top 50 of All-Time (#22 on 2015 and 2017 editions, #26 on 2021 edition)
1x RTX/Ruler of the Road to Extreme Xtreme WORLD Champion
2x Trio Tag Champion (1x as Tri Bute /w Ms. Diaz, Ms. Snow Pharaoh, and Mr. Supernova) (1x /w Benito Angelo and Jervis Cottonbelly)
1x Ark of The Covenant Champion
Winner of Gaybe Lincoln's XWF Tag Team Tournament /w Scully
Leader of the PAT-RO-oL's Anti-Rapist Division

Shoutout to Graves for the banner

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