Clean Lucena
the cleanest player of the game
XWF FanBase: Some of everyone (cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)
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Joined: Wed Jan 29 2014
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02-15-2014, 05:08 AM
- the music hits -
- and Cheat Lucena appears at the titantron followed by The Biographer that have a notebook and pen on his hands, meanwhile Cheat walks with Baby Elephant Walk rhythym pointing everyone like "hey yo" with a troll smile on his face, feinting handshakes with everyone, reach the ring, take a micro and proceed to cut his promo -
Cheat: Cut the music... It's being a long time I want to do this... LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING... Biographer, if you want to tell something to these scumbags you only have to tell me
- troll smile dedicated to the crowd that explode in boos, the Biographer indicate that he has something to say -
The Biographer: Let him tell you som..
Cheat: ... LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING! ... The whale's birthrate index has decrease this year for twice year in a row
- troll smile and mixed crowd reactions due to the stupidity he just said -
Cheat: Errr... LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING! Blablablablabla... wacawacawacawacawaca... rewhorewhorewhorewhorewhorewhorewhorewho... WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!
- ![[Image: 20g1ro4.jpg]]( -
Cheat: Hahaha, I stole you a smile, Bio, first time ever... but anyway... LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING! Did you know let me tell you something is the first thing I learnt in English?
- troll smile and people is starting to get really really annoyed -
- -
Cheat: LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING! Lot of repetitions of the same shit totally cuts TV Rhythym.
- "Something's wrong?" face by Lucena meanwhile people is really really annoyed -
Cheat: Let me tell you something one... let me tell you something two... let me tell you something three, let me tell you something... "ass", LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING... Elvis is alive and he's in North Korea
- the crowd explodes and Cheat laugh knowing he took a cheap heat -
Cheat: He's communist now... Isn't funny? HAHAHA, he works in a karaoke... LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING... I don't need your aproval if I want to talk you ***bags, ***, asshol**, sons of ***ches
- Cheat gets serious -
Cheat: My name is Cheat Lucena and I'm the WOOOOOOORST IN THE WOOOOOOORLD.
And all of you make me sick. I mean... since my entrance you've been boeing like no other sun will raise. What do you really expect from me. Or what do you really expect from any other person. I won my match, and as I have said before, I was going to do it the dirty way because, you want it or not. It's should not be a surprise. But I don't really get why this have to raise this hostility to me. As I said, nobody in the world will make it the clean way with you, even your family. Fuck, not only your family, even your goverment. I won't be the one that praise my country, in fact, I hate my country, but at least, if you are sick to death in Spain the government pay you the health insurance. If that situation happen here? In US? You'll die in the door of the hospital if you have no money to pay it. How does it sound. You're own goverment that should take care of you if you're not in conditions to provide yourself should be there assholes. Who do you think is gonna save you? A hero from a wrestling federation? What's that, a joke? - heat - Okey, okey, I know, you're totally sold to this american dream thing. You have no humble, poor people that have negative circunstances that make them be in this stadium, you have loosers, people that failed in his way to reach success. And saying this, goverment and normal people, you feel free, you don't take the responsability to help that people. And I won't do it either, but at least I'm not raise a flag at my home garden to feel I'm part of something bigger when the bigger thing you have is your own ego, as me, your fake, ass, stupid patriotism - heat - and as I told before, nobody make money out of nowhere, is a cheat system, the one that smartly takes advantage of other weakness, that is open to use the most dirty, vicious, bad person methods to put a feet in other people head to climp the mountain of the success will win. And hear me, I won't be the one that change it. I won't be your hero. I won't be anyone that you would praise. I'll be exactly like you saw me destroying Simon Lee Nash dignity. And that won't be different. I don't even want to be a good wrestler, I just want to win and hold championships and I won't be anyone attractive to see make his thing in the ring. I'll do it my way, the dirt way. Because I'm THE WORST IN THE WORLD
- Cheat see The Biographer takes notes -
Cheat: Wow, not bad at all for a first chapter uh? - The Biographer makes a "well..." gesture - don't take them as an approval, it was epic, any name? Uh? - The Biographer say something - why you always bring the "Gerard Depardieu" topic? Do you get wet with him?, by the way you did nothing in my match last week, I hope that change; I need distractions, weapons, you know... - people get annoy by the interaction and boo, meanwhile Bio makes a gesture like: "What I write now?" - You're the bio, you're the one that... well.. whatever, write my crowd' trolling with the Let me tell you something shit and my new catchaphrase, it's like ages I have it ready, clean your dirty ears people because this is the last thing you would hear from me today...
"Don't call it a win if it's clean"
- Cheat throw viciously the micro when his music hits again and left the ring ordering The Biographer to do the same -
End of the promo