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Monday Night Madness 06-16-14
Author Message
Ozymandias Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

06-16-2014, 06:13 PM

[Image: eEbTxwp.jpg]

Date: June 16, 2014
Arena: Key Arena
City: Seattle, Washington

Our scene opens up to what seems to be in the backstage area somewhere unknown to most who are working here tonight. We spot Steve Sayors messing around on his phone as the camera man quickly gets his attention. Steve clears his throat and places his phone off to the side table he is sitting next to.

STEVE SAYORS: "Ladies and Gentlemen, my guest here tonight made his shocking return to the XWF on last week's Madness. Let me introduce the former United States champion....John Austin. John, welcome."

The camera cuts to John as the glare of the lights bounce off his expensive aviator shades. He flashes his award, dare say, Oscar winning smile.

JOHN AUSTIN: "It's great to be here Steve."

STEVE SAYORS: "Now John, before your return last week, the last time you where on XWF television, you suffered a serve injury at the hands of the New World Order. Since then, you stayed away from the company. What have you been up to for all the months away?"

JOHN AUSTIN: "Well Steve, I have been living a normal life. Took time out to enjoy the "finer" things if you will. I worked non-stop and gave my heart for this company and maybe the injury that I suffered was God's way of saying...."SLOOOOOOW DOWN"."

STEVE SAYORS: "Fair enough. Now last week, you joined up with some rough individuals and you all systematically took down the Heyman Alliance. What was your reasoning in joining up with Ozy and his group of individuals?"

JOHN AUSTIN: "Simple Steve, I go out here for the XWF nation and bust my ass week in and week out. Without them, we wouldn't have a job and when some faction comes in and makes a mockery of the sport I love and insults the intelligence of these great fans, I have to put a stop to it and put a stop to the group responsible."

"Its one thing to be a stable like say a "Four Horsemen". Wanting to get to the top of the company and be the very best. I accept that but when your stable wants to just ruin the sport you love....well that pisses me off. So Ozy reached out to me and made me a offer I couldn't refuse."

STEVE SAYORS: Well, I think...

John quickly cuts Steve off

JOHN AUSTIN: "I am sorry Steve but I wasn't finished. You see Ozy warned Paul about the consequences. You play with fire and you are going to get burned. Last week was only the beginning. There is much in-store for the so called Heyman Alliance and trust me.....its not going to be pretty."

Steve looks on as the segment comes to a close.

JOEY STYLES: "It's great to have John Austin back on Monday Night Madness. Hello Everyone and welcome to another edition of Monday Night Madness. The XWF's last event before the Leap of Faith Pay Per View. We have an abbreviated card for you but it's a good one. So let's get right to it."

Trophies by Drake plays

Joey Hawkins walks slowly to the ring, and throws his hat into the audience. Once in ring, Hawkins climbs the turnbuckle and flexes his arm muscles.

Tha Lost Soul plays

Bobby Zi makes his way to the ring while receiving a mixed reaction from the crowd.

Joey Hawkins
- vs -
Bobby Zi
Standard One Fall

The match starts off quickly as Hawkins and Zi lock up in the center of the ring. Hawkins with the early advantage as he has Zi in a headlock. He cranks it, increasing the pressure to Zi’s head and then tosses him to the ropes, on the return Hawkins catches Zi around the neck and locks him into a chokehold. Zi swings his arms around violently trying to grab something, anything to help him break the hold. Hawkins tightens the grip with each unsuccessful attempt by Zi to break it up.

JOEY STYLES: “If Zi isn’t able to break this up the match will be over before it ever really started.”

Zi continues swinging his arms around in desperate attempt to get out of the hold, Hawkins continues to tighten and the color from Zi’s face begins to fade. Finally Zi manages to grab a hold of Hawkins hair with both hands and then he just drops to his knees, catching Hawkins with a chin breaker that sends the man propelling backwards and into the ropes.

JOEY STYLES: “Excellent move by Bobby Zi to break up the chokehold.”

With Zi on his knee’s trying to catch his breath, Hawkins bounces off the ropes and catches Zi with a running knee to the face. Zi seemingly lifeless body falls backwards to the mat. Hawkins goes for the quick cover…




Bobby Zi gets his shoulder up. Hawkins pulls his opponent up and sends him back to the ropes, Zi ducks a clothesline and counters with a kick to the midsection and follows up with a DDT. Hawkins hits the mat with such force that he actually bounces back up after being driven to the mat. With Hawkins down Zi starts going to town on Hawkins chest, stomping him repeatedly. After a few stomps Zi backs up, bounces off the ropes and hits Hawkins with a leg drop perfectly placed onto Joey Hawkins head.

Zi gets down and hooks the leg for the cover…




JOEY STYLES: “Bobby Zi almost capped off a fantastic comeback there. He almost had Joey Hawkins.”

Hawkins and Zi both get to their feet at roughly the same time. Zi goes for a punch to the face that Hawkins blocks and retaliates with one of his own that connects flush with the side of Zi’s face. Hawkins follows up with a suplex and then an elbow drop. Hawkins doesn’t even bother with a cover and instead lifts Zi up and nails him with a solid kick to the head. The move leaves Zi stumbling about. Hawkins backs up and then spears Zi out of his boots. Literally, one of his boots went flying off into the crowd where two douchers fight over it for a few seconds until a young boy runs in and takes it from them before disappearing among a sea of testosterone fueled fans.

Hawkins levies a few punches to Zi’s face before getting his opponent up to his feet but only for a moment as Hawkins destroys Zi with his patented finisher Heavy Heat (Batista Bomb x 2)

The cover…




Winner: Joey Hawkins

Ozymandias is seen walking backstage when...

"Asparagus attack!"

A bundle of raw asparagus smacks Ozymandias in the back of the head, courtesy of the XWF owner, Mr. Shane "" Anonistrator... in a Charlie Sheen mask.

OZYMANDIAS: "Seriously?"

SHANE: Nyuk nyuk nyuk! Sorry about that... I was just looking for Jonathyn Brown. Did you hear the rude things he said about me last week?

OZYMANDIAS: "I did, but I also received word that some people were unable to view it properly unless they went directly to Youtube, which is odd."

SHANE: Oh, that's just Jonathyn and his mind games. He probably wants to steal my potato and this is his way to distract us from that.

Shane looks at the camera and starts to growl through his rubber Sheen mask...

SHANE: Grrrr...RRR...GGGRRR! Jonathyn Brown, good sir, I am not a sane man but even I am aware of the life pumping through these halls.

The camera turns down the hall. The lights are flickering and there are the sounds of crickets.

SHANE: Hey, HEY! Over here! All eyes on SHANE! Jonathyn if you're here I want you to know that I'm not happy about you ruining John Brown's career. That bright new star had potential and you were upset that he was able to bring a level of wrestling into the XWF ring that you yourself could never deliver with that same name. You were JEALOUS and now he's nowhere to be found. Congratulations, Jonathyn. What's next? Who's next on your list? JOHN BLACK? I could see you thinking John Black's name is TOO CLOSE to your name and trying to pull something over on him. Where are you, Jon? Where are you?

Shane pulls some raw garlic from his pocket and shoves a clove through the mouth hole of his mask. He walks away calling for Jonathyn as the camera turns to Ozymandias.

OZYMANDIAS: "You know I think it's about time we do things a little differently around here, what do you say? Hey Jon, I know you are out there, I know you are watching this, you are watching this because you are too much of a coward to show up here in person. Tell you what I am going to do, until you decide to actually show up in person, anything you attempt to get aired live during our shows will be promptly intercepted by myself or one of the other XWF General Managers. Will we throw it in the trash? Will we edit it to something entertaining? I guess we'll just have to find out. How does that suit your fancy Jon? You like that? Consider XWF airtime off limits until it is you in the flesh that we are watching and not some video that looks like it was shot by an 8th grader trying to earn an A+ in his A/V class."

Madness goes to commercial as Ozymandias disappears out of the camera's view.

Coming back from commercial we see J.J. Zilla standing, smoking a blunt, and staring into the camera. He is live from his home in Colorado where he seems to be having a little party.

J.J. Zilla: "Hi there. My name is J.J. Zilla. I'm a pro wrestler/preacher/role model/next Ark of the Covenant Champion. On June 21st, I will grace the X-treme Wrestling Federation with my presence at Leap Of Faith in the Ark of the Covenant Championship match or how I will be known in the history books, "The XWF debut of The greatest wrestler and XWF Universal Champion of all time, the genius, the philosopher, the sexually attractive and amazingly talented, J.J. ZILLA!" Monday Madness was lucky enough to get me on their show. Both shows were chopping off their nuts to get me on their brand. I'm going to be competing against like 4 other "wrestlers" or something. I didn't count. I don't know who I'm facing. I don't care. I might not even show up because this championship isn't worthy of my abilities. Those men don't deserve to share the same ring with me but, if I do decide to show, you can guarantee I'm going home with that championship. Though, it's only a stepping stone for me till, I become Universal Champ. I wrestled on the indies for a while and a bit in Japan. XWF almost came in their pants when I signed the contract. You people will grow to love, worship, and ultimately build your lives around me and if you don't.... then you're a dumbdickbitch. You're welcome assholes. Now get the fuck out my motherfucking fortress of enlightenment."

Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz plays

"Clint Eastwood" plays over the speakers and when the beat drops Ezekiel Carter-Williams V walks onto the ramp. He looks at the fans with this "Man these fuckers are really annoying." He walks down the ramp while flipping the fans off, ripping posters that are toward him or his opponent, or kissing some poor sap's wife. He rolls in the ring and paces around the ring. He gets on the top turnbuckle and points to some lady and does the "blow me" taunt before getting down from the turnbuckle. He stands in the corner and waits for his opponent.

Country Boy Can Survive by Hank Williams Jr plays

Waylon comes out takes some Beechnut tobacco, puts a dip in and points at his opponent then wipes his hands on his overalls and spits the tobacco all down the ramp.

Destroyer by Project 86 plays

The lights dim and thunder rumbles. Lightning sparks throughout the rafters. "Destroyer" by Project 86 begins to play, mist pouring out of the entrance. The lights still dim, the fans going wild, Cain steps out of the mist, head bowed in seeming prayer. He then storms down the ramp toward the ring, quickly sliding under the bottom rope and standing. The lights strobe different colors and thunder roars as Cain storms the corners, roaring and pounding his chest atop each turnbuckle. He steps to the center of the ring and throws up a fist, fireworks exploding behind him.

Ezekiel Carter Williams V
- vs -
- vs -
Standard Triple Threat

The ref calls for the bell.

The match begins with all three people circling around each other like a pack of dogs fighting over a bone. Which one will be the first to make a move? It's Ezekiel! The AIDs Avenger charges at Cain, who answers with a boot to the chest of Ezekiel, who for his troubles is sent to the ground to be hit with a Shining Wizard from Waylon. Cain answers Waylon's assault by picking the hillbilly up and throwing him into the corner. Zeke is then thrown head first into Waylon. Cain steps back and then charges forward to hit a running big boot on his foes. Waylon throws Ezekiel off of him and rolls to avoid Cain’s foot.

JOEY STYLES: "Such incredible raw power from the Beast."

As Cain gets close Waylon throws a solid haymaker to the Giant’s knee, which causes him to stumble and stagger. Waylon takes this chance to jump up with one knee out. He grabbes Cain’s head and slamms it down to meet his knee.

Cain goes down!

Ezekiel sneaks up from behind Waylon and hits him with a reverse DDT. Ezekiel then gets up and drops an atomic knee on Waylon’s chest. Zeke then gets to his feet and pulls Waylon up using his hair, and begins to throw chops to Waylon’s face. He throws one that Cain catches midair, and reverses the chop on Ezekiel, before grabbing a hold of Waylon as well. The Best of Berlin lifts both of his opponents in the air and slams them together. Repeatedly. Before dropping them on the mat on top of each other. He then steps on them to make the pin...




Frodo Smackins is in the ring, and has delivered a Spear to take Cain off of the pile of his foes.

JOEY STYLES: "What the hell is Frodo doing here? This guy is up in everyone's business."

Frodo then pulls Ezekiel up, and hits him with a Shayouken that sends Zeke back down to the mat. The King of the Dwarves then helps Waylon up to his feet. They then begin to team up on Cain, each of them throwing punches and chops to the Original Murderer. Frodo then Irish Whips Cain into the corner and Waylon throws Ezekiel onto Cain. Frodo then makes a gesture and curls into a ball, Waylon picks him up and literally throws the Dwarf at the pair of foes. In mid-air Frodo unballs and forms a spear with his fist out., he's basically the midget version of Superman at this point. Cain shoves Ezekiel out of the way, and catches The Hobbit by the head and slams him to the mat before picking him up again and throwing The Sultan of Shorties out of the ring.

JOEY STYLES: "Cain is a man possessed right now."

Frodo is retreating up the ramp which draws Cains attention. Ezekiel takes this opportunity to go on the attack, and kicks out Cain’s knees. As the Giant goes down Ezekiel grabs his head and hits him with a Bulldog before getting up and grabbing Waylon by the throat, the Trailer Park Titan tries to fight for freedom, but cannot seem to get free. Ezekiel drags him over to the corner, and climbs the ropes. He is standing on the top turnbuckle and drops down with Waylon his grip, landing a top rope choke slam. Waylon is down, and it appears Cain is getting up. Ezekiel walks over and hits him with a Stunner that sends him back to the ground.

Ezekiel goes for the cover...




Waylon breaks up the pin at the last second with an diving elbow drop. As Waylon tries to get to his feet Ezekiel struts over and kicks Waylon square in the jaw. Waylon goes down, and Ezekiel begins to strut around the ring like a peacock. Keyword Cock. Cain is tired of the blatant showboating, so he walks over and delivers a right hook that sends Ezekiel back to the ground before beginning to stomp him. Mistake as Waylon comes out of nowhere with a Diamond Cutter on the Giant. Waylon then scoops up Ezekiel and hits him with a solid Sidewalk Slam. Ezekiel is bleeding at this point, and Cain and Waylon step back for a second, before deciding the risk too minimal. They both charge at Ezekiel, and team up to hit him with lefts, and rights.

Waylon gets Ezekiel and tries to hit him with a Spinebuster, but Ezekiel gets free and turns it into a Suplex. Cain catches them both with a double clothesline. He then lifts Waylon up and holds him midair with one hand and begins to punch him with the other. Waylon gets free by spitting Beechnut in Cain’s face, only to get a superkick from Zeke as soon as he lands. Cain then spins around Zeke and before Zeke can even react gets destroyed by The Final Solution(Jackknife Powerbomb) and the cover...




Winner: Cain

JOEY STYLES: "A fantastic victory by Cain here. Fighting off 2 and at times 3 combatants."

The ref raises Cain's hand in victory however the moment is short lived as all five members of the Heyman Alliance come storming out of the back. Sawyer, Broomer, Davids, Gunn and Lesnar. Cain tries to fight them off but they are just too much for him, systematically taking the Beast from Berlin apart.

JOEY STYLES: "What a disgrace. The man is completely outnumbered. I'm not even sure if the rest of Ozymandias's team is even in the building.

Waylon and Zeke both make their way up the ramp and to the back deciding not to get on Heyman's bad side. As they do so the crowd pops as Connolly, Frost, and Austin come out of the back and engage the Heyman Alliance.

Fists and bodies are flying everywhere. Cain is finally back up to his feet and going toe to toe with Brock Lesnar. Madness Unleashed is giving their all to the Heyman Alliance but the sheer numbers are too much as Ozymandias's team is outnumbered by one.

Sawyer and Connolly are battling on the outside of the ring. Brommer and Gunn are halfway up the ramp going at it with John Austin and Frost. Meanwhile Steve Davids and Brock Lesnar are double teaming Cain, taking him apart piece by piece.

The lights go out and stay out for several seconds. The darkness is finally cut as the X-Tron explodes into flames. From the very top of it, the flames travel out on both sides until they surround the tron. From there, flames explode from the ramp then travel down both sides of the ramp. The flames reach the bottom of the ramp and all four corners of the ring explode with more firey flamages igniting the steel lighting structure above the ring into a kind of ring of fire. With the illusion that the entire arena is on fire, O Fortuna hits. The flames continue to burn as Sebastian Duke finally emerges. Not from backstage, but from beneath, as if he's coming from the depths of hell. Once Duke reaches the stage all eyes turn to the King of Darkness, the XWF's Current Universal Champion.

JOEY STYLES: "The Universal Champion is here!! We've seen in recent weeks a mutual respect between Sebastian Duke and Cain. Perhaps the champ is here to lend a hand."

Suddenly from the crowd comes Enigma. He slides into the ring unnoticed and destroys Steve Davids with The Big Reveal(Clothesline from Hell). The former X-treme and US Champion picks up Steve Davids and tosses him out of the ring like he was a feather. Lesnar stares down Enigma and as Lesnar goes to attack the masked man Cain comes up from behind Lesnar lifts him up and chokeslams him straight to hell. The shocking turn of events is enough to send the rest of the Heyman Alliance packing. Connolly, Frost and Austin are standing on the sidelines as onlookers. Cain turns around and gives a head nod to Sebastian Duke who does not flinch. Cain then walks up to Enigma and extends a hand. Enigma pauses for a moment, looks up at his brother and then shakes Cain's hand before exiting the ring and retreating to the back with his brother as Madness goes to commercial.

- the image start with a black screen and a off voice that is disturbed start to talk -

Off disturbed voice: How is to lose everything. To lose all the things that bring you to the place you though you belong but ended up to not be true.

- then suddenly, appears an image, in black and white of a person on his back, we can see anything that can show us who it is, meanwhile the image zoom to his face -

Off disturbed voice: That it was everything fake. Everything you accomplished suddenly equals nothing. Your life, you style, your manners, the way you do the things... everything break down.

- the person put the hands on his face, in the middle of nothing, when the dramatic music is getting his momentum-

Off disturbed voice: But you can't just leave your world. Now is part of you. Maybe is adapt or perish. Maybe you only have to change. To change your image, your manners, everything about you and start again. Be a more clean person.

- then it looks like the person will finally turn his head and we can see a part of a gloomy face but still not enough to reconigze him/her when suddenly, a new image hit the screen, all in white and some letters on it -

It's time to be CLEAN

He's coming

The lights go out, and then when they come back on Mastermind is seen standing on the top rope waving to the crowd.

Frodo Smackins, one half of the tag team champions makes his way down to the ring accompanied by his two kids Joseph-Gordon and Katie, his half of the tag team titles around his waist.

- vs -
Frodo Smackins
Anything Goes
Last Man Standing

The bell rings and the match is underway. Frodo starts off strong with a bitch slap to the face followed by a kick to the balls and then a snap DDT. Frodo rolls over ontop of Mastermind and starts laying waste to the Master of Mind’s face.






Five punches to the face and Mastermind looks dazed and confused. Frodo picks Mastermind up and tosses him into the corner. Frodo charges at Mastermind but Mastermind jumps the ropes, missing Frodo’s charge. Frodo stumbles out of the corner, Mastermind grabs a hold of the ropes and propels himself over them and into Frodo with a flying clothesline.

JOEY STYLES: “Excellent move by Mastermind.”

Mastermind yanks Frodo up and irish whips him into the ropes, on the rebound with an enziguri. And then an elbow drop to Frodo’s throat. Mastermind quickly climbs the turnbuckle, signals to the crowd and leaps off, nailing Frodo with a flying head butt.

Mastermind rolls out of the ring and crashed onto the hard floor. Frodo is stirring in the center of the ring while Mastermind picks up the ring steps and tosses it into the ring. The steps land on their side and roll over a few times before coming to a stop a few inches away from the King of Dwarves.

Frodo rolls over and gets to one knee as Mastermind slides back into the ring and picks up the ring steps. Frodo is now up to his feet. He turns around and gets clocked by the ring steps. Mastermind then uses the steps a few more times, delivering shots to various parts of Frodo’s body before placing the ring steps on Frodo’s face which effectively keeps him planted in the ring. Mastermind looks around trying to plan out his next move. A decision that would prove to be a bad one as Frodo removes the ring steps and tosses them at Mastermind. Mastermind catches them in midair just as Frodo had hoped. Frodo then drop kicks the metal stairs which are then propelled directly into Mastermind’s face.

Frodo picks up the steps and tosses them out of the ring where they hit the announcers table and then land topside up. Frodo picks up Mastermind and walks him over to the ropes, he tries to lift Mastermind up and over the ropes but Mastermind grabs hold of the ropes with all he has to prevent such a move. Mastermind lets go of the ropes with his left hand and hits Frodo in the temple with an elbow. Frodo shakes it off and quickly grabs Mastermind and lifts him over the ropes. Mastermind lands on the ring apron and swings wildly at Frodo’s face, trying to get a grab of the dwarfs hair but misses. Instead Frodo counters with a punch to Mastermind’s mid section. He then backs away and then charges at Mastermind, hitting him with a spear that propels Mastermind backwards, right on top of the metal ring steps.

JOEY STYLES: “That did not look good. I’m no Doctor but I did watch every episode of House, that said I am pretty positive that spines are not supposed to bend that way.”

Some skinny guy dressed in an Mr. XWF Green and White suit with a Black shiny helmet on running down the ring to interfere the main event. He gets a mic on his hands to speak to the crowd..

OUTSIDER JOEL:It's getting mad borin up in here... why don't we start seeing some real SHYTE... Frodo, be prepared to get your mouth open with deez NUTZ... BITCHHH!

Mr. LYTE stands behind Frodo with Cake and Frodo turns and gets caked in the face. Frodo looks mad and was ready to punch him until Mastermind low blows him, Frodo is on the kneels on the ground, Mr. LYTE teabags his face with his horn dog.

Mr. LYTE headbutts Frodo that lays him out on the mat, while Mastermind looked confused on what just happened. Mr. LYTE leaves the ring before the 10 count.





Frodo manages to get to his feet, Mastermind can't believe it.

Frodo and Mastermind lock up, Frodo get's the advantage with a knee to Mastermind's mid section before walking Mastermind over to the announcers table.

JOEY STYLES: “No, not again. This is a brand new table damn it.”

Frodo attempts to smash Mastermind’s head into the table but Mastermind master’s Frodo’s mind and manages to counter the move and instead send the Prince of Little People up in the air and right onto the table with a massive suplex. Somehow the table doesn’t break.

JOEY STYLES: “Oh thank God. It’s still standing.”

Mastermind looks around and then instead of following up with a move places one finger from each of his hands on his temples, he then just stares at the table, his eyes looking intently at Frodo…



JOEY STYLES: “Mother fucker.”

Mastermind just used his mind to make the table come crashing down. Holy shit, dis nigga right here is like a real life Obi Wan Kenobi.

Mastermind lifts the ring apron up and starts pulling out weapons from underneath the ring. A tire iron, a kendo stick, a sheet of glass and a table. Mastermind places the table on its side up against the barrier and places the sheet of glass in front of it.

Frodo rolls off of the pile of wood that was previously the announcers table and gets to his feet just as Mastermind is turning around. Frodo picks up the kendo stick and swings…




Three straight cracks to the head and Mastermind has been left dazed. Frodo grabs Mastermind by the back of the head and throws him towards the table and sheet of glass….


Mastermind goes through the glass and then the table. Frodo looks on smiling, he even starts to do a little dance,I think they call it the sprinkler. Kids these days.

Frodo smells blood in the water and he runs at Mastermind, drilling him in the face with a running knee.

Frodo’s two kids Joseph-Gordon and Katie are on the sidelines cheering on their father. Frodo looks lifts up Mastermind to his feet and then plants him with a Phoenixrana. Bypassing the pin and instead lifting his opponent back up and attempts a suplex but Mastermind blocks it with repeated kidney shots. Frodo backs away in pain giving Mastermind a short opening which he quickly takes advantage of. Mastermind taunts Frodo which results in the wee man running at Mastermind only to be dealt with by a back body drop onto the remnants of the announcers table.

Frodo is down and he doesn’t appear to be in good shape. Meanwhile Frodo’s two kids come over and start yelling at Mastermind. Mastermind walks over to the two and just smiles before turning back around and walking over towards his fallen opponent. Frodo reaches into his pocket and pulls out a sock filled with butter. One quick snap and he whips Mastermind across the face.

Frodo then quickly gets up and nails Mastermind with the Shayouken!!!

JOEY STYLES: “Mastermind is down but is he out?”

The ref begins the count….






Mastermind is stirring…


He gets to one knee…


Now both knees…

And he’s up.

Frodo can’t believe it, he looks around, not sure what to do. Mastermind gets up to his feet and just laughs. Frodo is irate.

“I have indeed Mastered your Mind Frodo.”

Suddenly a light goes off in Frodo’s head, he grabs his son Joseph-Gordon and throws him in Mastermind’s direction. Completely taken aback by the move Mastermind catches Joseph-Gordon and just stares at him. Frodo picks up the ring steps and charges at his son and Mastermind…


JOEY STYLES: “Holy Shit!! Frodo just clocked his own son in the back of the head."

Joseph-Gordon’s head smacks into Masterminds and the two fall backwards, both bodies going limp.” Frodo looks over at his daughter who has a stunned look upon her face. He then walks over to Katie, picks her up by the waist and throws her on top of Mastermind and Joseph-Gordon.

The ref begins another count….











Winner: Frodo Smackins

JOEY STYLES: "A incredible, albeit unorthodox win by Frodo. That's all for this week's Monday Night Madness. We'll see you this weekend at Leap of Faith. Goodnight everybody!"

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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[-] The following 4 users Like Ozymandias's post:
Frodo mother fucking Smackins (06-16-2014), Outsider Joel (06-16-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (06-16-2014), Rain (06-16-2014)
Rain Offline
The Queen of Queer


XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

06-16-2014, 06:25 PM

OOC: ....I thought the deadline was midnight?

[Image: Dahvie-vanity-botdf-crew-31823997_zpsgzuqvwx0.gif]

iAm fluid... my gender, my sexuality, my personality...
as fluid as the drops of water pouring down upon us from the heavens above

Former 24/7 Xtreme Champion [x1]
Born: 10.31.89 -- Died: 09.13.13 | ReBorn: 08.11.2014 | #emoHero | #BROKEN

@the_rain_storm (on forum) | @the_rain_storm (on twitter) | FaceSpace | The YouTubezz
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

06-16-2014, 06:27 PM

OOC: Deadlines are normally 12 noon PST unless otherwise noted on the boards.

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
Rain (06-16-2014)
Rain Offline
The Queen of Queer


XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

06-16-2014, 06:32 PM

OOC: ....oh. I thought it was the other 12....I've been so out of it lately, sorry..But, I've been working on something huge for the past five hours. As I told Ozy, I know this is most likely out of the question, but if there is ANY chance the results could be taken down for just an hour, and then re-posted with what I send in, I can swear to you it'll be worth it. It's an opening and closing segment.....I totally understand if not, however, and I'll just wait for the PPV, but it would sincerely mean the world if I could have this one request. But, I do get it, if it's impossible. Peace, Shane-o.

[Image: Dahvie-vanity-botdf-crew-31823997_zpsgzuqvwx0.gif]

iAm fluid... my gender, my sexuality, my personality...
as fluid as the drops of water pouring down upon us from the heavens above

Former 24/7 Xtreme Champion [x1]
Born: 10.31.89 -- Died: 09.13.13 | ReBorn: 08.11.2014 | #emoHero | #BROKEN

@the_rain_storm (on forum) | @the_rain_storm (on twitter) | FaceSpace | The YouTubezz
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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Rain's post!
Unknown Soldier (06-16-2014)
Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

06-16-2014, 06:46 PM

"I told you I'd win, Jasmine. And now I can be back, the real Frodo Smackins. Oh, and Zeke, next time Waylon tells you I'll be somewhere, I'll be there. Believe it."

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Frodo mother fucking Smackins's post:
Rain (06-16-2014)
Mastermind Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

06-16-2014, 07:08 PM

Awesome match there Frodo, using your kids as the final pieces of the puzzle. There will be a next time.

Overall - 60 Wins 102 Losses 8 Technicals 2 Draws 1 No Contest
Comeback Record - 10 Wins 24 Losses 1 Draw
7th Year Record 2023 - 5 Wins 16 Losses
6th Year Record 2022 - 5 Wins 8 Losses 1 Draw
5th Year Record 2020 - 7 Wins 12 Losses 1 No Contest
4th Year Record 2019 - 12 Wins 1 Draw 21 Losses
3rd Year Record 2018 - 6 Wins 2 Losses
2nd Year Record 2015 - 1 Wins 9 Losses 2 Technical
1st Year Record 2014 - 24 Wins 34 Losses 6 Technicals

February 2020 Star of The Month
November 2014 Star Of The Month

Former XWF Thursday Night Anarchy Champion - 2022 - 1 Successful Defence
Former Three Time X-Treme Champion
Former Television Champion - 129 Days (Just the 4th TV Champion to break 100 days, and now 4th on the all time list)
Former Two Time Ark of the Covenant Champion
Lost in the 1st Round of the Woodstock Open - Wrestlestock 2019
Semi Finalist in the XWF King of the Ring 2020

50TH CAREER WIN vs TOMMY WISH - Wednesday Night Warfare - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2020

100TH CAREER LOSS vs BOB D - Weekend Warfare - 12TH AUGUST 2023



Check out my page for victories and losses


[Image: misfits.png]

[Image: Misfits2.png]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Mastermind's post:
Frodo mother fucking Smackins (06-16-2014), Rain (06-16-2014)
Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

06-16-2014, 07:16 PM

"Yeah, I'm up for the Father of the Year award. Jealous?"

OOC: Hey, don't worry about that bet, I lost my end even if I did try and use a double to get around it. Besides, it was never serious. Much love for the match. I really thought you had me there.

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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Rain Offline
The Queen of Queer


XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

06-17-2014, 05:37 AM

OOC: I saw the 'hate'.....and I get it. I spoke w/Ozy, and this is what I told him--

shane horn bryant Said:Dude, it's fine. I appreciate the positive attitude, tbh, after my first run. I love how things are going, so it's no sweat. Honestly, just makes the PPV all the more interesting. Believe me, I'm gonna deliever big-time for this one....the first step to redemption, as well as changing people's perception regarding me and the character. I have a ton of ideas, and I'm only hoping all of them can be used. I'm gonna go ahead and post an IC comment in the thread, as a message to Frodo.

Again, thank you, I'm LOVING this return....have an excellent night, and rawk on brutha. ~$hane-o-mac

It was my fault, I tried my best, but not hard enough.

Leap of Faith will be the night I redeem myself.

Believe it. /OOC


Our camera opens. The lens is set upon a close-up of a DVD player. A disc is inserted, and a question appears on the screen--


--the choice is yours--


[Image: Dahvie-vanity-botdf-crew-31823997_zpsgzuqvwx0.gif]

iAm fluid... my gender, my sexuality, my personality...
as fluid as the drops of water pouring down upon us from the heavens above

Former 24/7 Xtreme Champion [x1]
Born: 10.31.89 -- Died: 09.13.13 | ReBorn: 08.11.2014 | #emoHero | #BROKEN

@the_rain_storm (on forum) | @the_rain_storm (on twitter) | FaceSpace | The YouTubezz
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