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John Raide
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John Raide Offline
We can chase the dark together

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they'll break rules & bones)

10-21-2013, 06:33 PM


In-Ring Name: John Raide

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New blood Smile

Wrestler Date of Birth: 12.22.1984

Height: 6'2''

Weight: 210 lb

Hometown: Seattle, Washington

Personality: He's smug, bit of a jerk, but a likable jerk at least. Known for his biting sarcasm, and quick wit. Borderline sociopath.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): This may change based on angles and feuds, but essentially a face with some heel qualities.

Physical Build Description: Slender, athletic, built more like a middle-weight fighter.

Ring Attire: Pretty simple. Crimson trunks, boots and kick-pads. Taped wrists.

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: Long, dark coat and usually a hooded sweater.

Ethnicity: Clear.

Pic Base:
[Image: benedictcumberbatch-umbrella-tsr.jpg]

Wrestling Style: A strong mix of grappling/technical skills alongside martial arts, kickboxing, and downright brawling.

Entrance Theme Music:

Entrance Description: The arena lights darken to pitch black, then white light starts to flicker through the crowd with the opening hook of the song. As it kicks in, John Raide steps through the curtains and walks out onto the stage. He wears a black t-shirt over his trunks that says 'Ideas are bulletproof'. He starts down the aisle as he looks out over the arena crowd. Raide stops right at the end of the aisle as he turns and gives a smug look to the crowd. Then he runs up onto the apron and hops onto the turnbuckle as he yells to the crowd to fire himself up.

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
  • Sleeper hold
  • Triangle choke
  • Corner elbow smash
  • Dragon Screw
  • Dragon Sleeper
  • Suicide Dive
  • High knee from the apron to the outside of the ring
  • Arm trap seated abdominal stretch
  • Single Leg Boston Crab
  • European uppercut
  • Northern Lights
  • Springboard suicide senton
  • German suplex
  • Belly to back suplex

Trademark Move(s):
  • Crossface chickenwing
  • Double wrist-clutch to a grounded opponent followed by multiple stomps to the opponent's chest, face, and head
  • Multiple elbow strikes to the side of the opponent's head while holding the opponent in a crucifix position
  • Drop toe-hold into the turnbuckles, sometimes followed by kicking the second rope into the opponent's throat
  • Repeated shoot kicks to a kneeling opponent's chest followed by a roundhouse to the opponent's head
  • Surfboard
  • Rolling fireman's carry slam
  • The Raid (Diving headbutt)
  • Vendetta (Rolling cutter)

Primary Finisher: Busaiku Knee Kick
Description: Running single leg high knee

Secondary Finisher if applicable: Lock & Key
Description: LeBell Lock

[Image: John_Raide_zpsc05d7d5c.jpg]
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