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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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Hank Lane Offline
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(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

02-07-2014, 11:14 PM

trou·ble (trŭb′əl)
1. A state of distress, affliction, difficulty, or need: tried to console them in their trouble; got in trouble with the police.
2. A distressing or difficult circumstance or situation: I've had troubles ever since I took this job.
3. A cause or source of distress, disturbance, or difficulty: The new recruits were a trouble to him.
4. Effort, especially when inconvenient or bothersome: went to a lot of trouble to find this book.
5. A condition of pain, disease, or malfunction: heart trouble; car trouble.
a. Public unrest or disorder.
b. An instance of this; a disturbance.
c. Troubles Any of various conflicts or rebellions in Ireland or Northern Ireland, especially the period of social unrest in Northern Ireland beginning in 1969.
v. trou·bled, trou·bling, trou·bles
1. To agitate; stir up.
2. To afflict with pain or discomfort.
3. To cause emotional strain or anxiety to; worry or distress.
4. To inconvenience; bother: May I trouble you for directions?
To take pains: They trouble over every detail.

Trouble comes in many forms. There are so many ways that it can get to you and get right inside your head. The funny thing about trouble, You never know just where it will come from.

He looked into the camera with fire blazing in his eyes. He was standing next to Steve Sayors in front of the Wireless Center in Moline, Illinois. A city that lies on the banks of the mighty Mississippi River and is part of the Quad Cities. They looked around at the snow falling from the skies as he began to speak.

Hank 'Thunder' Lane
Tick Tock, Tick Tock. Hey, Canadian Bacon, Just in Case Jones. Can you feel the seconds ticking down? You may not know much about me so let me introduce myself. I'm the guy who is going to be kicking your ass all around the ring in just a few more days. You may have been around and been in the business for a while but you haven't been anywhere until you've taken a trip down Thunder Lane.

He points towards the snow as it continues to fall harder and harder. Piling up on top of the snow that fell just a couple days before. He smiled as a car spun out of control in the distance and slammed into a pole. The vehicle exploded in a burst of flames.

Hank 'Thunder' Lane
These tiny innocent snowflakes. Who would think they could cause so much destruction. See how trouble has a way of sneaking up on people. The poor guy probably just got off work and was looking forward to banging his old lady tonight. Doesn't look like that's going to happen. you see, Just in case Jones. I'm more trouble than you could ever handle. Just like those snowflakes were too much for that driver to handle.

They watch as an ambulance pulls up and the remains of the driver were loaded onto a stretcher and covered with a white sheet as the snowflakes piled up on top of it.

Hank 'Thunder' Lane
Don't think I forgot about you there "The Miami Madman" Manny Mendez. Sounds like a guy that ate too many M&Ms when he was a kid and decided to make a name with them. Your a mad man alright. Your going to be really pissed when the blade slices through your neck and cuts your head right off. Your stretcher will look a lot like that one there except instead of snowflakes, Blood will cover your sheet. It's over for you Manny. Why would you ever agree to a match like this? You should have known that you couldn't defeat me. Hell, I bet you couldn't even beat Just in case Jones and I'm going to wipe your blood up with him.

Hank laughed as Thunder roared across the sky. The snow began to fall even harder. He looked back at the camera and smiled.

Hank 'Thunder' Lane
Neither one of you has to look very far to find trouble. It will be standing just a few feet away from you when the bell rings. It's time to handle your business boys because it gets no rougher than this right here. Friday night is going to be fright night for both of you.You see, While my career will be skyrocketing yours will be in a downward spiral from which there is no coming back. That is, Except for poor Manny. His will be rolling around like his head after it gets cut off.

Steve Sayors
Can I say something here?

Hank 'Thunder' Lane
I told you when I got here to keep your mouth shut and just stand there looking stupid. Your good at that. Now where was I? Oh yes, My opponents demise. I will do this much for you Manny. I'll have a priest say a prayer for your tortured soul.

Hank turns his head back to the scene of the accident as a wrecker tows the vehicle away and street crews clean up the mess. Before long the snow has everything covered as if nothing ever happened.

Hank 'Thunder' Lane
Look at that, All set up for the next victim. Just like that. Life goes on no matter what. Remember that Canadian Bacon. Even after I fry your ass in that ring I'll give you a front roll view of the end of the line for Manny. Then I will tear your M&M ass to pieces and walk out of warfare with the victory. You see, we are not very far from where I grew up and I know this area like I know the back of my hand. I may just decide to hunt your bitch asses down before our match. It's nothing personal, Just the way your luck goes. You had to be facing me, Someone that neither one of you are capable of handling.

The sound of squealing tires could be heard as Hank turned and saw a car barely miss hitting a telephone pole. Just in time to have another vehicle slam into the rear end of it and shoving it into the pole. A huge explosion filled the area as Hank turned back towards the camera.

Hank 'Thunder' Lane
Yes, Trouble comes in so many different forms. Something as innocent as a tiny snowflake and someone as crazy and insane as I am. Both of us can hurt you in so many different and terrifying ways. You never know where and when we will even strike. It could be miles down the road or right outside your front door. I'll leave you with some last words from the great Eazy-E. Something that fits the both of you. Listen close, You may just learn something.

[Image: HankLane_zps6a37bd3e.png]

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