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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
The Adventures of Gator #2: A Man Walks Into A Bar
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Gator Offline
The Walking Disaster

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-31-2014, 07:22 AM

*Gator and Todd sit in their base of operations (Gator’s living room) waiting for crime to happen*

Narrator: “We join our dynamic duo in the Gator cave! The pair, ever vigilant, scan the waves waiting for evil to peek its ugly head!”

*The pair sit on the couch watching TV. Gator smoking and Todd sipping on a can of coke*

TV: “In other news, there are still no leads to the brutal homicide and attempted burglary at the A Bank in Boston the other day. Police have been investigating the rumours that a Deadpool impersonator atte-“

*Gator throws the remote at the TV, smashing the screen*


T: “Gator, you have to understand that not everyone watches wrestling. You do look a little like Deadpool with that mask. Especially now you have a full superhero costume.”

“People should be able to tell the difference! I’m doing all this good in the world and for what? Deadpool gets all the attention! Fuck!”

*Static comes from the nearby radio. Both men turn their attention to it*

Radio: *tsschhh* All units, all units please respond to a hostage situation at the Beacon Hill Pub on Charles Street, all-

*Gator throws a spare boot at the radio and gets to his feet, pointing at the door*


*Gator runs to the door and kicks it open, he runs to his Camaro, Todd following. They get to the car doors*


T: “We’re already here.”

“Oh yeah. You’re right... Hop in and let’s blow this Popsicle stand!”

*Both men enter the car and buckle their seatbelts. Safety first! They race off and the footage transitions to Beacon Hill Pub, we’re we see a man with a gun pointed at a woman and child*

“On the other side of town, we see evil’s head bulging! Throbbing in fact! As one of Boston’s many evil doers is in the process of frightening innocents!”

Woman: “Why are you doing this!?”

*The woman cries holding the child in her arms as they both kneel on the wooden floor of the pub*

Thug: “I do it for da lulZ!!!”

Woman: “You’re insane!”

Thug: “Am I? I’m not the crazy bitch who brought her child to a bar at midnight!”

Woman: “Well I needed a buzz and I couldn’t find a babysitter! Don’t judge me!”

Thug: “I will judge will you!”

*The thug aims the gun at the woman’s head and pulls back on the hammer. The child cries into his mother’s chest*

Woman: “Only God can judge me.”

Thug: “Oh, he’ll be the judge soon enough.”

*The door slams onto the floor as Gator stands there with his fists clenched*

“I am GOD!

Thug: “Oh shit! It’s Gator!”

*Gator stands up straight. A smile under his mask*

“YES! Finally, you watch XWF?”

*Gator slowly begins to walk around the bar, as the thug points the gun at him*

Thug: “Yeah, every week.”

“Who’s your favourite wrestler? And there is a right and wrong answer here by the way.”

*Gator still walking, tries to take attention away from the innocuous hostages*

Thug: “It’s actually... You.”

“You’re not lying to me right?”

Thug: “No. Seriously, I’ve been a huge fan since J-Pro.”

*Gator seems a little taken back from the thug’s response. He walks to a wall and leans up against it, the thug still pointing the gun at Gator, now has his back to the hostages and Todd*

Thug: “I have to ask. Why do you call yourself Gator and the walking disaster?”

*Gator seems happy to tell the story as he lights up a cigarette*

“Well, Gator came from my first match when I was 17. I went into the match as Jacob Woods, but the commentator for the event kept saying ‘Jacob Woods, quick and as ferocious as the snap of a gator’s jaws.’ From then it just stuck. So I changed my ring name to Gator, because I liked the sound of it better. The Walking Disaster comes from me walking into the ring and causing a disaster area. Again, another commentator quote. HA, I’m happy someone finally asked.”

*Todd sneaks up to the mother and child as Gator distracts the thug. He begins to slowly lead them out of the pub*

Thug: “Wow. That’s so cool. I kinda feel bad that I have to kill you now.”

*The thug aims at Gator’s head and slowly begins to press his finger against the trigger*

“The feelings mutual.”

*The gun fires but Gator dodges right and the bullet blows a hole into the wall, splintering the wooden panels. Gator flicks the cigarette towards the thug and hits him in the eye, singeing his retina. The thug throws himself back with a pained scream, holding his eye. Gator charges the thug and throws him into the air, the thug hits the ceiling with a thud and falls to Gator who jumps and catches him and throws the thug onto the ground delivering a Disaster Drop! Gator kips up and looks at the thug who lies twitching in a small crater on the floor. Wooden planks from the floor impaled throughout his body, blood spurting from every orifice*

“Whoops. I forget my own strength sometimes... I can’t even think of a one liner for this situation... See ya dude.”

*Gator leaves the corpse on the floor and walks out of the pub, as the show slowly fades to commercial*

*We see a large dark room. Several men cloaked in shadow meet at a table, a single light shines over the middle*

“Meanwhile at The Legion of Doom! ... I’ve just been informed that this is in fact not the Legion of Doom, but in fact. The headquarters of E.V.E.L!”

Shadowed figure: “Gentlemen. Let the meeting of Extreme Violence & Extreme Love commence! First on the agenda, the changing of the name. Hammer Fist, you have the floor.”

*A large man with hammers for fist stands up and shows himself in the light*

“Hammer Fist thinks having love in our name is a stupid idea. Hammer Fist requests that we rid love from our title!”

Shadowed figure: “No.”

*Hammer Fist sits back down*

Shadowed figure: “Next, we must deal with this Gator character. He’s been causing a bit of trouble with our faceless henchman. Anyone wish to take down Gator for good?”

*Hammer Fist slams the table as he stands back up*

“Hammer Fist shall destroy puny Gator with many hammering fists!”

*The shadowed figure sighs*

Shadowed figure: “How about former WWF superstar Steve Keirn aka Skinner? You have experience with killing gators.”

*Skinner is shown holding a mop, looking confused*

Skinner: “That was just for show, I’m retired anyway. Can you guys just let me mop up please.”

Shadowed figure: “Fine! Curse you Skinner! Curse your old bones! Hammer Fist, you get the honor of killing Gator!”

*Hammer Fist pumps his hammer fist*

“Hammer Fist will not disappoint you boss!”

*The shadowed figure shows himself to the light, showing a fat man in a white suit with a goatee. He presses his finger tips together*

“Oh NO! That’s Mendoza! The scourge of Boston! And the occasional villain in the ‘Let’s Pin...’ Series!”

Mendoza: “You better not disappoint me! Get Gator and make quick work of him or suffer the wrath of Mendoza!”

*Mendoza laughs and we fade to Gator and Todd in their car*

“Gator unaware of the trouble afoot, contemplates his actions in the bar.”

“What dark thoughts lie underneath that mask?”

“What sorrow lies in his eyes?”

“Was killing a man tonight, truly worth saving innocent lives?”

“These my friends are the answers we must seek. What does it truly mean to be a hero and a champion!”

“Our thoughts go out to you Gator, my you find solace in your thou-“

“One tequila, Two tequila, Three tequila FLOOR!

*Gator laughs*

“Why do I always think of the best one liners after I’ve left?”

T: “... You’re sick.”


[Image: 4H375RW.png?6]
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