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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Real Message
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Great Buzzard Eli James IV Offline
Speaker of Truth

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06-02-2014, 10:43 AM

"I've heard so much chatter from Mark, Luca, and Theo. Not one of these 'good guys' have asked about you, Lacey. Their focus is on their drugs... women... comedy.. and talks about me and my teammates. Ya see, Lacey... no one really cares about anyone else. They are in it for themselves. As much as Theo talked about making things fair in the XWF... he doesn't give a damn about you. I told everyone he was just as selfish as the next person.. just as evil as Shane was.. and no one listened. He was the one to usher in this fresh change. What did he win? I don't see any victory. Oh, heh.. I forgot.. he calls his team beating my team a victory. I lost my ownership privileges in one company and he claims it to be a victory. Such a small worldview.

If you owned Wal-Mart.. and decided to open up another store that was in limited cities in the state of Louisiana .. and those stores failed to get a profit and closed down. Did he really lose much? To your eyes he lost and is a failed business man. In reality he is successful and just had fun doing something else for a short while.

My plan isn't short-term like everyone else's. You plan for years. I plan is for centuries.

Marcus Flynt. Is that how your whole name comedy words? Ya said make it longer, right? Thank you for the delightful wisdom on trash talk. It makes sense.

You say you're berating me, and yet you make me laugh. You're a joke book. To be honest, only a few pages are even worth a chuckle.... but ya do have some good stuff. I inform ya about what my name really is and you're comeback about makin' it longer as to 'chastise them' to genius. It must have come from the original author Marcus Flynt himself. Pure genius.

You remind of a kid fight. One kid says 'i can lift 200 pounds' .. and the other says 'well, I can lift 300 pounds'... and years later he shows the kid he can lift 300 pounds. What I mean by that is... you get called out on me telling you the error of your tongue and you have a mighty comeback to display.

Marky Mark.. since we're going on changing names.. and your two-man funky bunch... you don't have to fear or care about what I've done. It's simple. It's been done. It's over. Why should you care about it? I merely told you just so you would know that I do back all my words and speak truth. What you should care.. or worry about.. is not the next single you put out on the radio.. but when your time comes to an end and you face the one who can crush your body and soul with one look.

My name may be meaningless... but my actions are purpose.

You're right. A name is just a name, but for some reason my ordinary 'name' makes people get nervous.

You are just like everyone else, Mark. You think I'm just a pretender. Another preacher. I've never been a salesman with slick words. Nah... I've simply spoke truth whether people wanted to hear it or not.. some chose to follow and some chose to mock. Some ignored and some vanished. My purpose was to never gain a large group of people to spread like wildfire. I don't care about a group. I've said it since the first words I uttered in the XWF.. I'm about the Almighty's purpose. No slick tricks. No lies. Truth. Harsh? Sometimes. Merciful? Sometimes. Almighty always wins in the end and his message will be heard whether its liked or disliked.

You tend to draw a lot of converts. Of course you do!

A whore has plenty of converts too.

Any popular band has converts.

Star Wars has converts.

Anyone can make converts. A crowd, or group of converts, is not what I'm here for. That is such a shallow following. I'm not here to be a billboard that parades in bright colors to gather a group.

You wonder why I don't tell people, like liars, where they go? Or what happens when someones dies who they will face?

Must I reveal everything to you?

Imagine a drink that's the fountain of life. You drink it and you'll be forever.

You are one to hand it over. You are one to shout it from the rooftops.. COME HERE... DRINK THE FOUNTAIN OF LIFE. You give it away like a whore gives away sexual delight. Eventually... you realize that over time... some of them will stab you in the back. You may not die, but you'll be forever tormented and begging to die.. because you'll be alone.

I'm the one that hides it. I give clues here and there. Once a person starts digging enough.. he'll find out the general location.. but that's the easy part. To get to the drink, he must do some desperation things. With his pure bare feet.. he must walk among 100 yards of broken glass.. followed by a 100 yards of hot coals. He must climb over a 5 mile fence that's barbwire. He will have to sneak past lions who are hungry for food. He will have to make his way past a valley of rattlesnakes. That's just the beginning. By the time he reaches the drink... he will have earned it. He will know the cost of this valuable drink. Then, the others who went through the same he went through.. will have a strong bond together. Those are my followers. Those are my converts. Few? Yea. But the strong. The ones who really wanted the truth.

I don't have to reveal everything to ya. It's not how education works. Did you learn basic addition and subtraction, algebra, geometry, and calculus all in the first year of school? It was a journey.

I present my truth like a journey. I tell you bits and pieces... but the rest if a hike. It's to see who really wants to know the truth. If I were to tell you liars go to a place of darkness and fire to feel for eternity.. or that they go to a place where they are constantly stabbed with knives for eternity.. would that make a difference? Why worry about the details? Those details are not to be known at this time. All you need to know is what I reveal, and you'll be judged on that. The more truth you know.. the more harsh the judgment shall be.

Mark.. there's no need to end suffering for anyone. Suffering will take place for all time until the end. As far as ending my suffering.. heh.. you can't end what isn't there. It's just like you waiting to taste my fear.. like I said.. you'll just starve. But if it makes ya happy.. keep tellin' yourself these lies. Your stomach is gonna hate you.

You can trap me in the wrestling ring all ya want.

The truth is I always win in the end.

As for your little tip to me goes... you said "The only way to make sure the world sees your message...... Is to erase the board so yours is the only one around."

Are you ready for me to show error in your logic, Mark? Go get yourself a keyboard.. type in font size 3 "MARK FLYNN'S MESSAGE" and in size 300 and bold type "ELI JAMES IV MESSAGE"... see which one you see. They're both there.. but only one stands out. As time goes on.. there will be many beliefs and messages... and people will believe whatever they wish because people are gullible. They are selfish within. Over the course of time.. it will be my message that will grow. In the end... my message will be the largest one on the board. The way to get your message to the world is make a belief. The way for yours to last to the end is mix the truth with lies. The way for it to be the final is for it to be truth.

Go on... warn me. I'll just sit back and smile."

[Image: N1KpZEA.jpg]

1x Universal Champion
1x Undefeated Trio Champion (1/3)
1x Undefeated Tag Team Champion
1x Undefeated European Champion
2x Undefeated UFO/FTW (Ark of the Covenant) Champion
1x United States Champion
2013 July Star of the Month
The One Who Ended & The Administrator
Former Owner of the XWF
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