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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
It's A Rainstorm of Truth Part II
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Great Buzzard Eli James IV Offline
Speaker of Truth

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10-08-2013, 10:39 AM

The strange fad that people believe gods exist. Gods, plural, meaning more than one exist out there somewhere. Why would an all-powerful.. eternal God create little gods? Is he too small to govern the universe himself, that he would need other gods similar to him? It's often we hear stories about gods existing in mythological stories and even some religions that claim to be fact.. truth.. reality instead legends in the myth world.

Scientology. They welcome people of other faiths to join in theirs, at least until you reach a certain level. They believe in reincarnation and base much of their worldview on Hinduism. They hold to the writings by their founder L. Ron Hubbard, who was a science fiction writer. And they also hold the view of their being multiple gods. As soon as you reach a certain level, seven to be more specific, you and pass on from this life.. you get to govern your own world and be a god. Becoming a god isn't living selfless.. it's living selfish. You claim to help the poor, addicts, and helpless because it's what a Scientologist does.. but on the same scale you are trying to be good enough to get out of the cycle of reincarnation to become a god. It really boils down to you.. 'making it'. A pursuit to help with a hidden motive to set yourself above everyone.

Hinduism. A similar world. You try to do good, but only to not enter the next life as a tree. The trust is placed on one man and his writings. One.. man.

A lot of religions are based on one person's word. Their revelation of truth, and it's theirs alone. They spread it like wildfire and people blindly just say 'yes'. A good sound judgment is made with two or three witnesses, but people flock to a solo judgment that determines the biggest step of every man: after death.

Gods. Reincation. One perception. There's only one truth. You have multiple choice with everything, but there's only one right answer.

Eli continues his thoughts and brings the rainstorm of truth to everyone's ears.

"The gods I choose to ignore.. heh. The words coming from an Egyptian woman. Let's visit an event, shall we?

In Egypt.. a Pharaoh had many slaves.. Israelites. He was a bit harsh with them, and their cries had reached Almighty. He called to a man named Moses who would be the mouth piece for Almighty to Pharaoh. Those in Egypt worshiped many gods and had the same ideas you have. Moses would ask the Pharaoh to let the people go, and he would deny the request.

Pharaoh would even try to up one on Almighty's miracles with the gods and magicians.. turning a stick into a snake.. water into blood.. but in the end.. Pharaoh trusted his gods to be powerful.. to be truth.. to be the end all. That is until the firstborn were to die to everyone in the land who did not have sacrificed blood on the door. Pharaoh's firstborn had died. His gods? They were sleeping. They had gone inside a closest and made sure they never heard another request. Gods.. heh. They died. And the last one standing was Almighty. The solo Creator of all. The only.. God.

Now, Miss Pharaoh.. how cluttered your words are. You shouldn't worry about the voices Alexandra and Mystica hear... Truth will be revealed in the right time and they will see the light.

You're right in that you say I know minds.

A man knows how to work on vehicles.. he knows about the parts.. he knows the issues.. he's built plenty himself. Just because he knows all about cars doesn't mean he just goes out to fix everyone he sees. He waits for them to come to him, and even then he must turn away a few. Knowing the car doesn't fix the car.. you must go through sweat.. time.. and even some frustration.. before it remotely gets fixed.

I know the minds of people.. I know the hearts and souls, too. I don't fix all the corrupt unless they come to me willingly. David came to a realization I could fix and make him whole. Alexandra, deep down, knows her beginnings and the truth will make her whole. They don't worry me because their path is laid out before them and I know truth prevails.

Something you did get wrong in your shallow words to me was me boasting about wins. I don't boast in what I don't see as eternal significance. I simply reveal what has happened and I use it to warn those coming. I can lose. I can bleed. I can feel pain. My bones can be broken. What I cannot do is lie.

I've lost before and I'll lose again. I've bled before and I'll bleed again. My message has always been above the material and seeks out the eternal. Everyone is destined to die and then to face the judgment by the Almighty. Everyone with a breath will one day exhale their last and then enter the realm of eternity.

You are just like the others. You want to be some sort of higher being, but you have the mindset of a consumer. You crave.. you need.. you desire a championship around your waste. All you spoke about was winning and becoming part of the new Trio Champions. A person who hopes for a win and doesn't get it.. then what? Depression. Suicide. Hurt. Excuses. Anger. Disappointment. But a person who isn't focused on winning or losing.. that's someone you should fear. It's not about wins or losses... championships or lack thereof. It's about truth. It's been my message since day one.. and it's still my message today.. and will be my message tomorrow.

And you decided to find partnership among Jessie Diaz and Tri Bute? I guess desperate people do desperate things.. and even become blind in the middle.

My wife stands up with the United States title belt and walks slowly back towards our home, away from the dark barn. I come to a pause and stop rocking in my chair and look up at the sky that's filled with stars and a bright shining full moon.

"Don't ignore the call of her. She whispers in your ear and waits for you to listen. The stubborn let the wax build up so it's up to the interpretation. To the ones who understand I say run. Run with all your might and don't look back. The fire isn't your friend. The battlefield is a place you rot. Listen to her.

I decided to get off my chair and just stroll around in the woods.

"People often tell me any sort of faith doesn't belong because it can't be proven. Heh. Everything in the universe can be explained in some way by the unique world of science. Once a man talks about morality.. science leaves. Once you make a claim that a woman.. or a painting.. or a sunset is beautiful.. science leaves. Faith belongs in every worldview.. you just have to know what you are putting your faith in.

My world isn't just about faith. It's about truth. It'll all be revealed in due time, but you just have to wait it out.

I continue to walk through the woods and so many things catch my twinkling eye that most others would probably just walk past without giving it a second look. The beauty and unique shape of each leaf on a tree.. the shaded colors that would look the exact same to the average eye, but a hint of difference by a close examination.

I struggle to see why so much hate against my message of truth and the Congregations purpose in killing off the dark and evil that sits in front of everyone's eyes. I suppose no one really wants to be exposed. If someone had a dirty car at night, and they want to take out some friends to have some fun it's no big deal. If you decide to do that same thing in the sun without a good wash, then the sun gets to expose how dirty your car is and some may not be willing to be seen in it. It's the exposure from the light that makes all the difference.

"People fear the exposure because it reveals the truth underneath the surface. You see kids playin' in the big ocean with smiles on their faces.. no big deal.. until an odd occurrence happens underneath that you can't see... somethin' is biting them. It's always there regardless if the eye can see it or not.

[Image: N1KpZEA.jpg]

1x Universal Champion
1x Undefeated Trio Champion (1/3)
1x Undefeated Tag Team Champion
1x Undefeated European Champion
2x Undefeated UFO/FTW (Ark of the Covenant) Champion
1x United States Champion
2013 July Star of the Month
The One Who Ended & The Administrator
Former Owner of the XWF
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(10-08-2013), Andrew Morrison (10-08-2013), Jessie-ica Diaz (10-08-2013), LJ Havok (10-08-2013), MattWard (10-08-2013), Theo Pryce (10-08-2013)

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