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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Chapter 2: Familiar Trails
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Chris Fame

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08-31-2014, 09:28 PM

[Image: LkNQO2q.png]

Overcast skies bear down on the world today, with patches of heavy rain passing through. At a small truck stop on the edge of Amarillo, Texas just off of the I-40 interstate sits a bus befitting of a rock star transport. The dark tinted windows of the long bus liner held back the inside occupants from the weather outside. Familiar woman can see be seen heading across the parking lot of this truck stop towards the bus, clutching her coat together tightly and holding her head down to keep the rain from her face. The door to the bus opens smoothly, and allows her entrance into the inside. Once inside she shakes out her wet hair, and looks over at her other passenger.

“For Christs sake Chris, why the hell are we traveling this way again? We should've just taken the damn plane.” -Lana Marie

Fame looked away from the water droplets that were streaking down the window due to gravity, and up at his agent who happened to be soaking wet. It brought a small smirk to his face, but not enough to give away his full amusement.

“Everyone seems to be doing it this way, so we might as well too. No point in trying to be original or creative. By the way, where are my nuts?” -Chris Fame

She glared at him, and pulled the small bag of cashews out from the inside of her coat. After tossing them at his face, she took a seat across the aisle from him and rinsed the remaining water from her hair. He laughed catching the bag of cashews and ripped it open before popping one into his mouth.

“Next time you can get your own damn nuts, I can't believe we stopped our trip just for a bag of cashews. You're such a pre-Madonna some times, you know that? -Lana Maria

“Yeah I can be, but at least I am not bitching about how I deserve the world and all its gold right? Could be doing my best Kristen Silver impersonation then.” -Chris Fame

“Please, you make her seem like a sweetheart with 'get me this get me that' kind of attitude. If you didn't pay me what you did, I would've probably killed you by now.” -Lana Marie

“I wouldn't recommend that, your family doesn't work for the CIA and you're not famous enough to get away with murder.” -Chris Fame

“You make it so incessantly difficult to want to help you Chris, do you know that?” -Lana Marie.

“Help me? Even a good 'Doctor' wouldn't be able to help me. My stubbornness knows no bounds and my arrogance is limitless. Besides, I wouldn't even want a 'Doctor' to help me, this isn't my first rodeo either.” -Chris Fame

Fame sighed and kicked himself up from the sofa style bench seat on the bus. He made his way up towards the front of it, and pounded on the large door to signal it was safe to depart. Sure enough, a couple seconds later the bus began to roll back on down the road heading towards the destination of Columbus, OH. After plopping another cashew into his mouth, he made his way back to where Lana is positioned and fines a seat across from her at the table. The attractive thirty year old agent glares across at Fame, frustrated over his poor attitude. Fame simply smiles back, and dumps his bag of cashews down onto the table.

“So anyways Lana, you told me I am supposed to do a blog interview with some teenage brat here soon? We must be down on our luck to have to such shit public relations moves.” -Chris Fame

“You can blame only yourself for being in such a position. After the way you callously walked out on your last roster spot years ago, people don't exactly look to kindly on you anymore. It was at the X-treme Wrestling Federations persistence that we have you save a little face here. Plus, it is for a good cause. She has stage four terminal cancer. She specifically requested you, as she watched your growing up during her teen years.” -Lana Marie

“That sounds like a piss poor last wish, but it is what it is. Grab the lap top and bring it over here. Let us just get this over with.” -Chris Fame

Lana shakes her head at her clients comments, but gets up anyways to retrieve the lap top from the back of the bus. Fame peers out the window calmly, gobbling down a few more cashews as he waits. Soon she returns, both on her cell phone in contact with the parents of the young girl and the laptop in under her arm. Setting the lap top down, she turns her attention completely to the phone in her hand. It is apparent not she is speaking with the young woman who will be interviewing Chris Fame.

“How are you doing sweetie?... Oh really, that is good to hear.... Yes, yes you will be able to ask Chris Fame a few questions during the Skype interview today and he would be more than happy to answer anything you a curious about. We do have to be clear on a few things though darlin.... First and foremost, none of your questions can be towards Chris' personal life and solely has to focus on his wrestling career in general. We also request that most of your questions stay relevant to his new signing in XWF, but he will gladly answer one or two that concern his previous endeavors elsewhere.... You're ready to begin? Excellent, we will patch your through here in no time flat. It's been a pleasure sweetheart.” -Lana Marie.

Fame looked up at her with the total disdain based completely on her pseduo-sweetheart persona being put on display. Lana waved her off, and opened the lap top before hanging up the phone. She typed in the login details, and turned it face Fame as she hung up the phone. He shook his head, but quickly fixed himself when the young eighteen year old female appeared on the screen with a goofy grin. Lana pointed her finger at him, and mouthed the simple words of “be good”. He nodded and the session began/

“Chris Fame, welcome to my Evelyn's Heros of Wrestling Podcast. It is a great honor to have you as a guest on my show tonight, after all of the things you have accomplished in the past. Let us not beat around the bush here and get right into the heart of it. Last time wrestling fans were graced with your presence was under the Xtreme Wrestling Organization brand, why did your time there go from so great to so bad?” -Evelyn Ames

“Because the owners there had a dick up-- I mean I had a disagreement with management and we decided it was best we went our own separate ways.” -Chris Fame

Lana was two inches from cracking him upside the head before he correct himself. A slight chuckles escaped Fame, and even a little bit from Evelyn could be heard through the computer speakers. His agent shook her head and sat back down trying to maintain her composure.

“That is what the word was on the internet forums, and probably a good explanation for why the place went up in flames after you departed. But it has been four years since you last entered a live wrestling ring. I won't ask why it has been such a long hiatus, but I do want to know how it feels returning a sport you know so well after such a long time away?” -Evelyn Ames

“It is like riding a bike really. I made my name inside the wrestling ring, and it was a loud name at that. Now, after four years and a new company, I have to start back at the bottom proving myself once again. I have been in this position before, and it doesn't phase me. The only frustrating part of it all is I am stuck in a match with a group of people who act like they live in an alternate universe where murder is no big deal and reality can easily be fabricated. The closest one to sane is Kristen Silver, and that isn't saying much. We still pay bills and get taxed boys, let us be realistic now.” -Chris Fame

“This is very true, but maybe that is just what is to be expected of this new company you are joining. Speaking of your first match, you are up against some up and coming names. LH Harrison, Kristen Silver as you mentioned, and Doctor Louis D'Ville. Of those three, who do foresee being the biggest obstacle between you and a victory?” -Chris Fame

“That is an unfair question to begin with, because all three of them are completely different people. First off, you have LH who can't decide whether good or evil will help him win a match. Let's be clear with him, neither is going to help him win a match because he believes demons and possession are real. If you ask me, I think the “Good Doctor” should sit LH down for the vast majority of this contest just to work all of that ridiculousness out. But no, in all seriousness our Doctor friend is my only competition. Kristen Silver may not like the lack of acknowledgment, but the bitch is too self concerned with herself for anyone else to have room to. So because of that, I will start with the Doc.” -Chris Fame

Fame paused for a moment to take a drink of water from the near by water bottle. One can hear Evelyn cough in the background, giving indications of her illness. Lana sighs wishing she could be anywhere but here, and a stiff drink is starting to sound good. The bus rumbles on down the road, and the weather outside isn't letting up.

” Doc, you have got me so far. Your analysis of my being is pretty accurate. I am coming in to Monday night confidence that breaks the scale, but it is for good reason. It may not be your first rodeo, and you may have over come these odds just a week prior in my hometown. Unfortunately for you however Doc, you make this living of yours off inadequate talent. Your victories in these “rodeos”, as you called it, have come against talent that I laugh at. I did watch your match at Relentless, from the comfort of an executive suite bought by your boss. He allowed me to spectate and view the competition that he can provide, and I assure you the members in our match didn't even make my top ten list. I am not afraid of this “fierce” competition you claim are there. I have met squirrels that strike more fear than the eleven people I will be facing Monday. You asked me, am I disappointed to be in this session with you? I answer you simply with absolutely not. I am disappointed in the competition you present. You talk a lot, we are at five times not if I haven't lost count. If you remember one thing with me sir, remember that it is quality not quantity that counts. I will see you Monday Doc, making that reality of your two title shots nothing more than a dream.” -Chris Fame

“Very well said Mr. Fame, as I also believe that he is your strongest opponent as well. Now next I want to ask you about Kri--” -Evelyn Ames

Before she can finish her statement, the everything went black on the bus. The computer screen, all the lights, and the last thing that can be heard is Chris Fame's voice before the crash is heard.

“What the fuck...” -Chris Fame


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