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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
A Return to Darkness(Part Two)(Rp 4)
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Cain Offline
The Last Son of Eden

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

04-04-2014, 09:58 AM

Needless to say my trist with Miako took my mind off the message written in my journal. It was a load off. Hah. But as I lay there in bed, and she slept next to me the thoughts crept back into my head. Who else knew about "him"? Why did "he" decude that it would be prudent to return now? Even as cruel and brutal as I am, "his" actions were even worse. Anything I did, he did tenfold. I almost envied "his" brutality. I exhaled and sat up in bed, standing to my full height. I grinned at the huge shadow I cast. This was the thing people feared. But they always feared "him" more.

I sighed, and walked into the master bathroom. Black marble sink, tub. The works. Of course I didn't let those fuckin' beaners use it. They used the pond they liked it. Well, they didn't like it. But I didn't give a shit. Anything, one thing lead to another, and before I knew it I was trimming my goatee over the sink. As I went down to rinse my face, I came up and what I saw in the mirror sent chills up my spine. The shadowy figure spoke to me.

"Long time, no see Romulus."

I sneered and opened the large medicine cabinet, then pushed it shut.

"I'm still here, Beast. You know, i never understood why they referred to you by that moniker. I am much more vicious."

That made me growl. This fucker always had a way of getting to me. But not this time.

"You would be nothing without me. After all, it is I who gives you your power. So if I were you..."

"...Quiet, meat sack. You ARE me. Don't you ever forget that."

Deep deep down, I knew "he" was right. But I had to continue to supress him. I couldn't let "him" beat me. I looked down in thought for a moment. I wanted to yell. I wanted to scream. I wanted to curse at the mirror. I knew, however, that if I did all of that then he'd won. Especially if I busted the mirror and made myself bleed. The pompous ass in the mirror continued taunting me.

"Your strength. Your senses. Your agility. They are nothing without me. Back in the garden, mother and father made the mistake. That is where is all began, Cain."

That fucking prick. I felt my ears burning, and I could literally feel my face burning. My blood boiling, teeming with rage. Okay, I yelled at the mirror.

"Who ze fauck do you think you ahre? I deshtroyed you! You ahre dead! I ahm zeir favorite!"

"Oh really? So that is why they have forsaken you? Why he forsook you and gave you that mark? Oh sure, it was to protect you. You are still one of his creations after all, but that mark cursed you. It marked you as a no good murderer who killed your own brother out of jealousy and it gave you power. Our souls But what did you do, Cain? You gave me away!"

"You're goddamned right, you faucking piece of shit! I do naut need y-"

I felt my whole body tense up. Especially my jaw muscles as I cursed at my brother. It was as if he took the words right out of my mouth and kept them for his own. This wasn't good. I knew that his power over me was growing. Again. I felt his hold on me growing as he continued.

"Just shut up and listen. These mortals, they paint a sad picturr. A picture where I am the good, weak brother. But what they don't know is that we are just two halves of the same whole. We coild be that again, Cain. We could rule this world and destroy all who stand before us. Reap the souls of the weak in the name of the strong. You woild never live in dervitude again. You would rule. Don't you want that? Calm down and tell me, brother. Tell me what you want. Serve the mortals, or rule with an iron fist? The choice is up to you."

That made me think. The least little bit anyway. I mean, as I looked down at the hair in the sink i thought about the Kings and Emperors I had served. Julius Caesar. Adolf Hitler. Pontus Pilate. I had always been one to serve. I was a great soldier but never a ruler. I sighed and shook my head though. Even if I were to rule, it would be under his control.

"Look...I said I don't need you..."

The figure's eyes flashed red for a moment.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Have you become soft? Like the mortals?"

"Nein! I am naut soft!"

" either join with me Cain, or you regret it. Just remember. You have been warned, I will make you regret refusing your brother."

I was taken aback. But then again, I brought this hatred from him on myself. Suddenly I heard Miako's voice from the doorway.


She'd taken to calling me by my adoptive middle name. Not my real name. Cain. I hadn't heard that name for thousands of years. I looked at Miako. She was the only person that I would actually smile for...I loved her. The only woman I'd ever lovedd. I looked at the mirror. "He" was gone. Deep inside, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yeah Mia?"

"I was worried about you. To whom were you speaking?"

I had to lie.

"Noone. Just practicing my mic work...for Warfare..."

"Oh...well...okay. Well, you should get dressed. We're meeting my parents for dinner soon. You know we don't need to be late.

I looked at the mirror again then at Miako.

Ja. Ja. I remember. Let me hop in the shower, and I'll see you when I get out. Go ahead and tell the beaner to have the car running and cooled down."


She giggled at me and ran off. I knew she didn't suspect anything. But it never hurts to be sure. I bit my lip and looked into the mirror again, seeing only myself. For the first time in my life, I felt fear.

To Be Continued

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