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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
America, your Warrior has arrived
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Martin O'Connor Offline
The Original Captain America

XWF FanBase:
Raging Face

(heavily cheered BECAUSE they'll break rules & bones)

02-22-2013, 12:38 PM

the trumpets sound as The Music of "The Olympic Warrior" Martin O'Connor plays and he comes to the top of the ramp where with a flex of his muscles RED, WHITE, AND BLUE fireworks go off and "old glory" unfurls behind him as the crowd shouts USA! USA! USA! over and over as he marches down the ramp to the ring and enters in flexing his muscles to pop the crowd as they continue shouting USA! USA! USA!

he marches to the Ring and grabs a mic

"well, hello there AMERICA!!! your Olympic Champion has Arrived!!!!" he says as the crowd roars with cheers

"and what kind of Olympic Champion if I didn't have some Gold? thus now you look upon the NEW 24/7 FTW UFO E1999 Champion!!!!!"

the crowd cheers and shouts "U.S.A U.S.A U.S.A!!!!!"


"MY debut is gonna be on the Wednesday Night Warfare Show
and i'm going against Scotty Mac in a SHOOT MATCH where the only way to win is to knock out your opponent or make them tap the latter of which will be no problem for your Olympic Warrior!"

"Scotty, I respect you as an opponent but as far as our matchup goes I'm sorry but if you were expecting to win against me just cause i'm a rookie sorry to be the bearer of such bad news but that's not gonna happen!"

"i'll see you in the ring where I intend to either make you tap or watch you cry as your bones go SNAP! in my hands!"

"Seeya soon! Scotty boy!" he laughs as he drops the mic and walks out with the championship around his waist


I am The Made in America accept no substitutions Olympic Warrior
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