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A New Beginning (Debut RP)
Author Message
Alexander Cruchev

XWF FanBase:
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09-23-2013, 01:20 PM

ACT: 1
-New Beginning

I was born on a cold Moscow night. So cold you literally see icicles hanging from your nose. Okay okay, I over exaggerated just a tad. It was still cold that night on March fifth-teeth, nineteen seventy five. I had a very strange family. My mother was a housewife. She did the cooking and the cleaning while father...well, he got involved with some serious men.

These men were known as the KGB. I don't know how longer father had connections with the organization but ever since I could remember, he would always be out on "assignments". After my father's untimely death in the late eighties, I was recruited into the organization

Rewind back to the year of 1988. The hit song in America was George Michael's "Faith"..Television shows like Roseanne and China Beach stormed the airwaves but over-seas, at the tender age of 13, Alexander was recruited into the KGB.

This's for pleasure hahahaha...Three men dressed in fatigues and wearing black ski masks begin to beat down a bloodied Alexander with what looks to be nightsticks. Alex is barely breathing as he hanging from a pipe handcuffed. Alex had no idea who these men were but the smell of cheap vodka and cigarettes only meant one

Suddenly a man wearing a clean cut black suit comes walking in with a round of applause. He motions for the men to walk away and he walks up towards the lifeless body of Alexander. He starts to speak broken English...Very well comrade ...just like your father...know how to take the beatings...hahahaha

Suddenly Alex clears his throat and spits a mixture of blood and saliva into the face of this man. He motions to the masked men...Бити осла його, поки він є чорний і синій...Я хочу бачити калюжі крові, як він немічний американський

The masked men continue the beatings from orders of this mystery man. Months go by. Countless torture and hazing and Alex is officially a KGB agent. His job was to infiltrate America's top secret plans by any means necessary. The cold war may be over but the KGB still linger in the footsteps.

Alexander carried over the tradition of his father and did things some may find heinous and sickening but he was proud to do it because he loved his home-land and would die for his comrades in the KGB

So needless to say, I was born into a family of mystery and I fought for the cause of the common man. I came here to XWF to prove myself in this federation of fighters and here to cause pain and suffering to every single American that caused my people hell back before my time.

I hold no regrets for what I am capable of and looking to destroy everyone in my path to achieve my goal. You may hate me and look down on me but to me you are all mindless sheep. You grasp every word your leaders tell you and advise by their say when I break the rules to accomplish what I want.

It is time for my new beginning and the hammer and sickle will be falling down over this entire federation....

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