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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Four Letter Word pt 5
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Elisha Offline
Don't go down to the woods tonight.

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05-28-2014, 07:59 AM

I'm not sure what to believe anymore. Everything I was living has been just me zoning out from Victor trying to help me it appears. Everything I accomplished up to now as 'Elisha' had been nothing more than an odd fantasy of mine. An imagination that felt so real that maybe I didn't want to wake up. The heartache I felt with the situation between Lacey and Lacey doll. Even the pain I felt when I Eli had been beaten up by the New World Order and left to die. Me holding the Television Championship without Eli or any members of the old Congregation was just a breeze in the wind. Holding a belt as a Trio Champion was a flash of light. It was all just one big stupid imagination. Maybe this whole world I created was fate. Fate to warn me of things to come if I were to join with that newcomer Eli James.

You hear it all the time... if you were to travel in time and do something small.. even unnoticeable.. it could change the entire world. To think if I don't go with Eli: Mystica, Sincere Lee Wild, Death Merchant, Cam Lang, LJ Havok, Andrew Morrison, John Austin, John Raide, Casey Jones, and many others would still be around; the Black Circle would still exist; Shane never would have brought Sewaside and Infamous to the XWF; Shane of old and the Administrator would still be alive; the list is endless. If I choose to go with Eli then all that happens again, but in reality this time and I become the creature I struggled against.

"Eric. I know you've had a difficult time lately with Wallace and all. Me and the Doc decided you needed a day away from everything. Just a nice evening."

I had no idea what they meant. Stressed, or having a difficult time was understatement of the year. I was confused and blown away by the revelation I just heard. Imagine if someone were to tell you your whole life for the last 10 months were just your imagination. My world, or reality, had been shaken at its core. Yeah, I'd say I need at least a day away from everything. Then, I noticed their eyes were looking behind me. Let me guess... Eli.

Eric turns his head around to see what they were looking at. It's a beautiful lady wearing a light green bikini. Eric turns his head back to the doctor and Victor.

"Meet Miss Brit Bliss. She saw you on television and wanted to meet you. Instead of bringing her to a show, we thought we'd just bring her to you for a fun evening. How does that sound, Eric? We'll take care of Lacey."

"Come on, Eric! Let's go to the beach!"

A smile came across my face so quick. She was a looker. I think I can get over my imagination if I can spend the recuperating stage with her. Yeah, life is going to be great. No more eating animals raw. No more struggle between evil and good. Just me telling the world to fuck off, and hopefully spend some time fucking her world. Finally back to normal.

"Let's go!"

Eric quickly leaps off the couch and grabs Britt's hand as the two leave the office in a hurry.

We had a lot of fun. We went out of a boat and just chatted about life. We shared with each other our goals for our future, relationship history, and what we want to get out of life. It was magical. Corny, I know but it was. We fished. She laid out in the sun and I just watched. The sun slowly starting to go down and I thought to myself, 'I should make a move'. I didn't have much to lose except for her to say goodbye. I went for it. To my surprise it's what she was waiting for. We made out and decided to continue our fun. Her clothes were coming off and then... well I don't know what happened.

Eric is sitting in a room strapped in a white jacket. He awakes and begins to freak out not knowing where he is or how he got there. All he can yell for is Britt and Lacey. He's able to walk freely at least. He starts to ram himself into the walls trying to get out but it's of no use. A man walks in the room wearing clothes similar to that of a doctor in a hospital.

"Eric? Are you alright?

"Who are you? Where am I? What am I doing here? Where's Britt? Where's Lacey?"

"Just calm down. Please, have a seat."

I.. I don't know what to think anymore. I just want to die. I want all this to end.

"Do you not remember anything?"

"I remember I was with Britt on the boat, and we were about to... you know... enjoy each others company more and all of a sudden I wake up here. You tell me!"

"I see. And you don't know who I am?"


"My name is Elisha James. I'm the doctor here."

Elisha James? The fuck?

"You've been here for years, Eric. Britt was your wife whom you murdered on a boat almost seven years ago. Lacey was your unborn child. You were sent here because of psychiatric evaluation. You were declared insane and here you are."

"No. Nonononononono! That can't be! I was just talking to another doctor, Victor, and Lacey. They sent me away for a day of relaxation with Britt. We went on a boat and were having sex. Lacey was already born! Britt wasn't even my girlfriend!"

"You've shared this story with me many times, Eric. It's almost like you believe it. You talked about that, and how you were living another life as a monster with the name Elisha and following a man named Eli James. Don't you see Eric? You think I'm a monster so you conjured up in your mind to create a fictional monster with my first name. You took part of my first name and my entire last name to make another evil man in your imagination. Then, you probably regret what happened with Lacey and Britt and conjured up this fantasy of what you wished would happen. You've made up story after story, Eric, but we must get to the root. You have to relive the truth."

"I told you the truth. You're feeding me bullshit"

"This talking is going to set us back, Eric. You know that, don't you? All the progress we've made over the last three months. Not good, Eric. You have to try to focus on the truth. I'm sorry, but we're going to have to give you the medicine again."

I don't know what medicine he's talking about, but I don't know if I like the sound of it. Something is going on and I have to figure it out. I'm being played.

"Wait. Wait. I, I think it's coming back to me. Britt, yes, I killed her. She was cheating on me."

"Honestly, Eric, I think you're just telling me what I want to hear now."

"No, I remember! She cheated on me with a man named.. his name was... Theo."

"Well, that name is new. Perhaps you are telling me the truth. Go on."

"He's rich. He thinks he's unstoppable. His loves money and power. He's all about himself, or he was, until he met my Britt. We were having issues in our marriage and a big fight broke out. She left to cool off and I stayed at home. That's when they met. She was an a fancy restaurant by herself and he was there with some associates conducting a business meeting. "

"How do you know all of this?"

"She told me. She confessed everything. A person easily confesses when a knife is at their throat."


"He saw her crying and alone. He went up to her and the two ended up talking about who knows what. That night, they slept together. She came home about four in the morning and woke me up by kissing me. She was apologizing and all lovey dovey. Something didn't seem right, but I just thought she realized the argument was meaningless. She told me she joined a class on Zumba, and went out every evening. When she confessed everything to me, she told me she was actually going out with Theo every night. He gave her love, not things. That's what she wanted from me that she said I didn't give. That's a lie!"

"Where is this Theo now?"

"I don't know. They stopped seeing each other three days before I killed Britt. I don't know what happened. I didn't care to know. I knew all I needed to know and that's when I killed her. I think he gave a written testimony about Britt and I.. things she confessed to him for the court but that's all."

"Eric. What if I were to tell you that the reason you're here isn't because of some girl named Britt, or an unborn child named Lacey, or anything we've been talking about?"

"I don't understand."

"I'm a psychiatrist. It's my job to find out why you're here and to help you. There is no Britt. No Lacey. No Theo. You are here because... "

"I told ya Elisha to remember my words... hehe.."

The voice of Eli James returns. I snap out of it and I'm back on a boat with Britt. What did I just picture? Maybe another warning that if I chose to sleep with Britt, all that would happen just like if I chose to go with Eli. I don't want to end up there, but I sure would like to sleep with her. Shit.

Ah, fuck it.

I wake up next to Britt. I kissed her and told her thank you, and left. I was able to go back to the doctor's office and everything felt great. I walk in and there they are.. Lacey and Victor.. spent the night waiting for me to return.

"Daddy!! You're home!"

"I am. I'm home for good. Where's the doctor? I think I'm cured."

"He'll be in here in a minute, Eric. Glad to see you're feeling better. You look like a completely different person."

"I feel great. I'm ready to move on with my life, Victor."

Everything was fantastic. I felt like a million bucks. I felt refreshed. Life was perfect.

Until.... Until...

The doctor walks in the room. The doctor. Everyone sees him as a doctor. A professional fucking doctor. I see him as the man in my dreams. The beard. The shirt. The smile. Eli James. What. The. Fuck.

[Image: 2b6d4bc0-f04e-46fe-98b2-4584c5178299_zps1fa4586d.jpg]
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