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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 1 (August 22nd) PPV RP Archive
Some Words For Sacrelidge(Rp 7)
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Cain Offline
The Last Son of Eden

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

08-19-2014, 06:26 AM

This particular scene opened innocently enough. It's a new day in Cain land. But the nightmare...the everlasting horror of Cain's never subsides. An old, broken down graveyard. An older broken down church in the background. And in the midst of it all? At high noon? The Original Beast. The first murderer. Cain. He is dressed casually. Blue jeans, black wifebeater. Aviator shades. He stares off into the distance, speaking to noone in particular.

"Beautiful emptiness. Not a living soul around for miles. Definitely no Sacrelidge."

He sighed and slid his hands into his pockets. Then he smirked.



He scoffed at the thought of his opponent at Relentless. From the look on his face, you could tell that he wasn't worried in the least bit. He looked down and spat on the earth, steam rising from his saliva. Hallowed ground was not very welcoming to him. Believe me on this.

"Sacrelidge, you almost had me interested when you had the balls to challenge me. At least I think it was you who challenged me. Or maybe not. No matter. But you know what, Nut Sac? I am not amused by your antics as of late. Let me tell you exactly why. As I have said before, you are not in my league. I thought maybe you could offer me a bit of competition. But dissappoint me."

He pulled a cigarette out of the pack in his pocket, striking his zippo and lighting it.

"I am the World's first murderer..."

Puff puff. "...And I am one of the most decorated stars in, to quote Tony Schiavone, the history of our sport. So you think I am like Steve Davids and I follow scripts that make our match seem like an episode of..." He ducks the cigarette, ashes falling into an open grave. "...days of our lives. Or Passions. But Sacrelidge, above everything, I am a professional. You dream of usurping me as the Leonardo Davinci of murder but you don't realize that when we step into the ring..."

He flicked the cigarette off to the side then stared straight into the camera.

"...I will fucking end your miserable life. Do you not understand that what Pest said was out of sheer jealously? Did you think that because he, like you, was on my balls so much that I was some curtain jerker you could come in and get an easy win over? Make a name for yourself? No...not at my expense. See, I've lost matches. Hell, I was screwed out of the Television championship. Do you not understand what I am getting at? I can be beaten, just not by sub lifeforms like you. You. Cannot. Beat. Me."

His title reigns and accomplishments prior to his career in XWF had outnumbered his losses. But noone understood that. In his mind, in his heart, he knew their opinions were shit. He knew he was the best in the business. Or at least he could be. He glanced down at the open grave with a low, feral growl. You could see his eyes flashing under his shades. His voice deepened, eyes burning with hellfire.

"You sit there and you murder people who mean nothing to me. You think that I would let you steal my host? That girl you supposedly kidnapped from the Seven Eleven? That's YOUR actress. I don't have actresses, you fucking idiot. Do you know why? Because this isn't a gimmick! These fangs are real! These are not fucking contacts!"His voice normalizing, a smirk spreading across his face. "...and my prize? She is in the hands of The Brotherhood. She is safe. But you?"

The emotion left his eyes and he spoke forebodingly.

"'re dead meat, bitch. Believe that.


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