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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
What's that Smell part 3
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Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

12-26-2013, 08:46 AM

What's that Smell 3

The snow is finally slowing down on this mountain top. The moon ever so bright on the fresh white snow. Soyers still sits at the open window breathing the fresh air from outside with the heat and stench on my back. The Crew still stuck in the bowels of the old mansion …and as it seems the storm took out the power lines leaving them in the dark. And the noise that haunts the men…a noise that can only be described as bone chilling and questionable to what it may be.

Thus far the men have not found the door they came in through and the sound is getting closer…and closer…dragging and moaning, not knowing what is with them…animal? Human? Unhuman…unliving. Knowing only that where they are currently is in the morgue with a smell of rot and an unknown number of corpses in with them. To them panic and the empty light feeling in their stomachs is all they have…perhaps a little piss in their pants. Their screams for help going un-noticed by Soyers upstairs who can only hear the howling of the wind!

Unable to find the door they slide across the wall away from the noise. Not knowing how deep this place goes and only going on what they have seen for merely a second and unable to see at this current moment with a hope to find any door that isn’t a meat locker.

The scene stays black….

Flashing to the driver’s seat of Morbid Angel’s 2014 Lincoln Navigator now heading to get his invitation to the Christmas party for the XWF. Morbid Angel who has always been partial to High end motor vehicles and has always been a fan of the Navigator. His system is simple. Creepy houses, dead bodies, wrestling and Lincoln Navigators. Having kept every year model since their first release in 1998 and having to only replace one…the 2004 Navigator due to an automobile accident that killed a fellow wrestler from the LWA. Morbid Angel was charged with vehicular manslaughter and spent 2 years in an institution and a year in jail and was released two years early for good behavior.

He is not unaccustomed to prison. The nearly 50 year old spent almost 20 years behind bars. Either institutionalized or for violent crimes. Once for sexual assault against an 89 year old woman. Stories differ to the actually happened. She said he put his penis on her face while he was exiting a hospital. His account was he was trying to escape and had no cloths and he tried to jump her and didn’t clear her head and also claimed it wasn’t his penis it was his thigh. Security cameras show him jump and from behind it could have been a thigh or a penis and he received 6 months.

He also spent time in jail for attempted murder when he beat a man in the head with a brick…causing him to become mentally handicapped. Morbid claimed he broke into his house but since the man was officially beaten off the property he was charged.

Another time for running someone over with his car.

Deported from England for violent crimes as well as France and almost from America. Most recently he was charged with desecration of a corpse. The Blood Countess Bathory’s body just after she passed away was taken to The Halls of Eternity funeral home where she was to be prepared for her funeral. She opted against chemo and passed away within a month of her diagnosis. Because of this reason she looked well at her passing. Now desecration of a corpse is different from lude acts on a corpse. Morbid Angel kept her body and stuffed the coffin with rocks. After the funeral the casket was checked by one of his employees and called the police thinking it was a rival that stole the corpse. But her body was found at Morbid Angel’s house in his meat locker. Even a mortician cannot steal a corpse...even of a friend. While the case was going through Morbid had her corpse buried in his private cemetery behind his house. Where his friends are kept.

Morbid is quickly approaching his destination.

Morbid-“ the holiday season makes one think…Mostly about how much it sucks but also a reminder of how things could have been…if only a few things were different I could have been a different person altogether.

You never really know what you once had until it’s all gone and all you have left if the reflection in the mirror and you look at that reflection until you hate it. Hate if for a while until all you feel is deadly thoughts against one’s self. These thoughts will never fade…every moment you feel any bit of happiness will be struck down by the feeling of suicide. At that point when life loses it luster and death is all around…what does one truly have to lose? Life has no meaning…nothing to enjoy other than pain and those trusted now gone or betrayed you…the meaning to life is really that we die and how we die is the answer. Suicide is primary in thought but a choice is not the choice and fear of the unknown is truth. Not fear of heaven and hell but of the IF…if there was nothing…if there was nothing then all this would be for nothing and then what would become of all this besides a few scattered memories in a couple of people and then a few years they die and you are forgotten. Imagine all the forgotten people of time who once had things and thoughts and families and friends who did things and made things and perhaps did great things or horrible things who are long forgotten by the hands of time and death. You all remember me now as Morbid Angel and your children will remember me and maybe even your grand children…beyond that I will be forgotten but before I am forgotten I will go from memory of what I was to just the name Morbid Angel…to what is written…then lost. I will not be history nor will anyone else unless you do beyond great or very evil things.

The meaning of all this is the reminder of what all this means…what it means is we all are nothing and no god or devil will save us from eternal sleep…we all will never wake and stay forever without thought and everything we learned, everything we have done and felt and touched and owned will be lost to us…everything means nothing and nothing is all we will be granted in the end. We all want to be remembered and those who live quiet lives will regret not living at the hour they die and suicide is for those who decide that life is something less worth than nothing. Once life is worth less than what it is…then it is time to die and choosing death over life is honorable. In Roman days it was considered brave to kill one’s self and now it’s considered shameful…the reason why is because of the sorrow those left feel and now it’s a game of live in misery to save those their mourn or take one’s own life and be free of all this pain and forget those who mourn. Life isn’t as precious as some want to believe. Gods cannot save you from death no more than devils. Bibles and false truths are put into place to con the weak minded people into believing that precious treasures await you in the afterlife…be it virgins or golden gates…eternal life is what it’s all about for those who fear death. Truth is only one thing is true and that is death…from every child to the oldest man we all will rot and become the soil and be forgotten…earth to earth, ashes to ashes and dust to dust…why live for someone else when he or his people won’t even remember your name of what you’ve done? We are all specks in this life and two thousand years this current lineup of gods will be gone as well as you and your history and anyone who ever knew you existed. Already the dead are forgotten and at this moment are being forgot. Why not end this suffering before it ruins what is left of life, before those who remember the now and what it stands for no longer know you…perhaps it’s time.”

Morbid known for his rants about gods and death can carry on and make as much since as it doesn’t at times and leaves one wondering many answers to why and the meaning of what. Towards the end we all wonder if its truth or question the possibilities at hand knowing that at some point everyone will find and answer and rarely two.

Morbid-“McBride I must say you disappoint me. You talk of lists and those conquered and yet you do not speak…it's almost as if you are frightened of me…fear not, I am but a man filled with hate and anger and because I have yet to die I decided to take my hate and anger out on the living! Even though at this point I may not be a winner and still so far from a loser…more like on even ground! Though not… I admit to steroids and so many do not…why is that? Am I suppose to believe that we all spent 15 hours a day in the gym and eat 8000 calories a day to be this massive overly defined specimen of human bulk? Obviously you excluded…you are skinny and rather weak looking…I have more muscles in my fucking right tit than your entire body! Bust a few crunches and double the pushups and you think you can fight? For one you smoke so I know I can go longer than you…two you are weak and small so even if you are quicker than me I could still beat you if I got my hands on your little neck. And I am known to drink blood….the doctor said I shouldn’t because of AIDS and hepatitis C and shit but at the same time I do it to taste the fear…and if I catch AIDS that is more frightening than my muscles…that is death! Quite literally I would be Poison and if you hit me it would be almost certain death…people like you wouldn’t know that AIDS really wouldn’t kill you quickly…you can live a full life as long as you keep your health up…move to a warm climate and…steroids! Fact…truth…and yet you probably would die anyway because you lack…balls? No, no, no…scratch that…testicular fortitude! YES!
Testicular fortitude is what you’ll be lacking…fear and all worth. Come on McBride you wanted this fight and I am willing to give it my all…right down to my right tit muscle…if you win I will allow you to cut off my right nipple..that’s how confident I am that you will lose…offer anything to me if I win or are you a pussy….no…scratch that… oozing vaginal wall…YES! That one!”

At this time Morbid Angel pulls onto this snow covered road heading to the mansion of scent and darkness.
The road was deep with snow and the lack of city workers leaves the entire town to lack simple upkeep…including plows
The ride was slow and rather sketchy…even the 4wheel drive vehicle had trouble getting to the top…passing a rather large pile of snow and not giving much attention to it and driving on towards the mansion. Pulling in the side drive with his headlights hitting the a windowless corner and a tree line Morbid Angel parks his car and notices the power is out due to the automatic lights that turn on when pulling in.

Living in an empty town means being prepared and when money isn’t really an option there was a large external generator inside the 4 car detached garage linked to the house…just in case…Morbid Angel steps out of the vehicle and heads towards the garage to turn it on knowing and not knowing what is going on inside the mansion.

Soyer sitting by the window hears what sounds like a door outside jumps in wonder to what it could have been...his crew outside or someone else
Downstairs the moaning and dragging follow the frightened men across the room. Still unable to see how tall or where it is coming from other than from its echo on the walls…not a precise science or even knowing if the one standing next to you is really the man standing next to you or another man…that shouldn’t be standing next to you…like maybe a zombie or something…devil maybe and your friend is really being ripped apart or worse…licked to death across the darkest coldest blackness the pair has ever known!

Morbid enters the garage and flicks a series of switches to start the generator and now having to reset the breaker inside the house. The back door leading down to the basement by ramp to lower a gaggle of corpses to their embalming over the course of many years.

Morbid pulls out a fist full of keys to unlock the many doors in this once great house fumbling through to find the master door lock.
After a minute or two of cursing the house and the door he finds the right key and opens the door into further darkness. Hearing nothing but smelling that same smell and oblivious to whom is in the house… straight through the door, 10 paces then to the right he enters the morgue and he hears the heavy breathing across from him and the moaning stops as well as the dragging…Morbid pays no mind knowing that another few steps he is at the master breaker….perhaps he knows what is down there…

The two men hear someone enter but say not a word knowing the foot steps are too heavy to be Soyer and fearing for their safety… Morbid hits the master breaker and the bright florescent lights near blind them all…blurry at first then coming into frame and peering across the room at one another.
Morbid is a rather mortified look on his face and the terror on the faces of the crew they look at each other not making a sound for a few seconds before the sound guy lets out a scream….caused by the view of the dragging moan…there was a drag but no moan in the description of such a thing…Drag Queen bound and gagged kicking himself around the floor of the morgue.
Briefly the question to why Morbid Angel has a drag queen gagged in the basement? Sexual pleasure? Is it a Nazi thing? Or just purely an accident…
Morbid looks at the men speechless with no answers he looks at the breaker and turns out the morgue lights!

The scene stays black!

The scene picks back up in the large sitting room to Morbid Angel yelling


Soyers-“calm down it was a mistake”

Morbid open hand slaps Soyers across the face knocking him to the ground

Morbid-“Calm down my cock! What the fuck!?! You break into my house and do what? Snoop through all my shit! “

Sound Guy-“you have a drag queen in the basement dude! What the fuck that!”

Morbid-“Don’t deflect! This isn’t about me! It’s about you mother fuckers!”

Sound Guy-“there is a man dressed like a woman gagged in the basement!”


Soyers-“No what? Is there a man in the basement dressed like a woman?”

Camera man-“Yes! I fucking saw it!”

Morbid-“No! Is was a gypsy! No drag! Fucking jews and shit…no drag queens…not my thing”

Sound guy-“we have footage! It was a man with breasts and a dress!”

Morbid-“they were not real breasts!”

Soyers-“so there is a drag queen in the basement?”

Camera man-“YES!”

Morbid-“No!...I mean there are 6 people down there to be embalmed…one of them might be a man…with feminine features?”

Sound guy-“No! A living person with a penis and tits!”

Morbid-“I don’t know what you are talking about! I don’t condone that shit here! This is a respectable house!”

Camera man-“I have footage…here look”

Morbid walks across the room and hits the camera man with a closed fist…the camera goes black but the sound continues.

Morbid-“if you make that footage disappear I will pay you all!”

Sound guy-“I want 20K”

Morbid-“5K and I don’t send you into the freezing night to fucking die! “

Soyers-“I don’t think we are allowed to tamper with the video”

Morbid slaps the sound guy hard knocking him to the ground.

Soyers-“why did you hit him?!?!”

Morbid with panic in his voice looks at soyers

Morbid-“I didn’t think he would understand…we can talk here like two reasonable humans…this could ruin me…my therapist said I needed to try new things and then he said this isn’t what he meant so…I kinda kept this queen downstairs…it's OK…I think he is Canadian”

Soyers-“so you are having sex with a man?”

Morbid-“NO! Hell No! Heil Hitler no! I was…making friends? I need a new crew and she looked the part so I asked…total accident”

Sound guy-“Bitch had a beard!”


Sound Guy-“ What is that smell?!”

Morbid-“What smell?....I don't smell anything....”

The scene fades to a blood red!

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
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