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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
To Bring Calamity
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03-03-2014, 06:08 PM

Many Years Ago....

Dark trees covering over head hid the moon light from my foot steps. My breathing was heavy and short lasting with every step over the fallen leafs. My eyes flashed over what I could see through the darkness as I ran with foot steps behind me. Tears filled my eyes, pain filled my body, dirt covered my face, and blood dried on my knees. They were taking over, we were running.

Draven, please don't stop, we can't stop!

Keep running...Calamity...

No! come with me brother!

Calamity do as I say.


Calamity! Run! They are coming!


I felt my heart skip as the black shadows ran around us. I fell to my knees causing more blood to drop to the ground. I closed my eyes, wishing, hoping, praying to someone I had to believe in for the sake of hope. I felt my body rise as if something was picking me from the ground. He held my hand and walked me to my brother, beaten to the ground in a bloody puddle.

Do you choose to save him.

I looked up into red eyes and black wings. It was true beauty in a natural form. I nodded, my head restricting my eyes from my brother laying in his own blood. I closed my eyes, letting tears fall, and dropped down to him. Blood drained from holes on his neck, arms, and legs, his eyes seemed so dark.

Save him....Please...

I looked back up to the figure standing over me. He smiled, pushing his hand to the chest of my brother. The holes slowly ran to nothing and his eyes turned a brown red. I closed my eyes to the horrific look of my brother as he put his hand on the back of my head. I felt the man behind me pull me to my feet.

Now, I gave you what you wished, now you have a wish to grant me.

His hand pushed to my chest and my body ran cold. A terrifying scream surfaced from the trees as birds flew in all directions. It was this day that not only I, but my brother Draven, died.

Weeks Ago...

My eyes danced under my eyelids before forcing my eyes to open. A smile, sadistic in all it's glory, danced to my face as I rolled my head back and forth in a white padded corner. I was sentenced here after being unfit to make it in a jail house. I guess it was a step up from jail in its own way, however, I always had the hunger that came with being strapped up.

All dressed up in white straight jacket and nowhere to go. You missed the ball strappedarealla.

My eyes danced across the room to a man in white carrying a tray of food, food I was unable to eat. I smiled as he opened the door and bent down in front of me, grabbing my face, and pulling my hair.

Still keeping up this act that you are sick?

Demented laughs filled the padded room as I looked at the man and smiled. He sent a slap to my face before pulling out a pair of pliers, they were a punishment for me only. I smiled and stuck my tongue out, knowing where this was all going. My eyes looked up at his, half dead, as the flashbacks began.

~It was a normal room in the hospital for one, white walls and a small bed placed to that wall. On one wall was drawings, drawings and things that made the faculty here very disturbed.

Screams. Loud, crowded, screams. Blood ran down my lips and touched the white sheets placed on my little bed placed promptly to the wall. A nurse had walked in only to be sent out in pure terror as a man laid unconscious in my room, his tongue was missing, his body covered in blood, and thanks to me he was empty inside.

What did you do?!

I was hungry.

Words, words everywhere as the nurse looked on in more horror reading everything she could. The marks, the words, the meaning behind everything in that room.

[Image: tumblr_mznznooalS1souo92o1_500_zps6ad86041.gif]

I was pulled out by my own tongue, brought to a room, strapped into a white jacket, and placed into a padded room.

See no evil, speak no evil, do no evil.~

So now you like them?

I moved my tongue around, slightly, before leaning to him. He moved some hair from my face but didn't back away soon enough. I bit down on his finger, blood gushing into my mouth, and screams being released. He pulled away, hitting me once more, and got back to his feet in time to see the vehement enjoyment that was on my face.

Keep laughing all you want, you want food, feed yourself bitch.

My head dropped to the jacket before a smile rose on my face. My eyes looked up from under my black hair as he walked to the door. My head dropped down once more, my eyes following shortly after. A scream was loud, loud enough that everyone could hear. It was a scream of pain, one I missed so much. I looked up as the man laid on the padded ground that was now stained with red. His gasps for breath were loud and his eyes looked up with fear.

Yay, we did it Calam! We did it!

To bad he has a really really dirty mouth, it means he's a very dirty person and I was so hoping for someone with a clean one.

I pushed my back from the wall, looking down at the man before running my foot over his neck.

I'm so hungry!

So am I, let's get this over with.

I nodded, smiling to myself, and leaned down. The heat dashed from his body as every bit of life drain from his body along with the soul he was carrying. I looked up, breathing deep, and looked on at Kiley and Sirea. Sirea rolled her eyes as Kiley danced slightly.

I feel so much better! I feel all fuzzy inside now.

Ya, ya, let's get out of here before we have more than deadbeat nurse on the ground here to worry about.

I stood to my feet once more, pulling on the jacket. I rolled my eyes looking at the two walking into the main hall. Kiley stopped and peaked back in the room.

You coming?

After another attempt to break free I looked at her and cocked my head to the side.

[Image: tumblr_m61ebyVXFT1rpqy8io1_500_zps783fe59a.gif]

Present Day...

A white room opens up to a small set up of a table, a white mirror, and a girl sitting in front of the mirror. Her reflection is barely seeable as she sends a small brush through her hair. This girl is me.

Mirror mirror on the wall oh how the mighty fall.

The closer you come the more noticeable my face is to the camera. A smile lingers on my lips as I look up to the mirror.

I am going to begin with you, Ms.Jackson, for the sheer purpose of you not becoming big headed as you have seem to be in the past. Let me begin with, you are nothing more than rubbish flying around the ring. You talk so big, yet, you are so very small. You have pulled off a few wins, and they are quite cute for you, but this is one match you have everything stacked against you. Now, if this was a match on how much air you had in your body, you would be sure to win considering the air you not only have in your head but also in your chest area and lungs.

I pushed around the chair, looking on to the camera.

Let me begin with the air in your lungs. You talk so much for some matches, I'm surprised you even have the time to let in a breath. All the trash flying around you that comes from little words out of your big mouth, but then, what would I expect from the biggest peice of trash here. I expect no talent from you, why? You have showed me none. You are all talk little one, all talk and no real punches to be packed.

You play off the act of being a big bad awesome girl who everyone loves, am I correct? You play the hero for everyone at home, you play the hero for everyone in the stands, but every hero has a mask correct little one? Now, your mask covers all of your face due to the fact that well, you are a fake. Almost as fake as the things on your chest.

Now, since I brought it up and you can tell me I'm jealous of what you call boobs, I would be jealous, if every time a man sucked on them they didn't come up sounding like a fucking chipmunk from the helium. Then again, where else are you going to put all that air that's in your head? I mean, you talk and talk and it still doesn't deflate itself.

I giggled to myself softly.

But I didn't just decided to talk about the only thing that makes you worth anything, looks, I also have to say in ring you are not impressive. For a little girl who talks herself up so much, you really do fall flat in matches do you not? Most of your moves you use have to do with in air and flexibility correct? It makes me really wonder what you would be able to do if I should say, I don't know, lock you up into a move or make it where you can only attack me close up. You would be a little fucked would you not little Jackson? Think about it this way, at least after I break the barbie she can go to the barbie hospital and maybe, just maybe, marry Doctor Ken. Then he can help you find a good doctor to fix your slightly flat backside.

I moved back to the mirror, crossing off a picture of kirtisy with a red marker, and turned back to face the camera.

Now, Callaway, following in dearest daddys footsteps are we not? You seem so, what is the word, distant from the ring as of late. Could it be your mind is on better things? Perhaps the life outside of the ring with the "Prince of Darkness".

Before looking down at the ground and coking my head to the side, I closed my eyes slightly.

Well, it seems you don't have much more to care about other than the ring, the wedding, oh and the family. Wouldn't it be a shame if something happened to anyone of them and caused you to miss your match? Oh, but no worries my darling, I'm sure you would never miss a match, would you? If something were to happen to, oh I don't know, your love or even your brother, you would still make it to the ring. I would love to test the theory.

But enough about your family and things outside of the ring, you aren't much of a eye candy as Ms.Jackson are you? No, I assume you would rather lay low for a while before stepping it up in the ring and giving me a little trial. I assume you will be slightly more difficult than our friend Jackson, well I can hope. At least you hide in shadows and don't pop out until you have to, it gives me something to play with. Kind of like the mole from whack-a-mole that pops out of his hole in different spots trying to miss you hitting him.

My right hand hit against the palm of my left hand.

You should know now, I don't miss a target. I guess that also goes with your mind games right? You pop out of the dark, stick out your tongue, and then disappear when danger comes at you? I'm sure everyone will really enjoy watching that of the great spin off of a Callaway.

As for your in ring moves, you haven't had many as of late? Oh, that's right you decided to roll away from the ring and have a pretend baby. You must be very rusty, but no need to worry, I have ways of shaking the rust off someone. Just don't expect the rust to come off until you hear the bell ring and me being over both yours and Jackson's beaten bodies.

I turn back to the mirror, smile still on my face, and cross out a picture of Alexandra before crossing out my eyes and mouth in the mirror. I look down as the view zooms to a small mirror in my hand.

Mirror mirror in my hand, two pretty faces covered in blood, won't it be grand?

[Image: Mirror_Me_by_Twigglet20_zps62dc00e8.jpg]
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DarkJayRider (03-03-2014), John Austin (03-03-2014), Morbid Angel (03-03-2014)

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