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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Leap of Faith (June 21st) PPV RP Archive
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Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

06-19-2014, 09:07 PM

Peter Gilmour-”And that’s all you need to do.”

Morbid Angel looks at him kind of confused. After all this time the answers were right in his fucking face and he didn’t even see them.

Morbid Angel-”Really?”

Peter Gilmour-”Really…”

Morbid Angel-”Really, really?”

Peter Gilmour-”Don’t be a ! Yes for the last time! That is it!”

Morbid Angel-”Now don’t be talking crazy…there is no proof of that charge!”

Peter Gilmour-”what the fuck are you talking about?”

Morbid Angel-”…nothing…”

The two walk into Morbid’s house and head to the basement where Morbid Angel keeps all his medical equipment. Most people forget why he has this equipment and they would rather think of him as an idiot that has less than any skill what so ever. Here is a brief rundown of why. Morbid Angel went to medical school and unlike Nazi he doesn’t need to go through a residency because he got his doctorate in Russia and went into Mortician and Autopsy work vs. dealing with the living in a professional manner…odd how he became a wrestler after all that shit but he did none the less.
Morbid did go a bit crazy with the steroids and that is why he acts the way he does but he is still educated…fuckers

Anywho, Peter is showing his how to create a clone of a human! First you need the blood of the one you want to clone, then mix it with some shit and some other stuff then put it in a pressure cooker…set it on high until it fills up with a small version of this said person then you take that person out and put him in the freezer for 20 minutes then straight into the over on high and then slowly he gets bigger so you quickly force feed them Grey Poupon mustard and olive pits for the remaining 6 hours until they are fully grown!

Really?….fuck no! that shit is fucking ! You need to inject someone with the person you are wanting to clone’s DNA mixed with fructose corn syrup in order to make a clone. I know…sounds too simple…what if the other person has AIDS? Well it is easy…the fructose corn syrup isolates toxic diseases from destroying the clone. So one who has AIDS or cancer will ultimately be cured or the sickness be put on hiatus until the original host would become ill. As odd as it sounds if Morbid clones himself his clones would also have AIDS, if Shane cloned himself he would still have a fleshlight for an eye…simple science! Keep up people!

Downstairs in the basement of the Morbid Mansion there was 7 people tied and gagged on tables! Morbid and Peter stand over them looking at the crying and scared specimens!

Peter Gilmour-”Who are you going to clone?”

Morbid Angel-”I have a plan! PLAN GODDAMN YOU!”

Peter Gilmour-”Right, but what is this plan?”

Morbid gets a wild look in his eye

Morbid Angel-”I am going to clone MYSELF!”

Peter Gilmour-”Are you fucking serious?”


Peter Gilmour-”HAHA! You are fucking insane! Were talking straight up two seconds away from smearing your own shit on the walls crazy!”

Morbid Angel-”HA! You are just jealous! I WILL HAVE AN ARMY OF THE BEST WARRIOR IN THE FUCKING WORLD! ME!!!!!”

Peter Gilmour-”Yeah…no….no you are not. Short answer is no. long answer is FUCK NO!”

Morbid Angel-”Hater! Lets start this shit.”

Together Morbid and Gilmour inject the first specimen with Morbid Angel’s DNA.

Morbid Angel-”How long does this shit take?”

Peter Gilmour-”it takes…as long as it needs too. I mean last time it took days but I am sure that this time will be faster because…well…I want to get the fuck away from you before you try and change me into a fucked up you clone. Truthfully…I see you eyeing me with that fucking needle!”

Morbid Angel-”If you would be so lucky! Everyone wants some of the VICTORY FOREVER!”


The table starts to smoke after the loud pop. The man slowly turns into a Morbid Angel looking motherfucker!! The man grew taller and larger! It was like watching the hulk change from Bruce Banner…Morbid’s eyes got wide as the face took the shape of his. Morbid stepped back and pulled his gun, firing it at the table and hitting the clone in the head killing it and stopping the process!


Morbid Angel-”Nah man! That shit was creepy! Looked just like me…I panicked. “

Peter Gilmour-”They will be clones of you, you fucking ! They will LOOK LIKE YOU!”

Morbid Angel-”Don’t get like that! I know you raped a few clones to death! I didn’t rape myself to death! I shot that impostor! Fucker made eye contact with my own eyes!”

Peter starts to rub his eyes in frustration. What the fuck going through his mind.

Peter Gilmour-”OK….I need you to reach down and grab your fucking balls, we are going to clone you now. And….GIVE ME THAT FUCKING GUN! STOP SHOOTING PEOPLE! Fucking dick! You kill another one I will fucking leave, I am not kidding. Fuck your army! Fuck your army in the fucking ass!”

Morbid Angel-”OK…I’m good…don’t kill myself, I think I can handle that.”

The two went to work!

The scene fades to a Blood Red!

BOOM! Tits!…VICTORY TITS!…I am a man of my word
[Image: nicholson.jpg]

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
UFO Champion x2
Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014
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