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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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benjamincrane Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(crowd reaction varies; dips between face & heel)

02-03-2013, 02:42 PM

(camera opens from Benjamin Crane's laptop in his small, cramped hotel room where he is sitting on his bed)

Crane: (gestures to his bed) So, this is where ALL the magic happens. And by "magic" I mean reading comics and watching porn. Which can get pretty magical believe me.

WELL, it certainly looks like i got Mr. Angelus's attention didn't I? So you don't know who I am huh? That suits me just fine. Why? Because of the Devil's Advocate. That's right, that movie with Keanu Reeves, Charlize Therron, and Al Pacino. In that movie, Al Pacino as The Devil (basically) gives Keanu's character a little advice. "Never let them see you coming." And it seems to me that you are making the mistake of looking past me. Which only works in my favor.

But now having finally gotten a peek into your psyche, Angie, I can see why i was WAY off hunting for you in a Goth club. Cuz you're just too macho of a guy to ever express or show any feelings aren't ya? You know, i had a theory about Sid Feder a couple of weeks ago about "overcompensating". And you, you big, tough, manly man just SCREAMS overcompensation. But hey, I'm not knocking ya. Seems to working for ya. You're the X-Treme Champ, you got that little biscuit Jessica in your sights.... I mean things are looking pretty damn good for you aren't they?

Which is why you should NOT be overlooking me, Angie. Because in three little seconds, i can take that ALL away from you. In one night you could lose everything you've worked so hard to achieve. And because of your arrogance if that does indeed come to pass, just know that I will take MY new title, shove it in your face, and laugh. Your lesson from The Monolith, Angie, is humility. Be successful, yes. But don't get too full of yourself. Pride always comes before a fall. And you are coming off as pretty prideful right now. Take me lightly if you want, but just know that everything you have could be mine in three days.

Oh, one more thing before i go, Ultimate Warrior lunchbox? Hell no! I was a Hulkamaniac. My lunchbox was red and yellow, son! And while we're on the subject, in the event that i do take Angie's title and possibly his woman, I think it's time for the XWF marketing team to start brainstorming some merchandise ideas! Lunchboxes included! I know, the Venom hoodie is a lawsuit waiting to happen but you know, an action figure with an all black hoodie would still work. He could come with a breakable monolith! I mean, "Approach The Monolith" t shirts. You need to start getting to work on this XWF.

So, i guess we'll be seeing each other at Warfare, Angie. Be sure to bring Jessica with you! (winks) See ya, Champ! (waves)
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