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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF Live! » Looking for a FIGHT (or alliance)! Looking to insult each other (or team up)!
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Fair and Square... or else.
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09-04-2014, 10:15 AM

What's the matter? Lost your big boy talk after getting knocked out? Resorting to crying? Had Lucena deserved to win, he would have. But Lucena couldn't win. Even with the odds stacked against poor Luke Gunnar, he managed to prevail.
Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

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09-04-2014, 12:20 PM

Dude, you're delusional.

Where do you see crying?

Where did you see odds stacked in Clean's favor?

I didn't interfere in the match, I didn't touch Gunnar, because I actually respect the dude, and I sure as hell didn't resort to some one sided fast count to get the end result I wanted.

I'm also not the one stupid enough to waste time setting metal belts on fire. As soon as I get these bad boys cleaned up they'll be good as new!

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09-04-2014, 12:38 PM

Leather burns. And cheap tin melts. The leather will need replaced, and probably reshaped and redipped. Did you really believe you had pure solid gold, unmeltable gold at that? Then you must truly believe that without me Luke would have had a fair shot. Go cry some more about how Lucena got screwed over. Please, continue to cry about it. I will personally be at all of your matches until you either leave like Darren, or admit your inferiority. You're the new Peter. 2 and 0 with me, bitch boy.
Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

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09-04-2014, 12:51 PM

Come on down and get your ass handed to you any time you want, Pest. I'm not going anywhere and I'm not gonna lie to the world and buy into your egotistical superiority complex either, dude.

Ten seconds with some lighter fluid and this guy thinks he dropped my belts into a smelting pit. Ridiculous.

Just watch the match, dude! Clean had Luke Gunnar beat until you stepped in three different times! That's not crying, dude, that's just keeping your ego in check. You can flap your little pussy lips all you want, but inside you know I'm right.

You think you're god damn clever, don't you Shit Fed? You want to talk about wins and losses? How about mine? 4-0. And yours? 0-1.

Your smart ass quips don't change facts, dude.

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09-04-2014, 01:02 PM

Oh, little boy thinks he found some teeth. I've held more titles in this federation than you ever could. I've held titles that don't exist anymore. My real name is etched into the books of this company, and the WG WF. My name is a legacy, yours will be forgotten. You continue to cry, cry about how I interfered and cost Lucena, but is that really what happened? I had been counting Lucena's pins. He just couldn't hold the man down. I even called for the release when Lucena was in an arm bar and got the rope. If anything, I should have called the match then and there. Lucena might have won had you not come down to interfere with me doing my job. You cost your partner his match.

It was not lighter fluid, that I used. Tell me where you saw that it was. It was something much hotter. And longer than ten seconds. Maybe you should check out how jewelry making works, and investigate into how well your cheap tin holds up to heat. Now, again. I'm telling you that I will face you, and keep fucking with you. Your response? "Fight me!" I just told you I would. And if our past is any indication, I'm going to be the victor. Count your days, boy. Count them well, because I'm coming for you.
Mr. XWF Offline
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09-04-2014, 07:21 PM

Yo nigga how'z'about you find some nuts and light a fire under yo own ass AND AT LEAST TRY TO PUT UP SOME KINDA RESISTANCE AGAINST THAT BOY WITH THE BIG OL' DICK! Instead of robbin' banks and tryin' to see how hot you can make Lover Boy's leather pants, why not get ready to CUM......MY.......LOAD! Because by the time I'm done orgasming through your tiny dick you gonna look like nothing more than a rubber band EXCEPT THE DIFFERENCE IS A RUBBER BAND CAN HURT! A RUBBER BAND SNAPS BACK AT A NIGGA AND CAN LEAVE A RED MARK! You though? YOU? Naaaaaah. Ain't no WGWF bitch a threat to any man with a set o' nuts.

Promptly remove the MR from you name, ho, and insert the words DR. VALIDITY'S CUM RAG. BIZZIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH!

Mr. XWF's status has been changed to: Hitting that running clothesline into a Rock Bottom! You'll be looking up seeing nothing but my cock's bottom!

@MrXwF I'm cruisin for chicks baby! I'm horny as fuck! Who wants to hook up in the club this week? Drinks and Cock Bottoms on me ALLLL NIGHT LONG BABY!
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Vincent Lane (09-04-2014)
Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

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09-04-2014, 11:23 PM

Pest... silly ass Pest...

Let's just get to the brass tacks of this whole thing, and then you can back to spewing the same garbage over and over again. You know, all that crap about "oh, come and get it" and over and over...

You know, for a guy who seems to think he's so smart, that he's one step ahead, you don't seem to have basic language skills covered. You really want to argue with me over the length of time you spent burning something? Or what you used for accelerant? Semantics, Pest? What, do you want me to diagram the sentences next? Identify the prepositional phrases? It's called hyperbole, man. Exaggeration. Approximating, even.

The only important point is, regardless of what you want to say you did and how much damage you caused, I've got the damn belts right here with me. I'm looking right at them. And you know what? All I see is a need for some TLC, elbow grease and metal polish, dude. Some of the leather's trashed, sure, whatever, but it doesn't matter. You tried to make a statement, man, and you failed. You didn't do jack but look like a magician throwing fire paper around.

Pest, you may have whatever you've done in your past to make you think you're hot stuff, dude, but all you are is an anachronism. You know, there was a time when Larry Bird was a great basketball player, but he'd lose now. Bruno Sammartino was the greatest heavyweight wrestling champion ever, but he'd lose to any curtain jerker in the business today. You, Pest? You WERE. I? I AM.

Now, go ahead and run your mouth with the same old same old some more - I'll be in the ring. Winning.

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Peter Fn Gilmour (09-05-2014)

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09-05-2014, 08:44 AM

I'm going to call bullshit on you actually having them. You see, Diesel fuel burns at 210C, which is more than hot enough to burn the leather to ash in a matter of seconds, and enough to burn the tin out of shape in a matter of seconds. The problem with you, Vincent, is that for all your bravado you're an ignorant fool. You claim to have used a hyperbole, but there was no over-exaggeration. Now, do you wish to recant that statement, or call me out on my lack of understanding of the Language? Perhaps your grasp is off. An under exaggeration is not a hyperbole, and you were trying to downplay, not up play. The fact remains, though, you fail to understand what you're talking about, again. You're a simple minded fool.

If you've missed my point, that only proves how foolish you are. If I truly wanted to destroy the belts, I simply would have thrown them in the dump, or a furnace. No, I wanted to show you my contempt for you and them. I wanted a public spectacle of it. Show how sad and pathetic you are. How instead of going after a man you've been threatening, you'd rather go after cheap jewelry. Because at the end of the day, you knew if you came at me the result would be the same as it was the last two times you faced me. Let it be known that you're afraid of me, and rightly so.

Now, my history being an Anachronism, just another example of you not knowing words.

a thing belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists, especially a thing that is conspicuously old-fashioned.
"everything was as it would have appeared in centuries past apart from one anachronism, a bright yellow construction crane"
an act of attributing a custom, event, or object to a period to which it does not belong.

My history is not in a time it does not belong. Had I come in here and begun using the Hart Title to showcase my superior skills, then that would be an anachronism. Had I gone back to France in the Dark Ages and began to shoot people, Anachronism. Simply stating how my legacy is burned into the flesh of this Federation isn't. Stop trying to sound extra special and intelligent, Vincent. You're almost as bad at it as Peter Gilmour is. Remember that claim of victory when Luca, doesn't lose, Arzegotti kicks your teeth in. You got lucky with Azrael and Enigma, but you won't with Luca. Remember that.

Good to see you dropped your whole "Fight me! But don't actually accept because I'll just ignore it and keep demanding you fight me" routine.
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Peter Fn Gilmour (09-05-2014)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

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(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

09-05-2014, 09:43 AM

just stfu u loser!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

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09-05-2014, 10:13 AM

Semantics. Pedantry.

You didn't really want to destroy something, yet you claim you did destroy them.

Oh, wait, now we can have a conversation on the specific definition of destroy, right?

Better yet - how about you just pick a time and place?

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