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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "CCPE Cannabis Cup 2022" RP Board
REPOST from Old Boards - Suke vs Crane RP 2 - A Piece by Piece Destruction
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Sebastian Duke Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

01-07-2013, 07:47 PM

***Sebastian Duke walks the shores of his favorite lake. It's his favorite time of day. After the darkness falls over the land.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "I love the darkness. Especially during the winter months. Not many people are out at night. The air is so crisp. Refreshing really. The air fills your lungs with an undescribable feeling."

***He stares off into the distance. Seemingly unaware of the world around him. Just a cold, dead, blank stare.

***Duke has just entered the residence of Asmodeus. Not saying a word he sits on the old antique sofa.

ASMODEUS: "Ahh. My son. What brings you in?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "That dream with Nick Ryan."

ASMODEUS: "You had a dream about Nick Ryan? Who is Nick Ryan?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "The man that tried to kill me many years ago."

ASMODEUS: "Really? I'm unaware of this Nick Ryan character."

***Duke snaps back to reality...

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "First of all Crane, no one gives a damn about your freakin' hoodie. Comic books? Really? Comic books? I thought this was 2012. Almost 2013. Not the 60's.

"You think we're destined to do this forever, Crane? I got some insider information for ya! After I get done with you, trust me, you won't want any part of Sebastian Duke ever again."

***Duke ones out again. His detachment from reality is becoming more and more frequent. Although, it's unknown if he even knows he zones out.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "How could you forget? How could you forget about a man that tried to kill your only son?"

ASMODEUS: "Forgive me, Sebastian. I have no idea who Nick Ryan IS! Perhaps, you have the wrong name. Perhaps it was a false dream."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "You can't be serious. All of the dreams I've had over the last few weeks, none of them have been false! That last one I had with Unknown Soldier! I drank that goblet of blood and whatever! I woke up with blood dripping town my chin!"

***Again, back to reality.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Good guy? Bad guy? Trust me, there is no difference. I'm slowly coming to the realization that there is no such thing as good. See, Martin Luther King once had a dream, that all men were created equal. I think he misinterpreted that dream. I'm positive now that what he meant was all men are created evil. Slowly, but surely, Benjamin Crane, I am rediscovering my evil side. And I need to tell you.... I'm beginning to like it...

"As far as Asmodeus goes. Don't you worry about him. My relationship with him has survived much worse. After all, he is my father. Sometimes when your child gets out of line, they must be shown a little tough love. That's all that was."

ASMODEUS: "I understand full well of those dreams Sebastian. I am not sure what it is in this dream. And why it is different from the others!"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "This is unbelievable!"

ASMODEUS: "I know you do not like discussing them, but, perhaps this time you should make an exception. Tell me..... Sebastian.... tell me your dream..."


***Reality.... again...

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "You say you want to help me Crane? Are all you Crane's psychiatrists? Will Frasier and Niles be there? Will I have to fly to Seattle? I hate Seattle. I just hope Daffney offers me coffee.

"You stupid, mildly , little fool! You can't help those that don't want to be helped. You can't kill those that don't want to be killed. You can't hunt those, that are the hunters, Crane. I'm the hunter, you're the prey. Accept it. It is reality."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "You were there. You had me entranced. Trying to get me to remember my past. I was in some alley. London, I think. Anyhow, a guy was stalking me. Snuck up from behind and hit me with something. Knocking me out. I woke up and I was attached to a torture rack. This Nick Ryan, he told me he intended to kill me. He played Mozart and said when the song was over, the end of my life would begin. Long story short, I broke free and escaped. In the dream, you told me his name was Nick Ryan."

ASMODEUS: "I see. Sebastian, I am now aware of what and more importantly, who, this Nick Ryan is!"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "You also told me he lives and breathes and inhabits the XWF today. You were going to tell me his name, but I woke up."

ASMODEUS: "The name was NOT Nick Ryan, the name is NICK DONNELLY. And he does inhabit the X-Treme Wrestling Federation today! I'm not sure where the name Ryan came from, but I ensure you, it is incorrect. Donnelly is the name. As far as just whom he is now, I can not say for sure. I have my suspects."

***Duke nods his head, stands, and walks out of the residence.

***Reality... again...

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Benjamin Crane, in that book of lies known as the Holy Bible, my favorite piece is Psalm 23:4. Even though I walk throught the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. This is especially true for you this week Benjamin. You indeed, walk through the valley, I AM the shadow of death, and after the dust settles and the smoke clears on Warfare, you will fear me....

"Until next time, Benjamin Crane....."

***Sebastian Duke nods toward the camera, then walks off in the distance. Into the cold darkness he so loves.
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