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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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Vellore Brommer Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

05-19-2014, 07:00 PM

We have shifted back in time to continue our story of young Vellore and his attempt to take revenge on the kidnappers who have taken his mother away from him, and his mother's attempt to escape the clutches of the "Misfit" gang and be reunited with her only son!

Chapter 2
Episode 4
No Back-up!

"Você fala português direito?" The question breaks the awkward silence that has been held out for so long in the car. The undercover police officer Rafael Eduardo pokes his head in the direction of the petite female who is sprawled out in an attempt to sleep in the most uncomfortable position possible.

"Sim....." The simple answer she had given Rafael was in an attempt to let him know she wasn't in much of a talkative mood.

Especially if she had known that the house she was in only a few hours ago, the table she had been laid out on. It was all where her son stays, the table is where he eats, the bathroom she found Rafael in upstairs was his bathroom. But she wouldn't find this out today, whose to say she ever would really find out.....

The hint absolutely worked and Rafael didn't begin an interrogation of questions, instead he clicked the button to the radio and turned it down to a soft sound that would likely help put a child to sleep. But just as Rose begins to drift off to the wonders of dream land, one of the only places she thinks she will find her son again, she is abruptly awoken when the car stops in a parking lot of a convenient store. Eduardo hops out of the car and walks past the doors and into the building.

"Alone at last........" The thought running through Rose's mind. Her face was pressed up against the car window, with every breath she lets out the glass beneath her nose fogs just slightly. The woman who was shot in the shoulder and still hasn't had any pain killers, or medical attention began to drift off yet again. Her eyes rolling to the back of her head but again she is abruptly awoken. This time is wasn't Rafael's fault. He wasn't getting in or out of the car to wake her up, no this was some sort of ball bouncing of the window exactly where Rose's face lay.

Her eyes only slightly opened and a very pissed off expression came across her face as she looked out the window. But it was only a little boy who came walking over to the car. But something wasn't right, this was no ordinary little boy. This small child had such familiar features. His hair, his eyes, the way he smiled.... could it really be?

"VELLORE!" The words shooting out of Rose's mouth like an arrow being shot into a deer. The little boy was pierced with fear as the woman got out of the car. He knew he was in trouble and so he coward away from the woman.

"NÃO NÃO Vellore sou eu! É a sua mãe!" The boy was now confused. He grabbed his bouncy ball and cocked his head to the side looking up at the woman. She dropped down and gave him a hug picking him up. Lifting him up she began crying and laughing both at the same time. "Eu nunca pensei que eu iria vê-lo novamente!" The child was awfully confused now, especially as his mother exited the store and instantly began shouting.

"Que porra é essa? O que você fez dessa vez!" It wasn't until now that Rose realized that this young child was not only NOT her son but he looked nothing like the young Vellore. It had been five years since she last saw him though so she couldn't be positive what he looked like anymore.

Her thoughts only brought her to tears. She had missed her child so much that she was seeing other little boys as if they were him. She fell to her knees with her face in her hands in an attempt to cover her weeping. The boy and his mother both looked concerned and tried to help Rose up to her feet and stop her crying but it was an impossible thing to do at this moment. She had been shot, she had been kidnapped, and she hadn't seen the light of day in quite a few weeks being held up in the gang's prison cell.

Rose, an avid believer in karma, had no idea what she had done to deserve all of this. She was almost positive if you put out good into the world that is what would come back and be given to you. But this? Her life currently was no where near the description of the word "good". All she wanted was her old life back, she wanted to take back they day she was taking Vellore to his first Tae-Kwon-Do lesson, she wanted to notice that the people in the car where looking at her and instead of walk away alone find help. She wanted her old life back. Just as all her son wanted was to once again see his mother.

"Que tal um filme para animá-lo?" The man stepping out of the store asks Rose. Rafael hands over a bottle of pain reliever and then goes to work on Rose's shoulder cleaning up the wound and sterilizing it. After the work is done on her shoulder the two turn around and face a small movie theater. There are only two movies up on the board that are playing.

Ninjas contra a máfia 7
"Ninjas versus The Mafia 7"

Starring: "Paolo Mangina"
"As well as countless other awful cliche Italian names..."


O Mordomo Britânico
"The British Butler"

Starring: "Sterling Silver"
"Batman.... from the view of the butler...."

"Nada de bom." Rose wasn't as much disappointing as she thought she would be. Her shoulder was still killing her and all she wanted to do was find a decent hotel and rest. "Que tal um pouco de sono?"

"Soa como um plano para mim!" The police officer was exhausted from driving all day especially after barley escaping the clutches of Mauricio Sousa. He was ready to sleep.


The silence is deafening, you could hear a mouse snap the twigs that lay out in the open field. You could hear the leaves scratch together if only there were a wind to cause such a thing. Instead the creepiness of the silence was all that surrounded the area. Not a grasshopper, nothing but pure unbroken silence.

A stone tossed across the lake, that breaks the middle of the field into water, is what we now hear. A man is sitting under the moonlight, leaning up against a tall tree. He picks up another rock and tosses it into the endless lake, the rock takes four long skips before it sinks to the bottom of the deep, dark waters. A third stone is thrown and it bounces five times hopping off the waves of its predecessor and giving a last high bounce into the air and shining in the moonlight before taking its turn to dive to the bottom of the lake.

The rocks were much like Vellore's opponents, Sterling Silverspoon and Ponzio Mancellino. They were able to last a little while bouncing off of each other, but when it came to it neither of them could surpass the laws of nature, and physics. The lake was obviously Vellore, devouring his opponents and continuing like nothing had happened. He had just absorbed the knowledge and was ready to devour more stones.

As the man continues to skip stones on the lake he doesn't even realize that a car had just pulled up not more than 10 feet behind him, it must have been one of those hybrid electric cars because it was more silent than the bird that was keeping the man's attention. All four car doors open and out come four people holding guns dressing in colors of the "Misfit" gang. The four guns are cocked and this causes the man to turn back around.


The bullets that are shot out of the gun quickly turn into white doves that block our view. What had happened to the man? Why did the gang members kill him? Where was he?

All of these questions were left unanswered.

We are now in a new scene, a woman is walking along a long seemingly endless road with nothing but grass at her feat and the hard pavement next to her. She was frolicking through the grass so much so that she wasn't paying attention to anything else. She was so happy that the birds were singing along with her, the bunny rabbits hopping along to her step. She was living the perfect moment in life.

Or so it was that she thought. Again a car is able to pull up to her, without any notice. Just like to the man the four doors open and four people get out. They are covered in shade not letting us see who they are which is weird with so much sun out and not a tree in sight for shade. But the figures were pitch black and we couldn't see a thing on them. The four people each grabbed a limb of the woman and tossed her into the truck. Even with her screaming and kicking and fighting back, all that scared off the animals that were just a second ago happily accompanying the woman, none of it mattered the four shades where able to over power the woman and stuff her into the trunk of the car.

A gun was pulled from the waistband of each of the four. They all cocked their guns again....



Four quick shots into the trunk, this time the bullets not turning into birds but instead leaking blood out of the trunk of the black car.

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