The Queen of Queer
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07-12-2014, 08:18 AM
The True Sound Of Madness. (Into The Myst) -->
"Can you feel it? The beat. The Sound. The meshing of every element into one... A Rhapsody of every voice, every syllable, every piece that makes us, who we are. As people, as beings of infinite matter. Fabric, melded together as a wide tapestry, reaching into the cosmic abyss...
"They say that no man is an island unto himself, in some ways... I disagree, but in One way? I agree. I see us each, as a quilt. Sown together through our actions, through our decisions, through every path we take, every move we make... We try to deny it, we try to break free from eachother...
"...but then? That Magic Moment.
"We peer out of the corner of our eye, we spot that Little Red-headed Girl... or boy... that sweeps us off our feet, that takes our breath away, that leaves us blindsided, and then? Just like Charlie Brown? We realize... we've Fallen. Haunted by their sight, their touch, if even for a split second, we brush past them for just a minute, and they stay with us forever. Immortalized...Like a Clock forever ringing in our head, we Remember The Time we spent together... Every Teardrop. Our Scars. Scars that never heal, and oh, if they could? We wouldn't let them, not for the world.
They stay Within Us, and we hold onto them, we cherish them....our personal Paradise. Our Oasis, our Wonderwall, people tell us we're Crazy, but we think about that magic we shared, The Kiss From A Rose that made us fly... Like An Eagle. Free.
"Some stray, some turn their backs, some leave a knife. Some men fall from the Stars, come in like a Hurricane, and leave their Marks...
Capture a gal's attention, capture their Hearts, go on such amazing, wonderful adventures, then the very next moment? They act as if nothing ever happened. Toss every name in The Book at a person they claimed they'd Trek to the very ends of the earth for, battle demons, venture into the heavens, and all reaches of Time............These people reveal themselves. And the perception is changed. But inside? They know The Truth, they know their veil is nothing more than an act, and for one reason or another, they keep that mask clutched within their grasp......
He Said:If you gaze long enough, into the abyss? The abyss gazes into you.
--reeve appears--
![[Image: intothemyst_zps98e04e6a.png]](http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y127/shanomacbry/intothemyst_zps98e04e6a.png)
"...Others? Others keep burning an Eternal Flame.....Turn up The Radio. Delve into The Myst...
"I am not 'Him', either of them, and never will I be. I never will be any of you.....However? I will be, a full me.
And when I Am? I know now who my first target will be. I came into this company with one goal in mind....Revenge. I felt as if I needed to attack the Ally-Cat, I stopped for a moment. I hesitated, not for lack of confidence or drive...but because I came to an epiphany. Alexandra was never the enemy. Peter Gilmour was NEVER the enemy, and I may loathe her with a fiery passion, but Jessica Fuckin' Diaz was never 'the enemy', Azrael? Now is not the time, NOW? I must focus on the challenges... In This Moment... of Now. Gator, Wish, Bones, and when he is ready, Gunn. But I can assure you, Sir Erebus. The time will come. Title or non, it matters not, your Judgement Day. YOUR....Judgement Day. Will come. To err is human. You know this now, you realize your mistakes, maybe not quite yet, but believe you/me, I know... You will.
"Believe it, don't, it truly doesn't matter. All that matters is Action.
"Give it time. Be patient. Believe... Or Be Left Behind. The choice is yours. You can Believe it.....or not.
"But, my suggestion?"
the book of charlie brown Said:took a car, stole a key. in a cave where The Lost Boys meet. i still believe. through the lies, through the storms, the cries, the wars. as we Drift into the future, we Coast, till we soar. all the boys, all the girls, all the madness that occurs, all that matters in this world. welcome to your life, there's no turnin' back... even in your dreams. set me free, saw the lights go down at the end of the scene. finding a spark to guide my way, won't give out, won't give in. this is our crime, this is our sin... but i still believe. climb upon the hills, from 7 come 11, down on our knees. ascending the trees, and feeling the breeze, the winds of change. they call us a disease? but when you look into the void, you become what you despise, so open your ears, open your eyes, don't shut it out... don't believe the lies, light a fire, spark a flame.
give them a reason to Remember The Name.
rain, rain, go away. you were a good man, but on this day?
i see clearly, and i am here to stay. forever, till the end of Time.
and there's no changing my mind. through the bad pain, the good grief... the hurt that leads to relief, the scars that lead the way, the suffering that leads to a Brand New Day. A Brave New World, where we Come To Play. To Show The World, Who we are. till they hear, loud and clear, what we Say. "Only Time." the cold, the heat, the tears and the fears. the crowds that jeer... jeers into cheers, changing perceptions, altering minds. we'll march this road together? or you'll be left behind. through the change, through the waves, through the heartache we'll take our stage, make it ours, make it our own. claim our home, claim our throne, march till the ends of the Earth, and meet them in the Middle. cross the line, break the seperation, claw our way to the top, and shatter the division. they say we can't, i say? we can. they say he wasn't, but they'll realize? I Am. the truth, the light, the way and the road. doubt can fill your mind, but i've chosen the path less followed. and i still believe.
cuz in places like this? it's what We need. This is Our BattleCry.
people like us... we run a riot. we glow in the dark. we run in packs. we write in the halls.
they call us clowns, they call us jesters? we break down the walls.
this fyr burns, but dare2disagree. i smell smoke....I AM a Queen.
Just you wait and see.
![[Image: 3654825150_7319425ce2.jpg]](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_lo_JFolbht4/TS1gDGA5SJI/AAAAAAAADCY/eM86yg1L37k/s1600/3654825150_7319425ce2.jpg)
--say somethin' super stuPid, sattie 69--
the book of space-bitch Said:![[Image: drwhoAWWYEA_zps50c7b4cd.gif]](http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y127/shanomacbry/drwhoAWWYEA_zps50c7b4cd.gif)
(09-25-2013, 12:08 PM)the book of anon Said: ![[Image: shane-o-macanonsays-moreactionlesstalkim...89c52b.png]](http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y127/shanomacbry/shane-o-macanonsays-moreactionlesstalkimhisdaughter_zps9a89c52b.png)
lol Space Man got rayned on bruh.