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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
To Fall Apart
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Mandii Rider Offline
Eat Your Heart Out Bitches


XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-16-2014, 10:57 PM

The sun was setting just over the lush grass. The wind blew slightly causing the grass to look like uneasy ocean waters. I could feel the wind brushing against the healing cuts on the side of my face. This was a feeling I was getting used to, the feeling of healing, the feeling of the wind, the feeling of being an outlaw in a world I hated to be apart of. I was the thing that would end a life I had come to know for 23 years. Now, now I was protecting everything and it felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders.

We should leave.

Amaryllis’s voice called near by.I closed my eyes taking in a deep breath before feeling her presence become closer. The wind blew her hair from her face, showing the dry blood that was still left as a trace from what we had just gone through. She had followed me, why, I guess I would never know.

It will be dark soon and I expect Helen to have people out looking for us. She won't stop until you are either dead, or on her side.

The worry in her eyes reminded me of Sage, the innocents that seemed to trail behind eyes that had seen too much in a life already. I looked over the hill at a small town before letting a sigh slip and turning back around. The man in black was laying on the hood of the car looking up at the sky as Amaryllis jumped to his side, startling him slightly.

We are leaving soon I presume?

It's not going to stay calm forever.

We need to start moving, you saw what Helen is capable of Mandii, you know she isn't going to let you just stay in once place for too long before attacking you again.

I closed my eye, her eyes of red with a blue tent flashing over and over. Her loud crys before sending me into a small pond and picking me up only to have me send her into a lake of grass and pulling Amaryllis from the waters jaws. It was only the first battle of a soon to be war.

So where are we going?

We are going to find the rest of the Sirens.

Why do you think it so easy?

I looked over at the small man laying on the hood of my car. He had anger in his voice and I could already tell he didn't want to be anywhere near me nor Amaryllis.

Sirens were made in a group of three. From the first day we were bound together in a group so we are going to follow one another in a group. It is almost like a pack of wolfs.

It is nothing of the sort. Your bloodline holds bird while hers holds fish. Birds eat fish and thus the group was broken.

Also notice how there are few to almost none of "my kind" anymore you oompa loompa. Fish, they swim in schools also know as a group. Birds, they fly in groups most of the time. If you find one, you have a high chance of finding more. Everything that walks, crawls, and has a pulse travels with a group or looks for a group.

She has a point.

The man jumped of the hood of the car before walking past me. I rolled my eyes before turning to his direction. He was starting to become worse than a kid but I needed him to help lead me where I needed to go. Another sigh slipped my lips as I cuffed my hands around my mouth.

Where are you going?!

You are deranged if you think you are taking me all across the world for a wild goose chase. No one will ever follow you against Helen, she is what made you and everyone of them. You are no match and you mind as well destroy the world or allow your lost child to do the deed.

Heat rushed in my body and I darted to the man, grabbing him by the collar, and sending him into the ground. A growl hung dry in my throat and my eyes glazed over with a dark golden brown. I felt him swallow as the fear in his eyes grew more and more.

You have little faith in things you can not see or do not believe! You are nothing more than a slave, and when you have someone right in front of you who is willing to help you out of being nothing more than a messenger goat, you turn her away or you yourself run away! I can see that you are small, but I didn't think you were so small minded.

Helen is an original, she is one of the three who made you what you are. You have no chance and I would rather be a goat than dead. Now if you will kindly remove yourself from not only my neck but my sides I have other things to do than worry for a lost girl like you.

I closed my eyes and calmed the heat in my body before rolling over on my back. The man stood to his feet before looking down at me. He smiled and placed his black hat back on his head before starting his walk once again.

You preach of two roads yet you follow the worst one. You need not worry of your own health, what you should worry is if you are on the short list that will be allowed to live. Helen has the want to destroy everyone in this world, that includes you, Arthes. She will come for you if we lose and the only way you will live is if Sage truly is next in line to take Mandii's place, and even then, she will destroy the world after you tell her the roads to follow for Sage. If that was a lie or she can not do it, the world will end and you along with it anyway, just slower. So do you chose to stand up to the very woman who misfortune you or will you hide the rest of your life with the scars she placed upon your body?

How did you?

He turned around and I could not read his expression for his hat. His voice trailed off as I sat myself up and watched as Amaryllis made her way closer to Arthes. She held out a hand and stood tall, almost like she knew how to lead and knew he would take her hand and follow. He removed his hat, pressing it to his chest, and took her hand. It was a sign, the war was just beginning and we just took a valuable part of Helens army.


Eyes wandered over my face and I was prepared for an attack. Their eyes followed my every move as if waiting for me to make the wrong one. I felt like every breath I took was one breath to many and that everyone was waiting for me to mess up. I had to still my breathing and heart before letting words come to my mouth.

You never answered why you are here.

A war has begun, a war on everything we know of now. Helen has decided to destroy everything that is on the earth aside from those she finds fit to stay. I came here to talk to you about helping me fight against her.

Why would I fight against Helen? She has given us so much that the other fools of this world have taken away. Why would I fight with you against someone who wants nothing but the best for her people?

Because this is not the way this should end. No one has done anything intentionally to you or any of your people for that matter. You, just like Helen, refuse to see the good in things that aren't like you. Humans for example, they ruin the earth and they are not ones big on belive things not easliy seen even when shown, they also aren't the smartest of people.


But they are living and breathing, like you and I. They are not toys you can play with then pop the heads off later to get new ones. The Siren population is not a very big one but we hold a lot of power in small numbers, we could already rule and not have to kill anyone yet Helen wants us to be the last living things in this world. Do you not find that weird at all?

She only wants what is best for us.

No she want's what is best for herself.

Amaryllis walked up from behind me, dressed in torn clothing and looking worse than I. She sat next to me at a large table in the middle of a room. Six woman sat in front of us with hand crossed and eyes still dancing.

She cares nothing for you nor your people. She wants to kill of in order to rebuild what she wants. She will use you all to fight and due to her helping each of you, you feel oblige to help her and that is just what she wants. Serina, do you really believe that having your people killed just to have a world full of Sirens is the best thing to do?

You both know nothing of Helen, she would do no such thing. She strikes down only those who cause harm to us and harm to others.

I can vouch in saying that is some major bullshit.

I felt Amaryllis’s elbow nug my arm. Her eyes were wide and her lips motioned "Not helping." I turned back to the one she called Sarina and put my hands on the table.

Ok look, I get you like Helen and looked so highly of her ,I also know that Helen is blinding you all and making you her bitches. She helped you, she helped you all, but that was only a way to get you in her debt. You have this want to pay her back but what if all you are doing is choosing a side that in the end, has no chance in lasting in this war. She won't hesitate to push you in front and have us take your life before her own.


She will do it, I know she will and so do you. I also am here to say that if you are pushed, I will stop you by myself if necessary.

You're her.

Ya, one and only world apocalypse bringer of worlds, glad we could meet before I burn everything in my path. Now do you understand why I would enjoy some cooperation?

Why are you not helping Helen? You are meant to.

I'm not helping her due to the fact she is off her Original Rocker and I don't agree with her.

Helen plans are not for the greater good of us. It is similar to the time she saved your village but at the same time destroyed half of it in the process. She hasn't change Sirena. She is out for herself and I worry for the safety of you and whom follow you.

That was over three decades ago, how did you know?

I'm starting to wonder the same thing.

Will you fight with us Serina?

My eyes bounced between the two of them and watches as the other five women looked on with wonder in their eyes. Amaryllis was saying more than enough to help me draw the conclusion she was hiding more than she led on.

I never make the choice for my people. They follow whom they want when they want, I choose not their paths. If you wish to ask around you may but do not make a scene of yourselves. Those who wish to follow you may, but do not force my people to follow what they do not wish to follow. I worked to hard for them to take away their freedom.

Me and Amaryllis nodded before hearing footsteps behind us. We turned to two younger girls, one looking only 16 and the other no older than 18.

We will follow you.

Oh look, it's the girl scouts.

Amaryllis sent her elbow into my side once more before we turned back to Sirena. Her smile gave me discomfort as I looked back behind me at the two small girls. I sighed, feeling heat in my body but not from anger.


I grabbed my leather jacket from the table, jerking it practically, and walked out of the glass doors. The two girl followed shortly behind and once we reach the middle of town, the look for more "Troops", was on.

How do you know so much?

I was not part of one of the most powerful “Groups” of Sirens for nothing Mandii. I have my ways of knowing all I know.

Then don’t tell me and dodge the question. Next thing is why did you two decide to step up. Are you even Sirens?


Of course we are.

How old are you two anyway?



No, I’m not taking either one of you with us.

Why not?!

Suddenly, the faint sound of trumpets and a rush was heard behind us. I saw fear flash in the two girls eyes as they each grabbed one of my arms. Practically dragging me into a house on the corner, they pushed me into a table and locked the door. Both girls were fighting for breath as Amaryllis barged into the door.

We have a problem.

Amaryllis rushed to the window and looked out at people lining the streets.

Who the hell are those troll looking things?

Helen’s messengers. If they see you, you are surely dead.

They must be looking for you, or informing those here that you are to be taken back to Helen or reported. That means you are not going to find anyone to follow you here anymore.

Why you are two choosing to follow me?

The two girls pushed Amaryllis away from the window and looked out. They sighed and turned back to me after closing the curtains.


Helen killed our mother, in front of us. I want revenge for her and my father who Helen still holds hostage to keep bay on anyone who dares to challenge her. You are the only way I can do that, even if you do smell a little particularly funny and have no idea what you are doing.

I smelled under my arms, the checked my breath, before looking back at the 15 year old who was grabbing my arm once again.

Come, we have to get you out of here.

Can I know you're names before I take you into danger by leaving this shit hole?


Miranda, now come on!

Everything seemed to go by in flashes as we rushed out of the door and into an alleyway. It was there that I heard a small noise, a squeal, and ending it off with having to grab Hadassa by the waist to hold her back.

Miranda! No!! Let her go! Mandii you have to save her, Miranda!

Shut up or we are all going to go down with her!

I looked up into the woods as a dark figure took Miranda away. I pulled Hadassa to her feet as tears fell from her eyes. Her body ran with heat, she lied she wasn’t a Siren, she was changeing.

To Be Continued....


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