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LOF Part 1: Opening/Ark Title
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Paul Heyman

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06-22-2014, 11:59 AM

Leap of Faith
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Texas Memorial Stadium
Austin, Texas

“Come With Me Now” by Kongos

Pyro explodes from all around Texas Memorial Stadium. The crane came pans around the capacity crowd.

JOEY STYLES: “They say everything is bigger in Texas! Look at this crowd! More than 100,000 people are crammed inside Texas Memorial Stadium! This... This is Leap of Faith!

“WWE and WrestleMania can suck a dick, because whatever they do, the XWF just does it better!

“Hello XWF'ers, I'm the voice of the XWF flagship, Madness, and the voice of RTX, Joey fuckin' Styles!

“Tonight, every available title is on the line! The only thing for sure about Leap of Faith is nothing is for sure! Careers will be altered, lives will be changed forever!”

The Paul Heyman theme plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Here comes the boss! Paul Heyman!”

Heyman emerges from backstage grinning from ear to ear. He carries a microphone as he heads down the long aisle way to the ring. The crowd delivers to him a mixed reaction with decidedly more cheers than boos.

Ladies and gentlemen... my name... is Paul Heyman.

JOEY STYLES: “It's promo time and only Paul Heyman can do it like this.”

For 27 years, I have ate, slept, breathed and bled this business. It oozes from my very pores. Each and every week I have driven myself harder and harder whether standing in someones corner or promoting a show, to give to each and everyone of you the very best show I possibly could.


Because you dished out your hard earned money to come to my show when you could have sat at home in the comfort of your Lay-Z-Boy recliner and watched it for a few pennies.

There are many within this business that have lost touch with their fans and what they want. There are many within this business that continue to think they know what you want, when in reality, just don't give a shit about you. All they care about is making you open your wallet so they can spoon feed you shit you've already seen a dozen times in the last two months.

That is what separates the Xtreme Wrestling Federation from the rest of the wrestling industry.

The fans cheer loudly for Heymans remarks.

I have claimed a lot of things over the last few months regarding my time as General Manager of Madness and whether you like me or you hate me, everything I say about that time is the absolute truth. Monday Night Madness is the biggest weekly wrestling program on the planet and it is because of what I did with it!

Whether you agree or disagree with my methods, the truth remains. The proof is in the television ratings and attendance figures each and every week.

I made Madness the number one wrestling show on the planet and I kicked McMahons ass! And tonight, I did it again!

More loud cheers from the XWF faithful.

For as long as I have been in this business, one record has stood the test of time. That record was set in 1987 in Pontiac, Michigan. The event, was WrestleMania III. The attendance for that event was 93,000 plus. It is a record for any wrestling event within the borders of the United States!

Until now.

Again, cheers from the XWF faithful. The start of an “X dub F” chant is looming.

More than 100,000 of you are here tonight! Paul Heymans annual specialty, Leap of Faith has broken the record held by McMahon for 27 years! But we're not done! As soon as the figures are tallied up, we'll just see if we set a new record for this very building!

Enjoy the show, 'F'ers!

JOEY STYLES: “Paul Heyman! The man in charge tonight!”

JOEY STYLES: “It is time, ladies and gentlemen, to head to the ring and get this party started! Alexandra Callaway, JJ Zilla and Soupcan O'Malley have forfeited this match!


“Because they're losers anyway and no one will remember them.”

Suddenly, the lights go out and the Xtron illuminates, exactly with the same man's back we saw last week on Warfare.

Off Voice: He's coming. Last time you saw me I was one. But everything has changed now. I lost my friends, I lost my accomplishments in the business but I'll take back all of this. Now I know the way. Now, I'm going to be...


With the last words, the guy in the image turns around... but it's too light and we can barely see his face. Then, the lights turn off again totally and a song destroys the one that was played...

“I Will Survive” break the dramatic and decadent ambient... some people of the crowd sing along with the song... and when it's get into his biggest momentum... someone with a microphone appears.


The crowd explodes when Cheat makes his appearance Jericho style, goes one side of the Xtron to salute them, then the other one, receiving big cheering time, when he finally decides to talk, watching the middle of the ring.

Cheat Lucena: Well, the asses that have a match now have nothing to worry about in spite of what everybody expects from me. If you have a little brain and you have seen all of this shitty video package, you would realize that I have changed.

There was a time when I was all the fucking time complaining, embracing my former, kind of "cheaty" attitude even when there were several times that I had doubts about what would be best for my career as a wrestler. But after my loss to Swagmire Swaggins, I decide to leave all of this for a bit. There could not be any possible way that I could continue like this and I decide to put all my efforts to change. Trust me, and this time it's for real. That doesn't mean I have to be a boring asshole like most of the people hanging around that backstage nervous for his match for the Ark Championship are. That means that, in any way I'll try to make any kind of dusty trick to try to bring matches to my field...

Strong boos from the 'smarky' part of the crowd

Cheat Lucena: That means no more dirty roll-ups

Boos again.

Cheat Lucena: no more outside interferences

One more time, boos.

Cheat Lucena: no more low blows

Pretty strong boos.

Cheat Lucena: and obviously... with all the sorry my heart could give, no more eye pokes

Massive boos from the 'smark' crowd.

Cheat Lucena: yeah, that's right. You see... I've change. From the new entrance theme I hope you someday could sing along, my manners, my tactics... and something that have change from now on it's... my name. There is no more Ernesto Cheat Lucena. I'll take the word that I show you on this package... CLEAN. From now on... I'll be, Ernesto of course because that's my name, but I'll be CLEAN Lucena. I win or not... I want to be an example, a role model, something to be remembered and not the master of trickery and I couldn't do it if I continue with a name that symbolizes just the opposite. New name, new personality, and imagine how decided I am for change that I'll show you at my first night at the place again.

I've asked our boss, Shane, and if he'll let me be tonight's special guest timekeeper for this match. I'll express how voluntarious I'm for this that in a moment that I have the change to fucked a entire match up with the bell, I'll be quiet and just trying to be at my place... well, that's it... see you in a few days at Warfare playas!

JOEY STYLES: “Cheat, or rather, CLEAN Lucena! He's returned here at Leap of Faith!”

Excuse me.

JOEY STYLES: “What the hell was that?”

Excuse me.

The womans voice, somewhat louder than before, but still no reaction from anyone.

EXCUSE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fans boo, loudly.


[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTEAmaH1v_NamCBxyAFigU...DtXrvqGg4A]


Excuse me, Mr. Lucena. As Paul Heymans assistant tonight, he's asked that I come out here to give you an order.

He regrets to tell you, Mr. Lucena, that you will NOT be the guest time keeper for this match.

JOEY STYLES: “The 'F'ers are NOT liking this ruling. Not even a little bit.”

In fact, Mr. Heyman has decided that you, Mr. Lucena, will be the special guest referee!

JOEY STYLES: “Wow! The fans ARE liking that one!”

Cheat Clean Lucena celebrates with fans at ringside as Vickie Guerrero retreats backstage.

”Trophies” by Drake plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Here comes a relative newcomer in Joey Hawkins. He's still getting his feet wet here in the XWF, but he has a golden opportunity tonight.”

”The Monster” by Eminem ft. Rhianna plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Mastermind! He's quickly making a name for himself here in the XWF!”

”Coming Home” by Altar Bridge plays.

JOEY STYLES: “Here he comes! The Ark of the Covenant master of the Universe! Mister Doctor XWValidity!”

XWF Ark of the Covenant Championship
- vs -
Joey Hawkins
- vs -
-20 Minute Time Limit-
-Xtreme Rules-
-Unlimited Title Changes-
-Last Man to Score a Pin or Submission Takes the Title-

Special Referee: Cheat Clean Lucena

Clean Lucena holds Mr. XWF's championship in the air and he puts it to the outside. He looks around the ring, and as he calls for the bell he inadvertently turns into Mastermind and pokes him in the eye whilst trying to call for the bell.

Eventually the bell is rang but Mastermind is holding his eye. Hawkins intelligently tries to roll him up but Lucena misses the count as he's trying to check that Mastermind's eye is okay.

Mr. XWF breaks it up and an angry Hawkins shouts at Clean Lucena.

Mr. XWF grabs Hawkins and flings him towards the turnbuckle and then grabs Mastermind by the head and throws him head first into Joey's gut. The two men are pressed against the turn buckle and Mr. XWF runs off the ropes and then splashes them both into the corner agressively.

JOEY STYLES: “The Champion's job is simply to survive this 20 minutes but it's going to be a tough job against these two!”

Mastermind climbs to his feet and locks up with Mr. XWF as Hawkins begins to undo the cushion that covers the metal part of the top turnbuckle.

Clean Lucena notices that and runs to stop him but instead trips forwards and accidentally shoves Hawkins head first into the solid steel!!!

Mastermind hits Mr. XWF with a spike DDT and then covers Hawkins who is bleeding from the skull and seems to be out thanks to the referee!




New Champion: Mastermind
Time Remaining 18:42

JOEY STYLES: “So that's the first title change and it was all because of Clean Lucena! He inadvertently knocked out Joey Hawkins!”

Hawkins is still out but Mr. XWF has only just realised that now he's not the current champion and goes straight after Mastermind with a forearm to the temple. He sends Mastermind into the ropes with that forearm and follows this up by kicking him in the gut and flinging him to the ring apron.

Continuing the assault, Mr. XWF grabs his opponent and lifts him high into the air and then bounces the legs off of the top rope and slamming him backwards onto the mat, executing a highly effective sling shot suplex!

Hawkins is up now but he has rolled to the outside. He's grabbed a steel chair and slid back into the ring with it. He picks it up and powers towards Mr. XWF. He goes to hit him with it but Clean Lucena steps in and snatches it from Hawkins but as he does so he turns and accidentally hits Mr. XWF with the chair to the skull!

Hawkins then hits Mr. XWF...


Clean Lucena can't believe what has happened!

Hawkins into the cover!!




New Champion: Joey Hawkins
Time Remaining: 15:11

Clean Lucena notices that he hasn't covered up the turn buckle with the cushion and does so before any further damage can be done it. As he does this though he is distracted from the fact that Mr. XWF has now cracked Hawkins over the head with the chair!

Clean Lucena turns though and slides the chair to the outside. Mastermind grabs Mr. XWF by the head and throws him head first into the turnbuckle.

Mr. XWF out of nowhere though...

He screams!!


Then he hits it!

JOEY STYLES: “The Rock Bottom! Rock Bottom! Rock Bottom!

“Out of nowhere!!”

But Hawkins then grabs Mr. XWF and slings him to the outside!

He tries to bide his time by pulling himself into the turnbuckle and defending himself as the fans jeer and boo him.

They begin to chant Mastermind's name. Mastermind out of nowhere has managed to pull himself to the top turnbuckle. Hawkins notices and runs to him but Mastermind hits a signature flying clothesline!!

Then sees Mr. XWF running in and takes him down with a running knee to the mid-section. He continues running nad this time goes off the opposite ropes and then hits a knee to the temple on the rebound!

Mastermind is in control now and tries to lock in that sleeper hold that he calls the mind sleeper.As he does though Hawkins grabs him from behind though and plants him on his back! Mastermind is fast to his feet but Hawkins grabs him by the head and drops to his knees hitting a jaw breaker. He runs off the ropes and goes for another...



Mastermind ducks it!

Then Mr. XWF hits Hawkins with a running headbutt! Taking him down!

Time Remaining: 11:47

Mr. XWF runs and headbutts Mastermind to the ground!

Hawkins has rolled to the outside and this time has hid under the ring for a moment as Mr. XWF and Mastermind begin to exchange punches. Hawkins grabs a sledgehammer from under the ring.

Mr. XWF grabs Mastermind by the head and then spins it right around and falls backwards... neckbreaker!

In comes Hawkins with a sledge hammer! He drops it in order to clothesline Mr. XWF to the outside quickly then looks to go after Mastermind but Clean Lucena stops him once again!

Clean Lucena sends the sledgehammer to the outside by sliding it...

But Mr. XWF is standing up and the turnbuckle is flying....



JOEY STYLES: “Clean Lucena has just cracked Mr. XWF with the hammer directly to the skull and sent him down to the mat!”

Hawkins quickly rolls to the outside and throws him into the ring!

Mastermind wisely though... clotheslines Hawkins to the outside and then covers Mr. XWF!




New Champion: Mastermind
Time Remaining: 7:37

Mastermind goes after Hawkins now! Throwing him into the barricade!

Mr. XWF eventually climbs to his feet...

He climbs to the turnbuckle...

Hawkins and Mastermind are fighting on the outside...


To the outside! He hits Mastermind with it but his body lands on Joey Hawkins and now all three men are down and out!

They all slowly struggle into the ring, desperately clambering and climbing. Mastermind remains the current champion.

Mastermind grabs Mr. XWF and locks in a Boston Crab to wear him down.

Hawkins runs off the ropes and then plants Mastermind with an enziguri!

Powerful! Mastermind is busted open and flies to the side. Mr. XWF rolls up Hawkins now with a school boy pin!




As Clean Lucena turns to let the crowd know it was a 2 count he accidentally hits Mastermind, who has just got to his feet, in the balls, lightly.

Mastermind clutches at his testicles as Mr. XWF rolls him up instead!




New Champion: Mr. XWF
Time Remaining: 4:37

JOEY STYLES: “Another mistake from the official! What is going on here!”

Clean Lucena cannot believe it!

There's just 4 minutes and 37 seconds left now, and Mr. XWF is the champion once again!

Joey Hawkins grabs Mr. XWF from behind, grabbing his left arm and slamming him down on the mat and hitting a powerful Russian Leg Sweep.

Hawkins is in control now. He picks Mastermind up and flings him shoulder first into the turnbuckle before running off the ropes and dropping to one knee to uppercutt him. He follows this up with another European uppercutt.

Then he picks Mastermind up by the stomach and flings him across the ring with a belly to belly suplex!

Joey is in control. He seems to be setting Mr. XWF up... he calls for him to get to his feet...

He eventually does so...


“THE COVER!!!!!!!!!!”




New Champion: Joey Hawkins
Time Remaining: 2:11

JOEY STYLES: “That could well be it!! That could be it!”

Hawkins thinks he's done it, he drops to his knees to celebrate but there's still two minutes left and he starts to concentrate.

Mastermind tries to grab him from behind but Hawkins ducks it, and Mastermind lands against the ropes...


Mastermind is sent flying over the top!

Time Remaining: 1:09

Mr. XWF is on his knees as Hawkins fast approaches him but Clean Lucena steps in the way as Mr. XWF is begging for Hawkins to leave him alone!

Mr. XWF though!

He shoves Clean Lucena into Hawkins!

Hawkins is furious... but Mr. XWF grabs Joey!

Mr. XWF kicks Hawkins between the legs and then shoves his face down into the canvas. He stands over Hawkins and waves his arms in the air wildly like he's overwhelmed by some kind of sudden orgasmic power being shot through his veins. He stomps his boot right down onto the opponent's ass and then he drops down onto him and hooks in a camel clutch. Grinding those hips like a pro, he clearly is humping the shit out of the opponent's ass! He pulls back harder on the clutch and starts screaming in pleasure!


Time Remaining: 27 Seconds

Wrenching back further it looks like he's about to break their entire body in half while he keeps driving his pelvic region deeper and deeper into their ass area. Mr. XWF starts to shake, he's pulling so hard with all his might!







“And that's it! Lucena calls for the bell this match is over!

“Mr. XWF is still the champion!!”

WINNER: Mr. XWF – Still/NEW Ark of the Covenant Champion

JOEY STYLES: “He came... That's putting it mildly... He lost it, and won it in the same match! Mr. XWF is the new Ark Champ!”

The RTX Championship is up NEXT!
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[-] The following 8 users Like Paul Heyman's post:
Archie Lawson (06-22-2014), Clean Lucena (06-22-2014), Frodo mother fucking Smackins (06-22-2014), Great Buzzard Eli James IV (06-22-2014), Mr. XWF (06-25-2014), Ozymandias (06-22-2014), Percy Gains (06-22-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (06-22-2014)

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