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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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Chris MacBeth Offline
Knight of the X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

02-22-2013, 11:26 AM

The scene opens up at a gym in down-town Chicago.

From the outside it looks dark and dirty like nobody had walked though the rain soaked doors for years, but on the inside it was a different story completely.

Walking in through the entrance past the reception area the walls are lined with memorabilia from some of Chicago’s greatest, Lex Luger’s WCW World Heavyweight title was behind a glass cabinet. There were photos of boxing greats who had spent sometime there training.

It really is a place of rich history.

As we continue down the corridors past the showers and into the main room someone can be seen stood in the centre of the ring, there is no movement from them just a blank stare, a focused stare.

If you follow the gaze from the eyes you will spot a TV in the corner showing the events of last weeks XWF events. More importantly the events that took place last Wednesday night.

As he watches Prophecy lies bleeding at the top of the Wednesday Night Warfare entrance ramp a smile begins to form in the corners of his mouth as he watches the replay of his previous weeks work.

He turns away from the TV and climbs through the ropes and drops down to the ground below before picking up a towel off of a chair and walking over towards the camera.

The camera pans back round to the TV as the show is coming to a close with a black screen with Red writing stating…


Chris Macbeth: Hey Hey Hey don’t look at the TV look at me when I'm talking to you.

The cameraman quickly turns his attentions back to Macbeth.

Chris Macbeth: I didn't bring you all the way out here and let you into this special building to video a TV showing footage what you probably videoed in the first place. Actually have you got a big head?

Through the camera shaking you can see the cameraman is trying to motion that he hasn't got a big head.

Macbeth shakes his head from side to side along with the Cameraman.

Chris Macbeth: No you haven’t got a big head…. Your not a big headed man…. Are you an arrogant man?, a proud man, love your job because your brillant at it and take all of the world.

The cameraman just stands there motionless trying not to give anything away.

Chris Macbeth: Ah your modest too, well you should be that the on that TV is brilliant work.

The camera slowly pans back around you the TV, Until Macbeth shouts out again..

Macbeth: What are you doing??? This is not place to be an arrogant, big headed, self-centred buffoon with his head so far up his own ars… Sorry lost track a bit there, the point is, just keep the camera rolling and look at me.

I've heard people all week blogging, tweeting, youtubing hell even doing the normal thing and just talking about who by and why was Prophecy attacked after his match on Wednesday Night at Warfare.

Well I'm sure a lot have you have worked out by now that it was me, Chris Macbeth.

Why you ask?

Why not? I'm new here may as well show up with a bang.

Macbeth cockily laughs and folds his arms.

Chris Macbeth: No offence to Prophecy but he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, I had no agenda, I didn't single him out over all the other competitors in the locker room he was just there at the same time as I was.

Yeah I have no real issue with the guy, I'm sure he is a great guy but I have bigger fish to fry.. I will get to the top of this business and unfortunately for all the other guys like that guy the other night I will not hesitate to go through any of them to get to where I want to be…

Now I don’t know what XWF powers that be… or “Mr Wallace” if you prefer are thinking putting me in a match Prophecy, I've shown he doesn't stand up to me, but it doesn't matter. I am going to do whatever I want to get to where I want to be and that is at the top,

Don’t think I can’t do this because I can. I have won titles in other feds before when I was nothing but a teenager, you know why?

Because I am dedicated.

I formed a band and guess what. I took that s##t right to the top, why?

Because I am dedicated that’s why.

I had years of touring, living the so called rock star lifestyle to the absolute max, destroying my body with all the toxic behaviour that the rock star life brings yet still when that was all said and done I wanted to come back to wrestling and I trained my arse off all day everyday and have got myself back to here.


Because I'm dedicated that’s why.

And if that means going through that fool again then that is what I’ll do.

Prophecy man, you thought it was bad Wednesday night, this Wednesday is not going to get any better, you better be ready.

Macbeth wipes his brow again before hanging the towel over his shoulder and picking up his bag off the ground and turning to walk out the room.

He Pauses, and turns round.

Chris Macbeth: Seriously dude your work should never be your life stop taping I’m going for a shower..

It’s Weird.

The camera fades to black as Macbeth turns to leave once more.

[Image: bkr0f_Tl.jpg]

Chris Macbeth's Backstage Page

1 X XWF Hart Champion - 04/27/16 - 06/08/16
1 X XWF Tag Team Champion. - 04/06/16 - 05/25/16
1 X Heavy Metal Weight Champion - 04/29/13 - 05/05/13
1 X 24/7 Federweight Champion - 02/21/16 - 02/23/16
1 X Star of the Month

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