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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Warfare - 2/13/2014
Author Message
Archie Lawson Offline
Britain's Finest Export

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

02-13-2014, 09:01 AM

Wireless Center
Moline, IL

The show opens up to a huge bang. Fireworks and pyro fly all around the arena and fans begin to chant "Warfare" repeatedly in excitement for the show that is about to unfold! They've been waiting in anticipation and the XWF locker room are sure to put on a great showing for everyone here tonight.

Hank "Thunder" Lane
- vs -
"Canadian Badass" Justin Jones
- vs -
"The Miami Madman" Manny Mendez
Manny's Last Chance - If Mendez loses, he will be decapitated!

'Orion' by Metallica begins playing over the X-tron as blue and red spotlights pan the crowd. Pyrotechnics explode along the walkway and engulf the ring as the four cornerposts explode in a flurry of fireballs. Hank 'Thunder' Lane can be seen standing in the center of the ring with a microphone in his hand. The crowd erupts in a mixed chorus of cheers and boos. Hank brings the phone up to his mouth and begins to speak.

Hank 'Thunder' Lane: "I know, Your all just so damn thrilled to see me. Just like my opponents tonight. It doesn't matter one bit because neither of you are going to make one bit of a difference after tonight."

The crowd responds with even more boos as Thunder continues to speak.

Hank 'Thunder' Lane: "Tonight, You're all stars. Just because you are where you are at. Tomorrow you will be a bunch of nobody's going back to your boring lives. I will be on a one way ticket straight to the top. I am throwing my name into the running for not only the U.S. Championship currently held by Mystica. But for any other champion who has the balls to put their title on the line and lose it to the Greatest Uncrowned Champion in XWF history."

The crowd pops as Hank continues speaking.

Hank 'Thunder' Lane: "That's correct. For those of you who still don't get it. I am challenging Mystica to a match for his U.S. Championship! The only question remaining is whether he has the guts to accept it."

Hank slams down the microphone and begins to prepare for his match.

As the lights start flashing red and white, “Hail to the King” by Avenge Sevenfold hits the system and Justin Jones come down the ramp with Traci flying the national colors of Canada. As the hit the ring Justin climbs in the ring and tosses his Canadian jacket to Traci.
Badman by BobaFlex hits the system as Manny Mendez makes his way to the ring stopping to point out his shirt and showcase how the world is his. He stops occasionally to taunt the audience. Once he finally makes it to the ring he begins to point to his chest.

The ref looks everyone up and down, and calls for the bell.

Hank Lane starts the match off with a solid jab to Miami Madman Manny Mendez. Justin Jones stood back, and set up to hit Hank with a Running Neckbreaker while he was distracted. Manny got up and grabbed The Canadian Badass and hits him with a snap suplex. Hank got Manny with another jab followed by a DDT. Justin was running for another Running Neckbreaker but Madman intercepted it with a boot to the gut followed by a standing Bulldog. Lane caught Manny with a snap suplex. With Manny down Thunder runs over to the ropes, climbs them and delivers a flying elbow drop on M4.

But he misses as Manny rolls out of the way in time to catch The Canadian Badass trying to sneak up on him. Mendez hits Jones with a barrage of Knife Edge chops while Hank gets to his feet. M4 then turns and hits Thunder with a DDT before turning in time to get hit with a drop kick from the Canadian Bad Ass. Hank, who has risen to his feet grabs Justin and hits him with a Pile Driver. Justin recovers and gets Manny with a Fame Asser. Hank, who had stealthily climbed the ropes again goes for another flying elbow drop on Madman.

This one lands! Manny has been hit with Jones’ ass and Hank’s elbow. Justin takes this chance to grab Thunder, and hit him with a DDT. The Miami gets up and begins another barrage of Knife Edge Chops on Justin Jones, forcing him into the corner. The Canadian Badass goes for a role reversal, which allows Manny to climb the second rope, and lock in for a Guillotine Choke on Justin. Jones is throwing blows to M4’s side trying to get The Miami Madman off of him, but he was latching on hard. Lane comes over and hits them both with a standing drop kick.

The Madman is the first to his feet, despite taking the brunt of Hank’s kick, and hits the downed Lane with a standing fist drop. Jones is back on his feet, picks Mendez up and hits him with a power bomb. Justin then begins to kick M4 in the side repeatedly. Thunder takes this chance to drop an Atomic Knee on Miami. Hank then gets to his feet and DDTs Justin Jones. Manny recovers and Side Slams Hank to the mat. The Canadian Bad Ass starts standing up and is hit with a knee to the face from Manny.

Manny pulls Thunder Lane to his feet and begins to throw his knife edge chops to Hank. Justin gets Mendez in a Neckbreaker then begins to kick M4 while he’s down. Hank grabs Jones, and Belly to Belly Suplexes him. M4 takes his time getting to his knees, and as he does he hits Thunder Lane with a low blow, which the ref does not see. Once on his feet he hits Thunder with a Bulldog before dropping a fist on him. Jones takes this time to lift Manny for a Spine Buster, but before he can deliver the Spinebuster Lane gets both of them again with a Standing Drop kick. All three of the men are down.

Thunder is the first one up, and he begins delivering boots to the Cuban as Jones slowly got to his feet and his the Mulleted ManHandler with a T-Bone Suplex. M4 has gotten to his feet and delivers more chops to the Canadian before hitting him with a kick to the gut followed by a DDT. Lane has sneaked over to the ropes, climbed them and was going for a flying knee drop, but fell as he prepared to leap. Justin took this distraction to get to his feet and start throwing punches to the body of Manny Mendez! Thunder Pants Lane sees this as a chance to get back on his feet and prepare his next move. He walks over to the pair and drops the Canadian Crusher with a Short Arm Clothesline. Miami decides now is the time to hit Hank with a Snap Suplex. Hank manages to block the snap suplex and hits a reverse elbow, sending his opponent to the ground.

Hank now has both of his opponents on the ground, he picks up Justin Jones first and sends him head first into the turn buckle and follows this up with a sublime German Suplex. Lane drops a knee to the skull of Jones and runs off the ropes before hitting him with a baseball slide that sends Jones flying out of the ring! Lane turns, to see Mendez leaning against the turn buckle, he runs at him but is elevated up onto the turn buckle by Manny who uses the momentum against his opponent. He also climbs the turnbuckle, but Lane flips over him and now has Manny just where he wants him! Stormy Night! (A Vertical Suplex from the top rope followed by a Frog Splash for the pin.)

Lane drops into the cover whilst holding his gut,




Hank Lane wins it! And surely that's another message sent to the United States Champion!

You know what this means for Mendez! He suffers yet another loss and here come the officials with the guillotine. Just behind them is Eli James, the Chairman of the XWF! He slides into the ring and plants Mendez with a DDT as Lane leaves the ring.

The chairman then bellows: "OFF WITH HIS HEAD!"

The officials place Mendez between the guillotine.


Off comes Manny's head. The chairman drops to his knees laughing as the shot fades.

Winner: Hank 'Thunder' Lane

Simon Lee Nash
- vs -
Cheat Lucena
Standard Match

We return from a break where Simon Lee Nash is already in the ring, chatting away with the referee when "Baby Elephant Walk" by Henry Mancini hits the loudspeakers. Nash looks around the arena, staring at the entrance ramp when all of a sudden, Cheat Lucena comes from behind with a vicious clubbing blow to the back of Nash's head, knocking him face first onto the canvas! The cameras pan over to show the man known simply as - The Biographer standing at ringside, arms crossed and completely neutral expression on his face. The crowd boos loudly, clearly unimpressed with the underhanded methods that Lucena resorted to in the opening moments of this encounter that hasn't actually started yet!

The ref pushes Lucena off into one of the corners, before motioning to the timekeeper to ring the bell.


Nash, a little dazed still, makes it back to his feet, silently pleading with Lucena to bring it to him the clean way this time. Lucena smirks to the crowd, an action that riles up more boos from this angry, angry audience. The ref backs up and out of his way and Lucena strolls to the center of the ring, where Nash is waiting. Nash reaches out for a lockup, but Lucena wisely ducks out at the last second, dusting himself off before offering- what is this?

A handshake? The crowd breaks out into "NO!" chants - FUCK OFF CROWD THOSE CHANTS ARE COPYRIGHTED DAMMIT! - as Simon cautiously eyes the outstretched palm. He hesitantly accepts it, but that's when Lucena applies a sick looking arm wrench before spinning Nash around and hitting him with a HUGE Back Stabber! He could go for the pin right now, but instead he takes some time to fuck with the fallen man. He lies down prone next Nash, balancing himself on one hand as he delivers a series of open handed slaps to the face of his opponent, accompanying each an insult for good measure! The crowd is booing the shit out of this guy right now! What a fucking asshole!

Cheat looks to be tired of that now, as he gets back to his feet and pulls Nash up with him. Once more though, he slaps Nash in the face and yells another insult at the poor guy. Nash shoves him off however and goes for another lock up! He catches Lucena in this one though and it looks like things might finally be going Nash's way!

Lucena just stomped on Nash's foot! Eye poke! The ref looks half ready to admonish this dirty cheater but Lucena's too fast and goes for the roll up! He calls that sequence The Spanish Rogue! The ref reluctantly goes for the count.





Winner: Cheat Lucena

Nash is back to his feet though and he looks pissed! Lucena's about ready to get the hell out of dodge when a thought crosses his mind...

Kick to the groin! Nash goes back down and now Lucena's fleeing the scene, Biographer in tow! The crowd all the while is booing him out of the building. He isn't setting out to be liked, but you can't deny the effectiveness of his style!

We cut backstage where we see Andrew Morrison standing in a dark room in his ring attire, with his head down. He is laughing. Tera Vincent walks up beside him and places a hand on his shoulder. At her touch, Andrew raises his head and looks into the camera and begins to speak.

Andrew Morrison: "John Raide, the time has come for you to come to terms with your fate. You are about to realize that all of your trash talk, all of your hard work...will be FOR NOTHING! For you will not be able to withstand the storm that shall descend upon you!"

Tera places her arms around Andrew's left arm and he begins to slowly step toward the camera, presumably toward the ring, and Andrew whispers.

"Prepare to face your destruction, John. Eli? Prepare to see what chaos you have helped to bring to your precious company. You sent John into my path. Prepare to see what happens when you stand in my way. THIS has been the word of Morrison..."

Andrew Morrison
- vs -
John Raide
No Disqualification Match

The arena lights darken to pitch black, then white light starts to flicker through the crowd with the opening hook of the song. As it kicks in, John Raide steps through the curtains and walks out onto the stage. He wears a black t-shirt over his trunks that says 'Ideas are bulletproof'. He starts down the aisle as he looks out over the arena crowd. Raide stops right at the end of the aisle as he turns and gives a smug look to the crowd. Then he runs up onto the apron and hops onto the turnbuckle as he yells to the crowd to fire himself up.

The arena goes dark and the siren sounds, when the guitar begins, red spotlights come on and show Andrew Morrison accompanied by Tera Vincent at the top of the ramp with his arms raised and head down, he looks toward the ring and smiles and then puts his arms to his side and proceeds to walk to the ramp. He enters the ring and raises his arms back up slowly, the regular lights coming on in the process.

The two men back into either corner, Tera Vincent heads to the outside. The referee looks at both men and then eventually calls for the bell. The two men lock up and it immediately becomes clear that Morrison is the stronger of the two men as he gets a hold of Raide in a head lock and takes him down to one knee. Andrew flips his opponent over his shoulder and begins to lock in an early cobra clutch. Raide struggles to the ropes though and flips Morrison through the middle and top rope in the process. Morrison seems angered and he slides back into the ring but John ducks an oncoming clothesline and nails him with a chop across the chest. He follows it up with a forearm to the skull. Raide sprints off the ropes and comes flying at Morrison who reverses it and lifts it into a devastating spine buster!

Straight to his feet now, Andrew smirks and many fans jeer whilst a few cheer. He signals to Tera and awaits for Raide to reach his feet, he runs at Raide and goes for a spear but Raide leaps over it. Morrison turns, ENZIGURI! Enziguri by Raide. Both men are down now, they struggle to their feet. Andrew with a kick to the gut of Raide and then lifts him up... back buster! Onto the knee!

Wait..what is Tera Vincent doing? It looks like she is reaching for something under the ring...

Tera Vincent pulls a steel chair out from under the ring, but this is not a normal steel chair, this chair has what looks like a wet rag on it, and a very strong smell of gasoline coming from it! Tera tosses Morrison the chair and Morrison has pulled a lighter from his boot and sets the chair ablaze!

OH my god, Andrew Morrison has set that chair on fire! What sick things does this psycho have in mind with that chair! Raide, GET out of there!

Morrison holds the chair in one hand and motions Raide to stand with the other. John Raide slowly stands; he is staggered and seems to barely know where he is at. Morrison winds up....and hits John Raide over the head with the flaming chair!

OH MY GOD! Morrison just cracked Raide's skull with the flaming chair!

The crowd begins to chant!



Morrison tosses the chair down to the mat and covers John Raide



KICKOUT by John Raide

HOW in the HELL did Raide kick out!?

Morrison has a look of disbelief on his face! Morrison yanks Raide up by his hair and then drags him over toward the flaming chair. Morrison lifts Raide up, but Raide reverses it! DDT onto the chair! Both men down now, Raide desperately trying to regain some of his lost energy as Morrison's hair is almost set alight. They struggle to their feet, and back away from each other once more. Raide kicks the chair out of the ring and slides out of the ring himself, as does Andrew Morrison. They roll back into the ring, Morrison has a bin full of various weapons whilst Raide simply has a kendo stick Raide smashes the trash can out of Morrison's hands. John then smashes Andrew in the gut, then in the back, and he hits a final crack onto the skull! Raide goes for the cover.



Kick out! At 2!

Morrison holds his forehead in pain, but Tera has climbed into the ring. Raide goes to hit Morrison but Tera smacks Raide in the back with the chair. It doesn't even seem to make John flinch. He turns now and grabs Tera by the hair. Morrison is up now though! He grabs Raide from behind and plants him with a Spike Piledriver!

Morrison grabs Tera to check on her. Who's this that's crawled out from under the ring! It's that damn guy dressed as Iron Man again! He slides into the ring and he kicks Raide in the jaw with a dragon kick. Following this up he grabs the kendo stick and smashes it into the ribs of Morrison. Iron man rolls out of the ring, Raide crawls into the cover.



Kick out!

Some how, some way, Andrew Morrison has kicked out! Raide lifts Morrison to his feet now, but Morrison with a thumb to the eye! Out of no where, DOWN BURST TO HELL! (A Hangman's Facebuster).

The cover now.




Andrew Morrison wins it despite that surprise attack from Iron Man!

Winner: Andrew Morrison

Something's going on backstage! Quick, cut to camera!

The XWF camera feed switches backstage where Morbid Angel is down on the ground in the hallway being stomped down by someone in camo's Michael Kelly!

Morbid Angel is getting stomped out by Michael Kelly!" "What in the hell's going on around here!?

Rumors have been running wild that there is a lot of bad blood between these two and it looks like those rumors are true!

Michael Kelly:"What's wrong, asswipe? Didn't think I was serious when I told you I was coming for you, huh? This is what happens when you FUCK with me, "Drago"!"

Kelly pulls out a pair of handcuffs from his pants and proceeds to handcuff Morbid's arms behind him and then proceeds to pick him up and deliver to him a vicious MK-48 on the concrete before XWF security shows and begins dragging Kelly away.

Michael Kelly sending a message tonight! And, calling Morbid Angel "Drago" an obvious racial shot toward Morbid's Russian roots! This rumored spat has went from rumor to incredibly personal! But now what does this mean for our main event?! Morbid has a non-title match against Steve Davids! Is Morbid in any condition to even make it out here!?

Steve Davids
- vs -
Morbid Angel
X-Treme Rules Match - NON TITLE

Hailing from Danzig, Germany but really born in St Petersburg, Russia, it's Morbid Angel!

The Lights dim for a brief moment a faint sound of the wind...or so you thought! Aeon - God Gives Head in Heaven, blasts over the PA as Morbid Angel comes from the backstage area, storming down to the ring looking for blood and death! He is clearly wounded from the attack but it seems as though the attack might have just made Angel that little bit more riled up!

Coming to you from London, England, it is your X-treme Champion, Steve Davids!

Darkness fills the arena and there is total silence. As the music picks up Steve emerges in the shadows, with one single beam of light shining down on him. He slowly makes his way down the ramp before grasping hold of the middle rope and pulling himself onto the ring apron. He climbs into the ring over the middle rope, and riles himself up for the match.

Steve Davids and Morbid Angel meet in the center of the ring as the fans cheer wildly. Both competitors locked in an intense stare down as the bell chimes and this Non-Title X-treme Rules match, begins!

Morbid flying into a fit of rapid punches right off the bat as he uses this tactic to back Steve Davids into the corner. Davids battles back with a few chest chops and some knees to Morbid's ribs, but eventually gets ushered into the corner where Morbid lifts Davids up and headbutts him. Davids flies back and slams right into the turnbuckle and drops forward, only to be greeted with a Big Boot from Morbid that sends Davids backwards! Davids body slumping against the corner as Morbid rushes back and then charges forward, with a brutal Spear! A shot that smashes Davids into the ring post painfully. From there Morbid lifts Davids up and body presses Davids over his head! Raising Davids as high as he can before slamming him down hard into an extended knee! Davids rolls to the canvas in a crumpled heap and Morbid places a boot on Davids' face as he tilts his head back and laughs.

However, before a ref can count this display as a pin, Davids grabs a hold of Angel's leg and yanks him down to the canvas. Davids might be in pain and just took a heck of a beating, but that won't keep him down! A fact he proves by climbing onto Morbid as he unleashes a slew of Mounted Punches. Over and over again Morbid's face is met with a several devastating blows. Blood begins to trickle from Angel's nose and mouth as his head is continuously knocked back from the swift succession of punches; while it seems for a moment, Steve might have lost it. Refusing to let up as a dark and disturbed look enters his eyes.

Then Morbid catches Steve with a Low Blow!

Davids drops to the side as he clutches his wounded testicles and Angel, rolls towards the ropes as he uses them to aid in his rising to his feet. Wiping trails of blood that stream down his face as he staggers around a bit. The demonic mortician with a tenacity for brutality, looks rather beaten down after the onslaught he had inflicted upon him. And as Morbid attempts to gather his bearing, Steve begins to rise to his feet. Slowly at first, but once Davids is standing, his eyes lock onto Morbid Angel and he charges full speed. Catching Angel with a Running Clothesline that sends Morbid over the top rope. Morbid crashes to the outside mat and Davids climbs up to the top rope. Immediately launching into a Suicide Dive, right onto Morbid's fallen form! The impact is precise and Morbid surges in pain when it connects!

Steve Davids then climbs to his feet and begins to rustle about under the ring. Pulling his hands out when he grasped a weapon and revealing a baseball bat! Davids returns to a downed Angel and promptly delivers a few shots from the bat to Morbid's ribs and chest, before he rips him up and tosses him headfirst back into the ring. Climbing up and once again mounting the top rope, Davids leaps with a mighty downward swing of the baseball bat! Right as Morbid was lifting himself up gingerly from the canvas and is sent right back down, when the baseball bat cracks him right in the head! And the force so strong, it breaks the bat in half!

Davids looks down at the handle in his hand and tosses it to the sides as he shakes his head. The discarded handle, then flies off and somehow hits a fan into the front row; who is wearing a Scorpio t-shirt, face paint and is chowing down on a triple stack, right in the eye with pin point accuracy, despite the lack of effort behind the toss. Warfare staff does nothing. In fact, by this point most of them are too high to realize they're still on the clock and at work. Luckily 99% of the fans are just as high, so the random Scorpio fan continues to chomp away at his triple stack, seemingly unfazed as his eyes swells and pusses. It's really a lovely sight and by lovely we mean - dammit camera man, stop focusing on that shit and point the camera into the ring!

As cameras pan back to the action in the ring, we see Davids has pulled Morbid up by his hair and is executing a - Psycho Slam (Sit-Down-Choke-Slam)!

Morbid crashes to the canvas and Davids goes for the pin!




The ref has been compromised! A wild chair out of nowhere, collided with his head and sent the ref down into a heap on the canvas! A chair wielded by....

Giovanni Ferrari!


How did Gio sneak into the ring unnoticed and more importantly; why, did he take the ref out? This is no way for one of the general managers to ac....oh wait, this is exactly how almost all the general managers act. Never mind.

Gio then smirks as he tosses the chair aside and that smirk never falters, not even when Davids jumps to his feet in outrage and gets into Giovanni's face. Davids screams and thrashes his arms about in a crazed frenzy as his face turns red and the veins pop out of his neck. Spit flies from his mouth and the specks just barely miss Gio's face, which is still wearing that smirk. Davids is screaming so loud that the fans can hear him cursing and demanding that Gio now make the count he stopped the ref from taking care of - without the aid of a mic! A request Gio laughs at as he reaches in his pocket, pulls out a tube of Binaca and sprays it into Steve's face! Freshening Steve's breath and blinding him at the same time! Steve screams in pain and frantically rubs at his eyes while Morbid is seen climbing to his feet. Morbid's eyes, instantly popping to the discarded steel chair. Morbid also sees Gio is in the ring and was the source of the ref being taken out. This causes Morbid to look confused, However right at that point Giovanni hits Steve Davids with - THE CLAIM TO FAME (Rock Bottom)!

Davids goes down and Gio grins at Morbid as he gives the thumbs up sign and goes to wake the ref!

While Gio does that, Morbid grabs the steel chair and begins pounding it down into David's body! Over and over again! Each sick thud, causing more damage then the last, until the chair is mashed into a useless, metal mass that Morbid Angel tosses at Steve Davids! The useless metal mass bounces off Davids' skull and flies out of the ring, hitting that same Scorpio fan in the head! The Scorpio fan drops, but never misses a bite from his triple stack. Finishing it off as blood slowly oozes from his head.

Meanwhile back in the ring, Gio has revived the ref just in time for him to see Morbid Angel pull Davids up and into - Gott ist Tot! (Crucifix Powerbomb)!

Morbid Angel then covers for the pin!




Winner: Morbid Angel!

As Morbid stands tall and raises his hands in victory, Gio exits the ring but not before he and Morbid exchange a look as they share a nod. Something, is definitely awry here. Although, only time will tell what all this really means. Still safe bet says....nothing good.

Gio stops at the top of the ramp. He turns and stares at Steve Davids who is being handed his championship by the referee. Davids is bloody, beaten and broken. He lies in the center of the ring cradling his belt and staring up at the Warfare General Manager with fury in his eyes as the show comes to a close! Davids can be thankful that this was a non-title match that's for sure!

If you set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.
Margaret Thatcher

[Image: 97166.jpg]
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[-] The following 6 users Like Archie Lawson's post:
Andrew Morrison (02-13-2014), Cam Lang (02-13-2014), Christine Nash (02-13-2014), Ezekiel Carter-Williams V (02-13-2014), Morbid Angel (02-13-2014), Theo Pryce (02-13-2014)
Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-13-2014, 09:41 AM

Fuck YES!

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
UFO Champion x2
Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014
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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

02-13-2014, 09:54 AM

I will grant you that win Angel. Next time you won't have a helping hand and you won't be so lucky.

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-13-2014, 10:50 AM

Morbid Angel never loses! Write that down Davids! VICTORY FOREVER!

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
UFO Champion x2
Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014
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Giovanni Ferrari

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-13-2014, 11:03 AM

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