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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Lion's Den (RP #1)
Author Message
Andrew Morrison Away
The Storm Of Destruction

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

02-01-2014, 06:50 PM

Andrew Morrison stands in front of what appears to be almost a cave of some sort

[Image: lionsdenRP1_zpsc3ae9df7.jpg]

Andrew stands in his trademark black hoodie and jeans and he has his arms crossed, the hood down letting his hair flow, Andrew begins to speak

"In the book of Daniel, verses 1 through 28 to be exact, a story is told of a man named Daniel who was thrown into a lion's den for refusing to submit to the orders of a king named Darius, whom told Daniel that for thirty days he could only pray to him and not to his "God"."

"Daniel decided in his arrogance to ignore this decree and would soon be thrown into the lion's den for thirty days. Daniel was thrown into this den and a huge stone was rolled in front of it, trapping him. When the thirty days had elapsed, the stone was rolled away and Daniel was unharmed! Daniel claims that he prayed to his "God" each day and that it was "He" that kept him from harm."

"However, the followers of this King who had encouraged him to throw Daniel into the den, were then thrown into the same den and devoured almost immediately! This, in turn, made this King Darius "a believer" and he then wrote a letter to his people telling them to worship Daniel's "God" and his "Savior"..."

Andrew runs a hand through his hair and rolls his eyes before laughing briefly before speaking again

"Yet another tall-tale and nursery rhyme that millions preach and send their children to bed with at night. Yet another lie and sham that those like Eli James or his pathetic clan, or many other buffoons would spew out of their mouth. Yet more bedtime stories from those who consider themselves "holier than thou" and those who wish to shun and look down upon me as a weakling and one "condemned" to a lake of fire."

Andrew turns and looks behind him and points back toward it before turning his head back to the camera with a smirk on his face

"THIS you see before you is a lion's den! You mean to tell me that a man was thrown into a cave such as this with numerous lions and that for thirty days, these beasts never touched him? That they would not quench their thirst for blood and rip him into shreds? Just ANOTHER example of complete and utter bullshit that streams from the mouths of many. It goes against the VERY simple FACT of humanity! The fact that this is a dog eat dog world! That there is a law of the jungle! SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST! EAT OR BE EATEN!"

"Fools like Eli can stand and lie to you all but I know better. Unlike those like Eli, I have a brain that isn't consumed and being pulled by a string by this "puppeteer" or this "Holy Spirit"! I know that if you toss meat to a hungry lion, you do NOT come out alive! Whether it is for thirty days OR THIRTY SECONDS, if you are weak, you will be eliminated!"

"John Raide, it seems you have drawn the short straw. You have become a piece of meat that "Mr." James has thrown into the "lion's den" that is the path that we shall cross..and I must tell you, John..."

Andrew pulls at his hair ferociously and lets loose an almost unnatural scream before speaking hysterically

"I am a VERY hungry lion, John! I am hungry to show those who doubt me, those who doubt the Apocalyptic Genesis, and those who fail to see the darkness that surrounds them and the darkness that is closing in, that I will not be denied! I come for blood! I come for victory! It is nothing personal, John! Why, you are a hell of a talent indeed! But, there will be little you can do when you step inside the ring and you realize that you are nothing but a mere man caught in the path of a storm!"

Andrew raises his arms to the sky and smirks

"This has been the word of Morrison..."

W-L Record Since Return: 1-1 (singles or tag) 0-1 (special/gauntlet matches)
[Image: pdCdNLq.jpg]
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