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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Addressing the Nation (RP 2)
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Kennedy Nikomedes Offline
For America!

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

08-11-2014, 04:23 AM

Kennedy Nikomedes is dressed in his absolute best this evening. He sits in the Office of the Governor with one camera in front of him. Numerous production assistants are milling about, tirelessly working to get things ready for the national address. It is the first time in history that a United States President authorized a state Governor to command his military. It is also the first time in history that a state Governor will address the entire nation to report a strategic military exercise.

All of it makes him somewhat nervous. It's a definite contrast to his typical calm, cool and collected attitude. He's spoke to the nation before, but never on a level this grand. In previous efforts, it's all about the campaign for President. This time, it is something far more serious and far more real. The election is still a little more than two years away and still nothing more than a dream to him. A dream that he hopes will become a reality.

As he waits for his national address, he has his television turned on. He flips through the channels and catches a familiar face on the Sean Hannity show on Fox News. That face belongs to Tom Langston, the former Republican Florida Governor, and the man whom Kennedy defeated six years ago. He turns the volume up in order to hear over the busy atmosphere held within the Governors office.

”...Some kind of military operation,” says Hannity.

”Sean, the way I understand it, Governor Nikomedes was given command of the military by the President for this operation, whatever it was. I'm not in the office anymore so I can only speculate,” the former Governor concludes.

”That's completely unthinkable to me, Governor, that the President of the United States would give up command of his military to a state Governor. That's got to be unprecedented,” Hannity says. ”I think it speaks volumes to President Obama's ineffectiveness in the office he holds,” he concludes.

”I don't disagree Sean, but I think it does speak volumes about the leadership capabilities of Kennedy Nikomedes. He's a gravitation entity, Sean, and what I mean is, he unites opposing forces. He's neither a liberal nor a conservative and I think that's universally accepted by the American population,” the former Governor states.

”I've met him many times. I've seen him in action. He's a political power house and even I was awe inspired by him. Hell, Sean, I knew I was going to lose to him. Wherever he goes, he ends up winning the hearts of the vast majority of people.

“He's a good man. He's already got my vote in 2016, and I'll be honest with you, Sean. He was my opponent in 2008 and I voted for him even then,”
Langston concludes.

”I agree with you on one thing, Governor, his political machine is pretty powerful. I've never seen national approval ratings this high for a candidate that's still in his Presidential campaign infancy,” Hannity says. ”We've got to take a break and when we come back here on Fox News, I think we'll be carrying Florida Governor Kennedy Nikomedes' address to the nation. Stay with us,” Hannity concludes as the Governor switches off the television set.

James Williams stands just to the Governors left with his arms folded in front of him. “Langston voted for you. Do you honestly believe that?” James asks.

Kennedy leans back in his chair with his right hand resting against his chin. ”I never know what to believe from that guy. One minute he's kissing babies and being the cliché politician,” Niko says.

“And the next minute?” asks James.

”The next minute he's picking your pocket. Being the cliché politician,” Niko says with a smile.

“I always envisioned him doing both at once. Picking your pocket while kissing your baby,” James jokes. “You ready for this?” he asks, getting a bit more serious.

”I'm nervous, if that's what you're asking. Otherwise, I was born ready for this,” he concludes.

“We're live in under sixty seconds, Governor,” James says while retreating to the far side of the desk, out of view of the camera.

Kennedy Nikomedes straightens himself up as the camera man does his final check before going live.

“Okay, Governor. You're live to the entire nation in five... four... three...” the Producer says as he silently ends the count off screen.

[Image: gabriel-macht-suitssuits-pictures-gabrie...o7oeeu.jpg]

”My fellow citizens of the United States,” he begins nervously. ”Some of you out there may not be aware of who I am. My name is Kennedy Nikomedes and I'm currently the Governor of the great state of Florida,” he continues.

While he speaks, his eyes wonder toward James who loosens his own tie and mouths the words 'loosen up.'

”I come to you tonight, to send a message to the entire world. That message is that flooding our streets with drugs and illegal weapons will no longer be tolerated.

“A few weeks ago, I, as the Governor of Florida, received an intelligence briefing from President Obama pertaining to a shipment of drugs and weapons coming from South America toward our ports in Tampa and Miami. While the source of the drugs and weapons at this time is unknown to me, I have been advised that the intent was to sell these items in order to fund a civil war in a South American nation.

“I come to you tonight to inform my fellow Floridians, as well as the citizens of this nation and the world, that our children are safer today than they might have been.

“Illegal drugs and weapons have been a constant drain on our society for decades and as Governor, I've made a solemn vow to keep my streets clean.

“I'm proud to announce that, this shipment of fourteen cargo ships, four carrying weapons, five carrying drugs, and five carrying legitimate imports, were intercepted.

“My administration worked in coordination with President Obama and his military forces. For the first time in our history as a nation, the President of the United States gave command of the armed forces to a Governor.

“This major team effort containing various government agencies allowed us to intercept the ships in a strategic and flawless fashion. The five ships containing legitimate cargo were allowed to reach port, while the nine carrying illegal narcotics, weapons and other illegal goods, were sent to the bottom of the ocean.

“I want you, the people of this nation, and people all over the world to know, that flooding our streets with these products is no longer acceptable.

“I was given the blessing from our President to handle this situation however I saw fit. While some may disagree with my method, and I understand why, the rest of the world will no longer see the United States as a viable option to sell their illegal products to.

“Let me be perfectly clear, so no one can make any mistake about this, any ships or any other kind of shipments intended to touch the shores of Florida that contain illegal cargo intended to fund a war and flood our streets with more narcotics and weapons, will be met with a certain, and undeniable deadly force.

“In conclusion, I'd like to send my deepest, heartfelt condolences to the families of the innocent freight ship workers that may have had no idea they were aboard a ship containing illegal cargo. You can blame me for their loss, I accept that. I just want you to remember it is your rebel movement that put your beloved family members in our cross hairs.

“Thank you,”
the Governor concludes.

”And we're out,” says the Producer, signaling the end of the nationwide broadcast.

James Williams sits on the edge of a table placed behind the Governor's desk. “Certainly not your best speech, Governor,” he says with a serious look.

” I know,” replies the Governor. ”I meant what I said though. I think the American people will see that. I think they'll respect that,” he says in conclusion.

”Excuse me, Governor,” says the voice of Sylvia, through the speaker on Niko's office phone. ”The President is holding on the line for you,” she says excitedly. She's directly spoke with the President of the United States twice in the same day. It doesn't sound like much, but Small Town, USA residents that have ascended to a Governors' Mansion get excited for things like that.

”Patch him through,” Niko says, acknowledging Sylvia's excitement with a smile.

”Not a great speech, Governor, but, uh, you made a hell of a point that I think the American people will, uh, respect,” says the President.

”I appreciate that, Mr. President,” Niko replies.

”Listen Governor,” the President starts out. ”I wanted to offer you a job within my administration,” the President says, causing James and the Governor to stare at each other. ”As you know, uh, the Homeland Security Secretary is leaving at the end of the month. Today, you demonstrated exactly what it takes to fill that role. So, uh, what do you think, Governor?”

Niko glances back to James who shakes his head and mouths 'not yet.' ”Mr. President I certainly appreciate the offer, and I'd be proud to hold that post for the remainder of your term in office, however, if you don't mind, I'd like to take a few days to take it under consideration,” Niko says while silently giving a high five to his Chief of Staff.

”Absolutely, Governor. Take all the time you need. Have a good night gentlemen,” says the President as James Williams begins ushering out the television crew. Within a few minutes they're all alone.

”You are not to take that post, Governor,” says the interrupting voice of Athena. ”I'm smelling a set up, Niko. I don't like that smell,” she says forcefully.

”I beg forgiveness, Athena, but that is not your choice to make,” retorts the Governor.

“No, Niko. You're wrong. It is my choice. It is my job to secure our survival and you taking up that post is designed to silence you. To take you right out of the spotlight rather than focusing on your run for the White House.

“It's a trap set in motion by the Democratic party and forced to fruition by that spineless coward, Barack Obama,”
she says with conviction.

”Is this a direct order?” Niko asks.

“You're damn right it is, Governor. You can not take that post,” she says. “I'll be away for a week or so, Governor. I'll be meeting with Jarvis to see his progress. I better not come back to see you've defied my orders, Governor. I'd suspect bad things if you do,”[/color] she concludes.

Without so much as another word or any further explanation, Athena is gone. Kennedy looks dejected as James starts to pace a little bit, showing his frustration.

”You believe this? Kennedy asks, angered at Athena's latest intrusion.

“It doesn't really surprise me, Niko,” James states. “I'm not sure I'd go against her wishes, if that's what you're planning,” he warns.

”I proved myself as Mayor of St. Petersburg, I more than proved myself as Governor of Florida. There's no reason I couldn't take the post, then still ascend to the Presidency,” Niko says with the slightest hint of anger.

“Maybe not,” James starts out. “But what if she's right? What if it is some grand scheme to take you out of the spot light? If its a trap, and they succeed, it could prove detrimental to the cause, Governor,” he concludes.

The Governor throws himself in his chair. He leans on the desk with his elbow, his handresting on his chin as the scene fades.

Kennedy Nikomedes now accepts XBUX as campaign contributions.

[Image: AUnmMuB.jpg]

"Some men see things as they are and say why. I dream things that never were and say why not."
~~Senator Robert F. Kennedy~~
"Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer.
Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us seek
our own responsibility for the future."

~~President John Fitzgerald Kennedy~~

"The work begins anew. The hope rises again. And the dream lives on."
~~Senator Ted Kennedy~~
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