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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Disciples: The Word Of Morrison
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Andrew Morrison Away
The Storm Of Destruction

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

01-23-2014, 08:27 PM

Standing in a dimly-lit room lit by black candles, Andrew Morrison stands in the center, wearing a black hoodie with the hood up and black jeans. He stands with his head down and hands up. He begins to speak.

"I come before you all on this day, and I realize the magnitude of what I have done. I realize that I have created quite the mess of things. I realize that I have helped to bring absolute chaos and terror to the masses of the XWF and I did so, not alone, but in my time of need, in my time of weakness, I reached out into the cold, dark world that we surround ourselves with each second and found two who were once as mistreated, once as fooled, and once as lost as I!"

Morrison lowers both his arms slowly, and as he lowers them, he is joined in the room by Tera Vincent on the left and Michael Kelly on the right. Tera is in a black spaghetti strap shirt and blue jeans and Michael is in a black muscle shirt and green camo pants. They kneel beside Morrison and look toward him.

"It is said that God, on the first day, he said "Let there be light!", and then there was light! It is on this day that I speak the words, "Let there be darkness!" and thus darkness is upon those who stand against us. Darkness shall fall upon the XWF. Let those who feel at home, let those who feel they are at peace with "God" feel that they are safe, for they will realize that no one is safe. This world is a pathetic wasteland of war, of famine, of disease, and of hypocrisy! "

"Where is your "God" as thousands...MILLIONS die with no reason why, with no cause but for the pleasure of some, the pain of many, some guilty, MOST innocent! Many suffer, few survive! And yet this "God" sacrificed his own "son", the one they called "Jesus" to "save us from the sins of the world!" Yet, for thousands of years the majority live in sin and thus many go unpunished, yet those who stand and pray, those who "read from the Holy Scripture" are supposedly spared, yet one false move and they are condemned!

"Humanity was created to make their own choices! Who is to say what right or wrong is!? Who is to tell us what to do!? While the "King of Kings" sits on his throne and points his finger at those mostly innocent, the guilty laugh at his face! Why, even some of those who followed him saw behind the shade, the mirage of that which believes they are "holier" than thou! Was the man whom had "Christ" arrested and soon sent to Pontius Pilates to die, Judas Iscariot, one of his many disciples, why one of the twelve Apostles, who saw that this man who called himself "Son of God" captivate and seduce the masses with all of his "miracles" and all of the "supernatural" and watched as whores would come and kiss his feet! As many would come and bow to this man! And this man would tell them that they must worship one who destroyed just as if not more lives than he spared!"

"Why, the world had become "wicked"! All man do was live! Live their lives and do as they wished or pleased! It was not ok for some to kill to survive and for some to believe in what they believe in, yet this "forgiving" and "loving" "God" sent down a flood to KILL all but one man and his family and two of each animal!? Hypocrisy of the highest degree! We condemn those who commit genocide! Yet, this genocide is often praised! We wonder why this world is so cold and so immoral!"

Andrew finally looks up and as he does so, the hood on his hoodie flies down and he gently shakes his head to move the hair from his eyes and he smirks and lets out a brief and evil laugh before speaking once more

"Ah, we are not the devil, we are not demons, we are merely those who see through the shade! We see in the darkness and are not blinded by the light! We are not fooled! We shall not be deterred from our mission, from our destiny! We shall change the world! We shall change the XWF as you all know it, and mold it as we see fit! We shall bring HELL upon you all!"

"A long time ago, when my eyes were finally opened to the world around me, to the ultimate farce, I once said that I never intended to become a martyr or inspiration, but thus, during my time away, I encountered two individuals who were at their world's end, on the edge and about to jump, and I took them into my heart, and I welcomed them into my life, and I helped them to see what I saw, to hear what I had to say and what I had realized!"

"They see no lies in my eyes, they see no deception because they know and see that thus is the truth! Their eyes had begun to be opened to the darkness and the fallacies of the light! All that it took was the direction and the drive, an ear to listen, and a shoulder to turn to! It took ones like them to see that we are not alone. We are all born from the same design! We were born to live! Born to survive! Born to stand up for ourselves and born to be human! Born to choose what WE feel is right and wrong! Born to destroy all who disagree and those who are foolish enough to believe they can stand in our way!"

Tera stands and wraps her arms around his left arm and lays her head on his shoulder, while Michael stands and grabs a hold of Morrison's wrist gently and raises it high

"We are the beginning of the end! We are the start of a new age! We are the Apocalyptic Genesis! We shall not fall, and we shall not stop until all you once knew is gone forever!"

Andrew places his head back down and as he does so, Tera lifts her head from Andrew's shoulder and tilts her head and blows out the candles leaving the room in total darkness, and in the darkness, we hear Andrew speak one more time

"This has been the word of Morrison..."

W-L Record Since Return: 1-1 (singles or tag) 0-1 (special/gauntlet matches)
[Image: pdCdNLq.jpg]
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