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Carving Our Wounds Wide Open (Ally Callaway & Friends)
Author Message
Mystica Offline
Monsters Are Real


XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

09-09-2013, 08:05 PM

With Alexandra's latest letter in hand, David returned to the cafe just as he had before: collar upturned, free hand in pocket -- just as though he knew what he was doing. Like instinct he reached and pulled the door open, for a moment savoring the cool touch of the handle on his burning hot skin. His face was blushed; he could tell. The burning hot flesh beneath his eyes burned to his very core, bringing him a sensation of being so very exposed. Even with the cafe barely alight with the distant din of conversation between the sparse customers, David felt as though he were standing in a spotlight, watched by the critics of his imaginary, cerebral television programme, and he had forgotten all his lines. Retreating to a corner near the bookcase, he fumbled with the letter, fondling the envelope between his fingers. In these words, dripping in the blood-ink, was something more than he could fathom. Connection. An escape from his self-imposed isolation. The one light in the dark of his world, turning it all a shade of grey he couldn't identify.

This was all beyond him. With nervous hands, he reached into his jacket pocket and removed a pad of paper, intending to respond to Alexandra's message. But when he clicked the pen open and placed the pad flat to the table, his mind went blank. The darkness rearing on the edge of his mind, he sighed. What could he even write back? To reveal the innards of his mind was to reveal the innards of his soul -- an entity drenched in tragedy, soaked in the eternally unclean wretched spot the likes of which only Lady Macbeth had ever known. All the water in Poseidon's oceans could not wash his doubt clean. His conscience was tainted by bias -- burned with the flame of error.

His thoughts were interrupted by the kind girl from behind the counter placing a small cup in front of him. Without even looking up to her, he could smell the aroma of bergamot. Earl Gray.

"How did you--?"

"A little redheaded birdy told me it was your favourite," the girl replied curtly before disappearing back behind the counter.

Taking in a deeper smell, he realized this wasn't your run-of-the-mill Earl Gray. It was Winter White Earl Gray. Something came to him.


Years prior. Following a long, rowdy, bawdy party at an associate's house after classes had let out, David had offered to walk her home. The gentle curls of her hair bobbing in the glow of the streetlight, they took the long route. Up and over the hill in the park. But as the two, still feeling the wonderful toxins of intoxication bleeding through their veins, reached the apex of the hill, they gleefully fell onto their backs and stared up at the endless night sky. David pointed out constellations, and told her of the mythos behind them, occasionally stealing glances into her warm brown eyes, momentarily finding home in their iris, which bloomed out from the pupil like a sunflower, out into the sun of his affections. But as the time wore on in the night, she became more solemn. When he reached over to comfort her, she pulled away, and looked into his eyes as he had into hers. And then she told him. Cancer.

Seven months later, at work on an assignment in New York, David received a latter at his hotel room. Not recognizing the handwriting, he had placed it in his suit pocket before stealing off to work at the Times. But in the midst of his typing, writer's block took hold in a vice grip, strangling away his creative air. In a moment of boredom, he pulled the letter from his pocket and inspected the handwriting on the cover. He hadn't opened it yet, but in this moment of pause, he gave into the curiosity and opened it. Inside, the letter revealed the author. Her mother. Emily Cantrell had died, aged 22, a virgin and unloved by any boy or girl. For the rest of the workday, David progressed as usual, completing his assignment in his usual timely manner, handed it in, and returned to his hotel. But the moment he closed the hotel room door behind him and heard it shut behind him, David Martin broke down and wept like the boy he had once been when he first heard the name Emily Cantrell.


Back in time, David opened his eyes. The cafe was dead quiet, the customers having gone and left him alone in the tacky-furnished room. A glance outside told David all he needed to know. Just past dusk. Dead time. Just before closing. The moment when cafes begin to die -- alone, unloved, like a virgin.

[Image: b7zaJm8.jpg]

  • 1x Tag Team Champion
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AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

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(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-09-2013, 08:21 PM

Alexandra and Micah had been out walking trying to clear their heads of what had happened in the woods. Alexandra's thoughts had been a jumbled mess, and a walk should help, right. That's when she saw David coming out of a café. She looked up and noticed him, their eyes met. Alexandra could see the sadness in his eyes, he knew. Micah looked between the two of them.

"Never did the course of true love run smooth Alexandra."

She looked at her cousin, and then at David, having just quoted Shakespeare. She took her cousins hand and walked over in front of David, where she began to speak. Alexandra dropped her eyes to the ground, hating the fact that he was sad. Knowing that Eli wanted to take two people from her life.

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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Minxs Offline
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09-09-2013, 08:47 PM

I bowed my head slightly, "I apoloigze for my actions when we first met, Mystica."
"Yes, how silly of me."
I smiled softly, looking at my foolish cousin, "I must also apoloigze for her...lack luster pride."
Ally slot me a nasty glare from under her hair but I ignored it.
"She is...unsure as to how to speak to you."
David finally looked at me, he was if he feared I would make Vamp Chow out of him again.
"Do you wish for me to stay?"
Ally nodded and gripped my hand, it really didn't affect me in the slightest but I was uncomfortable with their auras. David's read...anger, loss, disapointment, with a hint of love...but it was hard to tell because of the God that lurked just beyond the surface. Ally...hers was clear...ashamed, fear, anger, love, lust...all the things that were perfect enough for a storm.
"There is a pub just down the street...shall we go sit and not stand in the cold?"

[Image: 8xpNjmb.png]
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Mystica Offline
Monsters Are Real


XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

09-10-2013, 08:35 PM

David nodded, nothing really going into the motion. It was pure reflex, reacting upon desire.

"Yes, I think that would be prudent," he said.

Within moments, they were walking side by side by side along the narrow sidewalk, with David occasionally spilling his path onto the street to make room for his feminine guests. But he made sure to keep his distance -- not from Micah, but from Alexandra. There was an invisible air between the two, like polar magnetic equals, creating a push that kept him from her. Something inside told him that this was someone he could not reach. But he swallowed the voices, sending them down into his gut -- the place where instinct slept. As the trio reached the door to the pub -- The Hollow -- David held the door open for his female friends, as he had instilled in himself a sense of chivalry. It was only right in his mind.

"By the way, Micah...don't worry. I'm not frightened of you. I understand what you did was in the heat of the moment. We all do things in the heat of the moment we regret."

He stole a glance at Alexandra, but looked away as she passed inside. He sighed and walked in behind the two.

[Image: b7zaJm8.jpg]

  • 1x Tag Team Champion
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Minxs (09-10-2013)
Mr. Radio Offline
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(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

09-10-2013, 08:53 PM

Radio is enjoying a few cold beers at a booth in the back right corner when he sees Micah, Ally, and David all walk in. He takes a deep breath and smiles. Radio takes one more drink of beer before getting up and walking over to the three. As he starts walking he puts his hand on his forhead and feels his head pounding, he tries to ignore it but he insists on going over there.

Hey! How's everyone doin tonight?! I wasn't expecting to see any of you here in a pub. But hey at least I actually have people to talk to now.

Radio puts his left arm around Micah and looks at David and smirks. He puts his hand out for a handshake.

Michael Radio...You can call me Mike or more preferably Radio if you want.

[Image: tumblr_mo8afmAXfD1rregw1o1_500.gif]
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Mystica (09-11-2013)
Mystica Offline
Monsters Are Real


XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

09-10-2013, 08:57 PM

David gives a slight smirk and shakes Radio's hand. The tone of this man's voice was oddly calming in the chaos of the time, and David was happy to see a friendly face.

"Radio it is, then," David replied, eager to get to know the man. He'd heard much about him, but hadn't actually met the fellow until now. There was some hope in his heart, after all. Quite a shock.

[Image: b7zaJm8.jpg]

  • 1x Tag Team Champion
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AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-10-2013, 09:05 PM

Alexandra stood silently, a bit back from everyone, looking at them. She really had not said much, while they had been walking to the pub. Alexandra didn't make eye contact much in the moments that had passed. Except when she had walked through the door, and tried to smile at Mystica. Somehow the words stuck in her throat. They sat there on her tongue, but when she would go to open her mouth, no words came forth from her lips. She would then lower her eyes back to the floor and not speak.

She walked towards the table where Radio had been sitting. Seeing the rest had moved that way as well. She saw Micah smile as Michael wrapped his arm around her. She saw the handshake between the two men. She knew Mystica needed all the friends he could get. With the battle constantly raging inside of him, she wished she could give him some comfort, some solitude, someone he could run to when the world went dark around him. But still no words.

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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Minxs Offline
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09-10-2013, 09:05 PM

I watched David take Michael's hand with a smile just before I led them to a table more secluded than the others. It must be a vampire thing because we all did it.
"Sit, Michael."
Pushing the man down in a chair, I smiled back at David and Ally.
"It seems as though my cousin has forgotten how to speak...but yes, I must thank you for not taking my mistake so personally. Heat of the moments sometimes show another's darker side."
My eyes flashed to my cousin, who was mesmerized with the floor, before looking back at David. With a simple wave of my hand, the bartender showed up with some tea and beer. Michael tried reaching for a beer when I slapped his hand.
"You already have a headache. Here."
I handed him a cup of tea before finally sitting next to my mate.
"I believe I have already told you, David. You are more than welcome at the park. Consider it a neutral zone...Switzerland if you must...but I can tell you simply didn't leave the compound for just a quick vacation, what is on your mind? Surely you wouldn't have an issue speaking about it among friends?"
My eyes glowed softly and it might have been the first time I had used my vampire mind tricks on someone...lets see how he reacts.

[Image: 8xpNjmb.png]
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Mystica Offline
Monsters Are Real


XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

09-11-2013, 08:03 AM

David reached eagerly for the drinks, but found himself frozen in trying to choose between the tea and the beer. His natural inclination was to go for the tea, his drink of preference, but with his mind plagued by the sorrows deep within his soul, he chose instead to grab a beer. After taking a sip, he followed Micah's words carefully, studying them down to the very lips from which they poured. He was in detective mode -- a defense mechanism he was not consciously aware of, but often returned to. Looking into her eyes, he felt a warm tingling at the base of his head, working its way up the back of his skull. It was intoxicating, her gaze. He felt compelled to speak his mind, but then there came a disturbance. From somewhere deep inside, David heard Mystica's voice yell "tricks!", followed by a sharp pain in his temples, which broke Micah's spell over him. He blinked heavily, all of this having occurred over the course of milliseconds. He took another sip of his beer and absent-mindedly returned Micah's steely gaze, though he himself had no such power as she did.

"I think some things are best left unsaid. As Alexandra here, it seems that silence regarding these matters might be most wise. It's not really in my nature to go about revealing my secrets to everyone, as you might know. Don't take it as offense. I just..."

He stole another glance at Alexandra, but quickly looked back to Micah when he felt something stir in his chest.

"Try to keep personal things personal."

[Image: b7zaJm8.jpg]

  • 1x Tag Team Champion
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AlexandraCallaway (09-11-2013), Minxs (09-11-2013)
Minxs Offline
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(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-11-2013, 01:55 PM

I cracked my neck and fought back the hiss of frustration. That damn God!

"I understand, sometimes it's a little difficult to express the true depths of ones own soul but sometimes...that same silence that will keep us safe will also force us into an unwitting insanity."

My eyes shifted over to Alexandra, who was now nursing a small cup of tea.

'Look at me.'

Her head shot up and she looked at me, a smile on my lips.

'You should speak, it would be most wise.'

David and Michael had started talking about something else, ignoring the two of us while I had my silent conversation with Alexandra

'Don't play those vampire mind tricks. They won't-'

Her voice cut off as she finally made eye contact, which was the worse thing she could have done.

'They've always worked on you...Even when I was in that coma. Zak managed to put you under a spell and damn near put you under your own coma. Now, set the cup down and stand.'

Alexandra stood, setting the cup down with a soft thud, making both men look at her. Her eyes were all glazed over as if she was possessed.


'Walk behind David.'

I took a sip of tea and looked over as Alexandra walked behind David, 'Good, now, hug him.'

Alexandra wrapped her arms around his shoulders, hugging him tightly. David looked shocked, looking between myself and Alexandra. Finally, he looked back at me and his eyes narrowed.



I looked away from Alexandra and back at David.

"Drop the spell."

That wasn't David, hm.

"What spell? I simply suggested she do something. Not my fault."

Alexandra shook her head and looked around, "What the fuck?"

I smiled behind the cup and didn't look at her directly as she made her way back to her spot and sat down. Setting the cup down, I felt Michael's hand on my leg and I smiled before looking back at David. My eyes locked with his and they started to change to a soft gold. I smiled as David relaxed again, his eyes starting to cloud over.

'David~ Oh, Sweet, Innocent David~'

I felt the pressure of Mystica behind my own wall in David's mind and I pushed back, watching the flash of pain in David's eyes.

'Talk to her...tell her your heartache. She will never choose until she knows your heart's desires.'

Michael's hand gripped my thigh, forcing me to break my gaze...but thanks to Mother...I still had a wall built up in his mind.


"You're going to cross a line."

Michael's eyes locked with mine and I sighed, looking down before looking back at David.

[Image: 8xpNjmb.png]
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Mystica Offline
Monsters Are Real


XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

09-11-2013, 02:22 PM

David felt a great pain in his temples as he locked eyes with Micah. There was something happening inside his head. The pain grew more intense, and David could feel the beating of his heart as it tried to pool as much blood into the brain as it could. Inside, there came shouts of effort from the booming, deeper voice of Mystica. With a grunt of effort, there came Mystica's shout inside David's head: "divert the subject!"

Reacting purely on the voice's words, David pulled his beer up, momentarily obscuring his vision, thus breaking eyesight with Micah. In the second it took for the glass to pass back over his eyes, David had changed his view to Radio. David flashed an incredibly false smile. Fear, he pondered. This is what fear feels like.

"So, Radio..." David piped up, ignoring Micah's mental commands through Mystica, "how did all meet? I mean, your story behind Micah here. And Alexandra. How did you two--"

He went on with some meaningless distraction, going off on a small rant of quick-paced, nervous questions toward Radio, focused purely upon not looking at Micah. But inside, a voice raged. And David could tell, though he knew not for sure, that Mystica was currently in conversation with Micah inside his head.

"Petty tricks," Mystica chuckled, sounding bored. "You'll need more than what was given to you by those that came long before you. Ancestral gifts, is what you are. It's all you have. Where will your life go after you've used up your tricks to fool humans into your company? Where will you go? Who would take you?"

There came a laughter from inside David's head that caused him to physically shudder. Nevertheless, he awkwarly propped himself upon the booth's table on one elbow, holding his head aloft, as though he were leaning toward Radio fascinated by what he might say. He was more than aware of the situation. But at this point, in keeping his secrets hidden, he trusted in Mystica, who was taking the mental reins.

[Image: b7zaJm8.jpg]

  • 1x Tag Team Champion
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Mr. Radio Offline
Best in the Multiverse!

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

09-11-2013, 02:35 PM

Michael smiles and unknowingly began to answer David.

you worthy so I might as well get on your good side and answer your questions. Well for how I met Micah and Alexandra...I met Micah in an old amusement park while hunting down this bandit who took my "things" so me and Micah just started to bond from there. I didn't expect anything from it but, Things happen for the best...Don't they David? anyways, I met ally when her and Satty were still together and well. I suppose I made a friend that was the girlfriend of my enemy. But now Ally isn't with Satty anymore so now we're just casual friends.

Radio breathes in to his nose and out his mouth. He closes his eyes and is unable to re open them. His eyebrows begin to look angered...He get's up with his eyes still closed and says he'll be right back. On his way there he stumbled quite a bit and was grabbing his head. IT had awoken inside of Radio while he was with Micah, but how?

[Image: tumblr_mo8afmAXfD1rregw1o1_500.gif]
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Minxs Offline
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09-11-2013, 03:20 PM

A soft snarl escaped my lips but stopped the minute Michael stood, his eyes closed and stumbling towards the bathroom. Shit would get ugly fast if something didn't happen soon.

'Never once have I used it to draw for, yes...but never company. This is the first time I've used it in...three years. Pretty impressive since I've been a vampire for only one.'

Mystica didn't say anything but I could sense he was confused by what I said. It was always fun to stump others.

"Excuse me...I'm going to check on Michael."

I smiled softly at Alexandra and David, who both looked uncomfortable at the idea of being alone.

'Are you running?'

'Giving myself a break before I decide to put you back under.'

Quickly, I stood and made my way over to Michael, who was leaning against the wall.


I placed my hand on his shoulder, feeling him tense under my touch. His eyes opened slowly and I saw the green flashes.

"Breath, Michael."

He tried to close his eyes but I slapped his face, making him snap his eyes open in shock. My hands lightly cupped his face and I stared in his eyes, I had never done this before but it was worth a shot right? Gold reflected in Green and I gasped, hearing that damn thing laughing in my head. I wasn't going to let down but was going to give me a headache. I forced myself to keep my eyes locked with his, softly pushing into his head and letting warmth slowly ease across his tensed brain.

'You Bitch!'

'Your point?'

I pulled Michael down into a rough kiss, moaning softly but never closing my eyes as I watched his fade back into his normal dark color. We pulled apart and he sighed, "Micah..."

"Come back to the table...please?"

I started pulling him back, when he pulled his hand from mine.

"I'll be there in a minute."

Worry crept over my mind and accidentally shot into Alexandra and David, both of whom flinched.


Ally's yelp made me flinch and I looked back, seeing her crook her finger at me, a glare on her face that would make Hades flinch.

[Image: 8xpNjmb.png]
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Mr. Radio (09-11-2013)
AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

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(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-11-2013, 03:40 PM

Alexandra looks at Micah and the worry that Micah was feeling, compiled on top of what Alexandra was already feeling. She couldn't figure it out, the pain was great that Micah was feeling, and Ally's empathy hit her harder than normal. She began to worry, for Micah.. for Radio, when Alexandra turned to look at David, she swallowed hard and began to shake. Alexandra's hand reached for another cup of tea and she lifted the glass, and before she realize it, the cup had slipped from her hand, hitting the floor with a sick crash. Alexandra's eyes were wide and the images she saw filled her head with thoughts.

"Oh my god..."

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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Mystica Offline
Monsters Are Real


XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

09-11-2013, 04:06 PM

She was distracted. Good. Mystica pushed back with all his force, dodging off the blow from Micah's mental empathy. For now, David remained intact, although he was not quite sure why all the others had suddenly been taken by such powerful emotions. Awkwardly, he took a sip of his beer and glanced down to the broken cup on the floor before looking up at Alexandra, who was being quickly overwhelmed by visions in her head. But David didn't know that. Studying her external stimuli was enough for him to detect something amiss.

"Quite alright there, luv?" he asked plainly, trying to show empathy, though he couldn't be sure of what she was seeing or feeling. Mystica had pushed it all out, leaving David out in the cold.

[Image: b7zaJm8.jpg]

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AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

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(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-11-2013, 04:15 PM

Alexandra looked at him, her eyes connecting with his as she shook a little more.

"I...I am alright. I mean.. I think I'm alright...I don't know. I just know...what I just saw...I never want to see again."

She shook again, wrapping her arms around herself. Her blue eyes, filling with tears. She shook her head, trying to shake the vision of him that she had just seen.

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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Minxs Offline
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09-11-2013, 05:33 PM

I glared at David before forcing myself back into his head and almost laughing in Mystica's face. I sent shots of anger and annoyance into Mystica's self before trying to get into Ally's mind. Damn witch threw her wall up so I couldn't see what she saw.
"Damnit Alexandra. Why do you have to make shit hard?"
"Shut up."
I laughed and sat down in my chair, fighting with Mystica.
'Quit being so damn stubborn. If David likes her than let him tell her.'
Mystica grumbled, 'Why are you trying to break him?'
'I ain't. Your the one whos not letting anything take its course. Let the poor boy live a little, love a little.'

[Image: 8xpNjmb.png]
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Giovanni Ferrari

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(.Awaiting user update)

09-11-2013, 07:13 PM

Giovanni Ferrari walks past all his lovely Warfare employees and two dreadful Madness members and avoids eye contact as he rushes past. God who wants to deal with these lunatics off the clock, am I right?
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Minxs Offline
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09-11-2013, 07:28 PM

I looked at the man who stole a glance and cocked my head slightly before looking at the group.
"Who's the poodle?"
David and Ally both stared at me, looking kinda shocked.

[Image: 8xpNjmb.png]
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AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

XWF FanBase:
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(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-11-2013, 07:44 PM

Ally looks at Micah and tries to chuckle a little.

"That's Giovanni. He's the Co-Overlord of Warfare... basically.. that's our boss."

Alexandra looks down at the table, pulling one of the other teas over and drinking it.

"He's a strange one."

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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Mystica Offline
Monsters Are Real


XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

09-11-2013, 07:47 PM

The voice of the sleeping God continued its unheard conversation with Micah, as David tried his best to maintain an air of confidence. He leaned toward Alexandra and placed his beer on the table surface. Across it's glimmering, perspiring surface, he could see the minute reflection of his boss pass through, though he paid it no mind. Strange how the XWF roster knew of this small town, let alone the pub. But, David thought, it wasn't surprising. Alcohol in any locale will draw in the flies. The pain in David's temples swelled, to the point where he began to fall under the paranoia that his face itself was visibly swelling. But it wasn't. It was merely the rush of blood through his cheeks; the constant up-and-down beating of his heart.

"He is no boy," Mystica said internally. "He is my host. He saw me, and I saw him. He accepted himself as a vessel. It is his everlasting sin, and he will not be free of it until I see my awakening. Even now, I slumber beneath the tides. Which tides...I'll let you imagine. But you know my name. My true name. Not some man-tongue equivalent. There are no vocalizations for my true identity. Only the shrieks and screams beyond imagination; the world that waits beneath the deep. This child is my vessel. He has no time for the concepts of love and affection. All love will know no merit upon my return. Love will seek to flee from the madness. He is empty to you, but to me...quite full of potential."

Outwardly, David attempted to reach Alexandra.

"I do hope you're alright," he said before looking to Micah. "I'm assuming this is some sort of um...witch thing? I can't pretend to understand exactly what it is you're doing, but I shall is impressive...somewhat frightening."

[Image: b7zaJm8.jpg]

  • 1x Tag Team Champion
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Minxs Offline
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09-11-2013, 08:24 PM

"More like a vampire/Demi thing."
I nodded and pressed my finger to my lips, "Can't give away my secret just yet. I'm not sure Mystica would be too thrilled to know where I learned my tricks."
I smiled and cocked my head, 'Oh shut up. Your not that powerful if you were cursed by something's as petty as a Vampire as legends state.'
My throat dried and I felt the venom pulse through my veins as I watched the ever changing flow of blood in David's cheeks and the pulse point throb in his temple. It was getting harder and harder to restrain myself from going across the table and making him chow.
'Don't even.'
'He smells so fucking good.'
David's aura started to change slightly and I ripped my eyes from the pair in front of me, hoping Michael would come back.
David coughed and I looked back, noticing how close he was to Alexandra. Fuck...this was harder than I thought.

[Image: 8xpNjmb.png]
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AlexandraCallaway Offline
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09-11-2013, 08:45 PM

Alexandra felt how close he was to her and looked over at him. She closed her eyes for a moment, breathing in deep. She could smell his scent, and how it played with her mind. He always reminded her of the smell of Earl Grey Tea, brewing in a cup, and a gentle falling rain.

"Thank you David, for you concern. I...I'm sure I will be fine."

Alexandra looked up at him with a soft smile, before she shot a look at Micah from across the table. It was a look of no, you cannot.. not in this room.. not outside.. I will not let you harm him.

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09-11-2013, 08:59 PM

I slammed my hand on the table and stood, unable to deal with the scent of human flesh anymore.
"Enjoy your drinks."
That came out harsher than I planned but I wasn't about to sit here and honestly feel like the foul creature to grace their presence. I stormed out of the pub, leaving Ally there with David. Humans...gah! Why did their blood have to be so fucking tempting?!

[Image: 8xpNjmb.png]
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Mr. Radio Offline
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09-11-2013, 09:07 PM

Radio still across the pub flips over a table in anger and punches some random guy in the throat. He looks over at the table he was sitting and sighs and instead walks over to the bar. The bar guy tells Radio he has to leave but Does Radio look like he wants to? Not really.

now listen here fuck face I'm going to get one more beer then I'm out of here. I don't feel like myself today...

Radio puts his hands together and closes his eyes and tilts his head down. Radio started getting strange waves of energy go through him causing IT to scream in anger inside of his head. Radio grunted and opened his eyes and they were bloodshot and his iris color was bright green. Radio got up and walked outside.

[Image: tumblr_mo8afmAXfD1rregw1o1_500.gif]
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AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

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09-11-2013, 09:11 PM

Alexandra jumped when the door slammed after Micah and then again after Radio stormed out. She swallowed hard and a soft tear slipped down her face. She had done it, started pushing people away. Her eyes fell back to her tea cup. She wasn't trying to hurt Micah's feelings, but she couldn't let anything happen to David. He had it tough enough already.

"I'm sorry they left us here alone David."

Alexandra looked up at him, her eyes searching his for a sign that it was alright. She shudder half from the cold that seared through her, half from being upset.

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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Minxs Offline
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09-11-2013, 09:32 PM

I punched the wall outside and shook, violently. I didn't want to leave but their smell...FUCK!

[Image: 8xpNjmb.png]
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Mystica Offline
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09-11-2013, 09:35 PM

David paused for a moment, trying to absorb the events that had just occurred. Strange little vampire, he thought. But in the meanwhile, his focus shifted back to the gorgeous girl still seated next to him. Despite his inability to function well in social situations, he was picking up on the subtle signs of Alexandra's sadness. Mystica's influence faded out, and David was once more alone in his head. Sweet solitude. With a smirk at Alexandra, he patted her on the back.

"Perfectly nothing wrong with being alone. I find it rare to be utterly alone. Sometimes, that's exactly what's needed. Solitude is one of the rarest states of being. With over seven billion souls on this earth, you're never really alone. But when you can grasp the illusion of privacy...well, call it a blessing."

He reached playfully over past Alexandra and took up her cup of tea. In one gulp, he drained the drink from its container and gently placed it back on the table.

"Not quite beer chugging, but I can say I was the most popular kid in the lit mag back in secondary school. Used to entertain the girls with how quickly I could drain a cupper. I'm afraid my worse half might have pushed Micah away, however. I do apologize for that. Don't you dare blame yourself, madam. 'twas not your doing, but mine."

[Image: b7zaJm8.jpg]

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Giovanni Ferrari

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09-11-2013, 10:13 PM

Giovanni stands outside wondering a various of odd puzzlements and inquiries. The main two being; why, he's still this close to the pub and what happened to his motor vehicle? He parked it on this street and now, it seems to have vanished.

Oh this was worse than the time it turned into a rhinoceros and took of with the prime minister.


That never happened! That was what Gio hallucinated, after swallowing several quaaludes with a bottle of absinthe. Although, whatever the case may be it was just as awful as now finding the street he parked his car barren. Placing a pipe into his mouth. Yes...a pipe. Like one of those old fashioned Sherlock Holmes pipes, fashioned out of wood and metal with a dramatic curve to it. Anyway...placing the pipe to his mouth, Gio strikes a match and immediately takes a pull from it as his attention is drawn to Micah, punching a wall.

That's a teach that wall whatever lesson you're conveying.
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AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

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(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-11-2013, 10:16 PM

Alexandra looked down at her cup and then up at David, laughing softly through the tear that rolled down her cheek, staining it. She bit her lip for a moment, looking down again for an instant. She found herself getting lost when she looked back up. She felt the storm within her calming. While it was different for her, it was a good feeling.

"It might have been both. But I don't mind. I am just a bit nervous. Then we must consider this to be a blessing, a rare moment where the two can be alone to converse as they should."

She smiled at him, softly. Even though she was nervous, he managed to help her calm down. Even without him knowing it. When he touched her, she felt a momentary happiness, until he moved to steal her tea.

"So you were quite the charmer even then, I see. I was the girl people ignored. The nerdy little theatre kid."

She sat up properly. She did have class, although her actions could show differently.

"Wouldn't we have had to have a chaperone?"

Alexandra giggled softly, her shoulders bouncing with her soft laugh. She looked at him, going silent and not speaking again, realizing she had began to ramble.

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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Jessie-ica Diaz (09-12-2013)
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09-11-2013, 10:21 PM

I looked over at Giovanni with a snarl on my lips, "What do you want?"
He was human and smelt just as good as the other two...even if his head was a little fucked.

[Image: 8xpNjmb.png]
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Giovanni Ferrari

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09-11-2013, 10:31 PM

A liger that can ride a unicycle and shoot lasers out of it's eyes on command, but I'd settle for my car. Why are you so pissy? In fact, why are all vampires so pissy? Makes a person want to shake them and yell - lighten up! So what's wrong with you then? Did you lose your roll on glitter?
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Minxs Offline
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09-11-2013, 10:38 PM

I felt my eye twitch, "I dont sparkle like those fairy princesses in that pathetic excuse of a movie. Most of us aren't but I haven't fed and right now, you're starting to.look like a decent snack."

I licked my lips slightly before taking a step closer, a growl on my lips.

[Image: 8xpNjmb.png]
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Giovanni Ferrari

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09-12-2013, 03:54 AM

Oh please you don't frighten me one bit Micah Jacobs. I've seen scarier on the subways.'re like a cute little gremlin, that ate after midnight and now you're mildly frightening. However, a well traveled gentleman like myself, isn't fearful of something because it's mildly frightening and snaps at me.

Giovanni puffs on his pipe.

Plus if you were really going to attack me, you would have done it already.
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Mr. Radio (09-12-2013)
AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

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(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-12-2013, 04:15 AM

"GIOVANNI! Don't be stupid."

Alexandra walks out of the pub, David close behind her. She steps between Micah and Gio.

"Micah. ... no. Listen to me."

Pulls out on of the lollis, holding it up.

1x UFO E1999 Champion
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Minxs Offline
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09-12-2013, 04:43 AM

I slapped the lolly out.of her hands and snarled, shaking from an.internal battle between my morals and the demons. Gio was right for the most part but I wasnt stupid enough to attack while people watched. I cocked my head and looked at the three of them, knowing I would be in deep shit if any of them were attacked.

(ooc: this is kinda the start of my own yeah...)

[Image: 8xpNjmb.png]
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