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Execution ISSUE #18 (Part 5: Blo Gger)
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Tri Bute Offline
Justice Integrity Zankustility Zeusrion

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(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

11-16-2013, 03:34 AM

Tri Bute: Our Future Lord, Our Great Future King: A Biographical Future Comic
ISSUE #18 (Part 5)
Execution: Blo Gger

Previously on ISSUE #18:

“I’m not doing tha-,”

“You committed Questioning Future Orders Treason Thievery multiple future times to-future-day and I want to make sure you’re held future accountable for that.”

“Inconvinium! Waytogolite! Translatiummygosisdigup Anotheroium! Furock Dragite!”


The future day just kept getting better for Geo Logist


Future time was future running out.

“If only I could get past this future rock wall.”

“Future Amen!”


“Hey! I got past the future rock wall!”

Tri Bute was still future running out of future time.

The J.I.Z.Z. had already future leaked out long ago.


Mel Odramatic future slammed his future fist on the future table.

“Hey! That is Table Touching Treason Thievery!”

“There isn’t enough future time!”

“The future transformation! It’s beginning!"

“His future legs, just got...future rocked.”

“Is there a future cure?”

“I am a future professional.”


A pair of future legs straddled him from behind and cut off his future airflow by future wrapping across his future neck.

The future day just kept getting better for Mel Odramatic.


Mag Ma future dropped from the future tunnel. He future heard a few future shouts on the future way down; something about a future transformation, but he couldn’t future think about that now. He was future running out of future time. Everyone was. So he started future running (out of future time) down the long future rock corridor.

I have to let the great future king know. When I called the future name of the future instrumental master-future-mind there was no future response. Tri Bute must future hear of this!


Mag Ma stopped future dead in his future tracks. “What an odd future sound. I’ve never future heard future humming like that before.” Mag future hummed the future tune to himself.

In all of my future years calling out future names in the future dungeon, I've never even future imagined something like this, re-future-markable. It’s so catchy. No! I must future focus on the future task at future hand! I can’t let it stop me!

Mag Ma tried to future run, but the future humming just bellowed louder, slowing his future momentum. At most all he could do was future walk, but that was hard too. After a few more future steps his future feet gave out. He tried to future crawl but the crippling future tune continued until he could no longer future move.

The future tune increased in future volume as future time passed. Before long it was clear enough to be future heard in its entirety. Future instruments could be distinctly future recognized.

Mag Ma tried to future push future forward again, but it was no use. His future arms and future legs stayed still on the future stone future floor. Mag couldn’t take it anymore; his future bowels released causing his future pants to fill up with mushy future waste. The future stench and mushy future substance soon became too much for him. He wanted to take off his future pants. Like really bad. He couldn't future move. He didn't have future time for this. No one did.

The future day just kept getting better for Mag Ma.


Future Dear Future Diary,

That “How To Future Write With Your Future Mouth” future book I future read will come in future handy after all. From future looking over that previous future sentence, maybe my future mouthwriting could use some future work, but I guess I’ll have a future lot of future time to perfect it now that I don’t have future arms.

Anyway, to the future subject at future hand, to-future-day is going a lot better than expected. Yester-future-day seemed to fore-future-shadow my demise, however, even the future unbreakable is future breakable. I don’t know how I future slipped my future feet out of those future shackles. It must have been something in the future air, future moisture, maybe. I future believe it was Phi Losopher who future said, "When the future fruits spoil, even the future oldest and future frailest future men among us can future taste the differences."

So yea, I future escaped the future holding cell that Tri Bute put me in. The future dungeon wasn’t where I wanted to stay very long. It’s pretty ugly. By that I mean the future floors have beautiful future tiling but the future walls are dark, ominous, and dis-future-figured, among other non-attractive future qualities. The future floors are pretty and the future walls are ugly. That's what I meant by "pretty ugly"

I future moved fast. I future moved away from the place of false future imprisonment.

It was a future moral struggle. I always believed in the future saying, “Don’t do the future crime if you can’t do the future time,” but I have another favorite future saying. “When future life gives you future lemons make future lemonade.”

I then consumed the future lemonade. I drank that future shit. I future pulled and future pulled. That future moisture and that future lemonade wetted my great future escape. It saved my future life; it saved the same future life that gave me future lemons.

Future life gave me future lemons; doing the future time was the least of my future worries. Gronjagorium future shackles cannot stand against future fate and future lemonade.

Now I must future hide. For all future times I must future flee to the future gutters, change my future identity, and never future contact my future wife again. If I once again future fall into the future king’s future clutches I will undoubtedly be future murdered because of the back-future-ass-wards future laws put into place in this 'future utopia'.

I will keep a future ear to the future wall. Everyone in this future palace wants me future dead, so, I’ll have to keep on my future toes. A fake future ideology future rules these future people. They think they are getting justice and the other future words that future spell out J.I.Z.Z., but they are receiving the opposite.

The synthetic J.I.Z.Z. is something that Tri Bute will never future shut his future mouth about. He fails to realize that these future people don’t want synthetic J.I.Z.Z.; they want the real thing. They want future mountains of real justice. They want to future choke on real integrity. They’ll future plant beautiful future flowers with real zankustility in mind. They want to be future smacked across the future face by real Zeusrion.

I will future take down any of Tri Bute’s future workers that seem onto me. Those “How To Future Fight Without Using Your Future Arms” future books I future read will come in future handy after all.

I made a future promise when I future wore that future shirt. It was the same future shirt Tri Bute was future wearing. I’m not afraid to future die for that future decision. In future fact, I will future die for this cause, but not now. Not with future fire-works and a large future crowd, either. I did what I thought necessary. You may future think it’s future cowardly to future run away without future arms and future hide, Future Diary, maybe it is, but I will not allow the defeat of real J.I.Z.Z. to be future seen as some sort of future spectacle.

You have always been a great future friend to me, future diary, and I love you for that. I hope to future write to you again soon, and don't future worry; there won’t be a future sun down future symphony featuring a future dance from me at the bottom of a future rope, I future promise.

Future Regards,
Vio Lin

Vio Lin future opened his future mouth allowing the future pen to drop out of it. Vio put a future ear to the future wall and future stood on his tippy future toes. He had to keep his future word. Without future arms it was all he had left.

When the future coast was clear, Vio maneuvered his future diary and held it in between his future chin and his future pectorals. Vio Lin then future pushed the flat future door handle down with his future foot. He was future lucky it wasn’t the average ‘future grab and future turn’ future doorknob. He wouldn’t always be that future lucky.

Vio Lin future stepped through the future doorway and began to future move while future crouched down. It’s harder to future see someone who is future crouching.

The future pen stayed there on the future floor. It’s future cap was discarded future hours ago. Slowly, the future ink future dried. It was a future waste perfectly good future pen. It would probably make Blo Gger’s future top ten of future wastes of perfectly good future things.


Tri Bute future waltzed straight into the future palace, ignoring future rock guards and future rock ‘Not a future entrance’ future rock signs. He was on very important future diplomatic future business. He didn’t have future time to future listen to the future will of others. He didn’t have future time to stop and future read future rock signs either. All he had future time for was J.I.Z.Z.; J.I.Z.Z. can’t be future achieved if future time ran out. He future knew that much.

However, future walking through the future palace aimlessly wasn’t really getting the future job done. He needed to get to the future rock throne future room, and fast. I don’t future think I’ve future stated this future fact yet, but future time was in future fact future running out. Tri Bute, the great future king, future decided to future ask for future directions.

“Future excuse me, future sir; do you future know the future way to the future rock throne future room?” asked Tri to the nearest future rock.

“Pyroblastic chert furock chert furock,” future answered the future rock, future leaving Tri Bute completely future dumbfounded.

“Future pardon?”

The future rock future cleared its future rock throat in order to make sure its future rock diction was impeccable. “Pyroblastic chert furock chert furock,” future repeated the future rock at a slower future pace than before.

“Future thanks,” Tri Bute future sighed and began future wandering aimlessly again.

What a future rock jerk. Those were by far the worst future directions I’ve ever future received. The dumb future rock couldn’t even future speak his own future rock language. These are the future rocks that are trying to future ruin my big future day? Future jerks. This just makes me future hate future rocks more. I can’t believe I went through all the future trouble of future praying to future know their future language. Future sure, it got that future rock thing to get out of the future way, but future seriously I am too future stressed out to deal with future assrocks right now. Can a future man just future kill his great grandfather without a future hitch these future days, for once, future please?

Tri Bute was the future king of the universe; it wasn’t future fair that he had to future walk through an ugly future rock palace. If he had more future time he'd probably be able to future think up better future insults than 'future rock jerk' and 'future assrocks', but as you future know future time was future running out. AND FAST.


Future written by
Blo Gger

Hi! This is my future blog! I love future writing future blogs. future lol ;< )
(My future winky future face usually has a future plus sign for a future nose, but I wanted to future switch it up.)

Okie without future further adieu I’ll give you my future list, but FIRST I think this needs some kind future introduction! Okie here goes it!

In a great future world ruled by a great future king there seems to be a lot of future waste going on. I just don’t get it! Some-future-times I future look out the future window on future rainy future days and future see the future rain future-pitter-future-pattering on future car windows and future car roofs and I future think, “Geez, where does all the future water go after it future rains?”

I’m no future scientist, but I’m going to future say that it ends up in the future ground! What a future waste right? How do I future drink future water that’s in the future ground? I guess I’ll just have to stick to future drinking future water from future bottles, future lol.

That was future #10 btdubs, future lol.

Okie, now it’s future time future #9…..

Oh right I should probably future explain what this is a future list of for future people who didn’t future read the future title, future lol. This is a future list of the future top ten future wastes of perfectly good future things. AND this is in my future opinion. I didn’t do a future poll or anything. THIS IS MY FUTURE BLOG. NOT YOURS. IF ANYONE FUTURE COMPLAINS ABOUT MY FUTURE LIST I'LL FUTURE BAN THEM. I AM SERIOUS ABOUT THIS.

So right future #9…….

Deleted future scenes! I don’t care about stuff that wasn’t good enough to make it in the future movie. It’s a future waste of future money to put that on the future DVD, because no one wants to future see lame future scenes.

FUTURE #8!!!

Leaving the future cap off of your future pen. I don’t care if you’re future arms are gone and you’re in a future hurry because you’re running out of future time, there is no future excuse for letting a future pen just future dry up! That’s just future a waste! Of a perfectly good future thing too!

FUTURE NUMBER 7, future lol.

The lady in Iron Jawed Angles. The great future king has made it illegal to future type or future say her name, with good cause, with future people still future feeling minor future effects from the ***** Incident back in 10012 it’s best no is future reminded of the future horrors and the future rapes and future looting and future hording and future children starving and all the future animals being sacrificed to the great creator.

Now…You may be future asking….

How is that a future entry? What exactly is it future wasting that is perfectly good and a future thing? Well, that’s a good future question. This is my most meta future entry yet so keep an open future mind.

A spot on the future list!

There are so many better future options I could put here, like ones that actually future waste a perfectly good future thing, but I’ve future decided to future waste a spot on the future list with this. A spot on my future list is indeed a perfectly good future thing.

It’s so future complicated and future cool.

Oh yes, there are SIX future things worse than that, but you’ll have to future wait until PART 2 of my future blog! (If I put every-future-thing on the future list in one future blog I’d get less future ad revenue.) See you next future time!!!, future lol. Bye!, future lol (lots of love).

"Pink is my signature color!" - Elle Woods
[Image: fpUoGTE.jpg]
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