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So, it's time for me to take back the starbucks title.
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04-13-2014, 09:45 AM

[b]"Así, Dyst Wyatt cree que puede tener mi título de mi. Cree que puede ser el puente entre los dos mejores de Star Bucks campeones alguna vez fueron. Escorpio y yo. Obtener ese pensamiento lejos de sus pequeños garras sucias. Usted no es digno de el tiempo esto se está llevando.

Show Good, inkastoo, waxaa qaadashada iga in qaab la qurxiyay, sidoo kale xun ayaa iska leh oo aan u leeyihiin dib u doono. Shaki kuma jiro oo ku saabsan in. Haddii aad u malaynayso in aad ku taagan tahay fursad aad u qaldan, wiilka yar. , Punk, British, fuley. You are waxyaalahan oo dhan, iyo in ka badan. Ha isku dayin iyo dhaqmin sidii aad wax ka badan this tahay.

Ungakwazi yini bala one two three nami? Can wena? Noma ingabe Nathi inbred ukukwenza lokhu. Phuma Dick Bray futhi bathole bakuthole kimi uma unethuba. Uzodinga ngebhala ukuze uthwale yonke Shit ophola inhlabathi. Umbe hole yakho ezijulile, ngimbe it ejulile, mfana. Uhlele akukho nethuba ukubona ilanga.

Mam zamiar przypiąć teraz, ale wątpię, że jesteś zauważyć. Kiedy zauważysz to, to będzie za późno. Jestem tego pewien. Nie wyglądają zbyt mocno lub będziesz go przegapić. Jest to łatwe do wykrycia, jeśli po prostu zachować na transport samochodowy wraz z nim. Nie bezużyteczny, pochodzą kick out. Powiedzieć słowa.

Before I end our little issue, I want to congratulate you. I heard your sister was prego, and that you're the father. Congrats on getting her knocked up, you've done a great thing there. Could I borrow a pen to sign the card I got you for knocking her up?"

16 minus 7 plus 5
Dusty Wyatt Offline
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04-13-2014, 11:18 AM

1st verse - So Dyst Wyatt thinks he can take my title from me. Think you may be the bridge between the two best Star Bucks were once champions. Scorpio and me. Get that thought away from their little dirty claws. You are not worth the time this is taking.

So BRIDGE is a pin attempt. I have translated all sentences individually. So no error. I can't see the original English, the only person that can is U. So I may think u tried to translate pincers (pin attempt) and when it translates back u get dirty claws. I'm giving u too much credit actually.

2nd verse - Good show, though, is taking me in the form of attractive, too bad mine and I have to be back. There is no doubt about that. If you think you stand a chance to be wrong, boy. , Punk, British, coward. You are all these things, and more. Do not try and act like you have more than this is.

Nothing in that. Although like the English language, foreign words have more than one meaning but the only way to find out is using the original English translation. The world boy for instance, u may have typed in schoolboy and it may have translated back to English as boy. So schoolboy as a pin attempt. Attractive has threw me off haha.

3rd verse - Can you count one two three with me? Can you? Or is it too Breda to do this. Exit Dick Bray and come find me when you can. You'll need a wheelbarrow to carry all the Shit dating sediments. Dig your hole deeper, deeper I dig it, boy. Has no opportunity to see the sun.

So WHEELBARROW is a pin attempt. U counted one two three. That's a pin attempt.
Maybe some other double meaning words but at this point I couldn't give a shit. Lol. I'll go with bog again incase u are being a Douche.

4th verse -. I'm going to pin it now, but I doubt that you noticed. When you find it, it will be too late. I'm not sure. They do not look too hard or you'll miss it. It is easy to spot if you just keep on trucking along with it. No useless, come kick out. Say the word.

I'm going to PIN it now. Can't see anything but that attempt.

The numbers at bottom are 16 (p) minus 7 is 9(i) plus 5 is 14(n) nice try.

And in English u say prego. Which is the first one I noticed and didn't have to check for cos it's portuguese for pin. Hahahahah. Nice try. That made me lol. And that's the one u really thought would win it u. Hahahaha. Fagmire.

If u have won. Then congrats. But... Kick out.

(edit - please tell me u haven't coded wrong on purpose and hope that the b at the beginning and asi is basi, which is something to do with pins. If so then that, but that's gay.)

Current 2x Ark of Covenant Champion

[Image: yOiur.gif]

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04-13-2014, 11:29 AM

Ooc:Wow, that translations between what I said and how it got back in English way weird. What translator do you use?
Dusty Wyatt Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

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(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

04-13-2014, 11:33 AM

(OOC : Google, I broke them down by sentences and by verse. No real difference. Same result and if I have missed something, then fair play. I just knew the English verse had at least one hidden gem haha.)

Current 2x Ark of Covenant Champion

[Image: yOiur.gif]

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Ozymandias Offline
Former XWF Management

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(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

04-13-2014, 03:27 PM

Ozymandias sees a missed pin (Pen is Afrikaans for pen) and dispatches a ref.

The ref runs in from the back, dressed as a ref so that there is no confusion and makes the count...




New Ark Champ: SwagMire

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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Dusty Wyatt Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

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(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

04-13-2014, 03:31 PM

Congrats. Knew I should have broke each word down separately and checked every one against every single language in the world that exists. Dammit. Aha.

Current 2x Ark of Covenant Champion

[Image: yOiur.gif]

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04-13-2014, 06:29 PM

Man, you did great, you even caught a couple that I didn't mean to put in. The dirty claws was supposed to say clutches, and the boys were just supposed to be boy. In the end, who would have thought anything of the word pen? It's why it was so clever.
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

04-13-2014, 08:49 PM

(04-13-2014, 03:27 PM)Ozymandias Said: Ozymandias sees a missed pin (Pen is Afrikaans for pen) and dispatches a ref.

Am I reading this right? lol

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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04-13-2014, 08:52 PM

Pen is Afrikaans for Pin. I confused Ozzy with Swagmire's hatred and his use of Afrikaans.
Dusty Wyatt Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

04-14-2014, 03:14 AM

Thanks for the compliments :) I'm glad I appear to have gone up in your estimation. Congratulations. :) I was gonna try and be a smart ass and rule that ozzy made an incorrect 3 count with the typo and then use it to kick out. Haha. But that would be taking it too far. You deserve the title back. :) congrats again.

Current 2x Ark of Covenant Champion

[Image: yOiur.gif]

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