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Warfare 7/24 (part 2)
Author Message
Giovanni Ferrari

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

07-24-2014, 07:35 PM

The camera slips into the office of Giovanni Ferrari. Gio, one-third of the Warfare GM Triumvirate, is nursing a bruise on his face with an icepack, struggling to type with just his left hand as he holds the icepack to his face with his right.

A knock is heard at the door and both hands immediately shoot to his face, traumatized from the multiple assaults he took last week… The icepack drops out of his hand and falls into his lap as his eyes cross in numbing cold… He scoops up the ice pack, just as the door begins to slip outwards…

And a head pops in the new opening… One of the X-Treme Champion, Mark Flynn.

“Excuse me, Mr. Ferrari.”


Flynn side steps in and takes a seat across from Gio’s desk.

“I was just in the neighborhood and I figured that I should drop by and say hi. I mean, I don’t know if you’ve been keeping track, but I’m the only XWF superstar signed with Warfare holding a belt right now.”

“I mean, except for Peter Gilmour. Which makes me the only Warfare superstar holding a belt that’s willing to defend it period, let alone on your programming. Which makes me the only champion on Warfare you can monetize and benefit from as a real draw. Unless you think ‘Lesser Half of the Tag Team Champions losing another match TONIGHT!’ is enough to get tickets sold.”

"Have you met my wallaby?"

Gio reaches under his desk and grabs his wallaby, who is clearly sick and wheezing like it's about to die. Though that could also be wheezing from the cigarette in its mouth. Yes, a cigarette is not only being smoked the wallaby but it's being puffed on willingly by the wallaby, who promptly pisses on Gio's desk as Gio sets him down. An oblivious smile on his face to both the condition of his wallaby and the piss that's soaking into everything on his desk. Flynn backs his chair up and watches the urine drip over the edge of the desk for a moment before he continues, unfazed.

“However many bosses ago he was, Wallace Witastick and I seemed to get off on the wrong foot. Thought meeting with you and maybe getting some face time would eliminate that unconditional hatred some people feel towards me.”

"My wallaby's name is Gary. Say hello to Flynn, Gary."

Gio waves the wallaby's paw at Flynn and the wallaby takes a shit. Yes, there's piss and shit on Gio's desk thanks to Gary - the nearly dead wallaby.

"I'll be your friend, Flynn and we'll get along famously, like old chums, you and I but only if you do one thing for me. Pet my wallaby."

Flynn blinks.

“Real shame about all the ambushes around here. Assaulted twice, huh? By Shelby Cobra and Frodo Smackins? Me too. At least for you, it was a couple people that look like they might stick around. I'm getting assaulted by a very newbie lowlife loser that wants to make an impact as they walk through the door.“

"That bastard Frodo, hurt my Gary! He's dead to me! Just wait until he has a match on Warfare. He won't know what hit him. Mostly because I haven't figured out what to hit him with, but I will soon enough and it'll be big. And hard! Possibly sharp and pointy too. Oh and it'll definitely hurt a lot whatever it is. However, it won't kill him. Just make him wish for death. Yeah, he'll beg for DEATH!"

Gio sighs.

"I know it seems a bit extreme but that's what happens when you do something stupid, like harm Gary. Hurt me if you must, but leave my wallaby alone cause there will be serious hell to pay if you don't.'

Another sigh.

"Yes, the price for not loving Gary is a steep one."

"Now pet my wallaby!"

“Lemme just change your point of view. Instead of regular assaults being an unavoidable hazard that comes with the job of Co-General Manager, let’s say there were a way to completely toss it out of the equation. That these random, little specks of dust that try to ‘make a splash’ or ‘send a message’ get their asses kicked to the curb and are forced to, if they want to get some attention on this side of the street, win some God Damned matches.”

“And let them take their ambushes and pipe bombs to the B-Show Madness, where those tactics and their underwhelming talents belong.”

Gio strokes Gary, thinking deeply on this issue. Gary looks like he's thinking about Flynns words too, but he's a wallaby and can't voice his thoughts in a way anyone could understand.

I like it. You're in charge of the gift shop from now on. I hope you have fun selling those t-shirts and big foam fingers. Unless that's not what you proposed, in which case, I'll take two boxes of thin mints please."

Flynn looks confused.

"Oh, that's not right either, is it? Well, I have to admit I don't remember anything you said. Whatever it was, it's probably good though so I'll agree to it even if I have no memory of it. That's what happens when you do peyote on the job. Just pretend like I remember everything though, it's better that way. Now pet my wallaby damn it!"

Flynn extends a hand and pats the wallaby. The wallaby shits again and Flynn gets up and leaves.

Clean Lucena
- vs -
Warrior Prime
Electrified Cage Match

Warrior Prime runs to the ring in a blur of color. He effortlessly leaps onto the ring apron and violently shakes the ropes before touring the turnbuckles to hype up the WARRIOR NATION!

The proud man walk to the ring, exactly like the man on "mi gran noche" videoclip, vintage classic gentleman, smiling and pretending to be nice, pointing everyone.

Warrior Prime and Clean Lucena enter the cold, unforgiving, steel cage. Intense looks shared by both men as a switch is thrown and 10,000 volts of electricity sizzles to life, flowing through those bars like a cruel energy serpent. Crackling and popping with activity and the expectation for the flesh of whoever gets close enough. Tonight there's going to be chaos! And it surges through the very air and radiates from both competitors standing in that cage! However before the action can begin the lights go out! Yes, the arena is bathed in darkness as music blares from the speakers.

Then the name - ACE ATTICUS! Blazes across the War-tron as an insane amount of fireworks blast off. Smoke billows across the arena and the fans are extremely fucking confused as the lights come back on and this man comes rushing from the back, mic already in hand....he begins to speak.

"Ladies and gentleman! No longer will you suffer through viewing fights without a real commentator! The days of simply watching a battle are through! You need to be dazzled with description! Wowed with retelling! Amazed with the gift of gab accenting these fine performers! You need a talented voice to flow right along with their movements like a fine wine adds a subtly but greatly beneficial addition to a plate of cheese! Well your needs have been noted and what your sorely crave will be delivered....TONIGHT! And every night Warfare hits your television screens and blazes in front of you lucky audience member like an inferno of awesome! Yes, you are basking upon your vocal savior and the man who will astound, amaze and delight, each and everyone of you, while lending an insight on the fights you adore! Your prayers and desires have been answered! For Ace Atticus...has arrived!"

The baffled fans give a pop of excitement as Ace Atticus takes a seat behind a commentary table, propping his feet up as he lounges back and adorns his head with a headset/microphone combo. Then with a wink to the camera, he turns his attention to the fight as the bell rings and this match...BEGINS!

Warrior Prime beats his chest with both fists and lets out a battle cry, screamed up towards the heavens before he charges at Lucena! Lucena attempts to duck but doesn't leap to safety fast enough before he's rammed into by Prime, like a freight train just hit him! Lucena almost slams against the wall of the cage but Prime stops him. Then Prime howls to the rafters again. Following up that warrior scream, Prime grabs Lucena up by his throat and lifts him high in the air. Holding Lucena high above his own head! Lucena begins kicking wildly and struggles for a release from this and as he does that, his foot smacks Warrior Prime right in the face! It hits Prime dead on in the nose and causes Prime to drop Lucena! Lucena crashes to the canvas and Prime holds his nose as he wails in agony!

"Prime's a dramatic guy! That's the kind of thing Ace Atticus likes! He shows feeling in what he does and inside an unfeeling and heartless steel cage being pumped full of electricity - that's important! Have heart kids. Feel things. That the Ace Atticus way to success and Warrior Prime is the living canvas of that."

Back to his feat Lucena catches Warrior Prime with a Roundhouse Kick that plants Prime on the canvas.

"Ouch! A kick like that has gotta leave a nasty sting! And that elbow drop can't help matters."

Lucena slams onto Warrior Prime with an Elbow Drop. His elbow connecting with Prime's already sore nose with pin point accuracy. Once again, Prime yells out in pain and Lucena comforts those cries with some Mounted Punches.

"Cruel and ruthless! That's the way you win matches!"

However, Prime manages to power through those blows and catches Lucena with a Headbutt! Lucena flops to the side and Warrior Prime rises to his feet. His eyes trained on the reformed cheater turned clean fighter as he begins stomping on Lucena's ribs and chest. After several brutal stomps Prime yanks Lucena to his feet and the Hip Tosses him into the electrified cage wall!

"What a shocking experience to behold folks!"

Lucena's hair stands on end as electricity flows through him! The charge blasts him forward and knocks him right into a Clothesline from Prime! Lucena slams to the canvas as smoke wafts up from his body. The stink of fried hair, ripe in the air. Warrior Prime goes for a Leg Drop to Lucena after that but Lucena manages to roll away in time, despite the electrocution.

"Prime only hits canvas with that leg drop!"

Lucena continues rolling across the ring until he's right next to the cage and then he sits up. Slowly climbing to his feet he watches as Warrior Prime rises. Prime's eyes instantly locked on Lucena as he dives.

"Rushing towards Lucena like a true warrior running straight into battle! Ace Atticus loves this guy's spirit! Passion baby! Yes! Go Optimus Prime! I, ah...Warrior Prime!

Prime charges at his target but at the last second Lucena jumps out of the way and Prime crashes right into the wall of the electrified steel cage!

"That was an electrifying sequence of events!"

Prime sizzles with the electricity and gets shocked backwards into a Mule Kick from Lucena that sends Warrior Prime back into the wall of the cage! Prime gets a double does of electricity thanks to Lucena! And this time, he gets shot back into Metta World Peace! (Spinning Back Elbow}

Followed by the Former Spanish Rogue! (Victory Roll)

Clean Lucena covers Warrior Prime for the pin!




"Close but no cigar!"

Lucena slams his fist on the canvas and grunts in frustration as Warrior Prime gingerly rises to his feet. In that instant Lucena goes berzerk! He starts hitting himself in the face and head! And then he starts punching Prime in the head! Really wailing on him repeatedly, while screaming "CLEAN WIN!" over and over again.

"That looks like Clean Flurry times a million folks. The poor guy looks like he's lost it! But that's the blind aggression you need in a ruthless company like the XWF. The action never sleeps in this company but when it does, it goes to Madness. Cause just like Ace Atticus and the true talent that we see here, in that cage....if it's not Warfare - it's nothing. Remember that."

Clean Lucena ends his fury of punches with a kick to Prime's nuts and a Sit-Out Powerbomb! From there it's three more shots to Prime's testicles in the form of stomps and another Former Spanish Rogue! (Victory Roll)

Lucena goes for the pin!




Winner: Clean Lucena

"Well there you have it folks. Clean Lucena has picked up another "clean" win. Was it clean though? Those multiple shots to the nuts might tell a different tale. Ace Atticus does not cast the finger of judgment on anyone though. No.That's a role for someone else. Old Atticus, just calls the matches and loves all the talent. Which will be returning to amaze and astound you all again, next Wednsday. So set your dial and tune it cause next week will surely aim to please all you violence lovers out there. For now, Ace has to bid you adieu. See you next time folks. Goodnight and godspeed."
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[-] The following 8 users Like Giovanni Ferrari's post:
(07-24-2014), Archie Lawson (08-01-2014), Clean Lucena (07-25-2014), Liz Hathaway (07-25-2014), Morbid Angel (07-24-2014), Ozymandias (07-25-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (07-25-2014), Scott Charlotte (07-24-2014)
Clean Lucena Offline
the cleanest player of the game

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

07-25-2014, 02:02 AM

The Cleanster is hot beibeh!
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Warrior Prime Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

07-25-2014, 02:07 AM

[Image: bEzDk9QSRdm0s7t53ifq_Ultimate-Warrior-St...-Balls.gif]

[Image: eEFvHgk.jpg]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Warrior Prime's post:
Frodo mother fucking Smackins (07-25-2014), Ozymandias (07-25-2014)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

07-25-2014, 09:28 AM

IC: cheap win for the cheap bitch lucena

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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