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Wyatt Reynolds
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Wyatt Reynolds Offline
In Wyatt We Trust

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

11-07-2013, 10:59 AM

In-Ring Name: Wyatt Reynolds

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Wyatt Anderson Reynolds

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New

Wrestler Date of Birth: Not Disclosed

Height: 6'

Weight: 215 lbs

Hometown: Birmingham, Alabama

Personality: He's a calm, polite individual that uses his obvious Southern charm to get what he wants through manipulation.

"One may smile and smile and be a villain."

He also uses his superior intellect to his advantage, playing both parts very well. He can outsmart you without letting you know he's outsmarting you. He can also make it very obvious he's doing so.

He's also slightly psychotic, that may increase over time. He can go from happy go lucky, to intensely angry, back to happy go luck in seconds.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Heel

Physical Build Description: Very lean and toned. Not overly muscular. Fully clothed, looks like your average man. Similar to an AJ Styles build.

Ring Attire: A red Nazi arm band. Long trunks, the left side being a Confederate flag, the right being the flag of Nazi Germany. Black Combat boots.

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: Blue jeans, light blue button down shirt. Or if he's antagonizing, he'll dress in either full Nazi soldier attire or in a KKK hood and robe, depending on who he's antagonizing.

Ethnicity: White. Is there anything else?

Pic Base: Woody Harrelson as Mickey Knox.

Wrestling Style: Tenacious scrapper. He will fight and get down and dirty with the best of them.

Strengths: He has a psycho switch. If he gets pissed off or frustrated, it will trigger a psychotic rage within him leading him to becoming virtually unstoppable for a few minutes.

Weaknesses: No known weaknesses, though can get worn down by much larger opponents that can absorb more damage.

Entrance Theme Music:

"Beat the Devil's Tattoo" by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

Entrance Description: The lights fade as Beat the Devil's Tattoo starts to play. As the lyrics start up, a bright spotlight shines from behind Wyatt, making him a silhouette. He proceeds to the ring slowly. The lighting transitions to orange colored mood lighting as he nears the ring. He enters the ring with and lays out in the center of the ring, staring up into the orange lighting. He lays sprawled out, begging his opponent to attack.

Manager (if applicable):
Manager's Pic Base:

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:

1- Arm Drag
2- Suplex
3- Dropkick
4- Single Arm Jumping DDT
5- CM Punks Jumping Knee lift in the corner followed by a Bulldog
6- Piledriver
7- Back breaker
8- German Suplex with bridging pin
9- Lou Thesz Press
10- Frankensteiner
11- Moonsault
12- Superplex
13- Flying Headbutt
14- Overhead Belly to Belly from the top rope
15- Jackhammer (suplex/powerslam combo with pin)

Trademark Move 1: Achtung!
Description: Sheamus' Broque Kick (Only done to large opponents if they're on their knees

Trademark Move 2: Copperhead DDT
Description: Orton's DDT with the opponent hung up on the middle rope (Done to all)

Trademark Move 3: Triple Russians
Description: Three successive Russian leg sweeps (Done to all)

Trademark Move 4: Grand Dragon
Description: Dragon suplex with bridging pin (Not done to large opponents)

Trademark Move 5: The White Man Marches On
Description: With opponent seated in one corner, Wyatt stands in the opposite, he marches in place while doing the Heil Hitler Salute, then charges across the ring and delivers a vicious boot (or even a dropkick, depending on his mood) to the opponents face.

Primary Finisher: The Burning Cross (Cross Rhodes)
Description: Cody Rhodes' Cross Rhodes finisher

Secondary Finisher: The Grand Wizard
Description: He has a titanium plate in his right shin from a bomb mishap. If he hits a Shining Wizard, that's it. It's over.

Third Finisher: Southern Uprising
Description: HBK's super kick, usually done when Wyatt is thought to be down and out. Literally comes from out of nowhere.

Favorite Weapon if any: Everything. The harder, the better. Will use lethal weapons if the opportunity presents itself.

Additional notes: He also has a specific weapon he pulls out in times he deems fitting. He has a brand. He will not hesitate to brand a defeated opponents chest with IN WYATT I TRUST

[Image: CB9gLKY.jpg]
Longest Reigning XWF Confederate Champion

[Image: f2Yls2a.png]
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